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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 9:10am-10:45am MSK

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the main thing is to provide livestock with feed. 32 centners of feed units per head is a prerequisite both for preserving the herd and for increasing the volume of milk and meat production. in general, the task has been set for all regions to complete the sowing of early spring, grain and grain crops no later than april 10, maximum april 15. of course, our leaders are the brest region, which has already sown more than 85% and...
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to carry out spring field work , 80 thousand agricultural machinery and equipment are involved in agricultural organizations, the readiness of all technology 95%. mobile repair units have also been created to quickly eliminate breakdowns. well, in the greenhouses they are already harvesting 1,200 kg of tomatoes in a basket at the minsk vegetable factory. tomatoes grow on 6 hectares. in total, the generous plantations stretched over almost 19 hectares. cucumbers, eggplants, ripening peppers. on average , about 9.00 tons of harvest are obtained per year. this season we have already collected more than a thousand tons of vitamins. to get maximum benefits, a special microclimate is created for plants: high humidity and optimal temperature. in a fruitful vegetable mix factories also have green crops, lettuce and parsley, arugula, dill, basil, and, in the future, iceberg leaf. up to 100,000 packages of fresh herbs are collected monthly.
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artem kuntsevich, silver medalist of the spring stage of the endura 4 seasons tournament in the pro belarus category, lost only to the russian danila chernyaev. bronze went to another hindu wrestler from our neighboring country, danila mironov. for the first time in history, endura competitions were held in waste chalk quarries near volkovysk. this stage of 4 seasons amazed its participants with a difficult route and obstacles, as well as a beautiful landscape that is sure to attract. tourists, because photographs and video competitions have already spread all over the world, this is a kind of communication, i have friends from belarus, we became friends at previous competitions, now we are friends with many, they bring us spare parts, they are brotherly people, and i really appreciate and value our friendship , so it really is so, we are united, united by sport, thanks to this sport our friendship becomes even stronger. our idea is that after we promote these competitions, we will probably get sponsors,
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naturally, those who want to will come along, maybe we can build a hotel, we have silicon mines nearby, this is also our long-standing dream, i hope that the popularization of volkovysk will be even cooler, we will come on motorcycles, we let’s make a beautiful video about , i don’t know, there are rocks, ponds, trees, something else, tens, hundreds of thousands of people will watch it there, and this will, well, somehow help the development of the region, 430 participants,
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already at noon, let me remind you , tv news agency projects are available on all social networks, and also in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden. norway, denmark, netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia,
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estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day... this is the main broadcast. hello. we live in difficult times, and this means discipline, internal and state, is more important than ever. the president will say this more than once this week. and we don’t want war, but in order to maintain peace, we need to prepare for it. this quote from the first one also went viral in the media.
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while the west is pushing, we are going our own way. yes, it’s difficult, yes, a lot of stress. but maintaining a normal atmosphere in the team is literally alexander’s order. lukashenko. well, space is ours. marina vasilevskaya spent almost 2 weeks in orbit. how the mission went, what the belarusian space exclusive feels like today in the program. the parliamentary campaign is behind us, but the national assembly is ahead. how is the country preparing? we have the answers. polina shuba and maxim uglyanitsa are with you. watch on the main broadcast. if about the economy, then with guests from the oryol region. if we talk about tasks, then with a new vertical of power.
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now this year we are transporting quite a lot of motor bike bodies, two wheels are good, four are more expensive, we will talk about the importance of smooth roads and concrete arguments in favor of broadband highways. the time between repairs for asphalt concrete is about 12-15 years, here
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we can already calculate periods of 25 years. legislation promises to be active. house of representatives with chairmen of commissions, council of the republic. new composition, fighting spirit, we will cope with any tasks, who will represent our interests at the supreme council, and how it will be different from the past, let's ask chairman ts. the entire belarusian assembly took on the function of electing judges of the constitutional court, at the head of everything is food, an interview with the minister of agriculture about sowing, technology, personnel , everything without any problems. our technology is already about 90%, and i think that soon we will completely achieve one hundred percent security, why are the western media afraid to ask mount sadovnikov where billions of euros have disappeared, ursula, a new accusation. for the head of the european commission yesterday we were given the appropriate mobile phone for the period investigations, but the data was deleted, if
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you get dirty, then this is the only way, enduro is not afraid of dirt, this is an order of magnitude more difficult than previous races, motorcyclist competitions took place in podlovysk. the real summer heat at the beginning of the week seemed like an april fool's joke to us. nature, such temperature swings can confuse anyone, farmers, for example, but be that as it may, do not nod once again at the weather, do not complain about sanctions and work for results, this is exactly the guideline the president sets on a trip to the grodno region later, when coordinating new personnel, alexander lukashenko tries to convey a simple idea: if we don’t work hard in all areas today, we will die, the competition is tough, the times are difficult, it dictates the allies of belarus to russia. order beats class, the president will say,
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meaning that with discipline we can do more. much depends on the team at all levels; a good team and a clear work system are an important advantage when you have to fight for a place in the sun, for markets, for victory. the team makes the game on the ice, we are convinced of this our journalists, who followed the head of state all week, even learned the secrets of the president’s ice squad. it's first time on the main broadcast. nature performed real miracles on the turns this week, it was either hot or snowy. at moments it seemed like the weather was like this. that the harvest will be possible already in may, in fact, the sowing season is only gaining momentum,
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the relevant minister will tell you along the way, they have started work in all regions. the weather is favorable today, we need to increase the pace because we don’t know what further, moisture, moisture is the most important influence on the harvest today, and all the equipment is ready, ready to work. the visit of the oryol governor begins with conversations about the weather, yes. this russian region is an agricultural villager, the seeds that we, by the way, have, they need like air, well, don’t wait for the weather by the sea if the french and germans are making kazoos, alexander grigorich our president very clearly defined that today, despite all the sanctions we need to deepen our relations, each of our visits is a strengthening of friendships, and these words are beautiful or is this actually happening? today is the premier of the belarusian region, 23% of foreign trade turnover falls on the republic of belarus and
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we see great potential for the opportunity . on april 1, i don’t trust anyone, they say, this is the day a meeting is taking place, who should belarus and russia trust today, each other, the most important thing, time dictates the allies the main thing , strengthening cooperation and cooperation, especially where we are strong, is a very important area; we discuss this area with the president very often. i say, it’s hard, but interesting, new challenges, they seem to force us to look differently and
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move in directions that we probably hadn’t even looked at before, so central asia and china are now our main partners, our main customers, with whom we move and actively find a common language . we are still waiting for personnel sensations in the corridors of power, there are a lot of rumors, everyone is talking about it, but for now the first deputy head of the presidential administration. encourages new managers, you have to smile in front of the president, a good mood, this, of course, the new personnel and approaches of the president will defuse the atmosphere, but should not confuse them. tough and this is no secret, so the nervousness of appointees in the local vertical before a conversation with the head of state is not only completely understandable. guys, these are difficult times and you come to power in these difficult times. i just ask you very much, from today, get ready for very serious and hard work. we have everything
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to work today as never before, despite the complexity. only one thing is missing. disciplines, well, we can do that do, order beats the class, there will be discipline and order, some shortcomings in other areas will be compensated. discipline begins with yourself, you understand this, just looking at the president’s workplace, everything is clear, from folders with documents to a thermos of tea, with discipline we can do more, and in general you won’t get anywhere with the previous approaches at this time, the president demands results, throw dust into eyes not...
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and again a business trip to grodno, it seems that the grodno governor is not afraid of anything, those who met them were afraid, except maybe the weather there were no surprises, no matter how the western beauties made a mess, the wind still did everything to the turel. the reason for coming to grodno is significant, the start of construction of an important social facility for the city, new hospitals, the president gives everything about 2 years, instead of two hospitals, which. come from the healthcare system of the city of grodno, to build one, modern, designed taking into account the experience of the pandemic, with the most rational organization of both space and the possibility of flexible reconstruction of this hospital changing its profile in the event necessary, but this pandemic was not the last, the main lesson of the pandemic is that if there is
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a leader who knows what to do and clearly... follows the chosen course, there is a vertical that you can rely on, and there are employees dedicated to their specialty, then there is no pandemic not scary. this is experience, in this regard the region is lucky, they have a two- in-one leader, both the head of the region and the ex-minister of health. when i tell people that funding for the healthcare system in our country is six times more than financing of the ministry of internal affairs, this comes as a great surprise to many.
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alexander lukashenko will stop by the glass production, but as soon as the presidential car disappears over the horizon, the governor is immediately on the phone, can i make one call now, and who cares what the call is to whom, the property managers told me so that no one leaves hungry, in general, lunch is on schedule, and sports is also on schedule for a snack in the president's team, we saw for ourselves, only usefulness, a life hack from... look into the locker room of the president's team ahead of the adrenaline i’m a little worried. despite the amateur status of the competition, the players prepare as responsibly as possible, almost all of them have a serious sports background and training, each, by the way, has their own recipe for success. you know, hockey players,
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like other athletes, are opinionated people, so someone, without advertising it, ties the laces in their skates, starting with the left skate, yes, someone goes out on the fly with their right foot, someone wraps only white tape , someone is black, that is, everyone has their own chips, but i repeat again, never talk about this no one... i’m not advertising it, it’s just an internal process. the head coach talks about the atmosphere in the team and the secrets of their preparation. there is no way in this sport without a thorough warm-up and serious equipment. the sharper the blade of the skate, the better the speed. the stick should be an extension of the hand. yes, the game of real men is made up of little things. in a team next to the first, we can only be the first. therefore, this is a huge responsibility. we all understand passions. the president's intensity in this game, in every match we go out in order to to win and not let the president down, believe me, this team contains only like-minded people, it simply
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cannot be any other way, the mood is fighting, you might say that it’s staged, but this is an active warm-up, what the men in the hockey camp talk about, the president’s teams, all the talk is here , almost always in a good positive way, someone jokes, someone tells funny stories, someone secrets, someone something else, that’s why there is such a special atmosphere here, if you can simply call it secrets, secrets are a must, but not only about sports, no, of course, mostly not about sports at all. baskov admits that being a coach of such a team is easy for him, everyone here is focused on results. that's it, good warm-ups, let's go guys. this time the president’s team fought with the minsk region for the title of champion of the republican hockey league, and this was the first victory
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of the final. even greater passions are unfolding. it seems like everyone who watched our cosmonaut’s return from heaven to earth experienced unearthly emotions this weekend. the emotions are the heaviest, because the night is sleepless, i
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i watched live the undocking from the pieced-off device. were you worried? well, when your children are in space, you will understand what it means to be a citizen of belarus and a citizen of belarus in space. of course, my responsibility is that... we need it and the team decides. the urgency
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of the geopolitical moment does not weaken in the region and in the world, confrontation and tension are growing, serious analytics that land on the president’s desk only confirm this. against this background , it is no coincidence that alexander lukashenko calls on everyone to tense up vertically.
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the sco is a unique organization, in many respects it resembles a bloc, but in fact it is neither a military nor an economic bloc. the sco is a large-scale system for coordinating interaction between powerful players. a regular meeting of the secretaries of state of the organization's security councils was held in astana this week. it is held at least once a year. we
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spoke exclusively with alexander about its results and show potential. to this unusual international organization, the shanghai cooperation organization? well, she's really unusual from shanghai organization, the nineteenth meeting of the secretaries of the security council of the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization has just concluded. belarus took part in this event as an observer country at the invitation of the kazakh side, for which we are grateful. participation as an observer country in the july summit of heads of state, i hope that an end will be put in the procedure for the admission of our country to the membership of the shanghai cooperation organization, the process of agreeing on all procedural issues for the admission of our country the organization has been completed, just
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some time ago i talked with the general... all the relevant protocol documents have been signed, all that remains is to put an end to it, now the official summit of heads of state will accept our country’s composition of the shanghai organization, it is symbolic that this will take place, firstly, on july 4, practically right after we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, this is very symbolic, we will become the tenth. country that will join the shanghai cooperation organization, and how can i they suggested that the first in alphabetical order, who will head the shanghai club, this is also probably symbolic, so belarus is really committed to all the points that are being discussed, including those discussed today, and really supports all these initiatives that are being put forward by the shanghai organization cooperation, today we discussed, firstly, as usual,
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how it is practically... the situation in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the shanghai organization is practiced, an in-depth analysis was given of the modern challenges and threats in the field international security, which threaten humanity today, but this is, first of all , the most important, probably the threat that worries everyone today, this is international terrorism, extremism and separatism, what many countries are trying to fight today, the second is countering drug trafficking, narcotics, proliferation drugs, of course, today one of the modern threats i...
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those countries that are members of the shanghai organization, and yet the shanghai organization, despite the fact that it includes today nine countries, but it unites almost 65% of eurasia and 25% of the entire globe, and the population that makes up the shanghai organization is 4 billion people, which is almost half the world’s population, so indeed, well, the authority of the shanghai organization today is steadily growing , unfortunately... against the backdrop of a decline in the authority of such international organizations as the united nations and the osce, therefore, indeed, the shanghai organization is unique, it is efficient today, it is productive today, it open for interaction with all international platforms and structures. our country has confirmed its status as a space power; the first female cosmonaut in belarus
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has returned to earth. a huge step in the development of domestic astronautics. for 12 days the whole country followed the flight of our heroine, and with bated breath we watched the landing of the soyuz ms-20 spacecraft. the first, most sincere and genuine emotions in our space report from the scene. this is the soyuz ms-24, the spacecraft, it was on it that our marina vasilevskaya returned, weighs it is about 3 tons, interestingly, it will be taken from here from the kazakhstan steppe first by blue birds, the same ones that took part in the rescue operation, then by helicopters, planes, in a word, the union will have a very long route, but most importantly...
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it lights up, breaks away from the descending apparatus, rushes past the porthole, it’s cool, and you also knew to dig for luck, they won’t wash themselves afterwards, that’s it, let’s go out, they say, this is a dedication, if you’ve been here once, you’ve definitely dedicated it so much, but here’s yours i saw it here, and now here we are, and who wouldn’t want to try it on at the landing site? in it, by the way, marina can still fly and fly, if she had the desire, and the figure is still the same, we won’t say for sure that
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marina vasilevskaya was the first to try on earth, except for a sip of water, but oleg navitsky had pickled cucumbers, lard and from belarus and bread, as well as apple and birch juice. our journey from karaganda begins at dawn, we have to set up a field camp, where we will actually spend the night, fortunately the snakes, scorpions say they haven’t woken up yet, everyone sat down, let’s go, we reach... the village is hot, the road is really unclear there, now there were sticks, but let’s hope that it has dried up over these days. now there is such a small stop here, there is an opportunity to have a snack,
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breathe out, and, well, transfer the material to mink. our film crew set out on the night from thursday to friday, 10:00 a.m. the road was not the easiest. from half of the area where the descent module can land is separated by this river, which is full of water today , a field camp where we will spend the nights, there are about thirty people here and every third one is belarus, a belarusian journalist a large landing party is here today to illuminate the return of the marina to... levskoy to land. and while we were watching the starry sky, expecting to see the international space station, there, 400 km above, the hatches between the ship and the russian module of the iss rassvet were closing. the tightness was checked two
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days earlier, at the same time the satellite phone was recharged and the equipment was laid down. in the morning we were waiting for undocking. 6:57 minsk time. time, there were really many descent scenarios, standard, abnormal, when these machines, blue birds, would then be connected to the water, which can move on water, we considered the option of approaching the union in order to pick it up and pull it out onto land, we were also ready for a ballistic descent, but everything was as usual very beautiful, and another one of those accompanying our film crew, who is very fond of minsk, promised. alexander, well, you have it written here.
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to applause, it was as if the belarusian had not been there for twelve days on the iss, before the launch on a reserve day and two days of travel, then another 3 and a half to the ground. and these are the same daisies that we carefully watered at +20 during all these long hours of waiting to meet our marina in the steppe. i wish all the people on earth that they
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would appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is an incredible beauty, apparently tired, but in fact it worked conscientiously in orbit and experienced all the sensations during landing, the entire flight program was completed in full in full, a special board delivered the star crew to the star town, belarusian flags, loaves, a sea of ​​flowers, behind colossal loads on the body. days, detailed photos and videos of the earth, a number of
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works related to manned space flight, lactoferin, and the main thing is to test technologies that are interesting to belarusian and russian scientists; they cannot be tested on earth. this is interesting data in the field of microbiology and human health, you know, the impact of microorganisms, space on microorganisms, this and food, is very good.
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all of this is new, look at what it’s like to get used to the attention of the press, here are the emotions for marina when she met her own people and how they react to what they carry in their arms, so i’m saying, but whether the union has just touched the ground, and we saw marina vasilevskaya’s smile, how such billboards and videos appeared on the capital’s streets and avenues... screens, even despite the gray colors and slightly rainy weather, warm words from belarusians, belarusians, for the main broadcast anastasia benedesyuk, daria belousovo-petrovskaya and ivan mozgo. maybe not so cosmic, but definitely an important mission lies with those who are dedicated to working in foreign markets, where they need to be more active, constantly looking for new partners, and not waiting for some kind of discount for hard times or... for what the state will help, it won’t be easy, and those
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who agree to leadership positions should certainly understand this, be able to take responsibility and be involved in all processes as much as possible - this is about the leaders of the new formation, especially since, in economic terms, the conjuncture is for us it’s going well as long as god gives us everything, especially for people who want to work on the ground, and in industry, we are in demand in everything... space, but also about our manufacturers. yes,
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belarusian is synonymous with quality, but depending on what is called belarusian, for example, 2 years ago on a motorcycle bike station from ours there was only an assembly idea, all products were made from imported spare parts. such details came to light during the president's working visit. the territory of the plant was also criticized; where industry once flourished, an abandoned area remained. it passed into the hands of the minsk technopark. it's just about the pace. reconstruction of buildings sagged. presidential instructions: we need to speed up, but not crowd out existing production. how are things? cases have now been checked by our quality control. this, the new generation of minsk storks, you need to feel, sit down, well, more precisely become, no, well, you still have order on electric charges and
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spread their wings by the creator, your example, which rides like at the birth of this child, bikes and bicycles, a passport, ours, interior, foreign, nothing of our own, headlight, whose, headlight, chinese, shields, shields, like iron, have breathed the belarusian soul, the instrument panel is made by the vitebsk electrical appliances plant, the rear shock absorbers are supplied by grodno, dull industrial ones landscapes in the center of the capital, you don’t have to dig into the ground, you have to go into winter with these walls, technologies that have not yet been built in the country, installation is much faster. it works out cheaper, and of course, we check how the speed switches, lighting, turns, stops are configured, quality control will promote the topic of whether it’s worth reinventing the wheel, this is
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a model of the minsk motorbike bike already with electronics, definitely not the same storks that flew around soviet yards , can work as usual on the principle of spinning the pedals and driving, or without any effort on a battery, it’s done like this, it turns out that bicycles are still worth inventing, getting acquainted with the new september, driving, as in childhood with a youngster, the first belarusian electric scooters under the aist brand, hundreds of chicks have already landed on the counter, even russian ones , we are testing two models with you at once, tell me what is the difference between them, well, i see the seats in one place, the difference in this model is the power reserve is 35 km, so the maximum speed is 25, on my 25 the maximum speed is a power reserve of 25, now at what speed we are going, this is 7 km, there are three modes of operation, the minimum eco is 10 km, d is 15 km,
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the maximum c is 25, from the belarusian temple and pendulum in scooters this year they will present: how well the finished frame corresponds to the parameters, laser scans and draws 3d model. the error at the moment is 0.5, that is, it is not particularly high, but in terms of
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scanning speed, yes, this is a fairly high system. what was the finished product like 2 years ago? is it as unique as they said at the factory, detailed analysis from the president during his visit in 2022, what’s going on here? yours, yours, idea, layout, collection of all components from various manufacturers, which means nothing of your own, whose headlight, headlight is chinese, shields, shields too, engine, engine chinese, chinese, i want your assemblies, as for the country as a whole, here they are sitting here, we must do our own, now... much more belarusian is sewn into the dna, almost thirty components from 15 of our enterprises, the instrument panel is made by the vitebsk electrical appliances plant, the seats are made by the automobile units plant, the front shield, the amkodor headlight belwar, the front fork along with shock absorbers is supplied by the
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finox group of companies, fairings, the heart of the motorcycle, the engine , will soon also have its own. so, they are trying to introduce domestic components into all products. the basis of bicycle wheels used to be purchased in china, but using their own raw materials is much more profitable to spin, the accuracy is checked by a machine, the spokes are tightened so that it is even, so that there is no end runout and radial, this is done automatically, then the wheel is thrown away and used for shoes , are collected almost shoulder to shoulder, with one sides of the bikes, put on the chain, then the wheel, on average it takes a minute. on the other hand , motorcycles, the pendulum is placed here, the front shock absorbers, the role of quality control on each line.
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almost a separate microdistrict, once all these buildings were factory buildings, but after that only a dark spot remained, and this is almost the center of the capital, now a new owner is establishing order here, a technology park, a new area of ​​27 hectares will be ready to accommodate about a hundred residents , from large industries to small businesses, different not only in scope, but also profile, yet the emphasis is on logistics, so that the partners, the links of the same chain, are closer, this whole... plan, when will it come to fruition? this year we are introducing quite a lot of buildings, here is the b-shaped building, here is the building
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of the bicycle factory line, here is the building, the seventh building, there will be buildings that are peripheral within the territory, their thermal modernization, roof repairs are provided, to speed up the pace of construction, use all resources, restore order with documents and work in such a way as not to stop existing production, only some instructions from the president, how... he personally visited a large construction site. let's agree that we will build in a modern way, not lay out half a meter of brickwork, use the most modern wall panels, hang the panels on a frame, you are a builder, you know perfectly well how to build all over the world. who brought technologies to the territory that were not previously available in the country, the company is both novosel and its own builder, their metal walls are assembled like a construction set. first we produce the profiles ourselves, then the company prepares wall elements from profiles, installation
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is much faster, secondly, it turns out cheaper, thirdly, thanks to these technologies, buildings can be installed at any time of the year, which, as a resident of the technology park , the company itself receives, benefits for beginners, the first 5 years without tax for profit they can import equipment without any restrictions, in a word, without a barrier, get on their feet and... in all regions of belarus. we maintain and develop the status of a transit country, which means that the international highway is a
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strategic issue. in recent years, it has been built and more than 170 km of republican roads with cement-concrete pavement were reconstructed. today , some of the most popular highways are m-3, minsk-vitebsk, as well as r-53 - the road in the direction of zhodino and borisov. the city of lida is also becoming more attractive logistically. around this regional center. is building a bypass road. on the concrete case for broadband highways. our reporting at high speeds. the first construction equipment appeared in the suburbs of lida a year and a half ago. the road workers faced a difficult task - to build from scratch more than 4 km of modern highway with bicycle paths. the area is here.
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laying asphalt concrete pavement, the construction of pedestrian paths and bicycle paths is underway, construction is underway in several stages. the construction of road pavement is underway, the stages of the state road program of belarus have already begun, the first is the most difficult, a little more than 4 km is planned to be completed in the near future , about ten more are in line, the project will allow unload. lead from transit transport that goes to the border with lithuania and improve the environmental situation. from the grodno region we are heading to the central region, where strategically important roads are also being built. p-53 - newusmaker track. next, the capital city of sputnik smolevichi, then... and also the borisov football arena, in a word, a destination
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in demand around the clock. agroseason in the fields, workshops and laboratories of all regions of the country. the general director of the scientific and practical center of the national academy of sciences for agriculture, sergei krovtsov, can travel more than a thousand kilometers in a week; the spc includes six institutes from gomel and nesvizh to mogilev and brest, you need to visit everywhere.
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there are intensive tourist and cargo routes here, moreover, this is the direction to the northern sea ports of russia. the wide-band concrete pavement in the area between lagoisk and pleshchenitsy is already 40% ready, but in the spring and summer, the organizers are in full swing, concrete-laying equipment begins to work. the cost of 1 km of concrete pavement today is almost equal to that of asphalt pavement, but the service life is different. time between repairs. well , about 12-15 years, here we can already calculate the terms of 25 years, the economic effect from approximately the same financial investments, it much higher, we are starting the active construction process up to this point, we were mainly carrying out excavation work, but most of it has already been completed, to ensure safe and comfortable traffic conditions,
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the construction of two transport interchanges is envisaged in this area, one of.. they will appear together, which is well known to belarusians and many tourists. turn to khatyn, a special place on the way to the m3 after the opening of a new museum in the memorial complex, the flow of tourists has increased, a two-level building will appear here interchange, it will be more convenient to drive up to the restaurant, while the famous monument itself will remain in its place. let's return to the p-53 highway, where a mobile concrete plant is being prepared for work after winter. an object with a solid track record over 9 years of operation, it brought a lot of benefits in different regions, we participated in the construction of the second runway at the bolbasovo national airport, we built the runway for the minsk ring road, we went to st. petersburg, helped the russians build an airport in levashovo in last year, we are here it remains to lay about 13,000 cubic meters of concrete
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mixture, the entire section of the highways... from smolevichi to zhodino is taking on its final shape and is preparing to meet novosyolov, motorists and passengers, the road has already taken on its four-lane shape, it remains to be completed, well, literally just over 2 km of cement concrete pavement, prepare, carry out improvement of the road and it will be possible to prepare the road for water use, all artificial structures are almost ready, and we are talking about three... this year its reconstruction will continue in the area from zhodina to borisov, construction of the m10 highway is also starting, the r-46 will also be modernized, it is part of the corridor towards st. petersburg. in
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the main broadcast, this week the house of representatives chose those who will be at the helm of the standing committees for 5 years, the chairmen of the deputies, the choice is only at first glance. lungs. what is important here is not only education, but also professional experience, the ability to organize like-minded people and the desire to bring something of one’s own into the legal system, because the point is not in the number of new laws, but in their quality. about this was what the new speaker igor sergienko told his colleagues. legislation promises to be active not only in the oval hall during discussion and voting; many innovations will pass through parliamentary hearings and visiting commission meetings. priorities of legal policy.
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with the warm weather this year, it allowed farmers to start working in the fields almost 2 weeks earlier than in the past, however, this week the pace has slowed down slightly, due to rain and sometimes even snowy snow, agricultural organizations are now introducing minerals and organic fertilizers, prepare the soil and actively sow. what has already been done and how much harvest do we plan to harvest this year? our correspondent svetlana lukinyuk asked the minister of agriculture sergei bartash about this. sergey ivanovich, hello! well, this
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week the weather surprises us, in my opinion, because from +25 to -1 even at night, we saw snow, in general it somehow affects, say , agricultural work, it makes some adjustments to movement, maybe graphics here's spring field work, changes temperature conditions do not play any role at all, and today the crops that we planned to sow, we continue to sow, are more influenced by weather conditions, rainy, precipitation today and a little snow today. therefore, it holds back the technology, because moisture, waterlogged soil does not allow us to increase the pace, we reached the pace on those favorable warm days, 5 percent or more in certain regions, which we would like to maintain, but the weather conditions held back a little, in general, already before every company, probably before every agricultural year some plans are being set, here are the guidelines for this year, what have you set for yourself, what will we strive for, well, of course, we must collect at least 9 million 100 grains, sugar...
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we, firstly, must preserve the populace, today, it is clear that we have problems with feeding, this is precisely because of the quantity and quality of feed, and the weather conditions, today is a favorable early spring.
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these are the minsk and grodno regions, unfortunately, the gomel region is a little behind, the mogilev region is reaching a certain pace, well completion will be the vitebsk region, the northernmost region, with regard to other crops, we have already started sowing flax intensively, literally,
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if not for these weather conditions, the brest region would probably have completed sevlna within a week, we have started sowing sugar beets, we have intensively entered into this work in the rodnensky region, in general, in
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general, non-spring, grains in general also have flax in sufficient quantities, but there is a slight lag in mineral fertilizers, slightly below the level of last year, but overall on the level last year we have to leave, well, another, probably, important question remains, this is the personnel who are involved, today more than 2 thousand have been attracted from city enterprises and organizations, machine operators who are involved in the sowing campaign, also this year we have attracted young people.
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in general, the problem concerned not only this area, but was it resolved? well, it’s generally difficult to completely remove this problem, it’s difficult, because the stone appears in any case, but we need to work on this issue, including the participation of students, work and equipment, it must be removed after some kind of cultivation of a certain soil so that the combines and other equipment that are involved in harvesting are not damaged in the first place, we carry out this work, in general it is clear that some things happen...
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ursula, the golden pen, is back in business; the enterprising german woman has once again become a defendant in the investigation of the prosecutor's office. fonderlen demonstrates miracles of greed and resourcefulness. those who are ready to testify regarding her dirty dealings suddenly die, and the evidence miraculously disappear right from the office phone. a trail of scandals has been trailing the current head of the european commission since her previous position; it was ursula who was behind the degradation of the bundesfer in 2014, when she was minister of defense, due to a lack of equipment, german soldiers were forced to use brooms instead of rifles in training. in her new position, she managed to get into the pocket of literally every resident of europe. details in the screenshot section.
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nepotism and corruption, two pillars of western elites, for example, the one for whom there is no a weighty dossier in the white house, a priori will not be able to enter the ruling circles of europe. the clearest example is the president of the european commission, ursula fondern. in general , a unique case, the lady manages to stand on two pillars at once and... in doses of the vaccine developed by biontech and fizer. this is the most promising vaccine to date. ms.
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fondelien, despite the conflict of interest, or rather, because of it, became a lobbyist for the fizer vaccine. by her order, the european commission entered into a series of contracts for the supply of the miracle potion. it was paid from the general budget several billion doses of the vaccine, while they were purchased so much in advance that the total volume was three times the population of the european union. regarding fonderl. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation, it is already shrouded in strange circumstances. member of the european parliament michelle revazii, who was supposed to present a report on the corrupt connections between ursula and the feizer company, died suddenly of a heart attack. german and european political elites in general are not national elites, nationally oriented, but elites, or better say, world service.
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few will remember, not everyone will understand, but back in 2019, she was the minister of defense of germany, and was remembered in her post only for her work as consultants. a professional gynecologist, which is our heroine, managed to expand the number of analytical structures of the german army in an unnatural way. there was such a chinese sage, confucius, and he said that it is very difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room. especially if it's not there. an audit of the bundestag revealed that in 2015
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the german ministry of defense spent 100 million euros on external consultants, while reporting on this article. expenses were recorded at just over 2 million euros. in 2016, the ministry spent €150 million on consultants, reporting only €2.9 million. attempts to bring ursula to clean water were accompanied by a mystical loss of evidence. the information from her office phone was miraculously deleted. at first they told me that frau fondelien's mobile phone had not been found and no one knew where it was. a week ago we were told that it had been found, but the pin code was missing. only frau funder will know, yesterday we were given the corresponding mobile phone for the period of investigation, but the data was deleted. ursula is a golden pen, although she is a bright representative of the western establishment, but she is far from the only one in her category of corruption, when they say that everything is bought and sold, they first of all measure it by themselves. chancellor scholz, the case of kumecks helped
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evade taxes. his wife brita left the post of minister of education of brandenburg, unable to repeat from. use of special flights for business trips, the minister of justice of estonia, laonet rented an apartment from pasenok at the expense of the state, and during the reign of lithuania he and his wife go to musicals at the expense of the state. morovetsky's wife was caught in real estate speculation. in 2001, the us secretary of defense announced that the pentagon would not be able to account for $2.3 trillion in transactions. un officials in iraq spent more than 20 years extorting money from companies to win contracts to rebuild the country. this list is simply endless. about the sticky hands of the democrats. andrey sych in the screenshot section.
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well, as you can see. the teachers of the still legitimate president of ukraine are worthy, but how zelensky canceled the presidential elections, why the arguments are sewn with white threads, usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution and ordinary ukrainians, when an actor’s mandate ends, why even the most faithful friends are thrown out of the team ? in clear politics, the entire alignment of arbitrariness in the banking sector, see on monday after the panorama.
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but we would still like to end our final program on a positive note, or even better
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sports, so the place for a bright and adrenaline competition on the weekend was the waste chalk quarries of volkovys. area. the spring starting stage of the next enduro for seasons championship took place here. enduro is something like off-road motorcycle racing and overcoming obstacles, both natural in the form of stones from fallen trees, and specially constructed structures made from log tires. the competitions in the belarusian maldives, as these quarries are called, impressed with the tenacity of the athletes, the creativity of the organizers, and the beauty landscape. now this region will definitely have more. the number of tourists and this is another proof: sport works for the image of the country, but how else can you endure, withstand, endure and be sure to get to the finish line? watch the atmospheric story right now.
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polotsk is even the territory of belarus in the film, where stages of the belarusian enduro championship, better known as for seasons, took place. near volkovysk, in exhausted chalk quarries for the first time. i hit it. about 8,400 km here in the last 2 months, i’ve probably lived here longer than in minsk. then, 12 years ago, of course, our enduro was something along the paths, and we actually ended up here by accident, i just suggested it to him, i said, let’s take photos, here’s a motorcycle, and this is the local one, that’s when he went down there , took a ride, and it seems to me that this twinkle in the eyes, i thought that yes, this is here.
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after 2 months of living practically in camping conditions, evgenia and alexey, with the help of a team of like-minded people, cleared away the rubble with their own hands, designed a route, came up with obstacles, built a stadium. we have never had such terrain before; it is much more difficult here than previous races. so i think it’s new, the tires are large, hard, and also new. for seasons in enduro is a unique belarusian brand; they know the competitions and love to participate in them.
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thus, more than 380 motorcyclists registered for the spring stage. competition from belarus came from hindu players from russia, and they also came from lithuania. i remember handing out leaflets for a month and went and bought a bike. i live by technology, i love speed, i love extreme sports, and even as a child i was involved in karting, so somehow, well, adura is more accessible, because... something new, well, as they say, while the years allow, this is actually a very big reboot from all everyday life, from work, from everything, you just come here with a clean slate, athletes, their families, fans , just amateurs, already a month before the start, all places in local hotels were booked.
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well done, he can handle it, yes, our man from our city of smolensk, he fell, sat down and drove on, everything is going well for them, survived, survived, friends, well, as soon as the starting flag waves, that’s it, you need to see the eyes, it’s good here, yes, the spectators can sit close, dad, dad, dad, they take off their glasses, they take off their helmet, their heads are smoking in the same way , like a motorcycle, here they have, well, the emotions are even more sincere, even more so, well, just like you know,
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in a good sense they turn into animals, which are all here he is fighting there for 151st place, but now he wants to overtake this 152nd, drags this motorcycle on himself, well, in general it’s a treat for the eyes, and of course this is where character comes into play, that is, this is a sport for people whose character is all right, many people dreamed of overtaking this guy at a distance, the level of the stage near volkovysk, really the top of this sport fought for victory, but if for some, the focus is solely on first place, but for the largest category, competing in the open hobby class, the goal is one: to get there, get there, crawl to the finish line, and this is already one big victory, first of all over oneself, well, bomb, of course , i was on my way, i’m not in the natra forest, so the bomb i just knew that i wanted to get to the finish line, finish, get a medal, well, i still want a medal, because you’ve already made such a path somehow, well, give up, i understand that it’s better to get there all. by the way, if
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you are still complaining about minsk traffic jams, then take a look and learn from the patience and endurance of our endurists. very serious, real, not like in the city where so many came from, it’s normal, normal, let’s go, if there were fewer people, it would be simpler. hundreds of videos, streams, the photographs have already scattered throughout the vastness.
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and then we’ll look further, end of communication, this is how the outgoing week turned out, maxim uglenitsa and polina shuba were with you, see you on the main broadcast, happily. today, about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists. of course, the flow of tourists differs from enterprise to enterprise; we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are
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mechanical engineering enterprises.
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the most unusual enterprises are not so much excursions, but additional suggestions that you can try as part of a visit to the enterprise, for example, there is such a granite enterprise, it is located in mikoshevichi, as part of the excursion you can dive to the bottom of one of the largest granite quarries in europe, see real waterfalls there, the landscapes there are very different from the typical the belarus we see. and this is a person’s job, also, for example, you can ride on belaz if you really want to, at a tractor factory you can take part in assembling a tractor, and enterprises are now carrying out various interactive activities, these are some kind of board games as part of a visit to the enterprise, quests, these are all kinds of tastings, master classes.
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our goods, not all belarusian enterprises will be of interest to a foreigner, they are interested in those enterprises that glorify our country throughout the world, company agreements have already been concluded with these enterprises, their excursions are available on online booking sites, there are package offers, industrial tourism is also with us used in mayst tourism when receiving delegations.
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centuries, the popularity of the slut manufactory was so great that its branches were opened in russia, france, austria, but the belts from the machine were still called the lutsk ones, bypassing. century we have revived our heritage and its former glory.
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this is, of course, our national heritage, which is now practically lost, every sample of the products of the sludsk manufactory is now literally a canopy of gold. the cost in the 15th century, at the end of the 18th century, of the slutsk belt. was so high that it could be equated to the price of a small estate of a hundred souls. slutsk belt was such a unique transformation of eastern culture on our lands. we all
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know that this production was started by armenian masters, jan madzharsky, and later continued by his son leo madzharsky, who were so imbued with the feeling.


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