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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 5:40am-6:01am MSK

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since 16 centuries, this month has been described in chronicles and inventories as “loshytsky’s yard”. at the 18th century, the courtyard became a happy place for the prushynski family. they will have a house here and set up a regular park. such a sadzіba prastaіts amal paўtara stagodzia, pakul u aposhnyai. stagodzia loshytsa is not compatible with the family of pruszynskiy yaustafiya lubansk. yago magannyami typical gentry wedding will become the issue patterns style of the novaga hour. maderna. the people of the luban pakhodzia with fractions of the noble gentry. akramya spoons yana valodali maentkam ў rosé meats ў tym lіku ў lyubanі na vіlejshchyna, adkul i pakhodzіtsіt іkh provіshcha. father yastafiya yan
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would be bankers, would be connected with the banking right and kirava different installations in your face and in the great bank. yago dzetsi created a good and economical education, alexander yaustafy, and after the death of his father's pity, the yans were separated. and so it was that the false marriage, i passed into the valodanna yaustafiya. the lyubansky personality is sophisticated and extraordinary. geta chalavek pile. it depends on knowledge and technology, all business is based on the most pragresіўnyh then metadah, take up the palette and be open and all new. it is not surprising that the loshytskaya garden became one of the most popular provincial gaspadars of the empire, and the style of madeira, which he chooses for his new home, is the maximum value of these monumental gaspadars. madern - this is the nearest
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hour to us, this was not so long ago, and everything here is so adrozne, maentak, like baroque, like a family house, and everything is more astatistic than padparakovaetstsa, then here is not, in maderna naadvarot, the aspects of this asyarodzi are not yak different and familiar with themselves, there will be some kind of hut for the vartanik, and i will be a dachshund jumper, such a noble... you can look at it. budza's new house is famous for the old padmurku. geta is busy with an hour of archaealagic excavations in the 1980s. budynak peratorytsa ў argynal asymmetrical pabudova. the choice of a young and ambitious gaspadar is on the most fashionable on that instant style of madern. adsul is such a non-standard design. kampazitsy and
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adnapavyarkhovaga draulyanaga buildings are given stone two-paverykhova abyom with four richly decorated, and from the rear side there is a terrace-veranda on a high plinth. at the same time, the adventnassus has gained not only sophisticated, but also material materials. tsikava, that now the reconstruction of the most known parts of engineering moments, which are applied to our knowledge, is applied as a result of the decayed technology. old-timers for our lands and such innovative ones, as we would say, for our time, for example, quarrying, characteristic of the element for the people's drainage and for traditional belarusian culture, a well-won charm, the great z'yavlyaetsya ўtsyaplenny perekrytstsya pamіzh the first and other tops, but it was not just broken up on its own, but from the harvested meats, which were...
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poured into the floor, apilks and yans play a unique role, unique we play the role, geta and chains, and goosebumps, that is, what we often think about at the panel ladies, we scold at geta. external appearance of the new palace ў adpavednasti s ruіlyamі madernu pavinіn ў uvazhvatsya navalnik, ў getag dasali for kosh exter'ernaga afarmlennya. muravany scenes are unraveling. the garrison belt, which runs on the galvanized façade, is completed with a triangular panel, the windows are rectangular, finished with draughty leaves with triangular sanders. yana is not so well-carved, it is common among the people that lobzikas work with maystars and such tsikavye jumping elements, and i yanya walked and tsikava was able to see this. here at this rate there is no fear, but there is no fear. focus on the traditional
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element, all the pads are expressed in the same way, they are expressed rudely, but they are good z adleglasci dastatkovay. he’s in the foreground, he’s in the background, he’s got a great look, and these rough elements are all there, there’s a little girl there, there’s something like that, and you’re their father. madern is a hell of a hell of straight corners and lines, the main principle is dekaratynasts, all the different forms of jumping, the horse riding is filled with figured disassembled elements. the spirit of the era, which is the spirit of the 19th, 20th century, the spirit of life in all european countries, in our territories at that time in your face the style that we call maderna. eclecticism and mader on our lands are composed of their kaneshne razdzyalits, yan so
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peratsyakayutsya adzin from one another, and elements of maderna of the entire getag style, yana bachny ў forefathers of ўsyago ўsyadzіbnaga complex, і аsablіva, when we come and let's look at the interiors. and all the eclectic people give birth to the most varied heights of ab'yomas, mothers, shabby pabudovs and stone pabudovs, kali yans so sleep. slіstse form and place, yadnannoe ўlenchaga і prokladnogo statststva. this was the essence of the madernau, the design of the interior became special instructions for mastery. loshytskaya syadziba experienced geta on herself. adnapavyarkhovy building - this ceremonial pavilion, a large vestibule in the shape of a chassic-edge and a salon that connects and yago, a library, a dining room, a buffet and a drawer salon. madonna trends
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set the tone, where skins were decorated in a saber style. ulyubenskih vestibules at the english ones. the scenes are amplified, as they were treated with phylengs from moran. in the oak tree, there was a large pine tree, there was a stain on the table, the perimeters of the ornamental stains of the frys, the horse stoves were not paved and aryginal, cutaneous and sanitary products of the body. there are stoves, fireplaces, and tiles. the traditions of kaffiry in the belarusian lands with punishments of their own deep-deep converge in the day, and from europe we are procuring advanced technology, hell we will go, for example. in keeping with the muscovite dzarzhava, we will be donating to this technical tax, and the pack, of course, already in the 20th century, i was often in trouble, but here is a horse race, because everything was stolen, and we can learn five and different colors, and pal_chrome , and brown, yes
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such a tile characteristic of the era, on the tops, on the stoves, we can often only create special designs, discoveries, such as archaeologists, here we can often create a framed tile. the bathrooms that we have been using since the beginning of our century, for example, sewers, and that is why we have become accustomed to this and we can’t imagine living without such extraordinary elements, and all tyya hours vadapravod yon yashche pryhodziў yes z
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70 's year 19 centuries in minsk appeared, and the whole sewer system was clearly an untold topic, and everything here is here the pile was crushed. sewers, water drains in the pipes, and waste pits, in special places, there are trenches laid out, and there is dug out of snow, grass , etc. everything is inaccessible, because the pavinna is stuck there, all this dachshunds are such tsikavy, velmi admetny element getai horse syadziby. in response to the trends of diversification and farming, the kalidors were amplified by the pampeian races. in some months these little ones were stocked up. yes, sunny, the fallen fallen into the more advanced layers of farbau. library and steel styled pad renaissance, gascenae padracaco. geta is the most popular style of madern imitations. we will introduce you to people who
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have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine heals.
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our region through the eyes of foreigners, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, it’s clear that the country is clean, quiet, but for me it would be better to live in belarus, like them ended up in belarus and why did you stay here? to live, i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study,
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i still live for 25 years in belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus was stable in 2011, i came as a tourist, then i met my wife , it’s just that all the tours are over, everything after the wife, the tour ended, the project ended. look at belarus, what i like about belarus is that you can raise your children the way you want. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, in 7 days and more more. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened in just a week. in 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and
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lift your spirits, a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. the outbuilding in the village has the function of a gas station, here it has become extremely soft the kitchen, if not to replace our bahamas with the gaspadars, the other one on top of the outbuilding was occupied by the gaspadar's part, the billiard room was completed by the outbuilding on top of the other.
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old gaspadarchy yard, which is extremely important in the skin shedding, flock, sweran and so on and so forth, gaspadarchy pabudovs, he peratvaraetsta in the sapraudny primordial zone, kali z'yaulyajutstsa mlyn svislych, kali z'yaulya yuzza brovar, z'yaulyayuzza pramyslovya ab' ects, because there is already a natural force of water, and there are no less ruined mechanisms that lead to them from the ruins, hell prymіtyўnay gaspadarki ўse gаtа еvіvaetstsa non-falling and more... yes sіnyа gaspadarchy
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porbudovy horse breedings have been given to the chastkova, they and the gaspadars themselves regularly perebudoўvalі, madernіzavalі, peraprafil they left and went on. near the spoon , sugar, alcohol, vegetable factories, mills and processing shops worked at various hours. during the last part of their marriage, they were plagued by cancer, and there were other meetings in the field of the world. on the other side of the garden there was a work area, and on the other side there was a recreation area. this is how it
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goes... and it's not like it's going to happen hadzіtsі nedze roўna, and nedse vos with neikimі vygibami, geta tsikavey. the park at the horse farm is located at two of the largest open fields, here the strictly geometric elements of the old french style are clearly evident, as laid down by the prushynskiy 18th century, for example,
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the linden alley, what kind of farm is it going to the village on the side of igumensk-minsk.
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with children, i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that artists are such easy work, and it’s easy to become one, it’s, it’s very hard. i really didn't want my kids to go down that path.
6:00 am
the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes... uncomfortable questions: do you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. good morning belarus. good morning belarus, good morning country. good morning friends, mariana murenkova and nina mozheika, we welcome you to the tv channels belarus 1, belarus 24.


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