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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 10:05pm-11:06pm MSK

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neither the ukrainian constitution nor other state documents provided for such a form of expression of will. on february 22 , 2014, the verkhovna rada adopted a resolution on the self-removal of yanukovych and appointed turchynov as acting. this was a direct violation of the constitution. a day later , parliament repealed the law on the fundamentals of state policy. russian, previously one of the main languages, became a region. article 10 of the constitution of ukraine still guarantees the free development and use of the protection of the russian language and other national languages minorities this article has not been respected since 2014 . it was the ban on the use of russian that became one of the reasons for the proclamation of the dpr and lpr. elections were held in 1914 in 1919 with gross violation of the law on elections and elections.
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thus, ukraine has long become an illegal state, where the authorities are a big fan of telling us belarusians what we are doing wrong, especially in the twentieth year, then zelensky was much bolder in relation to belarus. kiev quickly called lukashenko illegitimate and called on minsk to ensure rights and freedoms for the people, and zelensky advised lukashenko to hold repeat elections. today, against the backdrop of ukraine, it sounds especially colorful. right, how can i reassure everyone, i would definitely say, within a month there will be a new vote, and i am participating in new elections, who else wants to participate ahead? here you need to understand that the source of power of zelensky, like poroshenko, is of course the american embassy in kiev, so in principle such statements by zelensky, just when the belarusian people needed it as much as possible international support is actually like this...
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in belarus, they worked at the machulishche airfield, a50 - a russian enemy aircraft that carried out deep radar on the territory of ukraine, it was, accordingly , sabotage practiced, the radar system was damaged and put out of action completely forever, and so on . having trampled on the constitution, zelensky has led himself into a political impasse, because now he will have to cling to military action to the last, but... it probably won’t work, and he will look even more obediently at western patrons, although much more, because he became a puppet long ago. zelensky is even more stuck in the need to take into account the opinions of the united states and the eu. having refused to hold elections, he found himself in a legal quagmire. now, as soon as he stops pleasing his foreign patrons, he will quickly be asked to leave. the lever of expired legitimacy allows the white house to knock it off at any convenient moment. it
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really turns out that power is based on blood, because zelensky becomes the main one who is interested in continuing the military conflict. take the country back from the abyss, there seem to be no such ideals in ukrainian politics. activities have already turned yellow in the spring, and how to correlate the overdue president with democracy, the skillful manipulator of the west has yet to be decided in their offices, i hope this has become clear, happily, sports day is on the air, in the studio anna eismon, good evening, let's start the release with good news from thailand.
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on april 11, on the final day of the world cup , we worry about eduard zizyulin in the heavyweight category. mozyr slavia neman leads the belarusian championship standings football. after the third round, two teams have nine points each, here are the current gold medal winners. dynamo players are still only in fifth place. second round. in a row , vadim skribchenko’s team could not win. stanislav lipsky more details. the nemnozedinsky torpedo confrontation in grod was appointed central in the third round of the national championship. the bookmakers called the home team a small but favorite, and the yellow-greens justified this status. igor
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kovalevich’s team made more shots towards the goal, nine against five and four against three doors the decisive episode was this episode of the meeting, where the referee pointed to the spot. the hosts' advantage increased when makas opened the scoring in the game against isla chikirilenko, it was already too late to globally change the pattern of the game 2:1, slavia was stronger. the current champions, the
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dynamo football players, had just completed their third round program on the eve of visiting vadim skripchenko's team . naftan granted the visitors a 2-0 lead by the 39th minute of the meeting thanks to pranovich's double. adeola reduced the gap, mileshin restored parity, but did not have the time and energy for more enough. 2:2, result of the match. dynamo ppk are fifth in the championship table. let us remind you that on saturday bata lost to gomel 1:3 in the first match of the season in borisov. let us also highlight the defeat of shakhtar in soligorsk. dynamo brest is much stronger. 4:0, it will not be easy for the miners to recover in the next round. mozyrskaya slavia will come to visit the miner. brest, the history of the championship has never been rewritten before, the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season did not reach the golden series, neither individually, nor especially together, of course, from the joiners, as from the current holders
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the trophy could be expected to progress and reincarnate during the playoffs, but the phenomenon of the southerners is like a sports miracle. magic happens in the city above the bug.
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so maybe this is where the result comes from. the final series of up to four victories will begin in zhilobino. already next wednesday the starting throw-in is 18:00 on friday at 20:00, then the confrontation will move. in brest, on sunday the game will start at 16:30, the battles are broadcast live on belarus 5. the washington capitals lost to the otavi senators in overtime in the nhl regular season matches 2-3. in the capital's lineup , max pociarati and alexey protas scored accurate shots. the vitipchanin broke a long streak without scoring points. in total , alexey has played 73 matches in the current championship, in which he scored 29 points. washington is in tenth place in the eastern table. conference, now the capitals have no room for error; if they lose the next game of the season against
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detroit, the team will lose their mathematical chance of making the stanley cup playoffs. artyom kuntsevich, silver medalist of the spring stage of the enduro for seasons tournament in the pro category belarus lost only to the russian, danila chernyaev. bronze went to another endurist from our neighboring country, danila mironov. for the first time in the history of enduro competitions, they were held on exhausted ones. in milovy quarries near volkovysk. this stage of for seasons amazed its participants with a difficult route and obstacles, as well as a beautiful landscape that will certainly attract tourists, because photographs and videos of the competition have already scattered all over the world. this is some kind of communication. i have friends from belarus, we became friends at previous competitions, now i became friends with many, they bring us spare parts, they are brotherly people, and i really appreciate them. there is, we are united by sport, thanks to this sport our friendship becomes
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even stronger. our idea is that after our friendship, therefore really, and how we promote these competitions, sponsors will probably appear for us, naturally, those who want to build a hotel will come along. we have flint mines nearby, this is also our long-standing dream. i hope that the popularization of volkovysk will be even better. we'll come to motorcycle we will make a beautiful video about , i don’t know, rocks, ponds, trees, something else, tens of hundreds of thousands of people will watch it there, and this will, well, somehow help the development of the region, 430 participants, each will come there with his wife and as a child, with a friend, that is, already a hundred and fifty people, everyone is filming all these jumping jumps on their phones and so on, naturally this can be a powerful flow, about 400 participants showed up for the spring stage for seasons in five categories. following the results of two days of competition in the b-1 category, we will celebrate the victory of the minsk resident artyom koren, b-2 dmitry yakovlev from
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novopolosk, in b-3 evgeniy ponkov from grodno tried on gold. the most popular open hobby category, where those who have recently become acquainted with enduru compete, was won by ilya krymov from voronezh. and that’s all about sports for now, there’s even more news in the nightly edition of the program, so see you.
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alexander grigorievich, why is it very important for belarus to join this one? an unusual international organization, the shanghai cooperation organization. she is truly an unusual shanghai organization, just the nineteenth meeting of the secretaries of the security council of the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization ended. belarus took part in this event as an observer country at the invitation of the kazakh side, for which we are grateful
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to our kazakh comrade. belarus is taking part. as an observer country at the summit of heads of state in july, i hope that an end will be put to the procedure for admitting our country to the membership of the shanghai cooperation organization, the process of agreeing on all procedural issues on the admission of our country to the organization has been completed, just some time ago i spoke with the secretary general of the shanghai organization , mr. man, and he assured me that all states.
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alphabet, which will head the shanghai club, this is also probably symbolic, so belarus is truly committed to all the points that are being discussed, including those discussed today, and really supports all these initiatives that are put forward by the shanghai cooperation organization, today we discussed, firstly, as usual, how the situation in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the shanghai organization is practically practiced, an in-depth analysis of the modern challenges was given. and threats in the field of international security that threaten humanity today, but this is, first of all, the most important, probably the threat that worries everyone today, this is international terrorism, extremism and separatism, something that many countries are trying to fight today. the second is combating drug trafficking, drugs, drug distribution, of course, today, one of the modern threats is
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threats in the field of information security, cyber threats, this was also touched upon and discussed today, these are all these problems. nine countries, but it unites almost 65% of eurasia and 25% of the entire globe, and the population that makes up the shanghai organization is 4 billion people, which is almost half the world’s population, so indeed, well, the authority of the shanghai organization today is steadily growing , unfortunately, against the backdrop of a decline
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in the authority of such international organizations, like the united nations and the osce, therefore. such it will not be afraid of any other threats, therefore, indeed, issues of economic security are very important; they are
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also at the forefront when solving the problems of the shanghai cooperation organization; another important point: in the modern agenda, a departure from a unipolar world to a multicentric, multipolar world, here , probably, the shanghai cooperation organization can also play its own significant role, well , that’s right, the shanghai organization is, i i would say so, the center, the attractive center of truly the development of a multipolar world, you look, nine countries are part of the shanghai organization, three countries are observers and remain, i am sure that in the near future two countries will remain, because belarus will join the shanghai... organization, but also many partner countries that are also ready to work with the shanghai organization, strive to enter the shanghai organization, so i think that in the near future, the potential of this organization, firstly, it is great, but also the scale of this organizations will increase, those wishing to join, because they see the effectiveness of the mechanisms of work within the shanghai
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organization, today we also discussed issues related to the development of the shanghai organization, strengthening interaction, primarily in matters of strengthening economic security, strengthening other issues of international security, this is very important , the issues of the new world order are considered differently today. there is a multipolar world, they were absolutely right, today there is a unipolar world, i think that it is still collapsed, this is already a statement of facts, and the united states today, unfortunately, is still trying to fight for a unipolar world, but the train has moved forward, today there really are different centers, forces that are aimed primarily at the peaceful resolution of issues, dialogue, partnership and dialogue on issues, various issues on the international agenda, and it also turns out to be such an interesting moment,
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we should live well, we are in the center of europe, belarus today is a model, a model of maintaining peace and safe, behind this, of course, is a huge job, a huge job
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by the president, the government, the intelligence services, so the entry of our country into the shanghai organization will further strengthen security issues and expand the scope of international interaction and the scope of economic opportunities for improving the well-being of our country, another interesting point about...
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the united states to the detriment of interaction, let’s say, with the countries of the east, with great china, with the russian federation, with india, well, with other countries that are included today. hai cooperation organization, so belarus is exactly the transition bridge where the west can win and receive, if , of course, it comes to its senses and goes the right way, through dialogue, constructive interaction, cooperation, first of all, today what they are doing, they are doing to the detriment of their interests, their economic, first of all, by introducing sanctions , it seems, on the one hand, belarus is striking a blow to its economy, look at what is being done today, farmers are doing in europe.
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safety and normal functioning states in the conditions of, let's say, the current international situation, a difficult situation, so that economic issues can be resolved at a broader level for the benefit of states, but here... cultural ties, here is also the development of issues through the security services, therefore , the sranhai organization, i say again
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, security issues. guarantee of security, they are at the forefront, and for a normal economy to function, it is necessary to ensure security on the territory of countries, this is also done by the corresponding structure of the shanghai cooperation organization. first of all, the most important thing is an attractive economic, modern model and a center for the formation of a multilateral world. thanks for this interview. thank you.
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participant of the great patriotic war, hero of the soviet union, senior sergeant. born in the village of vyleva, now dobruzhsky district, gomel region, into a peasant family. during the great patriotic war, he fought with the invaders at stalingrad, on the kursk bulge, in belarus, the baltic states, east prussia, and germany. tank driver t-34 320.
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kharitonovich named one of the streets in the working-class village of kostyukovka, now the city limits of gomel. there is a memorial plaque on the house where he lived. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that artists have such easy work, and it’s easy for them to get up, it’s, it’s very hard. i really didn't
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want my children. if we take this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original and sometimes uncomfortable questions: do you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the tv channel: belarus 24. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city the resident might be jealous. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard. how far is she? well, just like that, in meters, so what? yes, it's opposite the house. we're going to walk through real swamps today, right? along the swamp, yes, which is near the house, which, again, is twenty meters away. the uninitiated, seeing this
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building, will say what it is. i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, let alone birds, it seems to me that not even a fly has passed here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, but for the uninitiated...
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the era in which it lived was a turning point, this is the 790th bastard, rach paspalitaya knew, and just with this, we seem to have come to know the end of the floating style of baroka, and all the historical roofs here take us away from us it’s such a dead end, because after the document the architects would have been myastsov’s admyslovites , architect chakhovich. who yes, they are unknown. glyadzitsa in the project "architecture of belarus". if there were more european trots at the time, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give out something new and
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aryginal. on our tv channel. 17-18. a foreign investor is ready to go to the outback for a fee, but business is like that, just start investing, then you need to develop the accompanying infrastructure, now not in our country, not in russia, a number of booking services do not work, what to do is important
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, it is the emotion, the mood, and what exactly people see the eiffel tower or the louvre or some other object, yes it matters, but it is not fundamental. hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today our guest is the chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry, philip guly. good afternoon, philip. hello. hello, we are glad to see you, let’s start with current topics, so let’s say, yes, very soon on april 17-18 the second belarusian-russian tourism congress will take place in minsk, what is planned discuss at this event? you know,
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since it is the second, this logically suggests that there was also a first, we will talk about it a little later, but it preceded the significance of the event and the scale that... the second tourist congress is preparing for itself, in it somehow the shortcomings of the first were taken into account, issues that were not resolved but were identified at the first congress were transformed, and of course, unlike the first, it will be much more representative, although we must pay tribute to the fact that last year almost 160 people came managers, that is , decision makers, this is top management, these are the first persons of the russian largest tourism industry, this year there will be enough spectacle.
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from such a clearly significant one, i would focus on the fact that after all, we have had parliamentary elections; by that time, new parliamentary commissions will be formed, including on tourism and medicine and some other related services, here our goal is
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to introduce experienced deputies of the tourism committee, the state duma of the russian federation, with whom we have been closely for many years we communicate and even work with our new parliamentarians in the committee, since this fall in russia the federal law on tourism will be submitted to the first parliamentary hearings, it is quite difficult, it is complex, interesting, and exactly a year has passed. after the practice of applying our law in the new edition and, accordingly , it turns out that the adaptation of the practice of application is synchronized with the russian federation in time, in general, the formation of changes to these sectoral laws, which is very important, also in the section, which, well, let’s call it the state one, will be attended by regional ministers of tourism, last year there were 31 of them, right now we expect there will be about 26, but... you know how our russian- belarusian business trips
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, unlike most far-abroad ones, they can take place in a small number of days, because we have no borders, no obstacles, the swallow walks beautifully, even when expensive air tickets suddenly, that ’s why this is such a state section where officials without business, or at least with a minimal indirect presence in the form of union leaders, will be able to discuss this story, of course, traditionally we have a section. which is connected with events, with all kinds of festivals, souvenir producers, some bright stories, in russia now there is a lot of this happening, we, as belarusians, probably even said, too much, and we are glad that since last year our festival organizers began to accept active participation in russian awards, competitions, occupy quite prestigious places to enrich themselves with experience, this is our third section, here in two, in the fourth fifth i would...
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go into the restaurant and hotel business, so they really want to understand how it all works in the republic of belarus, that is, they they want to develop our infrastructure, invest money, of course, in belarus or specifically in belarus, this is a russian-belarusian tourism congress, yes, it takes place in minsk, i hope it will be held in minsk every year, traditionally, but these are russian foreign investors, which interested in the development of the hotel, primarily tourism infrastructure business,
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in regional centers, at least a foreign investor is ready to go into the outback; in some small regional centers, there really is a problem with the hotel stock, with restaurants, with cafes, even in the same lida, i remember a couple of years ago we were in lydia, and the only cafe we ​​could find in the daytime, on a weekday, was right next to the lida castle, in the rest of the city it was impossible, what is good about tourism as such, what is the point of attraction? the concentration of flows, and therefore the money that we all spend as tourists,
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may not necessarily be a large logistics business center, like minsk or regional cities. if there is a recreational resource, a viewing point like a castle, or a nearby good sanatorium, yes, of course, this could be interesting, even at this investment section, we will first of all listen to our russian colleagues, who explained what conditions were created and why? how in the russian federation they invested over these 4 years, after all, what is the point of a large large network investment, to invest money in something that you understand, but it is the same standard and understandable as all the other dozens of your already operating objects, then there is this expansion, which brings them additional profit, and, of course, the margins and dividends that they will receive... not in the near future, but in the medium term, they,
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of course, will probably go back to the national economy of the russian federation, but business is a matter like that, just start invest, then we need to develop the accompanying infrastructure, but the built buildings that generate foreign exchange earnings, the created work places are all the territory of the republic of belarus, so investments are needed here and there is nothing to discuss, that’s where to invest on these terms, of course people don’t know, and this it’s very good that the congress is so representative. and bright, thank you, by the way, in principle for covering it in the information field, thanks to the work of journalists, these investors learned about it, after all, this section helps us make an investment. federation of restaurateurs of the russian federation, this is a stable, serious and huge organization, here is the next section that i would like to note, last year it was not so pronounced in our country, this is the section for accommodation facilities, these are hotels, sanatoriums, even in principle agricultural estates and forester's houses, and we
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are talking, of course, about booking technologies, from distribution, which has replaced bookingcom, how to display yourself, but also elementary lessons on me... or on interior design, it is the largest, it starts as early as 12:00 pm and ends at 6:00 pm, there is a huge list of advanced russian technologies, one way or another, or present on our market, this is a very good chance, in fact, for any regional hotel that belongs to the housing and communal services sector or enterprise , in principle, to come to minsk free of charge, in addition to hanging out, drinking coffee and cake there, hearing, seeing what people are talking about, getting to know them. it is possible to conclude some contracts, because the congress is good, it always takes place, this is already a tradition, one day before the start of the exhibition there is a rest, which gathers a huge number of visitors, exhibitors, for the second year now this exhibition is more lively than before, minsk is becoming such a direct business platform, and thanks to the exhibition and congress people are already coming for
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a whole week, they arrive as early as monday evening, tuesday in order to sleep and relax, and often stay for the weekend, because... on saturday and sunday there is an entertainment program for congress participants, it starts at friday evening with a visit to the national theater of our yanka kupala, well, saturday and sunday there are already belaz, excursions, national lunches, dinners at agricultural estates, and minsk for a week becomes such a tourist industry weekend, and so as part of the exhibition the next day, the entire site from the president flows into our exhibition and there for almost the entire second half. regions of the russian federation and tour operators will present a presentation of their product, and we will hold a large round table dedicated specifically to business tourism, this is a classic business travel, in general, in a word, the congress is the brightest event, we didn’t plan it like this initially, we just wanted to get together with russian colleagues with the support
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of officials and deputies with diplomats, to talk about where we are where to go next, but it turned out that it was in demand, right? more than due to the fact that such a representative team of decision makers with a high degree of qualification and responsibility is very good concentration, a large, bright event together with an exhibition, rest, well, this is an achievement, philip, but you can say that in the year that has passed since the first congress, all the goals of the tasks that were set, they have been completed or are being fulfilled, or where- then something is slipping, no, absolutely not, of course.
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in the russian-belarusian or, this is already quite difficult, but let’s say, from the bright thing that the congress managed to decide, these are russian companies, in fact, there is an opportunity to work with the republic of belarus on the same terms as for domestic tourism, that is, not by investing huge resources in liability funds that apply to
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outbound destinations, we can say that the belarusian product is becoming more widely available for russian distribution, and a much larger number of it is being sold. a little more actively, and answering your question, this is probably the most important thing, after all, we are different countries, but we have a union
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state, and just this year, not that one, just this one, it opens up opportunities for some harmonization of conditions and standards that could exist between russian- belarusian tourism industry, why is this generally necessary in order for the consumer, that is, the tourist, whether he is russian, whether he is belarusian, he... russia is very large, there are federal
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operators, we all know them due to the fact that that they are present here, there are regional ones, these are the shortcomings of capitalism that, despite the fact that we have the most socially oriented state , still exist. expansion, that is, growth, development and capture of markets, precisely by federal operators, began at the beginning 2000, 2004. ural, but despite all this, for example, in the russian-belarusian tourism industry, if we see a flow of tourists from yekaterinburg or krasnodar or rostov and voronezh, these are still mostly local tour operators, because for some outings mass markets like turkey. or egypt due to the power of large federal russian companies, due to technology, due to the ability to provide
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this product at a lower price due to volumes, due to these same volumes to have quality and cost on the other side, yes, that is, if we are talking about sending to a third country, of course, a large company, it is always more significant and stronger in the market than a small one, what about belarusian, russian... all thanks to belavia and the efforts of our diplomats, how many flights exist with the regions russian federation,
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i will remind our viewers, in addition to the famous st. petersburg, moscow, kaliningrad and anapa, these are per, nizhny novgorod, ufa, kaliningrad, makhachkala, kazan, yekaterinburg, this is really a separate story, how to make these the flights remained full and not overly expensive, but... nevertheless, in general , the idea is that these are independent flows, and independent flows are mainly already operated by these aggregators of online systems, and this is a large, separately very complex topic, because aggregation is outside the area of ​​responsibility of the tour operator business, it is not fully regulated, a lot of money accumulates there, this is the modern reality, which regulation cannot keep up with, and here, probably, one of the tasks of the congress, at least... indicate the framework of this activity, problems, a problem does not always mean a disaster, a problem is just a task
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that requires a solution, but somehow streamlining this system is absolutely necessary. in a word, large federal companies, yes, of course, they will always prevail, because due to volumes, due to working capital, due to money from purchased quotas of places, they will close the flow on themselves, such is the capitalist, unfortunately, world of this market , but to the end. no way, impossible, telegram channel say, don’t be silent, and for now we will pause for a while, i remind you to subscribe, ask questions and offer us new and interesting guests, we have connections, we will introduce you to people who... in russia there was a maist of veterinary sciences, evseenku,
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who said: medicine treats people. and veterinarians treat humanity, we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work, our uniqueness is that we represent more democratic genres, more understandable, look at the tv channel:
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am i an adult, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, a high city, that’s what this place was called according to the chronicles since the 15th century, and there are a lot of attractions here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high, and we’re starting to get acquainted and we set off on an exciting journey, by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills, water mills, a little later, even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is
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an entry from catherine's diary. the second here was once a stone catholic shrine, which appeared on this place, thanks to the heroism of tadeusz uaginski, consider that you have not visited sino if you have not tried the spring water, people come from neighboring countries for it districts and villages, they believe it has healing powers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus-24 tv channel. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry, philip guly. philip, during the pause we discussed an interesting question, let’s talk about it for our tv viewers. now, not in our country, not in russia,
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a number of booking services do not work. what to do? answer in detail, first of all, this is a natural technological replacement, because the world is developing, technology, phones , everything else, by a large tour operator, in fact, completing the previous question, the power of a large tour operator, because he has a lot of money, large volumes, and he was the first to buy a charter board, or he completely launched the whole chain, so everything is like this is what they say...
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itb at the beginning of march, this is a major international exhibition, where we signed contracts not for this year, well, march, yeah, for the next year there was a very large depth of sales, always the largest party of 27 pavilions was in the seventh, eighth, ninth, where online booking technologies, online aggregation, if in the thirteenth year it was still somehow clumsy and not very convenient, no one fully understood what strength and power targeting has. of course, we already see what the technologies are, how hotels and destinations are listed, we need to very clearly understand that this online aggregation is just a sales channel, it is not a tour operator that creates a product and attracts tourists to our or some other country, in these online aggregations of people he chooses where he is already going, i ’ll tell you that a tourist, for example, before the pandemic,
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did not choose through expedia or bookingcom. where should he go for a weekend in budapest or minsk? he selects only the hotel, the very point of the already selected location. therefore, for the national economy of russia, belarus and other countries, in its pure form, working with... i wanted to say an intercontinental aggregator, this is basically evil, when you go from minsk on a business trip to vitebsk, why give 18 rubles out of 100 rubles to amsterdam , bookstore or on an expedition to new york, or even to a friendly chinese sitrip, but nevertheless, giving it away is absurd and wrong, so in countries such as turkey, australia, spain , restrictions have long been in place; these aggregators should exist, but it is important that they take a small percentage.
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two new aggregation systems and technologies, i don’t know, we won’t consider this as advertising, but i will list those technologies that have taken the lead, this is the russian mts bronevik, a major deal, yandex is about to go international beyond russia, which has a great future, a large company ostrovok, has existed on the market for a long time, but it was during the pandemic, in 202, that it made a colossal breakthrough, and there are also many others, that is, dozens of companies. our hotels very quickly learned to replace bookingcom with these aggregations, but the question still asks: we don’t want to give 15 or 18 rubles out of 100 somewhere, i want to directly, let’s say book, well, direct
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is more difficult, but only if you are regular customers, you accustomed, so the task of our hotels is to increase direct clients and work with regular direct clients, services for him and the channel of interaction to the maximum, because then your position... well, with regulation, today in russia everyone i listed has created a huge separate association to lobby for their own interests, since there is competition between them and tour operators, others nuances, and they
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are somehow not so much outside the legal field, they are within the legal field within the framework of the civil code, but still, when transferring your money from your phone to online, for future bookings, you need to have some kind of depth responsibility. in general, we are at the stage of forming this market, for now we will use russian stories, you also already mentioned a fund, you said a fund for the liability of tour operators, there was one.


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