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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 1:50am-2:11am MSK

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at our place, so we took a film crew, we rested, we toured everyone without exception and went, so all the kids who filmed us there were shown to everyone, that is, in fact, we knocked out the ground for accusations, insane accusations against the republic of belarus , and they had to denigrate as much as they wanted, well, listen, kintnapping, child theft, this is the most serious crime against any country, right?
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rested, yes, that’s why i had a very limited number of gifts there for these children, yes, when you come to a family and they see you in clothes of the red cross or somewhere else they say: oh, the red cross, yes, i then asked, what don’t you have, no, this is the first time we’ve seen, can you imagine, there’s been a conflict for 10 years, they see a representative of the red cross for the first time, when this question i told my colleagues, with whom i later had a zoom meeting. based on the results of my trip, just to the secretary general of the international federation of the red cross, president of the international committee of the red cross, i told him that you know, colleagues, but the red cross is not represented by anyone in those territories, that’s what i was told, why do we have an office in donba in donetsk, well, the office can be anywhere, but where is the work, how will we help people, we were told: you know, we can’t to enter
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those areas where life is dangerous, well, this is again a reproach, because i was in lesechanski, it was literally 5-3-5 km from the contact line, we had to naturally blend into the terrain in order not to be attacked by one of the opponents, but i explained to them that i could not be in red a t-shirt, because this is a very good target for a sniper and i’m so excited about it...
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when i arrived there in clothes, in a bulletproof vest, in a helmet, go in front of the boarding school, they were walking, they were running football, you know, i came all like this, and they have had an ordinary life for more than two years, since the conflict began, when the illegal seizure of power took place in kiev, since the fourteenth year, am i understanding correctly, what exactly was the trip to donbass. formal reason for making claims belarusian red cross, you had to leave before december, but according to their wishes, well , they gave me different deadlines, the most extreme one was december 1, yes, but they generally had the right to demand that you leave the elected position, no, of course, the fact is that in the red cross movement there are three unities: the international federation of the red cross, the international committee of the red cross , the national society, and we are partners.
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days now, perhaps, in my opinion, yes, an investigation began, i again asked the question, but how can it be that you first demand my resignation, and then just start an investigation, yes, you understand, these connections, inconsistencies, you know, like good proverbs, the further into the forest, the thicker the partisan, the more we moved, the more masks were taken off, demands were made more stringent, and arguments were not listened to at all. because we told them that,
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dear colleagues, all the recommendations of the committee that conducted the investigation were implemented 100%, even the issue of considering the resignation of the general. secretary because he was an unscheduled congress was created, which one of the issues considered being in the post of general secretary, i spoke, i explained the situation, what caused it, what, how and where, but the congress, sorry, did not satisfy the requirements of the international federation, and it is not obliged to do so do, but he considered the recommendation that the federation sent us, they were not satisfied with it. absolutely , then they wrote the following, sent a letter, and well, you know, in russian, think about it before it’s too late, because if you know, in in the literal sense, yes, signed by the president, signed by other officials of the federation, and
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that, nevertheless, we believe that you incorrectly considered the issue at the congress, and we still insist that shevtsov leave his post, and what if. .. once again, this is an inconsistency, the presence, the presence of the red cross in gaza now is the norm, this is the norm, and the absence of the red cross in donbass is also the norm, well, okay, it seems to me, there is no point in commenting further here, this is this you see, these are the usual double standards, then in fact, it turns out.
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contributions, sponsorship, donations, this is what they allocated for, for migrants, assistance to migrants, and almost 98% of the funding for the international federation of the red cross, i’m not afraid of this word, was allocated to help migrants from ukraine,
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this money did not even go to those migrants who are located, come to us from the middle east, who are trying to get into the target territory purely by... you didn’t stop helping, as i understand it, these people, no, absolutely, there was money, voucher policy, development of meinitiatives, there are other directions, good sensible projects, there are no questions in order to support, help socialize, help somehow
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self-employment, develop among migrants from ukraine who came to us, and we are at the very beginning, as soon as after december 1 , the main order was issued that the belarusian red cross agency in the international federation was suspended, we gave information, now we are also informing that financial support, some projects there, initiatives, this has been suspended, but at the same time, everyone who needs our help, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries, it’s all the same, we provide humanitarian assistance, that is, we are ready to provide. linen, we are ready to provide clothes, hygiene products, food, that is, medicine, if there is a need to help, help with employment, help with paperwork, yes, that is, all these things we, of course, include together with our
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partners from the ministry of internal affairs, the healthcare system, others, we have all these questions we find, as before, you see, i was a little interested in this topic, it’s like... the brand is small, i’m sure that this was also used as a reason, because back in the twenty-third year in the month of june, in my opinion , the red cross, the international red cross stated that... that they have a funding shortfall for the twenty-fourth year that is expected to be more than half a billion dollars, so they are forced to lay off 1,800 employees worldwide and close 26 representative offices, well, at least that's official a statement made by the head of the international red cross, okay, in fact, we are now talking about what i will tell you more, excuse me for interrupting you, i will tell you more, not only the lack of financial resources for the existence of this big... structures, but
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the information is known, after all, we communicate not only officially, but also not officially with our colleagues, acquaintances, and so they said that the main sponsors, the main sponsors, well , who are they, these are large tycoons, large corporations, companies, but as a rule it is western europe and america, yes, allocating funding, money, sponsorship for financing.
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the peace fund financed the purchase of weapons for ukraine for about 5 billion dollars, handsome guys, this year they indicated that they are going to double the costs for this shopping, up to 10 billion, that’s what it is from your point of view, nonsense or a new reality, in which we are forced to live, this is not nonsense, this is a new reality, these are new realities of bipolar split personality, but what will we call it, for example. situation when the american president is awarded the nobel
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peace prize, who starts the war in iraq, i’m talking about barack obama, it’s like, what are you guys doing? well, you know, when you hear from a doctor about split personality, it already looks like a medical diagnosis. well, you know, unfortunately, yes, more and more often we have to say these things, depending on the position and behavior. then aren’t the customer’s ears sticking out too much, well , you know, it was yes, it was so
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clearly clear, but they apparently had to report, report, so right now, not a single document in the entire existence of the 165-year-old red cross movement has been in ukrainian or belarusian, why, excuse me, are you scared to print, is it printed in the official languages? it’s obvious, they specifically wrote in ukrainian so that refugees,
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ukrainians in belarus would clearly know from whom this decision comes, to deprive them of help, well, here ’s a good answer, perhaps, well, look, in social networks, in the comments, by at least under the information about the suspension of membership, but they write that on the sidelines of the organization there are regret about the closure of one of the most effective red cross organizations in the world, belarusian, right? well, this may be true, it really is, well, again, this is not the official interpretation, but this is actually true, i heard it too, my colleagues heard it, yes. well, you know, there are more sensible people, yes, only at the mercy of these various minorities, well, here i mean those who are trying to express a lie to show the truth, and shut everyone’s mouths, they naturally wanted to show that the guys, well,
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not not the goal is what i went to camouflage clothes, the goal is not what else... it happened, the goal is that i went to a place where it is a priori impossible to go, we don’t recognize these republics, well, i mean europe, america, movement, yes , it turns out that we don’t recognize them as an independent republic, there are no people there, well, of course, they haven’t seen war for 8 years, yes, there, there are no people there, which means, you know, some kind of red cross has come here, well, listen, to anathematize , what else, show the whole world, now they’ve removed you from your position.
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i may be exaggerating a little, yes, but i remember the information that the international committee of the red cross once admitted that after the war it had issued a number of high-ranking nazi criminals, documents that allowed them to hide from justice in latin america and then even come to europe, but at the same time, of course, it’s difficult to deny and.. .here
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belarusians, russians should act under a neutral flag, but the israelis, they are not responsible for the actions of their policies, guys, americans, when they bomb without sanction, yes that too, well, that’s how i’m an artist, i’m like that i see, after all, all these things are written there, you know, they are indicated, so no, i don’t believe in these fairy tales, we really must
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build our work, we must build our relationships, believe me, there are still many points of contact in the development of the belarusian red cross within the country, negotiations with our various large companies, enterprises, increasing membership, including deductions of sponsorship, many interesting projects, yes, all efforts should be directed here, and this will give its real normal results, because you they said correctly, after all, this is not just some kind of coloir...
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to cooperate and communicate with our international partners, but only on an equal basis, what i, of course, is what i initially told them back in august, when they were trying to prove, that the national society is still the vassals of the international federation of the red cross, i had to explain the truisms that the national society is a partner, please be so kind as to treat us as partners. look, a lot can be forgiven. these ones statements that we are kidnapping ukrainian children, yes, but this is of course nonsense, it is beyond the bounds, but since you are already a deputy, this is...


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