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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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naturally, there are also worthy opponents there, he coped with it without any problems, and now we can calmly prepare for the olympic games, we were going to give all our strength, but there was still a little left, if you needed it, you gave these too, the fights took place, there were intense fights somewhere, somewhere i didn’t sleep well, it didn’t work out for some reason, there were some nuances, that’s all. is still floating, at the moment, belarusian wrestlers have won seven olympic licenses in total; earlier, quotas were won by irina kurochkina and vanesa kaladinskaya and abubakar khaslakhanov. the athletes will have their last chance to get a ticket to paris at the world qualifying tournament, which will be hosted by istanbul in may. colleagues, sports news will continue, we are on air at 13:00. see you. the grudno neman continues to go
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without losses after three rounds of the belarusian football championship. the day before, the yellow-greens minimally defeated torpeda bilas 1:0. the only goal of the match was scored by pavel sovitsky, who converted a penalty in the 14th minute. slavia mozyr is also not losing points yet. the squad got the third back-to-back victories in front of the home crowd, beating islach. 2:1. victoria.
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in july 1944, in the first days after the liberation of minsk , a meeting was held in the government house, at first glance, at the wrong time, the city was in ruins, the problems of restoring the republic. and the people's commissar of education, evdokia ilyinishna uralova , is discussing with her colleagues what the primer should be for the first grades, christomathy for incomplete and complete secondary schools, grammar for seven-year-old students, a discussion about the content of textbooks, everything should be clear, accessible, no design issues dark colors. there are many proposals, the conversation at the meeting is lively. interested, but
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how to organize the publication of textbooks? there is no paper, no publishing base, even pencils are in short supply, not to mention pens. it would seem that private issues turned into a big, serious problem. it had to be resolved as soon as possible. in the republic, in july-august 1944, there was a discussion of the bolshevik program article, preparations for the new academic year. attention, it was published in the newspaper sovetskaya belorussia, and in almost every issue about how work is progressing to restore schools and educational institutions. on the air of the belarusian radio, a speech by drug education workers, teachers, and
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district leaders about problems that need to be solved and those that are already being solved. the daily news reports of the belarusian radio must include preparations for the school year. before the next broadcast, the directors checked the information that was to be transmitted with the main provisions of the article published in the newspaper sovetskaya belorussia. topics that have already been discussed were noted. there is no rain in the regions of the republic azhyttsyaulyaetstsa streets dzyatsey. the meat organs are under control. i'm trying to keep my memory in mind to keep busy. on asabist control, the organization of delivery is carried out from remote settlements, secured by guarantees. paspyakhova solved the most complex personnel problem. yes, the beginning of the first year of the bssr was re-evacuated from the outgoing
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regions of the country for more than 4 thousand years. yashche more than three thousand will be returned to the system of education from other galinas. it’s such a sad thing for a mentor. proydze peraprykhtouku on spetsialna arganizavannyh short courses, but behind these optimistic messages there are a large number of problems. the situation in many areas is dramatic. during the war years in the republic, out of 12 thousand schools, more than 8,000 were burned and destroyed. material losses.
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the press writes almost daily about people’s heroism in preparing for the school year. soviet belarus. for july 30, 1944 reported: 11 teams are working on the restoration of the khotimsk secondary school in the mogilev region. seven youth brigades are preparing timber for the beryozkovskaya secondary school. 117 cubic meters of timber were harvested and delivered to schools, and sawing began. and examples, examples, as well as constant monitoring. by the party central committee. from the memorandum of the people's commissar of education uralova for august 1944 addressed to panomarenko, regarding the insufficient work of party organizations. it would be a shame for the collective farm,
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the village council, and the district party committee if a visiting teacher had to look for a corner, firewood, and potatoes for the winter. notebooks and writing materials began to arrive from kazan, and great fraternal assistance was provided by the rsfsr, which donated 5000 russian textbook. on september 1, 1944 , the first post-war academic year began in the liberated republic. well, of course , the days of the first period are memorable; the building, which has not been completely renovated, is still unfinished, but already in some part there is a classroom that could be sat on an old, shabby pre-war desk.
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even around december, this form of assistance appeared: children with many children or without parents were given a bun. it was seemingly impossible to do. classes began in more than 10 thousand schools in the republic. 83% of these were primary, 1,209,000 students sat at their desks. but in the eighth-tenth grades, only 20 thousand
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teenagers began studying, many still worked on an equal basis with adults to restore the national economy of the republic, it gradually got better, later notebooks appeared, it was a limited number of notebooks, i remember almost immediately they began to learn german, and how you will learn the fascist language, as we called it, sometimes there was truancy. 72 thousand students studied, and the number
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of five-year students in the eighth-tenth grades is already secondary schools have doubled. there were seven pedagogical and 10 teacher training institutes, 27 pedagogical schools in the republic. these were very serious indicators that were achieved in virtually 5 years. the work of twelve higher educational institutions was also restored, and the construction of universities in in-demand specialties was completed. at the beginning of the new five-year plan, students were already accepted by the grodno agricultural institute, the belarusian institute of railway engineers in gomel, the belarusian institute mechanization and electrification of agriculture in minsk. during the first post-war five-year plan of students. accepted the theater institute. the network of educational institutions for training personnel in creative
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specialties also expanded. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. high city, according to chronicles, this place was called since the 15th century. and there are many attractions here. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water, power, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists they claim that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during
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church services large wings appear on the chapel to show... how unusually wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places, similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this site thanks to edwiga tadeusz agininski. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. they come for her from neighboring districts and villages, they believe that she would watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko’s presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite everything, we were able to preserve them, now, of course however, the main efforts of the head of our state
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are aimed at this. thank god, after the twentieth year we crossed out the point when we... must strive to comply some democratic postulates, when delegations of observers come to polling stations in order to monitor elections, already with prepared claims, today there is a devaluation of the supreme power in many countries of the world. france is preparing approximately 2,000 people to be sent to ukraine, that is, if only macron would talk about this. macron acts, so to speak, as the voice of those ideas that are roaming in european society. and in these. conditions , the emphasis is on military force, we are all standing on the threshold, god forbid, of a large collective war, so our president is right in saying that a lot can depend on how we behave, the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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in september 1947 , a creative atmosphere reigned during painting classes at the newly opened minsk art school, each student created their own masterpiece: dawn, a favorite landscape outside the outskirts, at night around the fire. for the freshmen, it was freedom of expression.
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happy, they are discussing a new book, arguing about something, they have so many plans, there is a long, happy life ahead. the artist, who survived a terrible war, did it with love, trying to capture the new young generation. a picture. called, students. the painting by valentin viktorovich volkov, also called by university students, became symbolic for the first post-war years. future-oriented youth, for whom all
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paths are open. new professions, specialties, new buildings were born in the country, discoveries were made. a unique direction in painting was born, the theme of war through the eyes of artists, many of whom were its participants, the theme revival of the republic, and of course, they created, first of all, works dedicated to the theme of the great patriotic war and the partisan movement, this can be said about ivan khremchik, defenders of the b... and mikhail andrevich sovitsky, this is the vitebsk gate, the partisan madonna, this is shchemilyov , also a veteran of the great war, my birth,
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the pre-war collection of the museum, then the state art gallery, contained 2711 works, it was completely looted
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after the nazis captured minsk. we they lost, firstly, a unique collection of french tapestries of the 18th century, 48 slutsk belts from the radevil castle were lost, and paintings by french artists were lost. as well as the furniture of emperor alexander i. we also lost works of famous russian artists from the 18th-19th centuries. a unique collection of icons, unique porcelain was also exported. therefore, we have lost, strictly speaking, unique works of art. the collection began to be restored immediately after the liberation of the capital in july 1944. its collector was elena alladova with a small team of galleries at that time. paintings by artists with belarusian
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roots, such as belynychsky beruli, works by russian artists, and works by contemporary belarusian artists were actively purchased with her support. moreover, even she gave her order for the writing of certain works. an example is when michal andrevich bought sovetsky.
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location on lenin street. the times were not for large-scale projects. the city was in dire need of housing. the idea was realized by...
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the second plan, of course, is professional culture and art, our museum of national arts in this regard is also a brand of our country, its calling card, don’t touch me, damn it, jump in the car.
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namubiletiki, i want to go home, i don’t have the strength, i walked the child with the fritz, or maybe you can take a walk with me, he lived here for 3 days and then went to the front, under a different name, under which, pavel levchenko, you promise that i’m from the core, watch the series, i will return on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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in the first months of the republic’s liberation from the nazis began work on restoring the building of the famous pre-war leninka. built in 1932 according to the design of the architect lavrov. in the spirit of the then fashionable constructivism, it suffered greatly during the war, the fact that the german commandant’s office was located here also left its mark, and the losses of funds were enormous. from the library of the bssr named after lenin, which in 1941 contained 2 million volumes, more than one and a half million have disappeared. in just a few
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months, together with... the builders managed to restore the building and its reading rooms opened to visitors already in november 1944, when the war was still going on. books were returning from prague, some from koniksberg, poland, including publications by francis skarina from the komarnicki collection. this was a unique exploratory, scientific work. for several post-war years , efforts. library employees returned 600,000 copies to its collections. by 1947 , the library's pre-war fund of 2 million volumes had also been restored. today there are more than 10 million storage units, including more than 90 thousand rare and early printed books and manuscripts. the earliest of them dates back to
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the 14th and 15th centuries. at the beginning of 1949 , a new series of programs began to appear on the belarusian radio, ahead of another congress of belarusian writers. special attention is paid to writers; their contribution to the victory over fascism is highly appreciated by the government. their word sounded from the pages of newspapers, the partisan press, and on the belarusian radio. raising the morale of the soviet people. frequent guests in the editorial office are mikhas lenkov, chairman of the writers' union of the bssr, petrus brovka, yakub kolos, and other famous writers, playwrights, and poets. but there was other information that had to be broadcast: pride, excitement, but it was possible to hide it.


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