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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 1:50pm-2:06pm MSK

1:50 pm
but according to the law on public associations, these are societies that cannot provide any services on a reimbursable basis, this, in principle, would help many societies, but the most important thing for me is that i still see this in the development of volunteering, because that not a single national society in our country can exist without volunteers, they showed brugia and this situation when...
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1:52 pm
deputy, the right of legislative initiative, lobby, i think that this will be received with great pleasure, yes dmitry evgenievich, last, extreme , semi-philosophical question, to be honest, based on the results of our conversation, only one question arises in me, what kind of red cross do we need, maybe we need a red-green cross, you know, right? good question, yes , in fact, it’s not about the color, yes, although the red cross emblem is not protected by the laws of the vast majority of countries, yes, i remember this scandal, including, yes, in the republic of belarus there is a law that protects the red cross emblem , yes, the law on the red cross, i would of course leave this one.
1:53 pm
i am pleased with the emblem as it is, because well, it is internationally accepted, that is, they always see everyone absolutely fascinated by conflicts, and just civilians, when they see a cross, they understand the red cross, this is protection, this is protection, in the same way, when you provide assistance to migrants who , somewhere in the forest, write so help, when they don’t see a person in a red jacket with a red cross, they come out, they understand that this is protection, so of course,
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the red cross should truly work, and then rely on ours , fundamental principles, seven principles, and not try to put forward them like a purist, when we need to hide some problem, or, with this purity, send away someone who does not want to obey those principles and those rules that they suddenly decided to establish, thank you for this conversation, thank you very much for the invitation.
1:55 pm
i am belarusian, i am naradzia. sagonnya is too small, but i’ll say, i’ll be born into a tribe of non-natives and i won’t give a damn about anything.
1:56 pm
this action was initiated by the belarusian women's union, there are demographic problems all over the world, our country is not.
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1:58 pm
and also about social measures that are taken by the state to protect the health of mothers and children, but there is another question, it seems to me that many girls today think that it is quite difficult for us to combine motherhood and a career, in your opinion, is this really so, well, today
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it seems to me that the state is taking a lot of measures that allow lovely ladies to be both successful mothers and successful in their profession, and today this is very... a lot of examples exist, and the state today is investing huge material resources, this and state benefits for women who are registered for pregnancy up to 12 weeks and who follow the doctor’s recommendations, this includes prenatal maternity leave, as well as leave to care for a child up to 3 years old, flexible work schedules are also possible for mothers with small children, today there is also... remote work and distance education, that is, in my opinion, today all kinds of conditions are provided so that you can combine both motherhood and childhood. and it’s probably worth noting that probably not a single career or profession
2:00 pm
will not make up for the happiness that motherhood gives. our country has been holding a leading position in the ranking of the most comfortable countries for motherhood for many years. how do we do this? yes indeed. this is so, maternal and childhood protection in the republic of belarus is a priority area in healthcare and is regulated by regulations, ranging from the national level to local local acts in the country, in fact, almost 100% of childbirths take place in specialized ore-auxiliary institutions, almost 97% of mothers undergo screening for congenital malformations; a clear multi-level system has already been built in the country for more than 30 years.
2:01 pm
russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people went to the polls. plots, thereby russia. the collective west, however, did not appreciate and did not understand this unity demonstrated to all those who disagree, but this is simply different. regions that don't stop terrorize ukraine, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, breaking all the stereotypes of ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? end of the war. end of the war.
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