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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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followed this path, the main task was to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the tv channel.
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do you know that today is monday, april 8 at 6 am, what a beautiful number, april 8, it’s like a sign of infinity, infinity, yes, i think you know, but we’ll remind you, because this weekend a historical event took place, our cosmonaut marina vasilevska successfully returned to earth for the landing of the space crew, the whole country watched, naturally, our colleague anna quilloria, she prepared such a huge amount of materials, i would even say, she prepared a duplex of entire stories, which we will definitely . which you have been waiting for so long from kazakhstan from anya quelori, but for now, let's wish all the conquerors of space and simply the conquerors of life the right good morning, and let's start on monday with a truly legendary songs.
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pegs for the rain, a thick veil. the rain is knocking on your window, today the dream has passed by, and tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet it, no need to wait, your whole life is ahead, your whole life. ahead, hope and wait, like
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dew in a field, like a star in the sky, like a star in the sky, like an endless, cheerful surf in the sea, may they be with you, with you forever, forever, a big dream and a big one. my love, there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, i hope yashti.
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i need to be sad, my whole life is ahead, my whole life is ahead, hope and wait, my whole life ahead, hope and wait, hope and wait.
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maryana marinkova nina mozheika we welcome you on the morning of april 8th on our calendar and you know? we would like to help you wake up, especially since we have a million, i would say so, but if we don’t limit ourselves to a million, at least a few, we will now tell you in the next hour we have planned the following: yes, that’s what awaits you: clay , stamps, impressions and a 3d printer, what surprises the innovative creative laboratory of the capital’s school number 52, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh will tell. following the footsteps of the geologist's day in the section people who changed the world, we will find out what contribution to the development of the science of the structure of the earth in forests. contributed by a native of the vitebsk region, anna misuna. you know, there is no such thing as a best friend. i'm talking about affectionate, smart wendy, she is looking for her way home. let's help her find owners, take a closer look. and of course, let’s make the morning of our country good, we’ll see what time our working day starts. leading livestock specialist
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at the zoo, aleftina timashkova krosovskaya. yes, there is something to talk about, certainly at the zoo. but, by the way, these are not all plans for today. every year on april 8 in belarus , employees of military commissariats celebrate their professional holiday. on this festive occasion, in the second hour we will be joined by the military commissar of the factory district of minsk, colonel nikolai felanyuk, so we are really looking forward to it. definitely, and also today the earth will experience a total solar eclipse. how it will affect our lives, we’ll ask astrologer katerina korneva in the third part of the program. yes, this is a very important topic, throughout the entire eclipse corridor we talked about how it was there will behave. heavenly bodies, how they will affect people, and today is the finale, so she said, of our relationship with the solar eclipse, yes, well, naturally, as we have already announced, there will be many stories from anna quillory, because she literally sent us from the kazakh steppe stories, how she did it without bayfai, i don’t even know, before
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superpowers, anna quiloria, hello to you, well, our morning continues, we want to share with you recipes for a delicious breakfast, today our food blogger anatoly moiseev will tell you how to cook. cabbage rolls are not simple, but lazy. good morning, you want cabbage rolls, but you don’t have time to cook them, an excellent recipe for lazy cabbage rolls will help you out, which we will prepare today. we will need minced meat, white cabbage, carrots, onions, eggs, rice, tomato juice, sour cream, salt and pepper. finely chop the cabbage. in a blender, finely chop the onion into cubes, peel and chop the carrots in a blender, boil the rice until half cooked, beat two eggs into half a kilogram of minced meat, add rice, cabbage, carrots and
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onion, salt to taste, mix everything well, form cabbage rolls with your hands, fry them in a heated, oiled frying pan until golden brown. for the sauce, in a separate bowl, mix sour cream, tomato juice and water, pepper and salt to taste, transfer the cabbage rolls to a baking dish and pour the sauce. bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180°. juicy, aromatic with the favorite combination of minced meat, white cabbage and tomato sauce. the taste
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of the dish is entirely reminiscent of regular cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves, 80 percent less fuss. this is such a delicious breakfast we had today, bon appetit and good mood. the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. nobody expected such a turn of events. the teams that took sixth and seventh places in the country's regular championship will compete in the playoff finals. brest and zhlobin metalg in the final of the president's cup promise the audience a real space saga. if from the joiner's club, as an active one winner of the president's cup, one could expect any surprises, then the story of brest's transformation from an unremarkable underdog into a powerful hidden favorite is akin to
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a real sports miracle. the anticipation of the upcoming final is wonderful because no one will dare to guess in whose favor this confrontation will end, but everyone is sure that hockey is at... the highest level of intensity, the pre-final layouts on the pages of the belarusian security council today. in belarus, much attention is paid to the issues of import substitution and localization. moreover, the task before them is the president there is a clear goal to defeat all off-road conditions in the country by may 9th. in the village of gornaya street
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, mogilev district, there used to be a dirt road. every time after rains or spring melting of snow, driving along it became a problem. the villagers appealed to the local authorities to include a kilometer-long section of the road, taking into account funding, into the state program of roads of belarus for 2021 and 25. recently, a complex of works was carried out here, and a horovie covering was laid. a test drive along the new road was carried out by correspondents from a rural newspaper. halloumi, taleji ochota, with cashews and mint, sentmo, bled uverni, in a word, belisimo. such delicacies cannot always be found even in luxury restaurants; in the shatrov family from grodno, all this exotic decorates the home chair every day. 3 years ago, the spouses nadezhda and oleg started their first kazoo and brewed their own real camembert. and now they delight us with tasty and healthy products. belarusians, sbc correspondents visited the farmers and learned how
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an unusual idea grew into an exclusive family business. when your throat hurts, the first thing pediatricians prescribe is to gargle. how much does this help? there is such a thing as symptomatic treatment. pain or disease is caused by a virus or bacteria. scanning the virus can only be washed off, it is impossible to expel it from the cell, therefore rinsing in this situation is used as a symptomatic treatment to alleviate the condition, what to rinse with, it probably even depends on the preferences of the patient himself, what he likes, because the meaning of rinsing is mechanical removal of some foreign things. from the throat cavity, bacteria, viruses, food particles can get stuck in the tonsils,
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for chronic tonselitis, we very often prescribe gargling, it’s just like throat hygiene, so it’s not very important what to gargle with, which is nice, something, for example, additionally has an anti-inflammatory effect, no one can cancel the anti-inflammatory effect of herbs, sage, calendula, chamomile. oak bark, all this can be used for gargling, children don’t all know how to gargle, so as an alternative to gargling, they can use throat sprays, which are also used - as for throat hygiene, as for these sucking tablets, as for these sprays, this is also a symptomatic treatment, if it hurts very much, until this virus leaves... the body, while we fight it, it takes time, we need to remove the pain here now,
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these are the sprays that they also contain a local anesthetic, the same tablets that contain an anesthetic, they help us temporarily remove this symptom, but i repeat once again, the disease is caused by a virus or bacteria, and the treatment of a throat disease is an antibacterial. drug or antiviral the drug, everything else - rinses, sprays, absorbable tablets, this is all symptomatic treatment.
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the answer, it seems to me, is almost already summer, so you know, we are constantly living on some kind of emotional swing the last day, then we have winter, then we suddenly have summer, when spring is finally determined, but in general everything is wonderful it’s shaping up today, look, in the capital today it’s up to +23°, with no precipitation, there won’t be any rain in any regional center today, in brest it’s up to +26, 19:21 with a plus sign in
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the northern capital in vitebsk, in gomel up to +22, 23:25 in grodno, in mogilev up to plus. you and i also monitored the weather in baikanur, and our colleague anna quilori regularly flew on a business trip to kazakhstan, to whom we regularly say hello, she saw off our cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya on her flight, very soon, oh, very soon, recently, yes, you see, we are still living in some anticipation, everything has already happened, yes, she went to meet the space crew,
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actually at the landing, the whole country was watching, the whole country was worried, yes, the whole country i saw, it seems to me, on the monitors anya quiloria, who was flying up from... throughout its history, humanity has strived to penetrate the mystery of space, to bring the stars closer, to examine the planets. the year is 2024 and we have been waiting for the crew to return to earth for 20 years. the first expedition to visit the international space station, well, how is it launching there, we are waiting any minute, the magic of television and no fraud, but between this frame and this the journey is almost a week long, or maybe for a lifetime. yes, for
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some, space is a lifelong dream, for us marina vasilevskaya was talking about us. and we, journalists, follow our cosmonauts everywhere, although mostly on the ground and only a little in the air. this time our path lay in karaganda, towards the union ship ms-24. cars, planes, transfers at airports in different countries, buses , cars again, a lot of cars. in this almost eastern caravan we will travel 500 km in about 8 hours. if you're lucky, yes, we are ready for any temperature changes from -4 to... and traditions too, you remember how many of them the astronauts have, the same number of those who accompany them. friends, this tradition is called going beyond the first kilometer, here all the participants of our expedition, let’s call it that,
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take photographs, then that’s it, then there’s no connection, no internet, only the steppe. we smile imash, we will cover kilometers and distances as part of one of the ground search groups, which, in addition to us, belarusian journalists, also includes specialists who provide live broadcast for roscosmos, this is the footage that the whole world sees via satellite. also here specialists who have traveled to the landing area more than once and have seen everything. and here are the first difficulties: firstly, it became hot, we even had to take off our space suit, and secondly, we were warned that there are a lot of ticks here, which means we tuck our trousers into our socks, and... most importantly, pay attention, it looks like there is a small puddle on our way, but in fact it is quite well developed now , one car at a time and they are moving, in fact the rest are standing, watching to see if everything will be all right, everyone is ready, as you remember, uh, specially such a cable, well, so that if anything happens, we can pull each other, listen, well, it seems
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that we’ve passed, now we’ll try, in cars, we’ll swim across this obstacle, at some point, to be honest, i wanted to... get the oars, but it turned out that there was no need for them, a couple more such crossings, one small stop, and after some 10 hours we were in place in the landing area of ​​​​the emitted vehicle, just tell me how regularly we got here, yeah, as usual, as always on time when, as always the place that we need, listen, what about these cables that were used to pull the car, some puddles, flooded seas, and it was even worse, and that is, this is still in light, yes, yes, but now there is such a thing... go a compilation of footage from what we have experienced over the past 10 hours. to tell the truth. that everything is learned by comparison, the blowers say that in some cases it took several days to get there, in general, we were lucky, although those who are really lucky are those who will get from
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the federal air transport agency tomorrow by helicopters, but they have the truth there is a risk of being left without the most valuable shots of the memory of spending the night with gophers under the starry sky, so we set up camp, prepare sleeping bags and dinner. it would seem that you can already rest, but no, your people are still measuring the depth of this river, why? well , we are in the landing area, the center of the area where the ship is aiming, about 3 km behind these ruins, so, that is , the river divides our possible landing sector in half, so if the ship lands on the other side, we will have to cross this river to ford, well, tell me honestly, we here in the whole camp are praying that the ship will land on this side, we won’t have to cross the river at a ford, it’s like this is a necessary, but not sufficient condition. therefore, yes, we are forced to check, because in the 12 years that we have been traveling to this area, we have seen water for the second time, usually it is not even better here, so friends, well, we will have to appease
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the steppe spirits today so that everything it worked out, i suggest you take care of the spirits, and we will deal with the equipment and scout the area landing, we agreed, as a survey conducted in the camp showed, everyone understands the meaning of this phrase in their own way: to appease the steppe spirits, but they said there was no need to light ritual fires and not to make sacrifices, here are the shurpas prepared... so maybe they’ll give a minus for a minus plus, a very big plus, gigantic, without undue modesty, as they say, my colleague and i decided to direct our girlish energy into space and examine in detail the heavens from which astronauts, two of whom are also girls, will descend to us tomorrow? as you remember, and let everything pass with a sign plus, good night and to be continued or to be continued, you know, like in
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a good old western, they go into the sunset, they ate into the sunset, well, that’s journalistic work, all this remains behind the scenes, but it’s a huge job, we’ll do it again we say hello to our colleague annie quiloria and also to anastasia benedestyuk, yes, let's be honest and say that we admire not just their work, yes, but their talent and skill in general. in such a seemingly difficult life situation, in extreme conditions, still manage without wi-fi, transmit stories, yes, well, this was their path, and to the landing site , our marina vasilevskaya’s path to the stars turned out to be even more difficult, i would say, not even difficult, but historical, yes, moreover, on board station, she completed a scientific program of five studies and two public works in the field of medicine, biology, physiology and remote sensing of the earth, in particular, marina conducted spectral photo-video photography of the surface... of the planet, as well as experiments on lactophyrin and hurricane. in space marina instead the planned 12 days spent 2 weeks; due to the transfer of the rocket launch, the journey to
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the international space station lasted for two days, but according to marina herself, this fact even pleased her. well, all because 14 is the lucky number of our cosmonautics, because she was born on september 14, this is interesting information, our colleague anna quiloria shared with us. all the details, landings and the first interview after landing in... a special story. so, now it’s about 9 o’clock minsk time, that’s about 7 o’clock undocked from the international space station soyuz ms-24. so what will happen here a little later. after undocking, the ship makes one turn around the earth, and on the second it begins to descend. then , before entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, the ship is separated into three parts; in fact, the descent module, in which our guys, our cosmonauts are located, begins. in these densest layers there is a very strong heating of the spacecraft, at this time communication with the astronauts is lost, all this is on fire, in smoke, we will then see the descent
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the device, it will be covered in soot, then, when the dense layers of the atmosphere pass, the main parachute system opens and we will see a huge, huge dome, well, of course from afar it will not be so huge, which will gradually decrease, at this very moment all these people will stretch out in cars and simply... fly, swim, run in the direction in which the descent vehicle will actually descend. friends, by the way, in addition to the journalistic mission, i also have a culinary one. with oleg viktorovich we agreed that i would greet him with belarusian lard and naroch bread. you said that you love to be greeted with belarusian lard and naroch bread. how do you feel about us coming to you with lard and bread? even allows lard and bread, then i will eat with pleasure, i agreed with the doctor, you will give the go-ahead to belarusian lard and belarusian bread, we will agree on this issue with the pro-government, i think yes,
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look what. prepared, with clean hands, where it was cut, i won’t give it to anyone, oleg viktorovich, this is all just for you, on the eve of our departure from minsk i also talked with my brother marina vasilevskaya and my mother, and they told me that marina loves cucumbers, and it will be possible to say to cucumbers, well, with cucumbers the question is more difficult, but given that the flight is short, i think this is a question, you don’t have to eat them, you can smell them, put them in place, a cool lot of astronauts and... do, that’s why the cucumbers, marina, are coming specially to you, wait, however, let’s look at the clock 9:51, ship separation, by the way, it takes place over northern africa, in general, time is strictly monitored here, the descent scheme is scheduled in minutes and seconds, at 9:56 the device will enter the plasma, at 10:00 it will leave it, literally in a few minutes communication with the ship should be resumed and we will hear a special signal. just now. heard
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the voice of oleg novitsky, who said that very soon the parachute will open, and we are all journalists of all belarusian tv channels, we are waiting, guys, right here at this point, and the parachute will appear somewhere from that guys, finally we see the parachute opens with a characteristic clap, we see it as a small dot in the sky, but this is enough to understand that everything is fine and breathe out a sigh of relief, minutes passed, a few minutes until the moment of landing, well we’re now... we’re going to go ahead in the cars to meet the cosmonauts, we’re going to finish, we’re rushing, of course, at wild speed to such a road, or rather the absence of it, but the desire to quickly arrive at the place is stronger than the fear for our vestibular apparatus. well, look carefully, now it will happen, the soft -landing engine fired, you see, such an explosion occurred because the jet engine threw off the cover so that the device could softly descend
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to the ground, that’s all. everyone has landed, friends, it seems we covered the 8 km from the camp to the landing site in a couple of seconds and, by the way, we were the very first, even the rescue doctors had not yet had time to get out of the helicopters, it happened, the descent module landed on the ground, just like me and she said, it’s covered in soot, here ’s the parachute, its total area is about a thousand square meters, well, now we’re waiting doctors, we are waiting for ground rescue services that will help evacuate ours...
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during the evacuation, special chairs for astronauts were brought in, commander oleg navitsky was carried out first. yes, they do, because for now, after the weightlessness of the experienced overloads , the cosmonauts cannot move independently. i immediately, in agreement with the doctor, as you remember, begin to implement my culinary and gastronomic mission. she promised to come with lard and bread. for the sake of such a case , i was even given a place next to oleg’s doctor viktorovich. what are you giving us? certainly. nikolai efimovich said, for now it’s simple. in a nutshell, how was the flight according to your estimates, it was probably the shortest flight in your history, the shortest, well, quite interesting, such an experience of a short flight, i thought there would be more time to rest, it turns out that means somehow they loaded it the other way around, i had a nine-hour working day, everyone worked 6 hours, nine of me, then marina appears from the descent module and takes her chair next to the commander, which
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well... it's time to finish what we planned. we spoke with your mother on the eve of your departure to the iss. she said: you like pickled cucumbers. the doctor allowed you to bring us some pickles. what i saw with my own eyes was something unreal. the earth is so big, powerful, strong. i wish all people on earth that they would appreciate and take care of everything that we have, because it is incredible beauty. do you want to repeat? oh, god willing, but of course it’s wonderful there, we didn’t want to fly away, but we knew that we they are waiting on earth, so it warmed the soul, yes , belarus is here, i am very happy, i say hello to all belarusians, everyone who supported me, who was rooting for me, who was worried about me, everything is fine, everything is fine, i feel great, the emotions are incredible, i now understand why
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they choose such a profession as an astronaut, because when i saw all this, i understood why they fly there, after talking with journalists, first examinations by doctors... the astronauts are taken to quickly installed medical tents, there they will be changed, and more once they measure all the vital signs, well, in the meantime, we are waiting, there is an opportunity to touch history, this is the spacesuit of our marina vasilevskaya, in principle, the size would fit, but it is not entirely ethical to try on a spacesuit, and although it fits, yes, there were space actors , tourists too, so... there have been no journalists yet, it’s not harmful to dream, you will say, and i agree, of course, this is not the last, the last, as the cosmonauts say, opportunity to wish good luck to say goodbye to our marina before her departure, first to the star town, and then and home, marina, see you in belarus,
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we are waiting for you on the live broadcast, good morning, with you too, see you in belarus, it’s just to tears, so many emotions, the real moment, really, we... marina, everyone we wish the cosmonauts a speedy recovery, indeed, we are really looking forward to marina in our studio, if there is such an opportunity, of course with joy, and to get to belarus on the live broadcast of the program, but in general it’s a pity that we limited ourselves to researching the vital signs of only cosmonauts who arrived, it seems to me that it would be very interesting to notice the pulse of our anna cavilloria at that moment when she was running, when she was flying, it seems to me that it went off scale, yes, she was more worried than marina, because check out what a detailed interview right away . the man gave space to our annie quiloria, it’s true, anin, we’re proud of you, really, and we’re also waiting for you at home, and we’re proud that you fulfilled your gastronomic mission , after all, you brought lard and bread to the steppe for oleg viktorovich, like this keep your word, yes
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international news will continue on our space theme, the european space agency is preparing for a unique mission, the goal of which is to create artificial solar eclipses, there will even be artificial ones, and right now there will be all the details of the project called... called test 3, which involves the launch of two spacecraft into space , which will be lined up at a distance of 150 m from each other in such a way that one of them can completely cover the sun, leaving only its crown visible. this configuration will allow us to study one of the most mysterious parts of the solar atmosphere, its flaming corona. to successfully complete the task, the devices will have to maintain a very precise position relative to each other , down to the millimeter.
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side will affect weather-dependent people, because now there are lunar solar eclipses, in this corridor of eclipses, all weather-dependent people, including me, of course, experienced some pressure on their blood pressure, discomfort, yes, some discomfort, by the way, i remind you that very soon, precisely in the third part of our broadcast, we are waiting for an astrologer who will tell you everything about april 8, exactly the solar eclipse today, yes, but we would like to continue the topic of innovative technologies, which, by the way, are used not only in studying, but in education, but here are all the details directly. now in the story of alesya boyarskikh. creative digital laboratory 3d printer clay and more. let’s find out right now how schoolchildren are reviving folk traditions with the help of modern technologies.
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to instill in young people an interest in national traditions and culture in the capital’s school no. 52 were solved through pottery. an innovative ceramic laboratory has been created here. the guys should feel that what they create, they are the ones who create these wonderful everyday objects, interior items, this is very important, that is, there is some kind of sacrament, so a separate room appeared, the guys have their own uniform, the teachers went through a special preparation and in order to make some kind of product, they go through a whole scientific expedition, and it’s fascinating, it’s fascinating, computer science. history, 3d modeling, fine art art, as well as labor training. schoolchildren study all these subjects in order to later create impressions in computer programs for future clay products.
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in fact, all you need to do is take, in this case a belarusian ornament, a picture, trace it with the help of tools, and pull it out of a two-dimensional picture to create a three-dimensional model. after... into the liquid, it is sprayed onto the table, the table itself is heated to a temperature at which the plastic is viscous, but not liquid, then the plastic is sprayed layer by layer onto the workpiece, then touched we take elementary school students who turn all their ideas into reality using ready-made stamps, we take clay, roll out the workpiece and make imprints of these stamps on the clay, first it dries for 10-14 days, then
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it is fired in a muffle furnace, firing temperature 900°. pottery craft is not a simple matter, a person must have artistic abilities, be attentive and neat, and since all these qualities are inherent in me, i decided to make a clay logo, good morning, belarus. where does our process begin? from preparation layer of clay in order to make an impression there, then we take a logo stamp, which is made in our digital laboratory and printed on 3d printers and press and press on the edge to save space, space, then we take this template and we press there too. take it out and carefully, listen, what a beauty we
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got, it probably took 2 minutes, all that’s left is to correct the edges, apply the edging, what are you sculpting from clay now? i rolled out a layer of clay, made small circles, glued them to the layer and you get a small a flower-shaped saucer for mom, is it hard? make drawings on clay? no, it’s not hard, because there are stamps for this; i made the sheep with patterns in the form of a spiral. thanks to such laboratories as in secondary school number 52, children study not only the technologies of the future, but do not forget about the traditions of their country. this is very good, we were just watching this and i remembered how at school we also did this modeling, but we also made it from plasticine. plasticine, yes, but we also went to ceramics, these fine
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motor skills, of course they help a lot relax, if i knew that at the age of 12 you can relax with the help of clay, i would do it more often, in general it’s a cool thing, in fact, i agree with you, here’s a good idea for a good time, and another good idea is this of course , continue to remain on the belarus tv channel alone, in full swing, i would say so, the program is a good difference belarus, our live broadcast, maryana marinkova, nina mazeika, we work for you and make our morning. and kind, of course, yes, and we want to remind you that yesterday belarusian geologists celebrated their professional holiday. the date is the first sunday in april, it symbolizes the end of winter and the beginning of preparations for the summer season of field work. yes, this day reminds us of the invaluable role of people and this profession in studying and understanding the depths of our planet, how they reveal its secrets and help ensure the stability and development of the modern world. we congratulate all representatives of this very interesting and difficult profession, and wish to open new ones.
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during his expeditions, she was more than once
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detained until his identity was clarified, and during the russo-japanese war he was arrested as a chinese spy in disguise. for several years anna independently studied the relief in the basins of the western dvina and neman, mainly with her own savings, as well as with small subsidies from geological societies, missuna carried out a lot of research work and gave a scientific explanation of the glacial relief of belarus. there were a total of 17 scientific papers devoted to the issues of the geological structure of russia, belarus, lithuania and poland. she studied iron ore and coal in tula province, carried out hydro.
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belarus russia, who described the ancient relief of our country, anna misuna, a person, changed. this is how you learned even more about annie misuni, in fact, this is how we perceive the first female geologist, in fact, once upon a time it was a great achievement that she blazed this path, it could be said to be a political breakthrough, even to some extent, emancipation , in general, anna misuna has gone down in history, and by the way, our anna kviloria, we continue to wake up together, nina mazhaiko, maryana murenkova, by the way, interesting news, let's move with you to beluskaya. the railway scheduled 96 additional interregional and international trains for the may holidays. the largest quantity is provided for the rainbow on may 14th. yes, as the belarusian railways reports, more than 100 thousand travel documents have already been sold for moscow holidays on trains with numbered seats. if demand grows, then
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additional carriages may be added to the designated trains. wow, this is what people do for our comfort. well, more detailed information about the departure time. additional trains can be obtained on the official website of the belarusian railway, as well as in the bc my train mobile application, so be sure to take an interest, especially if you are going on an upcoming trip, well, our next new one came from hungary, where scientists have proven that dogs are able to understand the meaning of some words and associate them with corresponding objects, now we’ll explain everything, but to conduct the experiment, researchers involved 18. at this time, a special apparatus monitored the brain activity of animals, the experiment showed that they reacted differently to
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the correct and incorrect designations of toys, the human brain also functions in a similar way, the authors of the scientific work believe that such a mechanism... will lead exactly to you, good morning, meet wendy, a fluffy sea of ​​positivity and love, today this beauty will look for her way home, unfortunately, wendy
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has already encountered betrayal in those she loved very much, at some point she ceased to be needed by her... owner ended up on the street, wendy was lucky, she was met by caring people, now she lives in a center for homeless animals, this beauty is only a year and a half old, she is full of energy, so she will happily join you on your morning jog. windy is accustomed to being walked twice a day, she behaves well during walks, she walks next to her, she doesn’t run away, this girl has it. has a good character, behaves quietly at home, does not spoil anything, loves to meet guests and bring them his toys. wendy is an affectionate dog, she loves it when she scratches behind her ears and pays as much attention as possible. wendy is unpretentious in food, healthy, sterilized, vaccinated, and also treated for
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parasites. our girl is friendly with other dogs, so she will fit perfectly into a family that already has animals. if you 've been dreaming of a tailed friend all your life, then wendy is just the perfect candidate. wendy, walk, walk, next, next, to me, bendy, to me, to me. well done, so you also know our teams, right? our dog is given away as a member of the family adults and responsible people who will give her care and affection, and most importantly, will never betray her. if you want to take a closer look. swandy call the phone number shown on your screen. she is really looking forward to meeting her future owner.
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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country and the goal was to create not just a museum but.
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do not touch me! they are following me, help! oh, hurry up, hurry up! and look, who’s that cute little girl, musya? my bride, for my part, i want to warn you, your the return will be very difficult, i’m not afraid, well, my dear, now come on, tell me how, when, under what circumstances!
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good ranitsa, belarus. good wound belarus, good morning, friends, we continue to wake up, nina mozheika, mariana murenko. monday, april 8, is a beautiful day, and it is also beautiful, why nina? yes, because our guest is pavel levashov, who is ready to demonstrate to us how we can cheerfully enter the work week. good morning, yes, today we will solve the problem of the 21st century, i’m not afraid to call it that, it’s pain and tightness in the cervical sections of the spine, this is also important because in this section there are the most fragile vertebrae, yes, in particular this applies to those people who walk for a long time, spend a long time in a sitting position, and in principle an ordinary person who has a smartphone, and so on here he is, or even when reading a book, sometimes we lean forward here, okay? i said now to all modern people, all modern people, yes, so we will start, in principle, first we will stand on the tire with our shoulders, in principle this is possible
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also do it while sitting, yeah, so, that is, you are agitating us, as they say, so, maybe i ’ll look, remember and repeat at home, we start by tilting our heads forward, backwards, don’t throw our heads back too much, carefully, yes, carefully, yes , everything is smooth and under control, yeah, you can still lean to the left, it’s nice. there are some crunches, i have them, yes, this is normal, so, the most important thing is that there is no discomfort, and that is, a crunch is still normal in the neck, yes, yes, yes, good, i need it now that's it, then we give up and we will rotate the shoulder joint forward, as if the shoulder blades are opening, back we stretch our head and crown to the ceiling, the sun, where you stand there, we close here again, i think that today it is up to 23 in the country. yes , we stretch up, down again, and the most important thing is to rotate the shoulders inward outward, this is also important,
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pasha said so, we lower our hands, it sounded somehow unoptimistic. we don’t give up, we get rid of the crunch in the neck, yes, a few more times, we closed and opened, then we can put our hands on our shoulders and we will rotate your head to the side, tilt it towards your shoulder, once in the opposite direction, down again , yeah, all this is also smooth, not sharp, cut out your neck, under control, look less at your smartphone after, of course, play sports, at least be sure to breathe, breathing is not we delay under no circumstances. every turn is an inhalation and an exhalation, plow, we still have time to show one more exercise, okay, then we will rotate the shoulder joints forward, this way, we can put the arms, and in principle, backwards, as we did at school, yes here's a warm-up, forward backwards, well, i would say that in general this is a daily exercise,
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maybe daily, yes, sitting, standing, even at an office desk. if this is some kind of sick person, or, in principle, any person, and such exercises really help to stretch the neck and get rid of pain and generally prepare for working 5 minutes a day , there are no more pressures, pasha, thank you very much, it’s good that we have you, so smart, beautiful, an engineer of human bodies, can i still say this, but here’s a search engine these internal human resources, pasha, thank you very much, have a great day, we promise to do it, well, right now let’s send everything together. to the zoo, my name is aleftina gennadievna timashkova krosovskaya, i am a leading livestock specialist in zoos. i live outside the city, in a village, i wake up at 4:00 in the morning, i have a household, it starts very calmly
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in the morning, i drink coffee and start everyone off. chickens, kids, ducks, chickens, i give goats, then i prepare breakfast and leave for work, hello, my good ones, how are you, smart guys, i check their condition, are they after the night, are they there? injuries, is everyone alive, is everyone healthy? production issues, what to feed, where to put them, what if there are no people, who to replace, the whole zoo, as a leading specialist, these are all my questions for the whole zoo, in the morning when i arrive, i go through, carry out an inspection, make sure that all the animals
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are on the spot, with us... the wings don’t cut, so they fly from one enclosure to another, and they can conflict with each other, so every morning begins with a round, in addition, they really like to swim and can visit the stingrays, i i love work because we create a good mood, people are happy when they come to us, children smile, plus... we talk about animals on top of everything, this is also educational work, not everyone knows about animals, not everyone is interested in who is fed what, who lives how, and when we come to us, we can tell people this, and communicating with animals, communicating with people, it’s very, very interesting, this is a baby, the smallest, he was born to us, the whole flock protects him, protects him, and if something goes wrong not
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so, they have it right there... the main quality is responsibility, bad, good, rain, snow, hail, frost, you have to go to work, because animals are waiting for you here, people are waiting for you here, i love my job because it makes the morning of my country good, what a wonderful profession, what a wonderful name, we continue to wake up and i i think it’s time to look now to see what temperature indicators are for cats, but let’s take a look early in the morning, we remember, and spoiler alert, that it will be quite warm during the day, but what about in the morning? so, friends,
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today in minsk it’s up to +9°, in these early morning hours until... 12 the air has warmed up to brest, in the northern capital in visebsk +7 +9 exactly the same temperature in gomel in mogilev, in grodno up to +12 and at the same time in all regional centers, without exception, without precipitation. i think this is very cool, you can prepare, at least mentally for a start, for a pretty hot day, because +23 in the country, well, it’s +23 in the country, enjoy this money, because weather forecasters promise that it will be colder again on thursday, we hope , that without snow like last week, well , the first hour of the program is on such a warm note good difference belarus ends after the news release, we will get in touch with vesevsk and find out what interesting things happened during the week in this region, we also remind you that every year on april 8 in belarus military personnel celebrate their professional holiday...
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likes, doesn’t like, don’t mind on the daisy, my stupid you, what about the rash, i’m serious, you have three tears, you’ve had love for a long time, love is predicted, loves, doesn’t love, don’t guess on the daisy, you’re in his kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask the daisies , stupid questions, you have had for a long time, love according to the forecast, nay-nay-nay-nay, what the... and girl, good girl, read it in his eyes, it’s winter outside, and between you, mine, gap, gap, gap, gap, gap, your wet eyes ,
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how can this be, is he really such a fool, he didn’t dare to take the first step, people don’t like him, don’t fool around with a daisy, my stupid one, you’re a bitch. i'm serious, you are three tears, you've had it for a long time, love is predicted, loves, doesn't love, don't guess on a daisy, are you in his kitchen, in his shirt, don't ask daisies, stupid questions, you haven't had a long time, love is predicted , even if the sun will extinguish in the sky, he will get the summer for you, he will definitely be with you. they will see with their hands, clear weather will be between you, blue eyes look at you, and he has lost himself in them again, will hide from everyone somewhere far away, so that no
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one else will find him, loves, does not love, don’t be fooled by a daisy, stupid may you, charming one, i'm serious, you are three tears, you've had everything for a long time . according to the forecast, he loves, he doesn’t love, he’s angry at the chamomile, he’s very much in the kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask. tv news agency starts news monday morning, in the studio olga kalairova, hello, watch the episodes.


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