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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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live panorama in the studio elena sacheva, hello, in order to prevent a hot war, you cannot lose to the information war, to reach the hearts of people, this is for...
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how to react from belarus, we will talk about this in the disposition project. legitimate to himself,
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how zelensky canceled the presidential elections, why the arguments are sewn with white threads, the usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution and ordinary ukrainians, in understandable politics the whole situation is arbitrariness in the banking sector, instead of income only losses and debts are obtained, which means that on the other side of the screen, scammers, like swindlers on behalf of large companies and banks, are profiting from belarusians, and is there a chance to return lost deposits, we’ll tell you about it. in the panorama plot. let's start with the important personnel news of the day. alexander lukashenko appointed vladimir pertsov deputy head of the presidential administration and set specific tasks for propaganda and counter-propaganda. if you simply cannot lose in the information war, which is now in full swing. belarus is doing everything not to let the war get hot. it is important to convey to people the truth about what is happening in the country around us and to fight off fake news. succumb to
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the tricks of information and psychological operations from abroad. the ideological work that will oversee the peppers comes to the fore . how expected was this appointment and what instructions did the president give? let’s ask our columnist natalia brels. colleagues, personnel forecasts, a thankless task, but in connection with the latest political events in the country, it was clear that appointments were coming. one of which happened this morning. we see how... consequently, the president is forming the team of his political headquarters, because even more important events are ahead. the minister of information enters the first one's office, only to emerge as deputy head of the presidential administration. his predecessor, igor lutsky, as is known, was elected to the council of the republic. despite the prefix “deputy”, the post in the apparatus is important, because, as alexander lukashenko himself frames the conversation, it is clear that in this difficult time for...
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this is really so, money they are being stolen, there are not enough of them, so i ask the press secretary to give you today’s review, which was prepared for me by the media and them too, everything that spilled out into these chats telegram channels, where they tell there, tell objectively, we are talking about we knew this and we know, uh, who pockets the money, where the money goes, what kind of watches someone wears, what underpants they wear, they describe everything about each other. it will be so because there are more radical people who care about more than just putting on a $90 watch or a beautiful suit, make-up, but those who want to fight, to seize power, there are those who profit from this, they are trying,
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this is natural, i warned the security forces , our special services, that this would happen, so it happened while belarus is fighting for truth for peace, fugitives fight. among themselves, for money , they are instigating a war for the country, pushing up the information agenda, from them comes streams of lies and lies, all for the sake of personal gain and exorbitant ambitions, all this plays into the hands of western curators who keep the radical in mind scenario for the belarusians, these poor people were thrown into ukraine, they were called kalinovsky’s regiment, there are more than a hundred people there, well , we also know how they fight, although i don’t quite understand the ukrainians why.
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they are probing and looking for new channels of influence on our people, primarily through all sorts of digital influences. synthetic technologies, and centers of information and psychological operations, and those whom we call media-like, bloggers and so on, through social networks, in order to reach hearts, fool, cause certain negative emotions, for this is why we must more actively apply the methods that we have learned over the past 3-4 years, methods of effective counter-propaganda...
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and bring, build a pyramid, many good specialists, ministries, departments in the government and bring to the deputy head of the presidential administration work in the economy , in exactly the same way it is necessary to tighten up, put everyone’s media in order, ideological work and bring in a deputy head of the presidential administration, maybe even have some kind of commission under its own management everywhere, yeah. to consult, to respond in time. over the past couple of years, under the pressure of the west and
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attempts to overthrow belarus, propaganda has become more skilled; almost every day we have to fight off fakes and respond to psychological information attacks. we, of course, do not have the tsypso network, but we also have fighters on the information front, their weapon is the truth. any psychological operation is worthless if the basis is not the truth. we don't need to invent anything. take, for example, information-psychological they call border operations, why would we lie? look how many corpses are lying on the borders today, the snow has melted, they report horror to me every morning, they throw them out even more, here are psychological operations for you, film and show these scoundrels who kill people, these migrants, and throw them onto our territory, but this is just an example , and many such examples can be given, we need to inform our people. we need to prepare our people in advance for the fact that there may
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still be lies, especially in the era of our artificial intelligence it’s enough, when communicating with the press in a new status, vladimir pertsov, in his characteristic manner, will say that he considers his main task to reach the hearts of people, because we really have something to be proud of and what to take care of, the main thing is the right word. natalya breus, katerina krutalevich and ilya puchko, television news agency. our country’s balanced rhetoric and peaceful foreign policy make belarus a reliable partner in the international arena. what prospects will joining the shanghai cooperation organization open for us, when and where? it is planned to include our country in this immigration formation, what security threats are posed by its member countries, and what role the organization plays in establishing a fair world order instead of a unipolar world. the answers to these questions are in the tv news agency’s project, current interviews with government officials.
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the united nations and the osce, therefore the shanghai organization is truly unique, it is operational today, it is productive today, it is open to interaction with all international sites and structures. shanghai organization.
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the process of restoring the first cosmonaut of sovereign belarus after the space flight that ended on april 6 is ongoing. marina vasilevskaya and hero of russia, a native of belarus, oleg novitsky, is now in the dispensary of the cosmonaut training center of the roscosmos state corporation in the star town near moscow. and this is what they told us about their condition and well-being. our cosmonaut stayed on the iss for 12 days, during which time she conducted several scientific experiments in the field of microbiology, the influence of bacteria on the human body in space, as well as the use of probiotics in food. as reported in nanbelarus , all studies were successful.
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to keep our skies cloudless, another batch of mi-35m helicopters arrived at one of the air force and air defense airfields. in the near future, new equipment will take up combat duty and will fully participate in combat training activities. four aircraft were piloted on the ferry route, which was more than 2.0 km long. our pilots who completed training at training center of the russian armed forces. belarus received the first batch of four mi-35m helicopters delivered in august twenty- third. at the same time, the pilots and engineering staff underwent retraining in the russian federation. we already have eight such machines, mi 35m, so, of course, this process and this event is important
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for us, it is very important that they serve for a long time, apartments. in any conditions, the tools for neutralizing threats are being improved during the current review of the army's combat readiness, on how to keep your region and country as a whole in project disposition. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin, let's go. we can already say for sure that
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the planet is walking along its steps uncertainly, and even down the steps, uncertainly, it breaks down. the truth is that there is nowhere in particular, what red lines and oceans of blood have not crossed, what mechanisms of killing people have not been used and have not been justified recently. now, for example, we are witnessing the process of routinization of terrorism, which is not a day, a terrorist attack, and the focus of media presentation depends solely on the affected country. a heinous crime occurred in the moscow region and it quickly faded into the background, giving way on the western agenda to attempts to divert the blame for what happened from ukraine, that is, from themselves, and dozens of dead, to the form of statistics, to say nothing of the discovery of explosives in icons traveling to russia, banal, they waved their hand in brussels and washington, but that was all, but in fact they waved their hand, they gave the go-ahead for similar terrorist aspirations in the future, like shelling residential buildings, but what a bark arose when president putin spoke harshly about
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consequences. those who use these weapons, and these are the weapons that are used. this is obvious today, we must understand that it cuts both ways. vladimir putin, president of russia. in the west and in kiev, they reacted amazingly to this thesis and supported moscow’s alleged plans in their own terrorist tactics. even some shopping centers were included in the list of potential targets for russia, and the real decoding of the answer has already come in numbers. over the past week and a half at selection points for military service. under contract in the armed forces have recorded a significant increase in the number of people wishing to enter into contracts with the russian ministry of defense in order to take part in a special military operation. every day up to 1,700 people come to the selection points. most candidates indicated the desire to avenge those killed in the tragedy that occurred on march 22, 2024 in
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the moscow region as the main motive for concluding a contract. russian ministry of defense. this is the reaction: what is happening has the most direct relation to belarus: aggressive rhetoric towards minsk, the concentration of military groups near our borders is gaining inertia, which simply, according to the law of the transition of quantity into quality, threatens with negativity, now with a clear terrorist overtone, no one will condemn our opponents, and therefore a preventive measure of protection is the key task of people in uniform, an effective mechanism for preventing or neutralization of terrorists and terrorist... means of attack, territorial troops and people's militia. by the way, at the current check of the combat readiness of the belarusian army for the first time in full without discounts on novelty are estimated at several volunteer units at once. regions of the country, it must be said, they got into operation with enthusiasm, and the militias will be among the first in the territories where they can send sabotage groups or the same
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attack drones, be it an industrial facility or a residential building, to protect from any threat, this is what they learn now there are belarusians with a gun, the guys are in a normal mood, 20 people under my command have completed studies, practical combat training, and medical training. latest event around belarus fit into the logic of preparations for war in the eastern direction. poland recently received 100 abrams tanks, which will be part of the first warsaw brigade. even denmark confirmed that it would send a battalion to latvia, it really needs it, minsk alone. we are also digging the ground now, he dug, how much. they too, we are digging the ground, as if
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preparing for national defense in nato, let’s hope they won’t risk taking out a sword, and if the neighbors carefully scan the panorama for military purposes, they will definitely turn into kittens news about medicine, sowing, they have a beneficial effect on everyone. naval exercises for the sea shield have started in romania. in addition to the host country, 12 member states take part in them. alliance. more than 2 thousand military personnel, as well as 135 units of military equipment, in particular vessels of the sea and river fleets, are involved in the maneuvers. during the exercises
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, operations to destroy submarines and naval aircraft in the black sea and the rivers of the black sea basin will be practiced. the romanian ministry of defense notes that these maneuvers will be the most largest of those carried out under the leadership of the country's army command. the sea shield is further evidence that the north atlantic alliance is on the brink
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of light, for example, the representative of the christian democrats in the bundestag, norbert redgen, has already called for official bratislava and budapest to be punished for their rebellion by reducing financial support from brussels. given that the cdu is the most popular party in germany, it is likely to form the country's next government. strengthening idea pressure from the slovaks and hungarians is in the air and it is quite possible that it will be implemented soon. elections, why the arguments are sewn with white threads, the usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution and ordinary ukrainians. when
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an actor runs out of mandates, why do even the most loyal friends get thrown out of the team? in clear politics, the entire alignment of arbitrariness in the banking sector, see today after the panorama.
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this is a panorama. and we continue: an overpass across the railway, numerous transport interchanges, 50,000 cubic meters asphalt concrete, work is actively underway on the construction of a bypass road in lida, we will tell you how the logistics of the region will change after the route is put into operation. instead of income , you get only losses and debts, which means that on the other side of the screen, scammers, like swindlers on behalf of large companies and banks, are profiting from
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belarusians. is there a chance to return lost deposits? we’ll talk about this in the story of the panorama. and now about sports. the collection of belarusian olympic licenses is replenished. today a weightlifter became the owner of a new ticket evgeny tekhantsov. hockey fans froze in anticipation of the final series for the president's cup. the first match of metallgy brest is already on wednesday at 18:00 on belarus 5. and the spring stage of the for seasons tournament took place in the exciting endura race in the belarusian maldives near volkovysk. we continue to monitor the emergency in the smolensk region; in the city of vyazma , a bridge collapsed on an overpass; at that moment there were a car and a truck; one death is known, six people were injured, five were hospitalized. bridge design collapsed on the railway track, the movement of trains on the vyazma semlev section was suspended. a criminal case has been opened regarding the collapse of the overpass. the railway connects belarus and moscow,
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in particular, passengers travel through it.
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moscow in both directions. the trains were returned, and passengers were sent by bus to their destinations. the russian railways company stated that the destroyed bridge was not on the balance sheet of russian railways, and there were no trains on the site at the time of the incident. four recovery trains were sent an operational headquarters was created to clear the way. the situation in the orenburg region is becoming more and more dramatic, despite efforts and the maximum concentration of resources, it has not yet been possible to cope with the consequences of the flood. officials report that in the next 2-3 days the situation in flooded areas will worsen, and the disaster-stricken area will expand with new territories.
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three federal regions are preparing for floods at once. districts of russia. the ill-fated dam, which was designed to protect orsk from rising waters, became the cause of an unprecedented disaster in the orenburg region, which even old-timers will not remember. today the platinum leaked in another place, not far from the timber merchant village. the level of the ural river in the orsk region fluctuates around 9 m, sometimes decreasing, sometimes rising slightly. the dam was designed to lift water up to a level of 5 m, but in the end it could not withstand the pressure. now , not only the first ones are flooded in orsk.
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according to them, in addition to orsk, orenburg is in danger, here the water level in the river has risen to almost 9 m and continues to rise. the central and siberian federal districts, unprecedented floods recorded in neighboring kazakhstan, even those located thousands of kilometers from
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ehrenburg and tyumen, introduced a state of emergency . a few hours ago , a state of emergency was introduced in the kurgan region due to the rise in the level of the tobol river. to date, more than ten have been sunk in 39 constituent entities of the russian federation. at the beginning of this work week there is a warming trend again, during the day the air will warm up to +27°, at night from 8 to 14 degrees, there will be surprises too, real summer, already on thursday night
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a low-active frontal section will move through the territory of belarus; it will give virtually no precipitation, but the temperature background will drop, and in the second half of the week it will be noticeably cooler. night temperatures are expected to range from 3 to 10 degrees celsius, and during the day no higher than 11-18 degrees. despite all the temperature ups and downs, this spring also brought some nice bonuses: the snow melted quickly, back in february, and this season’s agricultural marathon started several weeks earlier than last year. for rural workers, this is additional time to spend complex works. in the southwestern regions, for example, plant growth began a month earlier, amid the harvest. the advantages of early spring are also a longer period of heaping, and even though the rains in recent days have paused for a short time, the deadline and agricultural technologies are being observed. the spring relay race is now continuing en masse in all regions of belarus; only early grain and leguminous
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crops are sown on 370 thousand hectares, which is more than 60% of the area. meanwhile, spring crops, such as sugar beets, flax, and rapeseed , have already occupied over 430 hectares, which makes up.
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31% to 82, this, by the way, includes cars, 11, their share in total sales has increased from those produced at the plant near borisov, and another important trend: an increase in sales of green cars in belarus; there are already more than 11,000 electric vehicles, dealers are planning this year we will sell about 2,000 more. all the necessary infrastructure has been created in force and a number of benefits: zero vat, 0% duty, as well as a tax deduction for legal entities. to match the automotive trend and road updates. in the lead within the framework of the state road program belarus is implementing a large-scale transport project - the construction of a bypass road. the new expressway will allow... to rid the district center of transit transport, improve
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the transport infrastructure of the city itself, the construction of the first stage is already being completed, and this section of the road is more than 4 km. how lida is preparing to become a logistically attractive region, report by yuri kornilovich. work on the largest road construction project in the litsky district begins with a planning meeting, the project is not easy, all stages must be completed strictly according to schedule, which means that each contractor needs to complete a clear scope of work. for the day, our task is to hand over the ground sheet so that technical supervision can allow the laying of the mesh on the semi-circle in the area of ​​​​the turn to the cone plant. the first construction equipment appeared in the suburbs of lida a year and a half ago; road workers were faced with the difficult task of building more than 4 km of a modern highway with bicycle paths from scratch. the area here is swampy, so we had to dig pits up to 7 m deep, and make fifteen-meter gravel embankment. the complex of earthworks has been completed in full. uh , road pavement is being installed,
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asphalt concrete pavement has already begun to be laid, pedestrian paths and bicycle paths are being installed. an overpass with a length of more than 150 m, one of the most complex objects of the bypass road, is being built across railway tracks and a highway, while traffic did not stop during construction, the readiness of the object is more than 80%. the access roads are now being constructed. driver. they plan to commission it in the near future,
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there is another one in the pipeline, about 10 km. the project is significant for the regional center; it will relieve the city of transit transport traveling to the border with lithuania and improve the environmental situation. simultaneously with the construction of the bypass road in lida, work is underway on another equally important project for the reconstruction of krasnoarmeyskaya street. an overpass over the railway is being built here. this artery connects residential areas with the city center. proper logistics can become... driver of economic growth in the region to to shorten the path from new microdistricts to large industrial enterprises, they took unprecedented measures. eight eight houses, residential buildings were demolished, people were provided with 14 apartments for people, you know, the city residents somehow reacted with understanding, the contractor was tasked with building this facility in the shortest possible time, in the shortest possible time. treatment ready. there are temporary inconveniences associated with construction; previously, during
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peak hours, you had to stand in traffic jams here for about an hour, there are some minor difficulties, of course, with this interchange, that’s it, but i think this is all being done for, as they say, for the drivers, for the people, well, so i think this will all be done for the better, before there were very big problems, you had to stand in a traffic jam for a very long time, wait, but today, when all this will happen done, it will be convenient for the driver, well, getting there will be much easier. road workers assure that citizens will be able to drive along the new section of the bypass road this year. yuri kornilovich, victor baka, television news agency. they would have wished good riddance to the scammers from the internet, but instead they they give their money to cybercriminals. 170. rub anti-record of the week. a resident of minsk fell for the trick, for the sake of dubious investments, the woman lost her relative’s apartment, but acquired debts to the bank.
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an imaginary appearance of income, it was just a hook to lure her, and it worked, as a result , 170 thousand rubles were lost. the woman registered on the online platform and regularly topped up her balance under the guidance of a curator, who also persuaded her to invest money received from the sale of a deceased relative’s apartment into gazprom. later the minsk resident decided
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withdraw part of the investments, but she was informed that this was impossible without additional investments. after several transfers of payment for withdrawal services. the woman realized that she had become a victim of deception. it is obvious that in this story the swindlers are acting on behalf of a subsidiary of the largest russian energy company , gazprom transgaz belarus. the proposal should have immediately alerted people to the fact that investing money in the shares of a large enterprise is, in principle , impossible, because gazprom transgaz belarus did not have and does not have any investment platforms or programs in this area. as far as i understand and am familiar with the situations, a similar situation arises with large companies. countries of the near and far abroad, and for my part i can say that we carry out explanatory work using all possible methods, in these matters we regulate our activities together with law enforcement agencies, the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade and the ministry of information, but still we have achieved certain progress, according to
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the ministry of internal affairs, since the beginning of this year , almost 300 internet fraud, of which almost 15% are related to investments, covering up. with the leading brands of the market, scammers create high reputational risks for large companies and banks, and here we are talking not about the quantity, but about the scale of the consequences of such scams. over the last six months, the vast majority of amounts were stolen from clients through investment. in fact, this is a fraud scheme that is very difficult to detect at an early stage; a person is often completely sure that he... invests in a reliable investment platform, which means he has a certain contact with the broker, that he has a stable income, which is shown to him virtually, and he goes to other banks in the country, including other banks in the country, takes out loans and invests in this site, sometimes
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when we identify such cases, suspicious transfers of funds, our employees call clients, and although this method of... deception is now very popular, the number of internet frauds has increased compared to last year, the police assure that the situation will soon stabilize. when identifying this kind of resources that use some trademarks that are fairly well-known and recognizable on our territory, naturally, we also contact the owners of these trademarks to establish whether these or those resources are really theirs, or is it still here? there is unfair advertising and the need to take urgent measures, of course we have a fairly effective tool to counter this, the indicated resources are blocked both on our initiative and can be blocked on the initiative of the brand holder who discovers
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the relevant information. mechanisms to combat cybercrime in belarus are constantly being improved and are already creating certain difficulties for swindlers. for example, since march, according to a new presidential decree, banks have been exchanging information with law enforcement officers around the clock about illegal financial transactions or their attempts. now it is easier and faster to intercept the withdrawal of stolen money abroad, but experts strongly they recommend not to neglect their advice and to use critical thinking to protect you from such risks.


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