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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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houses in belarus warming again, but temporary at the beginning of the working week is expected to reach +27, tomorrow there will be light rains in the north of the country, fog in some areas, at night up to 14 degrees celsius, in the daytime up to +21, while from thursday the weather will change again, across the territory a low-active frontal section will move across belarus; it will give virtually no precipitation, but the temperature background will drop in the second half. noticeably cooler, night temperatures are expected to range from 3 to 10 degrees celsius, and during the day no higher than 11-18 degrees. this weekend april will bring rain and thunderstorms at night temperatures up to +11, and during the day from 10 degrees in the northern regions and up to +21 in the south. my colleagues have more information 15 hours. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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that against the background of the difficult foreign policy situation and against the backdrop of the economic difficulties that he spoke about, and that the west is creating them for us, but there is no need to refer to this, yeah, we continue to build hospitals, and why was he chosen for the message to descendants, well specifically a medical facility, a new hospital, you know, i think this is significant, and what about the flight of the first belarusian woman? into the space, this is a significant event, of course, this is a significant event, namely women, the ambassador, that we are flying there for peaceful purposes in peace, yes, again, the laying of the capsule during the construction of a healthcare facility, but this is probably the most important indicator of how in general , our country is developing in the social direction; as we said, we are a social guarantor, and that’s how we work, president. says that we must
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look beyond the demographic components of our society, yes, we must develop, including more births children as not an object. we must build healthcare systems, this is firstly, secondly, you know, for me this is such an indicator for our neighbors, on the other hand, that guys, you can do whatever you want there, even walk on your head, but we are here we are building hospitals so that our population is healthy, including mentally and physically, but they are trying to accuse us of saber-rattling and almost going to take over half of europe, we are saber-rattling, yes, but... they took us out against the unfortunate 3,000 migrants from the middle east, yes, that attitude , the amount of military equipment that they disdainfully, the murders that they
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make of migrants and then throw to us either seriously dying people or already corpses , yes...
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well, we probably all already know this story, the fact is that not everyone knows it in more detail, then i’ll just tell you first-hand, again, when the first accusations were made against the republic of belarus that belarus was stealing children from ukraine, yes,
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honestly for me it was perceived as well nonsense, okay, you know, then when accusations began to periodically surface in the media throughout the spring, that children who... come to us here do not return, but alexei talai and i, with his foundation, made a decision why, because alexey talai actually helps children come here, relax, even for 3 weeks, but it helps, well, his organization is directly involved in this, and we naturally do not stand aside, we get involved so that when the children vacation here with us, come make them it’s a holiday, even if it’s just one day, but it’s a holiday, let’s cross out this remark, are you obligated to do it?
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we came to the republic of belarus for a year and a half, and are now safely at home, so we took a film crew, we went, and all the children who were vacationing there, we toured all of them without exception and filmed them all and showed them to everyone, that is, in fact, we knocked out the ground for accusations, insane accusations against the republic of belarus, and they had to smear them in any way they wanted, but listen, kidnapping, child theft -
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when i arrived, because we were only going to to these children who were vacationing with us, yes, so i had a very limited number of gifts there for these children, yes, when you come to the family. and they see you in the clothes of a red cross or somewhere else they say: oh, a red cross, yes, then i asked, what don’t you have? no, this is the first time we’ve seen, can you imagine, the conflict has been going on for 10 years, this is the first time they’ve seen a representative of the red cross, when this question was posed to my colleagues, with whom i later had a zoom meeting based on the results of my trip, just to the secretary general international federation of the red cross,
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attacked by one of the opponents, but to blend into the terrain in order not to be , i explained to them that i could not be in a red t-shirt, because this is a very good target for a sniper and i feel so they said this directly, they said we should not enter the territory where life is dangerous, sorry, but what about those children who are there? live, and why did we decide that it is dangerous for the life of the red cross employee, and not those
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who live there, we are not talking about the fact that we have to go into the trenches, and in order to look at the living conditions of the soldiers, to bring some other humanitarian aid there, we go to civilians, they live here permanently, and you know, i always say, i was honestly ashamed when i arrived there in clothes, in a bulletproof vest, in a helmet, go in front of the boarding school. they walked there, played football, you know, i came here all like this, and they have had an ordinary life for more than two years, for as long as the conflict began, when the illegal seizure of power took place in kiev, with this is going on in the fourteenth year, do i understand correctly that it was the trip to donbass that became the formal reason for filing a claim with the belarusian red cross, you had to get off before december, but according to their wishes. well, they gave me different deadlines, the most extreme one was december 1, yes, but they generally had the right
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to demand that you leave an elected position, no, of course, the fact is that in the red cross movement there are three unities: the international federation red cross, international committee of the red cross national society, we are partners, yeah, so equal partners, absolutely equal partners, with an ordinary voice, with ordinary ones, can i do this, do i want to do this or not, but within the framework, of course, of the charter, when the international federation of the red cross, it after all, she was the first to write a letter that the secretary general should immediately resign from his post, or at least for the time of the investigation, and then only after - maybe seven days, in my opinion, yes, the investigation began, i again asked the question, how could this be? maybe you first... you demand my resignation, and then you just start the investigation, but you understand, these inconsistencies, inconsistencies, you know,
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like good proverbs, the further into the forest, the thicker the partisan, the more we moved, the more the masks were taken off, the requirements were created more stringently, yes, they did not listen to the arguments at all, because we told them that, dear colleagues, all the recommendations of the committee that conducted the investigation had been implemented. 100%, even the issue of considering the resignation of the secretary general, because it was created - an unscheduled congress, which one of the issues considered the position of general secretary, i spoke and explained the situation, what caused it, what, how and where, but the congress, sorry, did not satisfy the requirements of the international federation, and it is not obliged to do this, but he considered that, that recommendation, which...
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we still insist that shevtsov leave his post, and if he doesn’t leave, then you, then yes, you will be ah-ah-ah, we will suspend membership . once again, this is the inconsistency, the presence, the presence of red a cross in gas now is the norm, this is the norm, and the absence of a red cross in donbass is also the norm, well, well, it seems to me that there is no point in commenting further here, you understand this, these are the usual double standards, then in fact, it turns out to be a suspension
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membership today, and the belarusian red cross in the international system, is a loss of funding. i understand correctly, well, to some extent, yes, what amounts are we talking about, what are these amounts usually for, the amounts vary from year to year, but what were they allocated for, firstly, and secondly, aren’t these too loud phrases about financing belarus? as for the financing of belarus, i will say right away that this is an absolutely loud phrase, because not a single project, not a single project that is carried out by the belarusian red cross, is aimed at supporting the socially vulnerable...
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funding for the international federation of the red cross is almost 98%, i’m not afraid of that words, was allocated to help migrants from ukraine, this money did not even go to those migrants who are, come to us from the middle east, who are trying to get to the father-in-law is purely targeting ukrainian refugees, ukrainian refugees, but there are un organizations, our partners, who actually allocated money... funds for other categories of migrants, but it was not such amounts, but nevertheless we they also helped them, but in this case, when i ’m talking about the international federation of the red cross, funding was allocated to help migrants from ukraine, and today they closed this particular help for our organization, and for belarus, but dmitrievich, you didn’t
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they stopped helping, as i understand it, no, absolutely, there was a monetary, voucher policy, development. initiatives, there are other directions, good sensible projects, there are no questions in order to support, help socialize, help somehow self-employment, develop among migrants from ukraine who came to us, and we were at the very beginning, as soon as after december 1 the main order that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation is suspended, we gave information, now i am also informing... about the fact that financial support, some projects, initiatives there, this is suspended, but at the same time, everyone who needs our help, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries, it’s all the same, we provide humanitarian assistance , that is, we are ready to provide linen, we are ready
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to provide clothing, hygiene products, food, that is, medicine, if...
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not only the lack of financial resources for the existence of this large structure, but the known information, because we communicate not only officially , but not officially with our colleagues, acquaintances, and so they said that the main sponsors, the main sponsors, well, who are they, are large tycoons, large corporations, companies, as a rule, from western europe and america, yes... financing cash, sponsorship for financing of various projects, assistance from migrants and so on, they spoke in addition to belarus and russia, so they say: you understand this every year.
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from whom does this decision come, to deprive them of help, well, that’s a good answer, perhaps, but look, on social networks, in the comments, on at least under the information about the suspension of membership, they write that on the sidelines of the organization there is regret about the closure of one of the most effective red cross organizations in the world , belarusian, but well, this may be true, indeed it is, well, again, this is not the official interpretation, yes.
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there in camouflage clothes, the goal is not that something else happened, the goal is that i went to a place where it is a priori impossible to go, we don’t recognize these republics, well, i mean europe, america, movements, yes, it turns out we don’t recognize them independent republic, there are no people there, well, of course, they haven’t seen war for 8 years, yes, there, there are no people there, which means, you know, some kind of red cross has come here, well, listen, to anathematize. what else to show to the whole world: they removed you from the post of the general secretary, they added pressure, they removed you from the post of the general secretary, you will squirm,
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the same thing will happen to you, and then again... in front of the vukuks. gets from the old school of kruger know about minsk and love our watches. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's find out more
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ab historical past of belarus. the inquisitive sonnya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzyakanka or takhtamysha in the yard, no one knows, alekhan takhtamysh was at the house, he lives here, and also, let us remember the folk traditions: the very name is white-eyed, the very chamber, i am already patterned, tiny little thing on our panyamon handles could by and by and by, the bridegrooms, the husbands, became a stake, the hudzis were around one bride, and then she chose her bride.
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one of the smallest cities in belarus, but for me this city is big because this is where i spent my childhood, watching poleshuki’s project on our tv channel.
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i may be exaggerating a little, yes, but i recall the information that the international committee of the red cross once admitted that after the war it issued documents to a number of high-ranking nazi criminals that allowed them to escape justice in latin america and then even come to europe, here at this.
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i told them back in august when they were trying to prove that the national society is still vassals of the international federation red cross, i had to explain the truism that the national society is a partner, please be so kind
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as to treat us as partners. look, a lot can be forgiven for these comrades, and for european under-politicians, really, really, these statements that you voiced are for belarusians, for belarusians who see with us with their own eyes. interests of our country, secondly, not to give in any way to everyone who is trying to denigrate us, yes, because this is what, i say again, this is one of the most serious crimes, but no one has ever started
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an investigation into the abduction and disappearance, or rather of children, of entire groups of children who traveled to europe, because there are documented facts, there are interviews, listen, but what... is happening now ukrainian families who are now in europe, over this period, 255 children were taken away, yes, that’s what, guys, germany, poland, italy and sweden, they are leading in this list, this is how children are taken away from mothers there, and they are taken away officially, yes, then where are these children transferred, i i agree, but it's not easy.
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lithuania, yes, which almost declared war on china, yes, here is the choir, 19 poor children , you know, again, the one who goes to territory from which those unfriendly to the european union will be anathematized, publicly flogged, of course , but all of you, it was shown, look, this will happen to everyone, we don’t even let children back, this will happen to everyone, and what if they sat on the bus for a day, think about it, people, you are generally sensible, what do you have? there are no children, how can you lock up a child?
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this is the most terrible place, well, yes, second after, probably, the dprk, so, and maybe the first is now in people’s mouths, when people come, see what is happening here, what a prosperous land, well, they actually have splits individuals, they cannot understand, there is one thing, there is another, i came here, i saw with my own eyes, no, well, so that they don’t invade along the border, i think when they come from the other side, they see enough armored vehicles that costs. along roads, in forests, in forest belts, in
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the crossings themselves, and hello, they are digging here, they think they’re burying a tank, we come, damn it, there are capsules right there for the construction of a hospital, but how cool is that, yes, but look, the belarusian red cross, at the same time, helps absolutely all vulnerable segments of the population, even those who have recently been released from prisons, migrants, refugees, people without a fixed place of residence, anyone who finds themselves in a difficult situation. president at that time francesco roca, who highly appreciated the work, then
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after some time there, about 10-14 days, he already met with the president of russia with vladimir vladimirovich putin, where he also spoke about the efficient work of the belarusian red cross, for us it was very honorable for the simple reason that on the other side, on the polish side, not only the red cross, there was no one at all except the military and no one to migrants was allowed at all. remember what was happening, and here you go straight to any accredited correspondent of any country on the border line, which is what happened, and australia, and japan, and germany, and the united states, england, all the british, only then they wrote something incomprehensible, that’s a different question, but in any case, please come and see, that’s when the polish border guards gassed migrants and threw stun grenades at them, right? sub-zero temperatures were poured with water and even with chemicals, but the deaths, as you correctly
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noted, they still haven’t stopped, and fifty confirmed cases in 2 years when they were killed and thrown to us over the fence, so i know that for many volunteers, your volunteers, this confrontation has become so, well, deep inside, yes, and today you are following this situation on the border, of course, of course, you know, actually yes... uh - i tried to make sure that we have rapid response teams under the red cross, in each region these are trained volunteers and guys and girls who come to various natural, man-made disasters and help, as a rule, the ministry of emergency situations or someone else, and a government agency, and here we were, of course , involved, naturally these teams worked, we worked with the tenacious ministry of emergency situations, with the state border committee, and others. departments, and i made sure that each team had several
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once i visited there, worked, firstly, we give before their previous one, secondly, i looked with my own eyes, i always, when we held a debriefing, because well, psycho-emotional burnout could be very severe, yes, i always said, guys , look how fragile the world is, there are a sufficient number of very wealthy people, very wealthy people. which is now a dirty, grimy mess and is ready to thank everyone just for a pack of hygiene products for simply... providing water, food and uh, blood over your head, even if it’s a logistics center, but in any case, yesterday they were still absolutely wealthy people, going on call - angela merkel to germany, and what happened to them, so that everyone could see
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how ambivalent the policy of european states is in relation to those whom they even call to to yourself. that’s all, and this is how it happened, we now see this in the example of the belarusian red cross on other things, so this is a very important thing in terms of psycho-emotional in terms of our youth seeing all this with their own eyes, because of course the pictures are very rosy, very good, very happy, here you go,
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life, work in the red cross, you know, i don’t need to be convinced, the most important postulate of a normal person is helping to save the life of another person, or satisfying him basic needs, food, blood, protection, just, yes, what clothes you will
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do it in or no clothes at all or even on your head, it doesn’t matter. if you save a human life, then everyone else, they still go to the second plan, although they all must be implemented, as for the international movement, you know, if you interpret them correctly and do not make double standards, then of course they will also remain in motion, if you interpret, yes, i really liked your remark, it doesn’t even matter what kind of clothing, no matter what flag you are under...
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requires support right now at the state level? well, of course, assistance in the development of national societies, but the fact is that it would be much easier to exist as a national society if they they could earn money, but according to the law on public associations, these are societies that cannot provide any services on a reimbursable basis.
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