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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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something they are just cool, it’s very worthy, the plant makes very good products, i use it all, i really like it, we... relatives like it, our quality
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is good, this is ours, our wealth, we have preserved this miracle, we have preserved our brand, gentle, reverent, enchanting with its simplicity and at the same time sophistication, it is magical, it is truly a miracle of nature, it is flax, a plant with unique properties, a strategically important raw material for the arshan flax mill, the flagship enterprise of the belarusian textile industry, here flax were in power.
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conquer, but having conquered it is impossible not to love, the plant, over more than 90 years of existence, has managed to comprehend many of the secrets of natural plant raw materials and acquire a large number of admirers of its products, the history of the enterprise began in the late twenties of the 20th century, thanks to the presence of its own raw material base in the republic, the carding factory's first products were produced in 1930. in 1961. factory number two was built, it existed, but then subsequent factories, if we talk about this factory with in the year sixty-one, it began to produce the first mitres of fabric and for a long period worked with the fleet of equipment that was installed here, my parents worked here, they worked with dignity, had awards, worked for a huge number of years, for me this is yes...
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of course, we have already we can do a lot of things, or rather , we can do everything, we know everything about our work, we must be loving, we must love our work. today the enterprise carries out a full production cycle, from processing long and short flax fiber to production and sale of finished products, just as once the egyptian pharaoh amasis, as a sign of veneration, donated linen fabric to the temple of athena of rados, so today the arshan flax mill gives admirers ...
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over the 93 years of its existence, the arshan flax mill has produced more than 2.750 million linear meters of fabrics, if all you can sew the fabric in one roll and wrap the globe around the equator 86 times. our company is no longer young, but its motto is preserving traditions and boldly looking into the future. because that flavor, those colors, that technological potential, and multiplied by efficiency, diligence, quality and hard work, it produces products that have no
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analogues in the world. orsha textile workers believe that there are no limits to perfection; here all experienced workers and young specialists are united.
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breed the product to remain on the market. today, factory number two for the production of yarn and gray fabrics from long flax fiber catanized yarns is the largest division of the plant.
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only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, high city, so, according to chronicles, this place was called from the 15th century, and there are many attractions here, i will try to tell about them all, it is high, and we begin to get acquainted and set off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water, pores, a little later. even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services they appear in the chapel big wings to show how
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extraordinarily wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from catherine's diary. the second here was once a stone catholic shrine, which appeared on this place, thanks to the hero tadeusz of aginsky, consider that you have not visited sino if you have not tried the spring water, people come for it from neighboring regions and villages, they believe it has healing powers . watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. for 24 an hour is possible. manage a lot in 7 days and even more. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series
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of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and not. only in the weekly project broadcast 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. we have a very strong development team range, i think the fabrics are of the highest quality. level of any client, buyer, we can satisfy any request both in volume
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and in quality. deep technical modernization was carried out at the first, second, third factories of the enterprise, as well as at the finishing factory; from february 1, 2023 , the production area of ​​the linnokombinat increased, sewing factory number two began operating, the range of fabrics produced was expanded, and their consumer properties were improved. reducing order fulfillment times, improving product quality, all this thanks to the desire to develop and maintain the brand. we, using new technologies, make flax older, that is, we age it artificially, we make soft fabric, we soften it, we make various special effects that allow the consumer to obtain properties of flax that he did not receive before, or...
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will come to the rescue , if necessary, i really value my team, we have a very popular
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profession - model equipment operator, they make up the lion's share of my entire team, they are all professionals, so very lively, so all the work is family a lot, the workers also have a lot of responsibility, everyone takes their work seriously, today the lino plant has 3,300 people on its staff, more than 100% of them are specialists. professions: i have been working for the sixth year since 2018, it seems to me that you need to be hardworking and resilient, because here you don’t just need to stand, here you need to monitor the quality, i really like my tsef, i think it is the most interesting, firstly on orsha plant, since we dye fabric, we print towels, we have two printing machines, here you are you see, this is a digital printing area. a flower
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for true romantics, it is tenderness and sophistication itself, apparently because at the flax mill the staff is dominated by gentle, refined, talented girls and women with radiant eyes, charming smiles, through their efforts, with their magical hands , top-class products are created, a female team, because more ... full of life. i have been working at the company for 2 and a half years, i feel that i am in
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the right place, i really like it here, including thanks to our events, which are organized by the trade union, the department for work with youth, i have made a sufficient number of people close to me, my friends, so i am very happy for this. we have mentoring for 3 months ; young professionals who come are assigned to more experienced ones. during this period, they set reduced production standards, and uh, people who have already worked for 10-15 years at the plant, they, in general, pass on their experience already under...
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flax will live 100 years healthy and healthy, all because belarusian linen - absolutely natural material, another important advantage of high-quality orsha linen products is their affordable price. it is not surprising that our flax mill is known in many countries around the world, and its products are enjoyed with pleasure at home and abroad. all products are good, but the bed linen is the coolest. i really love flax, northern shol, as it is called...
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the president saved, to paraphrase the words of a famous song, we won’t sing it, but let’s say how great it is that you all once gathered here, gathered to do a necessary and important thing, to do with dignity with soul, with a sign of quality, work for the joy of yourself and others, is this a misfortune? this is a place where i can express myself, show my skills, my intelligence, my experience, my character. not just work, it’s not just work, well, some kind of world, a whole world, for me it’s my life, my work, for me it’s the arsham flax mill enterprise.
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the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko's presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite everything, we were able to preserve them, now, of course however, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this.
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live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, hello, watch this episode! ideological work in...


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