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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 8:15am-8:51am MSK

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prepayment, i sent this money, the next day the correspondence was already deleted. several other victims found themselves in a similar situation. the total amount of damage was 780 rubles. criminal cases have been initiated for fraud. there is no place for a drunk driving. the day before, security officers detained a drunk driver in minsk. while serving on a patrol carriage, they noticed a car weaving from lane to lane. they gave a stop sign and... took the motorist for inspection, the examination showed 1.2 promely alcohol in the exhaled air of the detainee, the violator was handed over to the gi staff for investigation. two people were injured in an accident in brest, including a child. the day before , lincoln and ford collided on moskovskaya street; the impact threw the first car off the roadway. a four-year-old child was injured in an american car while he was driving without a car seat. this was news from zone x,
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stay with us on belarus 1.
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april 8, what does this mean? everything came together, and what does this mean, now we’ll ask, today we have will happen or has happened, now we will clarify, a total solar eclipse, how it will affect our lives, we will find out from the astrologer, we are glad to welcome you to the studio of the program good difference belarus. katya kornevo, katya, good morning! good morning! katya, tell us what’s going on with the eclipse, where can it be seen, and how will it affect our lives? today will happen, has not yet happened, in the evening, the peak of the eclipse will be around 9 pm, it will begin at 19:17 and will last until almost 10:00 pm, but as far as i know, from the territory of belarus it impossible, it will not be visible, yes, that is , the eclipse has such a feature, it is not visible from all points, this solar eclipse will be clearly visible in the united states of america, in canada in the pacific region.
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head, maybe this is the case, and some, maybe even for you, inappropriate reactions can arise to some absolutely ordinary events, very acute reactions, usually people in an eclipse... with increased emotionality,
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excitability, such irritability, maybe for someone it might be the other way around, apathy, sliminess, that is, such current internal processes that we are holding back seem to be greatly intensified. that is , what we usually attribute, we are girls, i mean a hormonal surge, this is just a solar eclipse, okay, but what can you do during an eclipse, what cannot be done during an eclipse, and during an eclipse it is very good to get rid of negative bad habits, that is, if you, for example, want to quit smoking or you want to lose weight, improve your diet, sleep patterns, that is, some very destructive habits are good leaving you to wake up early, of course, and it’s also good to write a wish, but here it’s important to understand what exactly a wish is. to get rid of something that bothers you, from some kind of fear, for example, it’s good to get rid of it during an eclipse, but it’s not advisable to dream about some positive things, because after all, an eclipse is considered a destructive time; it destroys the destructive, so create something new positive things will not happen on the day of the eclipse, that
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is, dear tv viewers, we explain that you need to write negative desires, yes, well, let’s just write that i want to get rid of some fear, from some bad memory. no important decisions, but how you need to curl up in little cots, not go anywhere, do nothing, or vice versa actively, i always recommend, in general, in the eclipse corridor during the lunar solar eclipses themselves , write diaries, observe yourself with all your thoughts, feelings, reactions write it down, then
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after some time it’s good to read it, analyze it, you can draw interesting conclusions about yourself about what your actual attitude is towards the world around you, but in general, not only today.
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already such a calendar, full-fledged, april and may, yes, that’s how it is in general, what is the forecast of the stars for these 2 months, and until april 26 we will still have retrograde mercury, so there may be some misunderstandings in communication, maybe you will forget about scheduled meetings, that is, it is better to always talk about all the agreements once again, and before april 26 it is undesirable to conclude any contracts and sign agreements, because mercury can also interfere with proper drafting. that is, mercury still interferes, this is not made up, it makes people less attentive than usual, concentration drops, however, in may the situation will change, from may 1 a very good period will begin in general and 3 months ahead, may, june, july, they are simply magnificent from the point of view of astrology, and in general favorable for absolutely any
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undertakings and to complete some business, from may 1, jupiter changes its position, it moves into the sign of taurus, and this will contribute to some kind of financial well-being, that is, the financial situation will improve. somehow there will be less the principle of tension associated with the topic of money, and in general, jupiter in taurus promotes some kind of more positive mood, somehow everything will look easier and more pleasant, that is, everything will seem in lighter colors than it actually concerns all of humanity, maybe maybe we’ll put some emphasis on the zodiac sign there, i don’t know, the case will be more lucky, certainly vasilno virgo will definitely be lucky , taurus will definitely be lucky the most. whose sign jupiter will enter, actually, like this katya, you, who is according to your zodiac sign, you need to figure it out, i’m a fish, pisces, capricorn and virgo, taurus will be lucky in the end, oh well, taurus will be lucky, and for scorpios this is also a very good transit, luck will smile on them too, and it will be easier for virgos and pisces, because yes, the eclipse will end, in
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general, for them it will make you feel better emotionally, but for other signs this transit will most likely be neutral, but in general i still want to say that jupiter is in taurus. this is a very fortunate position for everyone. we have one more minute, you again remembered the solar eclipse, which is happening all over the planet today we’ll meet in the evening, but they say it’s some kind of thing. very rare, not only because on a new moon, and there it happens once every 40 years, yes, yes, it is rare precisely because it is full, that is, the shadow of the moon will completely cover the entire solar disk, and this will of course be beautiful for those who will be able to see this, unfortunately, not on our territory, because the solar corona will be visible, and probably another important moment, at the time of the eclipse itself, especially its peak, it will last 4 minutes 28 seconds, around 9 pm, its peak will be when the solar disk is completely covered; it is undesirable to take oak.
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we still have time, but by the way, this doesn’t work on everyone either, someone is sitting now and saying: i didn’t even feel the corridor of eclipses, it means your karma is very pure, am i right? yes, the eclipse corridor is an indicator of karmic burden, let’s put it this way, that is, if your actions have quite serious consequences, then the eclipse corridor is considered more difficult, some unpleasant events may occur, but if everything is fine, then i will help you congratulations, you did a lot of apparently good deeds and, accordingly, your karma is pure, but... there are people for whom this did not affect their spirituality, but somehow the pressure dropped, in general, you know, maryana, in fact, if with
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from the point of view of psychology, look , in principle, astrology is not reflected or minimally reflected in general on people who live in an adult position, who have a very developed consciousness, and who can track some of their unconscious processes and do not follow the lead of these impulses that mainly characteristic children, in general, people who are ready for any development of events, like you and me, katya, thank you very much. thank you very much, i remind you that this was an astrological forecast from katerina korneva, well now to whom do we give the floor? well, of course, to our food blogger, food guru anatoly moiseev, who knows how to prepare proper breakfasts. good morning, you want cabbage rolls, but you don’t have time to cook them, an excellent recipe for lazy cabbage rolls will help you out, which we will prepare today. we will need minced meat, white cabbage, carrots, guys. onions, eggs, rice, tomato juice, sour cream, salt and pepper. finely chop the cabbage
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in a blender, finely chop the onion into cubes, peel and chop the carrots in a blender, boil the rice until half cooked, beat two eggs into half a kilogram of minced meat, add rice, cabbage, and carrots. and onion, salt to taste, mix everything well, form cabbage rolls with your hands, fry them in a heated, oiled frying pan until golden brown, for the sauce in a separate bowl , mix sour cream, tomato juice and water, pepper and juice. to taste, rearrange cabbage rolls pour sauce into a baking dish and
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bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180°. juicy, aromatic with the favorite combination of minced meat, white cabbage and tomato sauce. the taste of the dish is complete and complete. resembles ordinary cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves, 80 percent less fuss. this is such a delicious breakfast we had today, bon appetit and good mood. i fixed the roof, chopped some wood, hello everyone, today i will tell you and show you an interesting workout, adapted for children from 8 to 11 years old. uniform, children's crossfit. the first exercise we will
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do, we will need a bench for this, we will jump over it and climb over it. you and i must jump over the bench, then lower ourselves and crawl down. the next exercise we'll show you is called the box push, which is an imitation of pushing a sled. for children aged 8-11 years, this would be ideal. so what do we need to do? we sit up, move our pelvis back a little, keep our back straight and push forward,
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we also do the next exercise in game form, for this we will need a disk with you, it can be 5 kg, you can... heavier depends again on the age of your child, and we will play the game in ambush, what do we need to do for this, we need to lie down on the floor is with you, take a lying position, bring one leg forward and push the disc with your hand, while moving your legs forward, once you change the leg, push with your hand, two, alternately, this exercise is similar to a reptile. the first exercise we did was jumping over a bench and crawling under it, this develops, firstly, our coordination, agility and leg strength. the next exercise
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we did was boxing, again here the muscles of the back and legs are strengthened, and strength is also developed. depending on how much weight you will be pushing. and the very last final exercise - we pushed the disc with you lying down with your hand. the upper shoulder girdle is strengthened here. we do the first exercise of jumping over a bench 10 times, 10 jumps, 10 crawls under the bench. the second exercise we had was a sled using boxing. we do two segments back and forth. and the last one, also we make two segments, push the disk back there. healthy and beautiful, train with us, good ranitsa belarus, good morning country, maryana urenkova, nina mazeika, we welcome you to the belarus tv channel, one of the satellite belarus 24, and we continue
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to share useful, interesting information with you, so you know, that in the middle kingdom, in general, there will be news now. which revolves around the star of the south korean zoo, everland. panda fubao has returned to her homeland in china. like this. and i'm everything to you now i'll tell you about it. she was taken on a special flight to chindu and then transported to the wolong national nature reserve. she will be in quarantine for several weeks and then join her relatives. fubao was born in 2020 and became the first panda to be born in south korea. her parents aibao and lebao previously lived at the zoo for 8 years. i rented them out. in china, according to the rules, all cubs also belong to him and return home when they turn 4 years old. the bamboo bear is considered an unofficial symbol of the celestial empire. under state protection. approximately 2.0 of these animals live in the wild, mainly in the highlands of sachuan, where extensive bamboo forests remain. there are almost 700 bears in nurseries and zoos around the world. yes, we
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have talked about this many times, there is even such a thing as panda diplomacy. oh yeah. even said panda therapy, when you just feel better in your soul, just by the sight of a panda, somewhere, for example, on social networks, a lot of videos have come across lately, well, for this you can really watch endlessly how she lies like that, in no hurry and eats her bamboo, which for me was a discovery in this information, it turns out that a punk has not only a first name, but also a surname, and it is passed on by inheritance, you understand, and knowing , for example, the fact that, well, although i have knowledge of south korean culture. but i will try that in asian cuisine there is a bao bun, which means that they are all buns, so pretty that you want, that is , like this, and this turns out to be panda fu, yes, her name is, fuleevna bau, fuleevna, fuleevna bao, yes, we have determined everything, option, yes, this is such interesting information, well, another charming creature we want
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to introduce you to, her name is wendy, this dog is really looking for owners, look at her help me find my eyes. way home, good morning, meet wendy, a fluffy sea of ​​positivity and love, today this beauty will look for her way home, unfortunately, wendy has already encountered betrayal in those she loved very much, at some point she ceased to be needed by its owners. turned out to be on the street. wendy was lucky, she was met by caring people, and now she lives in a center for homeless animals. this beauty of everything. she's a year and a half old and full of energy, so she'll be happy to join you on your morning jog. in indy, she is accustomed to being walked twice a day, she behaves
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well during walks, she walks alongside her, does not run away, this girl has an easy-going character, she is quiet at home, does not spoil anything, loves to meet guests and bring them her toys. wendy is an affectionate dog, she loves to have her ears scratched... as much as possible attention. wendy is unpretentious in food, healthy, sterilized, vaccinated, and also treated for parasites. our girl is friendly with other dogs, so she will fit perfectly into a family that already has animals. if you 've been dreaming of a tailed friend all your life, then wendy is just the perfect candidate. wendy, walk, walk, next to me, next to me. to me, to me. well done, so are you. we also have teams, you know, right? our dog is given as a family member to adults and responsible people who will give it care and affection, and most importantly - never
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they won't betray you. if you would like to get to know wendy better, please call the number listed on your screen. she is really looking forward to meeting her future owner. do not touch me! wil, jump in the car, they 're chasing me, help, oh, hurry, hurry!
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food watch the series i will be back on the belarus24 tv channel belarus24 tv channel represents simple has never been at all times a person wanted to eat deliciously and live well, a project that.
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in which a fire was built, but a large metal sheet was placed on top. in the 14th century, baron, gypsy baron, jan martinkevich built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in a gilded carriage. we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country in the project. where there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus, watch every sunday on our tv channel.
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good ranitsa belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up, i remind you that today we are starting a new wonderful, beautiful, warm, amazing week, today is april 8th help you today wake up maryana murenkova, nina mazheiko, who is already on the synoptic alert, and is ready to tell us everything. moreover, i can say that i am standing on the material in the literal sense of this. 24-26
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these are the indicators in brest, with no precipitation, there will be no rain in any regional center today, in the northern capital the air will warm up to +21 20-22 with a plus sign in gomel, in grodno up to +25, that’s in general not far behind brest, grodno, at 22° today in mogilev, friends, it seems to me that this is not even just spring, this is some kind of summer, it's spring with a taste of summer, but i'll still be that fly in the ointment today. last week we can expect everything from this spring, let’s hope that there are not such huge temperature changes of 20° as last week, i agree with you, absolutely, moreover, i continue your thought, sometimes you still need to adhere to olga’s rules buzovoy, you have only one life, enjoy yourself, enjoy these 3 days,
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then we’ll get together a little. but spring will come anyway, it can’t be that there won’t be any heat, of course, yes, well now let's get acquainted with the new hero of our column, profession alefti on timashkova krossovskaya, she is the leading zootechnician of the capital's zoo, my name is aleftina gennadievna, timashkova krossovskaya, i am the leading zootechnician of the zoo. i live outside the city, in a village, i wake up at 4:00 in the morning, i have a farm, it starts very calmly in the morning, i drink coffee , i start feeding everyone, chickens, kids, ducks, chickens, i give a bone, then i cook breakfast and leave for work, hello, my good ones, how are you, smart guys. i check their condition, they
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after the night, is there any damage, is everyone alive, is everyone healthy, production issues, what to feed, where to put them, what if there are no people, who to replace, the whole zoo, as a leading specialist, these are all my questions for the entire zoo. in the morning, when i arrive, i go through an inspection, make sure that all the animals are in place, our birds don’t have their wings cut, so they fly from one enclosure to another, and they can conflict with each other, so every morning begins with a round, besides that they love to swim and can visit the stingray. “i love
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my work because we create a good mood, people are happy when they come to us, children smile, plus we talk about everything about animals, this is also educational work, not everyone knows about animals, not everyone is interested in who is fed what , who lives how, and when we come to us, we can tell people this, and communicating with animals, communicating with people, it’s very, very interesting, this is a baby, the smallest, he was born to us, the whole flock protects him, and if something goes wrong, they immediately hide it, the main quality is responsibility, bad, good, rain, snow, hail, frost, you have to go to work, because animals are waiting for you here, people are waiting for you here. “i love my
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job because it makes the morning of my country good, this is the real truth, this is how our good morning turned out, good morning belarus, once again we tell you, today is april 8, and may your day, despite various astrological events and some other things, perhaps there are disappointments in life, let it be positive and productive, but this is a cosmic morning, we met with you today, thank you for spending it
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wonderfully ." the song of karago, souls and longing for sleep, passers-by and affectionate yes, souls of jean.
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most holy panna marya, one of the most important pains of historia is sick. we celebrate and commemorate that important day, when it is suitable for the most holy panna marya and, floated into the forest
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all over the world. i think you know us malitva "vitay maryya", eaten by dachshund, like the anelskaya provitanne. this little thing shows what happened, when anel came and went... mary, abbyushchayuchy to her, that i will be god's mother. geta adbyvaetsta is the sixth month. lichba shests nagadvae pra dzen svarennya chalavek. geta means that god respects geta's day and opens the eternal sunshine to the chalavek. you will spend the whole time in your sleep. the fact that god’s messenger comes to nazareth. nevyalik city shows that god wants to dakranutsa yes kozhnaga chalavek. show more affection. anel vіtae your surazmoўtsu in the name of mary, and in the new name, more affection.
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in other words, anel is like mary, sweet and gentle, the most leaping and the most powerful. the fame never ceases to haunt us, because god has been torturing us in this scene for centuries. god ask that the yagonae be cooked and ordered that the pit of the tsalkas be free. god asks for mary to be free so that he can become a chalavek. mad, fiad, so, mary, the captivity of god's caress, ale... caress is not liquid freedom, on the contrary, the worst and the worst. faith doesn't take away anything chalavechaga cooked, and let’s give it a fresh and final sale.


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