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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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dear participants of the program, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, natalya korchevskaya, we meet, who is he? did you commit an uncivil act, how much do you value our education abroad, can artificial intelligence replace creative professions in the future? there are show business stars studying at your university, and you make excuses for them in exams? do you think you have talent? it seems to me that you have a very stressful job, how do you relieve stress? 100 questions for an adult!
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goth quality for our company is an opportunity to express ourselves even more loudly by demonstrating high quality. my career at this enterprise began in 2009, by a happy coincidence, yes, i am very glad that i connected my activities with this enterprise, it became a mentor for me not only as a means of realizing some of my professional qualities, but also gave some kind of life hardening. i am pleased to represent the large-size tire plant, which is part of the structure of our enterprise, especially in...
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2024 in our country has been declared the year of quality; our entire team works every day to achieve high-quality indicators of the products we produce. spring has finally burst into the hearts of our belarusians, but this time is closely connected with preparatory and passive work in the rural areas of our country in every corner beyond its borders. therefore we understand and appreciate. the significance of the contribution of each farmer to this work and we try together with them to preserve the fertile layer of our soil. that is why the development an innovative line of wide-profile agricultural tires is our priority today. in this way, we try to be relevant in the global market and meet any requirements of our consumers. specifically for me, my job. if you imagine your whole life as 100%,
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it takes up 70 percent, this is without undue modesty, it turns out that all your friends, loved ones, relatives, many people who go through life with you, they, like you , are the same tire workers, i absolutely i am convinced that our company is worthy a quality mark, generally as a form of reward for painstaking work. efficient and effective work of such a huge, large-scale and numerous enterprise. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. land of pragna, nasychaetstsa volgazziu, kab adradzitsy zhytstso again. i mean, give it to me to get busy. all in all, we don’t throw away the vandrons at all , for our own sake. the present
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day of the past, the present day of us and you , is such a folkloric expedition, so that it happens many times before the very end of the country. let's follow the story meat abrades. as you may be aware, this year we arrived in the towns of dabrynia and the yelsk region. the lankevichs and pagorskayas settled here. geta, according to the legends, there were our great warriors who dealt with the crimean tatars. i myself baked pancakes, fried pancakes, first pancakes, and gave them away.
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i mentioned projects in advance on the tv channel belarus24. his acquaintances waved their hands at him: listen to what you are twitching here, already sit there at home, hide in a corner and live out your last days, her family and friends have turned their backs on her, they said that i was crazy and all that, mom... said: go live with him, that’s it, he can take things, live, she expected that i would live and come back, he challenged himself, it seems to skeptics, even the law of physics , no arms, no legs, becoming a world-class swimmer. today the world record is minute 36,
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and it was set by alexey talaev republic of belarus. he had to stop feeling sorry for himself to hear those words. get out of your comfort zone, go against the grain and public opinion, but live your only life with an eye on others, he did not want to, but only benefited from his stubbornness. hello, dear friends, i am alexey talai, an entrepreneur, paralympic swimmer, family man and father of four children. go. in the morning there is an office, then a swimming pool, and in the evening gatherings at the family table, in a word,
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everyday life for a healthy person, almost unattainable happiness for people with disabilities, stereotypes of our society. "life ends with the advent of a wheelchair; friends, communication and the desire to live disappear in it; all that remains is loneliness, social isolation and depression, all this awaited alexey, but he found the strength to return to normal life, he just wanted to cry, yes, when they looked at you with the thought that they say, listen, why are you twitching here, already sit there at home, hide in '. but i didn’t want to end up like that, so today he has his own company, in which his subordinates call him by his first name
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and patronymic and listen to every word. as for business, i am happy that i found people with whom i enjoy working, people who...
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their products in china, it all started with self-confidence and not wanting to be a burden to their own family. alexey’s initial capital was money collected for his treatment and rehabilitation by the whole world. he did not release them on the seas in sanatoriums, he put them aside for the future. and when the moment came, i was already 21 years old, i said, mom, dad, i want to do business, i have a business plan, we thought of everything, we’re going. the nearest foreign country here, behind the car, i will launch a minibus . the parents believed in their son so much that they gave him not only the collected money, but all the family savings. i arrived on a beautiful bus to brother belarus. the experiences,
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of course, were serious and finding decent people, drivers, it’s not all that easy. its global goal is to break the stereotype about the inferiority of people in wheelchairs. by his example, he shows that they are the same as everyone else. with the rights and opportunities to work. create families and have your own home, alexey himself has what is called a full cup, a beautiful wife, a smart daughter and a sweetheart son, we met in classmates, it used to be somehow popular, but such a social network, in fact , alexey was the first to write to me, and even i didn’t mean that this was the same alexey telai who lives in our city, yes, i didn’t know him, but i heard about such and such a guy with whom... such a situation happened. a tragic incident that divided alexei’s life
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into before and after. this happened on may 8, on the eve of our holy holiday, victory day. i came to the village to visit my grandfather, a war veteran, and grandmother. i'm there anyway visited often. there were fierce battles near the village during the great patriotic war; many unexploded mines still lie in the ground. one of them went off on may 8, 1999, this explosion happened, i started trying to get up, i didn’t understand absolutely what had happened, that is , i didn’t even have such thoughts, that’s why i got a lot of infection and there was gas gongrin, because i was already trying to get up with my arms torn off with... serious injuries to my legs, i didn’t feel that they were missing, and there was this
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the dirt, it was all messy, my hands seemed to fall through the ground, but they were simply no longer there. alexei’s first feeling when he realized what had happened was hopelessness; he wanted to disappear and simply not exist. ahead of him were months of surgery, after which his body became smaller and smaller. then there was anger, despair and depression. from the other world he was... brought back by the love of his family and the participation of his friends, he accepted himself and continued his life's journey in a new body with new circumstances. our skin products are more expensive in poless - sapraudnaya cultural-historical expedition. we reached this higher ground. which is big, then they saw that somewhere you can stop, build houses, a forest nearby, well, it turned out like
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joy, from this word joy, well, so and so they say they called joy, this is our kosovo brukovanka, the so-called bruk is a cobblestone , stone, edge tago, vyalizny krynitsa nathnennaya, enjoying nature,
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we talked for three three or four months and four, and after 4 months and a half he came from the states and we met, that’s it, and we realized that by some miracle we were in love...
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than someone thinks from the outside, but the most difficult thing was not to decide on a serious relationship, but to hear what her relatives and friends thought about them, they dissuaded her to her face, but behind her back...
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she wants to engage in professional sports, i’m a little - not i believed that this could happen. alexey started training, returning home, fell exhausted, slept the next day and started all over again, month after month. at that time, the most popular question among friends was why do you need this? but when talay fulfilled the master of sports standard, everyone's eyes widened. to continue his sports career, alexey and his family moved to minsk. i have. four children, your youngest children are present here, dashenka, 8 years old, yes, and i have two, nastya has two, i have four, this is my second marriage, once alexey forbade himself to even think about getting married, he always remained a man and did not could afford to be a weak, dependent dependent, the family appeared only when
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he believed in his strengths, albeit special ones, and of course, with such a special husband... try cats, when not in her arms you won’t vilify her, you won’t pinch her butt, yes, we all want everything, and i want to carry her in my arms, and throw the children up like that, but eat it as it is, so as not to depend on anyone, alexey talai trains regularly, hello, hello, how are you doing with your training, everything is fine, let’s do it. so you wouldn’t have, well, such an accident happened, yes, anything happens in life, but we must move forward, that’s right, yes, today alexey reacts to questions about himself calmly like a man, but this was not always the case, the first years after the incident , actually
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it was very difficult, breathtaking and... often i simply couldn’t find the words, how to say, how to react, well, over time i realized that this is my trick, at this very important moment for this particular child i will be able to plant some very important seed into his soul, into his heart, in training alexey gives his all, good sports form helps him not only on the pool path, i understand that my body is developing, i train... my will, i feel how my muscles are growing, yes, the back is strengthened, the same one that allows i have to climb, excuse me, onto the toilet in the bathtub at home, so as not to call someone for help, coach gennady vishnyakov is pleased with the athlete,
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he once believed in alexey and is still not disappointed, he has a strong character... this allows him he skillfully assigns difficulties, works by gritting his teeth, endures those painful sensations that can be experienced during preparation, during training in the gym on the water, and friends, well, that’s just how athletes are given awards, as it seems at first glance, to plow, plow plow. all these traumas, some kind of deprivation somewhere, invisible, family, children, but suddenly your country sounds, this is happiness, this is joy, this is what we work for, today he is in the pool like a fish
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in water, this is confirmed by numerous medals in international competitions, today is a world record. is minute 36, and it was installed by alexey talai, republic of belarus, when it sounded, i saw my name on the scoreboard, and the flag of our country, it was hard to believe, it felt like you were in a dream, it seems, for alexey talai nothing is impossible, today i will show you for the first time trick, i'll jump from a tower, this... has never been anywhere in the media before and even just on my social networks, i just recently tried it for the first time a few days ago, so what? i hope everything works out, let's move forward and win,
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dear friends, well, here's another peak conquered, believe in your strength and try, everything will work out, well... it helps people. on social media , his help is much more important to his parents, who often thank him for the inspiring example he has become for their children. after watching videos with alexey, they agree to leave the house early or go to the pool, which is impossible for them. and this is not a reason for pride, but... an opportunity to make sure once again that he did everything right in his life, become happy, this is exactly what we came into this world for, to love and be happy.
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one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground in the summer of 1941
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created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers. for secrecy , he took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygina. under the name slavka, he entered the history of the minsk anti-fascist underground. the oil workers established contacts with other partisan detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk, equipped an underground printing house, and organized sabotage at the minsk railway junction and other objects of the occupiers. in march 1942, the minsk anti-fascist underground failed, as sd agents were introduced into its ranks. despite... all the measures of secrecy they failed to protect themselves. almost all members of the first minsk underground were arrested tortured in fascist dungeons. after
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prolonged torture, on may 7, 1942, isaiah cozenets was hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in
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your yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so that yes it is opposite the house, today we will walk through real swamps, so through the swamp, which is near domat, which is again 20 meters away, not the initiate, seeing this building, will say that this is, i don’t know, a castle, estate an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like birds, it seems to me that not even a fly has flown past, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird is this, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, blue, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, and the uninitiated may have a question, how does it even work? the mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built with taking into account the fact that the business should work
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all year round, the project is from... the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. it was her old dream, we work miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel.
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the news is on the air now, lyudmila kazak is with you. hello. an important personnel decision, the head of state appointed vladimir pertsov, deputy head of the presidential administration. previously, he served as minister of information. during his appointment , alexander lukashenko emphasized that current issues of ideological work are coming to...


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