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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 11:05pm-12:01am MSK

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some other nuances, they are in the legal field within the framework of the civil code, somehow it’s not that outside the legal field, they are in , but still transferring your money from your phone online, for future bookings, in depth, you must have some kind of responsibility , financial support, rules, in a word, this is a big problem and an issue that needs to be developed, but russian services are more technologically advanced, not because they are somehow smarter. than us, but simply because their market is larger, and accordingly they have more experience and manufacturability, they become the center and accumulation in this eurasian space, a little later, in a few years they will collide with a chinese aggregator, with someone else there, this will be a big battle of the titans, in general we are at the stage of forming this market for now we will use russian stories, you also already mentioned the fund, you talked about the tour operator liability fund... it was
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created not so long ago, there have already been cases when we had to resort to the help of this fund, in principle, how can this fund protect both the tour operator and the tourist himself, for example, if in the twentieth year during a pandemic a person was faced with the problem of non-refund of money, can he now turn to this fund or, as it were, and this is a very good question, i don’t have the best answers to it now i’ll voice it, but how is it... fellow citizens should understand what and how is happening and what is meant, but let’s start with the positive: firstly, in the twentieth year they did not return the money, or rather, there was an opportunity not to return money to tourists from the russian federation , where the government has enshrined it the right belongs to russian companies, thank god that in our country the top management did not go this route even within the framework of the civil code, but it was very difficult, painful for...
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and to change in the direction of some kind of responsibility, accordingly, a year has passed, exactly one twenty-third year when we lived according to these rules, as they say, the practice of application has passed, accordingly, this has conclusions, what to do with this next and how it should work, i want to remind you that last week we and the main unions, associations, in principle, came to understand and formalize our documents and initiatives, that we, as if from this new law, want to make some changes so that it works better, but...
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these were cases when an organization that is not a member of our union , neither in the fund, nor in the contract, she registered us, she is not even on the register of the ministry of sports and tourism, that is, they are like that.
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56% of state enterprises, private 44, but nevertheless, it’s still both business, both business, that’s it, but any innovations, any changes... they are changes are always perceived with difficulty, for example, we now have transport issues there, where, in general , tourist excursion buses have not been fully taken into account, they also seem to be not regular transportation and a lot of other things, but in all this the message is always positive, that is, those who give birth to these changes, the letter itself is very good and correct, the question is always in the implementation in competence and in the competence of execution . no longer the opinion of the union, because in our union there are less than five agricultural estates, in my opinion, if i'm not mistaken, we have large associations, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, casinos, an insurance company,
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a huge number of sanatoriums, that is, well, we collectively occupy such a serious weight in the industry, so there are very few gross gardens, so here we have a small participation in this - they accepted, that’s why i will say subjectively, in general, of course, it would be necessary to streamline that widest degree of freedom, because out of the thousands of agricultural estates that existed, a significant part did not work with tourists, at least v in my understanding, well, in my opinion, yes, that is, you have a farmstead 5 days a week, or at least several days a week, necessarily. openly, you can book everything, accommodation services, or food, or some master classes, otherwise there were agricultural estates, probably even now they remain, here it is an agricultural estate, but you can’t get there, you can’t move in, and services like - it’s not that, of course, it’s great to get a soft loan, but there were and
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are hundreds of agricultural estates, precisely hundreds that preserve culture, that are created by workers places, and in distant regional centers , and press maki are excellently prepared.
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here we need to somehow synchronize, try to try our own rules, standards, even add a little there, but what good the russians have, this is a principle that has not yet settled down with us. that the basis is called ranking of territories, that is , when in one place you can do a lot, in another place you can’t practically do anything, and it seems to me that the message that was voiced by the president when he said that in a bearish corner, if someone does something the other way around you need to help and date, and if, of course , you built yourself a mansion on the m1 highway or near the minsk ring road and under the guise of agricultural estates you pay three-kopeck taxes, and there you have hotel complexes and...
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my opinion is, this is a good step, but it should be developed further and brought to
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a logical mind what the head of state was talking about in general. if we also talk about belarusian-russian relations, about tourism, interconnection, we see how monuments are being demolished in europe, but here in russia and belarus, new ones are appearing monuments, memorials, museums are being updated, new exhibitions are opening, this is khatyn. very useful things that are widely noted by the media, for which certain resources are allocated, but in terms of systems, in the russian
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federation this is very developed, well, first of all, because money is allocated for this from the national budget, in belarus in general - then this, i would say, is probably not even necessary, and we are now, first of all, i assume you were talking about russian tourists coming to us, that our sites, where the prowess of russian weapons on western borders, there from the vikings, swedes. frenchman, not to mention two world wars, but it is revealed in the maximum possible way, it correlates with the school curriculum, you can directly differentiate by class, but these tourists, schoolchildren and non-schoolchildren , do not particularly reach us, this is a problem that needs to be solved, then there is a task that requires a solution in order to include our routes and objects in the general system of the russian patriotic cycle, since tourism in the russian federation, in addition to the mine economy, is also...
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needs to be done, but this is just at the starting point, in general the main global problem in our russian and belarusian relations is that the euro and for banks, for compliance control, for the execution of government documents and programs, we are foreign states to each other, for russia and for belarus there must be some kind of special status, namely legal, because for our national bank, tax inspectorates for russian structures, what to work with belarus, what to work there with france is somehow... documents, figures, well, actually the same thing, this situation needs to be changed smartly, slowly,
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then this will remove the colossal amount of obstacles, labor costs, and bureaucracy that exist. and now we’ll take a short break, after a short pause, we’ll return to this studio again, for now, subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel on the belterradiocompany website. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country, and the goal was to create not just a museum, atmosphere, all this did not happen in one go, it all happened gradually, of course, we walked under the strict guidance of our district and region,
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the ministry of culture, it was decided what exactly to update... an unusual project, firstly, the building itself in in the form of these shed-shells, preserving them in their same place, yes, but with global modernization, we will get acquainted with people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and, in general, ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we are creating miracles, yes, yes, yes. well, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy. watch the “quality mark” project on our tv channel. thanks to government support, several government programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system. well, we
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received the most cutting-edge equipment, and in all oncological institutions. everything one could wish for, a fight against a deadly disease, can't it be attributed to it is precisely to the concept of defense of the homeland that over 20 years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved, so this is part of the country’s national security. why do the cia and mi-6, which finance, arm, and lead the terrorist regime in kiev, not notice its terrorist attacks? well , because they did all this, first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato is for sweden and not only does it not add security to finland, it makes them suicide bombers; lukashenko’s personal courage, his position, saved the state, and therefore saved millions
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of lives. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus2 tv channel. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, our guest is the chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry, philip naked. well, if we talk about how you got into tourism, yes, that is, it’s worth mentioning your father, anatoly gulov, he died tragically in the nineties. and he was, well, not at all a stranger in the field of tourism, he is one of the few who, in fact, was engaged in the tourism business back in those days , at its most rudimentary state in soviet times, is it possible in this case to say that this interest in tourism is for you, well passed on by inheritance, which i don’t know, maybe yes, but it seems to me that like almost everyone else i
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got into tourism by accident, i want to answer this question, after all, that during... the bssr tourism was no less developed, perhaps more and this, well, this is not very good, but nevertheless less so in the bssr, tourism, as well as active development of rivers, kayaks, even cruise excursion ships, a bus fleet, a huge, well, that is, volume of flows, by the way, this is interesting, it would still be necessary to make comparative... statistics of some kind of anniversary date, but in the bssr tourism was very developed, yes, my father worked in the minsk excursion bureau, and apparently as a child i was not there for the children, either to my grandmother or to the dacha, i’m on these tourist buses minsk, sports, raobishche, and some other then there was an excursion, i saw tourists from moldova, georgia, others gave me pennants, some sweet things, but
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seriously, my father was a tour guide, and then he had one of the first... information publications, at first it was tourism and vacation with sergei platkevich, here, and then the travel press, news, but it didn’t last long, you said correctly, he died in ninety-four, but during such a teenage period, this is ninety-second, ninety- third, ninety-four, we worked closely with kaliningrad and the travel companies there, in particular, took me as i was an assistant guide for working with german tourists, there were a lot of them back then, german organized groups came to kaliningrad, svetlogodsk, raushin, there were all kinds of excursions, well, somehow i got involved, and now i’m getting serious about tourism. i came in the year ninety-eight, yes it was ninety-eight, i worked in a company that introduced advertising and as a manager and a tour guide, accompanying
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excursion buses around europe as a guide, moreover, with belarusian and russian tourists, i i understood that this is an important emotion – mood. and what exactly do people see - the eiffel tower or the louvre or some other object? yes, this matters, but not fundamentally, and i understood that here all this could be no less interesting, certainly no worse, having worked in europe for a very long time with our russian-speaking tourists, kazakhstan was there, uzbeks and azerbaijanis are different people , i saw these, like me, not only me, service technologies, i don’t mean software, not it, but how to properly serve, serve information, observing the biorhythm, when the right lunch should be, who should go where, how to accommodate,
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how to solve some problematic complex issues, how to be soft and flexible in client orientations, and paris is probably the city that maximally shows this differentiation between chinese, dutch, americans, russians, poles, us, these are different mentalities, and not only on a national basis. and also by gender, by social, by religion, and of course, in 20 there are 10 and eleven these technologies that we saw and learned, we tried to adapt and change them here in belarus, it was of course very difficult, because i believe that belarusian tourism began in earnest in 2008, precisely in earnest, when the first economic crisis was forced sent russian streams to us, unfortunately this is not our great merit, but by that time again... thanks to the decisions of the top management, we had preserved the sanatorium-resort base, infrastructure, academic improvement, resources appeared to update this base, this is what became
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the basis and foundation, in the thirteenth-fourteenth year, not only because of the crimean difficulties, when they were looking for an alternative direction, there was a belarusian one, but an increase and high-quality amount of hotel infrastructure for the world hockey championship, the championship itself, this became bright spots, as it were, and of course, we organized a large inbound company with 200, i think in 11 or 12, there was a project, and its success lies in what, it lies in the fact that for the first time we, despite were able to organize seven-day bus tours that began in moscow, a bus arrived at the borodino panorama, people from all stations gathered on it, put their suitcases down and the belarusian guide began a story about 700 km of history, culture, difference.
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i have a diploma, i - after all, in odessa i studied at the academy of food technologies in tourism history and of course i have
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technological, educated solutions, capable of leading to results, will, unbending discipline and very clear understanding of your goal, if you don’t have it, then at least a dream, now, according to tradition, our program, i will ask you to write your autograph and some wish for us, our viewers, in general, i had no doubts.
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whoever is older recognizes the pioneer motto, but you need to sign, whoever is older recognizes this is the pioneer motto, be prepared, but i was lucky, i was in the pioneer organization and in the scout organization of the republic of belarus, so there are very good words from the anthem, be prepared, scout to honest business, difficult the path lies before you, look boldly into the very unknown, well, further in the text, i mean that life is full of changes, difficulties, and we are living in just... difficult times, so you need to always be ready for anything, be on your toes, disciplined and organized, this rarely happens, but you must strive for this, so be prepared.
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hey nick, what's wrong with the tracks? trip going on the brakes, sorry. temporary management, we need to inspect the house, what is your name? my name is maria, i'm from russia, and this is frau jacobs, okay, what did he say?
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there is wine, wine, yes, there in the barn, please, she is a beauty, let's take her with us. missed women, no, i’m russian, i’m russian, what about you? and katyusha, yes, don’t touch me, please don’t touch me, damn it, jump in the car, hurry up, hurry up, catch it. come on quickly, come back, come for her, they will sit with me, help, oh, hurry, hurry,
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this is a church, a catholic one, you’re safe here. these are jewish children, they wanted to send them to a camp, but paol and i hid them, so they lived in our attic throughout the war. lord, will a teacher punish a child who is illiterate for not learning to read?
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forgive us, lord. i can't believe what are you thinking? i am truly sorry, there is simply too much wine in this village, and if you need help, ask samael indrome, promise me, and also, you can now remove your ost sign, thank you.
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we will pray for you. goodbye my child.
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der bei, der, zwei, davai.
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they took all the gold, but yes, not monsters,
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very little, 15 years old, but calm down, nikolaev, look, they tore out all the stones from the jewelry, oh, what little eyes, look, and musya, who, my bride, at the beginning of the war went with her mother to change food, her mother died, she, come on, come on, come on, wait, that means the germans always stole it, what did they do with her now? oh, dr. erwin kerner, kerner, suburb, rezzon district, has been sent to work.
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very nice, my name is thomas mirnov. where are you from? why are you silent? well, you just speak russian very well. i am from moscow. from moscow, and my parents are from melitopol. i'm also a little bit russian. our house was burned by the reds. well, i’m glad to help you with the paperwork for immigration. at first you will go. usa, i would advise you, of course america, it will be better to find a job there, usa, america, america, yes, no, you don’t understand, i want to go home, i’ve been waiting for 4 years,
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you will have problems at home, i don’t care, i i want to go home. well, it's a pity, i wanted to help you, come tomorrow morning at 6:00, there will be a car here, on my part, i want to warn you, your return will be very difficult, i'm not afraid, well, i'll go, i guess, thank you very much , thank you. goodbye, yes, goodbye, how did you help her? she is a victim of soviet propaganda, she can’t wait to get into a soviet camp, incredible,
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nikolaev, what happened to the safe, the safe is hidden, uh-huh, report in order, that’s right, comrade major, the safe is hidden, a lot of jewelry was found, as well as documents on astrobytes, oh-oh-oh-oh, what wealth, barykin, the order of marshal rakosovsky, i read what the order was, for mugging and embezzlement, execution on the spot, i’ll quickly put everything out of my pocket, come on, yeah, you didn’t understand me, you ’ll be hit, maybe now, levchen? and that you are torn, that the main thing is that your business is technology, and morality, my part, comrade major, i’m free, comrade major, and this is where, in a special department, they’ll sort it out, this is an open action, the whole brigade will be brought down by the tribunal,
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yeah, but he’s right, because you’re like that, you’ll take everything away, excuse me, my comrades, yeah.
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it, of course, is sometimes very exhausting, but at the same time, it gives some kind of boost of energy, some kind of adrenaline, which seems to be exhausting, but at the same time it gives some kind of strength, self-confidence . belarus, it’s somehow so sincere, i’m at home here, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. in our studio gathered. 100 brave guys, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you visit? i have to communicate with children, i used to be a pediatrician and children love me, the hero of the program has to open up
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to the audience, and what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that an artist is such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to get up, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is honestly answer all the original: and sometimes uncomfortable questions: every day you see illness, death, what helps you believe in the best, the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, see the project 100 questions for adults on tv channel belarus 24.
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that's it, the smoke break is over, we're rolling the barrels out, yes, what happened, there was an explosion, but there were no casualties, why weren't the sappers called, why were they called, yesterday it was, there's paper, yes, but okay, get acquainted, this sergeant levchenko, light the head of our brigade. so are you familiar with electrical circuits? well, depending on which ones? he is our kulibin nugget, our battalion is rescuing museum valuables, the nazis mined the basements of the gallery in dresden and used a complex electros for mining. here the german comrades asked for help, it’s nearby in the area of ​​nainshtat, noshtat, it’s the same thing, it’s a suburb of resdon, but the value there is no less. excuse me, what institute did you graduate from, says fzu, actually the academy of sciences,
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a lousy character, creepy, but i keep it to myself, not i’m letting you go, and i’m an academy of arts artist, can you imagine, yesterday i was holding tetsian with these hands, attention, let’s go, excuse me, please, won’t you tell me where the commandant’s office is, but there it is, stop, stop, stop, girl, you’re in the frame, come out, get out of the frame, i'm there, documents, yes, of course, now, suitcase,
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comrades, let's line up, free up the area, more crowded, more crowded!
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tell me, how long will we have to wait? woman, are you the last one? don’t dial, i say, you’ll have time to do everything, but don’t push, we’ll come in ourselves! so cat-like, okay, what are you, musya, so musya, healthy!
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well, don't touch it, it's a dummy, the real circuit looks different. art, that's all. a simple diagram from a textbook, oh, well done, how much does such beauty cost? don’t even ask about it, this beauty is priceless, you know, it’s the heritage of humanity,
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be careful, eh! bring it in, but one at a time, one at a time, don’t break it, guys, pack it, pack it, just be careful, don’t throw it away, be careful, comrade captain, yes, you ’ll need me within 2 hours, no, why am i looking for my bride, her in captivity was stolen, i found her documents, it seems i was here, come on, of course, of course, of course, i’ll let you go, thank you very much, you have a map , yes, of course, yes, and be careful, there are people all around me, thank you. so be careful , be careful, be careful, the masterpiece will be damaged there , stop there, i’ll unscrew your head , come, come, come, comrade major, comrade major, let me address you, listen , let me leave for the bride
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. worked, first in the suburbs of dresden, in a family professor körner, a servant, then sent to a correctional camp at a factory
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near kemnitsa, yeah, but only then to a farm. but i was also driven away, how did you end up on the farm with fraohilda, for hard work in a fascist factory, how dare you yell at me, the germans yelled at me for 4 years, i worked for them, well , pay me again, you have no right to me insult?


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