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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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mota velazavod has created new products and created new packaging. geta first is our land of electric scooters. we have already produced 200 hellish garadian ekatransports, they have a high-quality frame and a pendulum. electrical batteries are available. we sell mat gloves, spare parts, and pasta from 15 belarusian enterprises. the village is proud to present itself with a new bicycle model. we are committed to the reconstruction of technological lines. new equipment was installed and as part of the commissioning of this equipment we we received three new models of bicycles, that is, this is a breakthrough for our plant, this is a classic bicycle, the market is increasingly consuming bicycles with a low frame, that is, this is a budget bicycle. on the territory of the motovelozavod district , there is a planned expansion of hundreds of residents of the garad technical park. the management
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of the internal authorities of the steel region ruled the day of closed doors for teachers of all secondary schools in the entire region of the minsk region, the special lyceum of muses, cadet schools and military patries regular clubs. rights they told about the paradox of the past at vnu, and the candidates were busy with creative works. applicants who have already qualified for a profession should apply for a position. a series of bright moments, illustrative performances from the cinema and the fighting amap. the result is a socially-economical development of the capital's districts, so the partisan astronomy has an economical factor - this originality.
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hectares of the district should increase in population by 70-80 thousand people. we are constructing social facilities at an active pace . these are healthcare, education, major repairs of educational institutions. we are proud that on the birthday of the district we had the great honor of being included on the honor board of the partizansky district . recently, the branch of bntu, the minsk state college of architecture and civil engineering, has been carrying out many projects that are aimed at the city.
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creativity of designs. start working in the capital. yes, good luck with the protection of doors and green zones throughout all districts of minsk. the supracouncils of the zheleva-kamunal gaspadarki , from time to time, with the carnivorous gizzards , playfully dance, sample the meat, springs are planted. only in the savetsk region has it grown more than 3 thousand dre and bushes. at a later age, the students of the butcher's department made and installed the packings. we are installing pockets. which we did ourselves in our design craft college, so we did them all by hand, it took us 2 days somewhere, we clean the territory, plant trees, decorate everything so that it is beautiful, people come and admire, in the territory of the sovetsky district one and a half hectares of lawn have been built, repairs have been made asphalt-concrete pavement for more than 2,200 km, with emphasis on green and small park areas, so on... more
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than a hundred willows have been planted here, and the square will become a popular place for walking and shopping. linden trees and maples are planted all over the city.
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poster of the dumpling center has been added. skin problems for women of culture ask for meat products for cancers and loan programs. this concludes our issue. the region and other projects of the television broadcasting campaign are available on the website the beginning of the day and the meeting on the 18th day.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us and answer all our questions, are you ready to meet our guest, andrey, what mood are you in? to the conversation in a wonderful mood, i am sure that there will be many interesting questions,
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are you ready for the fact that children are sometimes tougher than their opponents on the ice, absolutely ready, promise to tell only the truth, i will try, are you ready to go out to the children, ready, then good luck, so, we welcome our hero, belarusian hockey player, center forward and captain minsk hockey club dynamo, andrey stais. andrey, i want to warn you that you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well, now you have one minute to briefly tell yourself, time has passed, hello everyone , my name is andrey stas, i’m 35 years old, i’m a professional hockey player, a student of a hockey school in my youth, and already in my 16th season. i play in the khl, in the twenty-first year i was lucky,
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i made it to the gagarin cup, and here i have there are two more wonderful children, alexey and artemiya, they are also hockey players, they study at ruslan solaya’s school, that’s all, you ’ve done it in one minute, well, we’re ready to move on to dialogue with the children, our questions, we have 100 children in our studio, everyone has their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer, are you ready? ready, then let's begin. hello andrey, my name is alexandra. when you first took to the ice, what was your motivation? oh, the thing is that my brother is older, oh, he’s also a hockey player, my father and mother went to his games all the time, training, and i really wanted to be like him, that’s why dad asked me there, would you go to hockey, i didn’t even have the slightest hint that i would somehow. i’ll take time off and so on, i immediately said that i want to be a hockey player, that’s why i
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’ve had motivation since childhood, looking at my brother, at what point did you realize that hockey would become your life’s work? probably when i signed my first contract, yes, well, in general, to be honest, there weren’t even any thoughts from others about what i could become, that’s just hockey, probably at the age of 15 i knew that... i was on the right path, if you had not chosen a sports career, what would you have become, and what profession did you dream of becoming as a child? it’s hard to say, uh, i don’t know, i still really like music, maybe it has something to do with music, but to be honest, all my thoughts were only about hockey and how to become better at this sport. andrey, we turn 180° and... the purple sector is next. hello, my name is arina. what are the responsibilities of a hockey club captain? the
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responsibilities include, let’s say, helping the coaching staff, to motivate the guys, the highest results, to suggest some hockey nuances to the young guys there. and, of course, set an example, both on the ice and in everyday life. are you the oldest? in the team, do you feel like an old man? thanks for reminding me. but, in fact, no, i don’t feel like an old man, but i just feel that i can tell the young guys some game moments that i have already lived, which i lost in the sense of lost, like life, yes, i lived, that will help them further in... in a career, but to become better and bring results to the team. next
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question: from the red sector, how do you spend time with the team off the ice, or is that not your custom? it’s accepted, we have team events where we can go out with the whole team, play golf or i don’t know, pintball or any other game that will... bring the team together, so we can just have some kind of barbecue , yes, something like that, can you? share some interesting moment or anecdote from the locker room that describes team atmosphere? now nothing immediately comes to mind, but i can say that dima korobov always, when he enters the locker room, the whole team is immediately in a good mood, he really likes to joke, he has
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a large baggage of various anecdotes, jokes and jokes about generally every person in the locker room . andrey, tell me. how he teases you directly, he calls me by name in public, so that every time he is a year younger than me, and every time he - andrei leonidovich tells me to emphasize that i am already old, thank you andrei leonidovich, and what andrei stas is like in life and what he’s like on the ice, these are different people, and well, probably a little different, because any sport... especially professional sports, yes, it’s a little tough, and no one likes to lose, you always have to be very unyielding , and good to evil on the field, in life, of course, i can say that it’s a little different, but
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somewhere there’s good, well, i can say that in life. you have to be a little bit angry in order not to let, let’s say, unwanted people get close to you, again a sharp turn with the puck, the red sector to your left, question from there, what is better for you, the number of goals scored or victory? and of course, the most important thing is victory, because hockey is a team sport. they absolutely can, when the atmosphere in the arena is great,
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can the fans influence the outcome of the match? emotions, both for the team and for each player in particular. even in the last games there was an amazing atmosphere on the minskaren and when the spectators drive the team forward, it adds additional strength, emotions, well, confidence is certainly on your right purple sector, athletes, as a rule, are superstitious people, do you personally have some traditions or rituals before going on the ice, somehow it happened since childhood that i always for... do not allow strangers into your locker room , not even in the playoffs, it’s even true that during the playoff period of a team’s regular season, the rule is that
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unauthorized people are not allowed to enter the locker room, there is an important rule, but... you can’t step on the emblem that is in the center locker rooms, what happens in this case? well a fine, or if there is no money, a slap on the head. thanks for the candid answers. hello andrey, my name is timofey, how do you usually relax before the game? hello, well , before the game, on the contrary, you need to be collected, and if about a hobby, then... some kind of table tennis, yes, would you like to play - to see who can hit the most in a minute? well, let's play, a bold proposal: bring rackets and ping-pong balls into the studio,
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let's do it, you have 1 minute, if the ball falls, it means you lost, are you ready? yes, well then go? andrey gave in to the sword, they played on shchelban, i remind you, it’s a draw, a draw, that’s it, no, i’m done, i don’t beat children. well, that’s good too, who is your idol at the moment and who do you look up to? if we take in hockey terms... for me , my brother has always been my idol, and i tried to imitate him, that is, take some useful things, his advice, but in
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everyday terms, of course, my parents, my mother, who she has invested so much in me and my father, but i just bow low and try to please her as much as possible. who was your best best friend in life? the best friend in life? in fact, i have five or six people whom i trust very much, and i consider them my close friends, but there is one best friend whom i can call even at 3:00 in the morning. and he can do the same for me, and he did anything for me , and i did anything for him , this is my friend from school, from hockey,
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let’s call him, i wonder if he’ll pick up the phone or not, let’s check a little experiment, let's do it, hi, hi, listen, i'm currently on the program, here... he always achieves, strives for what he wants to achieve, thank you very much, excellent description of a true friend, everything
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is the same, let's connect, let's hug, let's bye, hello, andrey, my name is artyom, you played for six seasons in a row composition of russian teams, why did they decide to return to dynamo minsk, right? it worked out, i’m very glad to return home to minsk, my family and close stands are here, everything is familiar, i’m very glad that i was able to come to an agreement with my previous club, yes, that i let you in, everything is fine here it worked out, in general, i repeat once again, i am very glad that i managed to return, dynamo minsk is the only belarusian team that plays in... and what other belarusian teams do you think have a chance to get into this league? there are very, very many criteria that must be met
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in order for a new club to be allowed into this league, but i hope that if there is a financial opportunity, they will sponsor another team in belarus, in minsk, in particular, then, most likely , probably youth minsk yes... that's what it is also our flagship of belarusian hockey, who could try his hand at this level, but for this, much, much more needs to be done. - dynamo has enough foreign players - why are they invited, are the athletes really worse at playing hockey? well, let's start with the fact that there are a lot of foreign players in the nhl, but this does not mean that there is bad hockey in canada or... in america, yes, and there are not enough hockey players, that's why we are going along this path, and i can say, that this year
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we have some pretty high-quality foreign players, who show by their example to young guys where they need to go, and of course they are invited first of all so that they produce results, but at the same time young guys... they look at them and learn how you assess the level of belarusian hockey , what are its strengths? well, yes, unfortunately, it’s a pity that now we don’t have world championships and olympiads, yes, that’s where the best assessment is given, when you see all the best teams and players, all the best in the world, you play with them and you understand what level are you you are. and if it’s so subjective, there are a lot of talented young people in dynamo minsk, they are trying, working on themselves, now...
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the nhl draft was, a lot of guys were also drafted, this is also a big indicator that we are moving in the right direction. to your left is the yellow sector, this is the difference between the training of hockey players and what was acceptable 15 years ago. in fact, there is simply a huge gap between how hockey players prepared 15 years ago and how they prepare now. number of techniques, there even on the same youtube and the huge amount of material that can be found here on the internet, all of this didn’t exist before, and before they worked only on some old notes, and so on, that’s why now i think that young people have a huge chance of a lot of different gadgets,
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getting better every day, and for this they just have to try, but would you like to become a coach? good question, but my brother is now a coach, looking at how passionate he is about it and how many problems and pitfalls there are, well, we still need to think three times a achievements of results and awards, what is the ratio of work for an athlete and what for a coach? it’s a difficult, difficult question, because i believe that the team coach wins together, and also loses all together, it’s clear that physically, and the players strain more there, run, push, there may be some injuries, and so on , but the coaching staff works more there with video, with
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computers, right? that is, they are trying to introduce some of their own ideas to us, so that this will help us achieve our goals in the game results and goals. hello, my name is katya, tell me, have you ever used a hockey stick for other than its intended purpose, of course i did, of course, it was something to get out of a high cabinet, or something fell under the sofa, i had to get it out there’s something like that in... in that sense, i don’t even remember anymore.
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they love immeasurably what they are timid, and they are timid about what they love. i don’t have any particular genre of music to perform. in my head i can picture, for example, classical music, how to present it, or the same folk music, but of course, mostly they know me for such folk motifs, folk numbers here too -
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hello, my name is lera, do you like to be in the spotlight? any attention is, of course, great; it’s always nice when you are surrounded by attention, but there is also some, let’s say, other side of the coin, when you just want to be alone, and not... a little silence, calmness, peace, what was, that’s why i think everything should be in moderation, but please tell me they will certainly recognize you on the street, yes, what is the most unusual reaction upon your appearance that you have encountered, the most unusual, well, basically everything is standard there in the autograph photo, and the most unusual, by the way, was a story, there was a story in moscow,
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ah... we were sitting, sitting, having dinner with my friend, a good one, and a guy who had already drunk a little, but maybe not even a little, came up to me and said to me: oh, what... great, in short, he confused me with a rooted one. football player, i say, no, wait, you're confusing something, he he says, no, okay, okay, i understand everything, okay, i won’t even ask for a photo, that’s it, and he left, in short, we spent the whole evening laughing, good story, we stay in the red sector, one more question from there, hello, very nice, my name is ulyana, tell me what to do if you are afraid of public speaking and how to still pull yourself together, well... i’m a little adviser on this, because it’s always exciting too, even today when i went to the program , anyway, it’s one thing to go out on the ice, but to do what you love in front of full stands, it’s another thing when you find yourself in
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an environment that’s not yours and you feel a little uncomfortable, well, that’s all with experience, yes, if you feel uncomfortable somewhere, try to bring yourself into that zone more often. then you will feel more comfortable and comfortable, andrei leonidovich, my name is rastislav, you have been to seven different teams, three times to dynamo, you have a lot of experience, so tell me, why is a coward not to play hockey, a coward not to play hockey , well, probably because it’s a contact sport, and well, it would definitely be... very difficult for girls play this sport because it hurts, and it hurts a lot , that's probably why rope doesn't play hockey, if you could rewind time and change something in your life, what would it be? to be honest, probably, but
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i wouldn’t change anything, or at least i wouldn’t change almost anything, of course, for all people there are certain things that i would definitely change, yes, but not always them... i’d like to voice them, but in fact, if i hadn’t lived the life that i already have, then maybe i wouldn’t have achieved what i have, and would not have been the person who became, i know you have a very large career experience, half of the seasons you had such clubs as neftekhimik, cska, avangard, traktor, and you have now returned to dynamo, you started in dynamo, but now... about this and you return to away matches, to your, well, as they say, past arenas, does this not cause any nostalgic thoughts about this? but i can say that returning to omsk, yes, to
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the omsk avant-garde, now they have a new arena, and very, very warm memories of this arena, and of course, returning in this arena plays vitya. and omsk avangard played for 3 years and we won the gagarin cup there and of course these are all the locker rooms, this is the clearing, all these emotions come up, the memories are just crazy. good afternoon, my name is anya, and i know that your children also play hockey, was this your initiative or their own desire? probably, at first it was my initiative, yes, they went to every game, at every one there were some of my trainings, but later they really liked it, now they enjoy studying at school
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ruslana soleya. how successful is andrey? but i can say that one goalkeeper is artemy , the goalkeeper, and alexey, the striker, is currently at the goal. it turns out a little better, the one who tries to catch up with the others in the field, that’s why everything is in progress. tell me, what is more interesting to play yourself or to watch children play? probably still watch the children play, because when you play yourself, yes, it’s not only interesting for you, it’s certainly interesting, yes, but it’s like some kind of competition when you watch the game. children, and you notice to yourself that it turns out that it doesn’t work out that you can tell them where they can improve, so children, tell me, how often do you attend your sons’ games? in fact,
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my schedule is so tight that it doesn’t always work out, but thank god that the internet was invented, youtube, the broadcast is already there, so i watch everything. are you a strict father? i probably don’t, i’m very soft, due to the fact that, again, i have a very busy schedule and not so often. i see children, that’s why every time i want to give some kind of gift or support in some way, even if something doesn’t work out, i always keep the line beyond which they cannot cross, that’s why i can’t say that i’m strict, i’m rather fair, if one of your sons came to you and said that he is more will not play hockey, how did you react? well, for me it was
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certainly unpleasant, yes, but i would first of all ask what he really wanted to do, yes, so that he would somehow justify this, why not hockey and something else, but if he me convinced, absolutely i would support him in this if you if you have a daughter, how will you approach her upbringing? well, i think that she will be a daddy’s daughter, and of course she will have a lot, which is allowed, i can be tied to ropes, 100%. do you remember your first love, and if so, what age was she? oh, what questions? and my first love, of course, i remember, it was in
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kindergarten, it was my teacher, yes, ekaterina, listen, i forgot my middle name, ekaterina, i don’t remember, i remember that their name was ekaterina, so, but if you’re older, well, i think that anyone, every person remembers their first love, and it was, there were 14 years, well... everything is the same, everything is as usual, sympathy and so on. or maybe you can give young guys some advice on how to attract the attention of girls? wow, there are already some pickup courses here, right? yes, in fact, just attention, girls really love attention, through attention, understanding, i think everything will be the way they want... why do hockey players so often like to fight on the ice?
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hockey is an emotional sport, that’s why it’s a very unyielding sport, that’s why fights break out, especially since it’s it’s not prohibited, yes, it’s not football, it’s not table tennis, so if you want to fight, you can do it. there are cases when players have their teeth knocked out, the club pays them money, if so, then... how expensive are teeth? yes, unfortunately, there are such unpleasant moments with teeth, in fact, everything is covered by insurance, all medical issues are covered by insurance. you have 850 matches in the hhl, which makes you the record holder among belarusians, what does this mean to you? well... actually, it's very nice, then, that i have reached such a mark, i really want
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to get to the mark of 1.00 matches, and what does this mean for me, and this means that you need to look in your passport to see how old you are, andrey, it’s called, but seriously, i’m trying - i try to tell all the young guys everything that i have accumulated over these 850 matches.
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tell me, what determined the choice of the number you play under? and my brother initially chose the number, yes, that is, he played twenty-third, so naturally i went to his games, practices, saw this number all more and more often, and i liked it more
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and more, so later he changed it to another one, he had a twenty-sixth, a twenty-fourth, but i left it. third yourself, and did you choose your children’s numbers or did they choose them themselves? but i really wanted someone to play under twenty-third, there is second, under thirty-second, maybe, but they decided that the goalkeeper would be second, and the one in the field twenty-seventh.
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who didn’t perceive me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus was in 2011, i came as a tourist, then i met my wife, it’s just that everything is over, the tourist is over, everything after the wife, it’s also over, the project is a look at belarus, what i like about belarus, you can raise your children the way... the way you want, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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tell me what it means to you homeland? homeland? this is the place where i always return with a smile on my face, and when i get off the plane, from the bus from the train, i immediately feel my own air, and of course, when you are not at home for a long time, especially if you once played in russia and there it’s almost 9 8-9 you're somewhere on the road for months then... you come home on vacation to minsk, of course there are very cool emotions, often visiting your area where you grew up, to see the guys, who are still there. there are also such nostalgic stories, please tell me,
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how did you finish school and did your desire to play hockey interfere with your studies? we had a sports class, first of all, i want to say that the teachers were a little more loyal to our, let’s say, school successes, that ’s why, but they tried very, very hard, invested in us. my knowledge and so on, and thanks to them , i took a lot from school, and later on from college, i studied for 2 years in roor, but i can say that, unfortunately , it very rarely happens when professional sports and studies go hand in hand , as a rule, one of these suffers, and what was your gpa? certificate, oh, good question, i actually changed three schools, it turns out that until the fifth grade i studied at the eighty-fifth, then
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i moved to the twenty-third gymnasium, we had a special class there, that is, there were only boys, hockey team, then another 2 years in roor, tenth, eleventh, honestly i won’t lie, i won’t say that there were only fives, well, eights, nines, tens, but overall six... 6-7, that’s it my assessment, were you a hooligan at school or not, more likely, more likely not, i probably never was a hooligan, i always felt responsible for how my parents would be viewed later, that’s why i didn’t create any particular inconvenience for the teachers there , not school principals, parents were ever called to school, for what reason, if yes, ah, now i remember, now i remember, yes,
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they called, it was probably 14-15 years old, when these cigarette samples, beer samples began, this all started, naturally, they burned us and ... explained to us that if you want to achieve something, of course, this is all nonsense. name your top three least favorite lessons at school. top three, bellite, ruslit, just not mine, and the third, probably, fine arts, i didn’t like drawing it all, gluing it, this is all not mine, thank you for your honesty, let’s continue, yellow sector, please, what are your
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favorite vacation spots in minsk, where would you recommend going, i really really like it - i like to walk along victory avenue, or take scooters with my children, ride there, it’s very very pleasant, and if i take it for me personally, then ... i really like to go to my old neighborhood, and take a walk around some places where i used to play football with the guys, there, or go to my old school, in the eighty-fifth, and what kind of area, if not, is this factory district, what was your best memory from childhood, best memories from childhood. there are probably two of them, i remember, i went with my dad,
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now it’s the dynamo stadium, there used to be a market downstairs, and they sold bicycles there, so we didn’t buy a bicycle there, i was happy, in general i just jumped to the seventh heaven, this is the first memory, the second memories from childhood, my brother from america brought me a very cool new york rangers jacket. i haven’t slept there in this jacket, what kind of pets do you have or have you ever had? i've always had cats, right from childhood - now my mother has a cat, and now i have a little york, very smart, but very harmful, i also have a york. yes, they are harmful, harmful, yes, you squeeze him a little, he immediately
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shows his space at arm’s length and... doesn’t come towards you. next question, please, purple sector. andrey, what movie do you like best? which actors? you can name it from both belarusian cinema and foreign cinema. ahh, i really like all these soviet films before the new year, they create a very cool the atmosphere is always there, every new year or so. before the new year i watch all these famous comedies that are already 50 years old, but as for foreign ones, yes, everything is probably standard, some very cool series that everyone has heard of, or films with actors, and jimcarry is very cool , well, those with the workshop are also very cool,
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here. clooney too, in fact , i wouldn’t single out too many people right now, which is just my favorite, if a film was made about you, who, what is the name of the actor who should play the baruns, buruns, yes, yes, yes, he’s cool too, great, he immediately imagined burunov on skates, yes, with a stick, yes, in what genre? the film would turn out to be, well , a comedy, i hope, tell me, did you have an event in your life that turned it 180°? there was such an event 2.5 years ago, i met a person, and i think and think that this is the closest person to me,
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thanks for the answer. what would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? what would i say to my eighteen-year-old self, it’s bad that for 18 years i didn’t have the brains that i have at 35, yes, i probably would have said. just work and get it pleasure from life. in our show, cheat sheets will not help participants. is it true that demarcation is the process of marking the state border on the ground.
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yaroslav, what do you think? i took as a basis that... in the word demarcation there is, well, the root of the word marking can lead to the fact that this is really a process of marking a state border, but what kind of process is delimitation? here you can only rely on your own strength, 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1 0 0 0, it doesn’t matter how much zeros, but at the end there will be eight and we have 1 + 8 = 9 and that far went just shorter, you can.
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my question is: what kind of music do you listen to and do you listen to music in the car? and i always listen to different music depending on my mood, i can listen to some rap, i can listen to the king and the jester, if it’s some kind of everyday day, then it could be some kind. popular songs on the radio, but what do you think of the music of our generation? in a nutshell, to each his own, each generation, each generation has its own heroes, that's why you have your own heroes, me theirs. hello, my name is alisa, what other talents do you have, what do you enjoy doing in your free time? and hello, well, i can’t say
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that these are talents, yes, but in my free time. i can play the guitar a little, my neighbor taught me when i was a child, so in fact, i’m slowly improving like this, and... i really love technology, i mean cars and so on, atvs, something like that, well something like this, there really isn’t a lot of free time, so when it’s possible if you carve out some days, then it’s either some kind of travel, or at home quietly on the guitar, but can you play something for us now, play, well, we can try.
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breathe and listen to what i say, i endured, but today i’m leaving, i said, calm down and close your roses, that’s all, goodbye to you. this signal means that the time for asking questions to the hero has expired. andrey, now you have to choose the best question of this program? and, in fact,
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there were a lot of cool questions, thank you very much, guys, for these cool questions, but i want to give this guy a prize, introduce yourself, tell us what class, what school you study in. hello everyone, my name is vlad, i am 14 years old, i study in the eighth grade of gymnasium number 39 in the city of minsk. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. go out onto the site. andrey, now you have the opportunity. ask your children your question, i would probably like to know what happiness means to them, what does it mean? what makes me happy is spending
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time with my family and the people i like comfortable, cozy, i consider myself happy when i go to school, hang out with friends, go to the same hockey games with them and... i’m already rooting for the team, and this is very cool for me. i want to say that happiness for me is the realization that there are people next to you who are ready to support you, who understand, with whom you can share not only something sad, they will support you, and what makes you happy , they will be as sincerely happy for you as you are, this is to find your life’s work and make progress in it, and also carry out... wow, great! andrey, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. thank you very much for so many very cool questions, i can see from your answers
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to my question that an excellent generation is growing up that values ​​their parents, that clearly know what they want, so i want to wish everyone good luck. in all your endeavors, good health to you and your families, well, enjoy this life. so, belarusian hockey player, center forward, captain of the minsk hockey club dynamo, andrey stasya, today i’m visiting the program with 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you, andrey, to leave for the site, thank you,
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prosa, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree before that? be sure to invite. i am addressing our young audience. do you think that our hero was as frank and honest with you today as possible? whoever thinks so, raise your hand. i think that he is a fairly open, cool guy, i won’t remember his age. he communicated with us as equals. and i believe that he answered quite honestly and frankly all our questions. well, at first it was noticeable that
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he was a little shy, but rather during the program he opened up to us more, i especially liked the moment when he picked up the guitar and played agatha christie, i really like these songs of the old generation more, and i i just remembered how i danced to these songs as a child, please tell me, who did the counting?
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come with the children to be completely open with the girl, to make it easier for me, so that the guys don’t have any objections, we will be waiting for you in this fun company, andrey, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, i’m actually pleasantly surprised by the homely atmosphere created by the guys, cool guys, i just want to wish as many broadcasts and programs in this team as possible. andrey stas was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. in the next issue. dear participants
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of the program, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, natalya korchevskaya, we meet, which one? you committed an uncivil act, how well is our education abroad appreciated? can artificial intelligence replace creative professions in the future? there are show business stars studying at your university, and you make excuses for them in exams? do you think you have talent? it seems to me that you have a very stressful job, how do you relieve stress? 100 questions for an adult!


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