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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 3:05am-3:21am MSK

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"artists should be like children, naive, so they can remain at this childish age, but oddly enough, the role of mary poppins gave me the impetus to think about whether i’m too old. this is a glove puppet, of course, it’s old, and the performance we’ve been doing this for a long time, they ’re already outdated, it’s not modern, others are already making different ones, and these without noses, without eyes, and stylized, different, different dolls, but we can’t write off this performance, well, our children love this performance, they come to it several times, as soon as poster three little pigs appear, that's it, the audience
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laughs, and laughs, and laughs, and laughs, and we have him so cheerful, first of all, he is in poetry, the poems are well remembered, a lot of songs, a lot of dancing, here are the three little pigs - this is one team , the second team we have a wolf and a crow, so this glove doll, you see, i put it on my hand like a glove, it’s very simple, each doll has its own base, like a person’s spine, the most important thing is don’t break the spine, because with him the head, arms, legs, the spine - this is the main thing, this stick, this is its main base, that is, everything, the head is on it, so i’m working, you see, it’s simple, i ’m working, here are my hands, you see, it repeats all the movements of my fingers, so fine motor skills , i’ll do whatever i want, i can sit down, hello, he’s silent, oh,
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okay, don’t be afraid, so i work with it, the children really like it, for example, oh, oh, we haven’t seen a wolf, oh, oh, ah, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, that’s it. now i'll take a doll, i'll take a doll called a cable doll, it came to us, from italy, from there from those sharp ones, why is it called reed, firstly, it is upper, the artist works with it like this, at arm’s length behind a screen, screen, you can’t see me, you see, i have to watch all the time behind the nose, because we people don’t pay attention, we think that it’s us who are looking, we want to go there, we want to go there,
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because her hands are on the canes, that’s where the name cane comes from, this doll is still so average in weight, so and sometimes they are very heavy, sometimes they are light, and then there are sprouts nothing yet, you see, i already have to work with my hands, so i bow, let’s say , hello, now hello, oh, oh, and the hairstyle is good, i’m good, it’s like a person, so i can already... she has to do her step, so
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where is my cinderella? now we will try to communicate with cinderella, and we invite ksenia here, please, please, stand, so, don’t be shy, you will be cinderella, not even as if, but cinderella, that means cinderella, as in the fairy tale, we remember to the stepmother , not good? not really, she's afraid of her, that's right, mother, well done, smart, good, mother, right, that means you are entrusted with one phrase: okay, mother, let's rehearse, okay, now i will talk to you, when i give you a task, you will answer, okay, mother, okay , mother, let’s try to communicate, which means i will of course lower her lower so that we are approximately on the same level as ksenia. so, let's try, cinderella,
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yes, mother, you are a bad girl. “i care about you much more than about my own daughters, i don’t make a single remark to them for months, while i don’t care about you, my little one, i educate from morning to evening, why do you, my darling, pay me for this with black ingratitude, do you want to run away to the palace park?"? so, if you do all the work, i will allow you to stand in front of the royal windows. got it? ? yes, mother. so, the walls were knocked out. okay, mother. uh-huh. the beds fell out. okay, mother. plant
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seven rose bushes. okay, mother. so. oh, know yourself. it’s difficult, mother, so i don’t i know what it is, so it means, oh, we set coffee for 7 weeks, yes, mother, well go, run, okay, mother, thank you, well, of course, thanks to ksenia, that’s approximately how we communicate when cinderella’s doll. i am count mikhail shen, gaspadar mayon, foreman,
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who is not your teacher, packing the hell of gala pains. artist of the grodno regional puppet theater, an honored group of the republic of belarus, leading stage master, because even when i was just born, and i was born in 1956, the city of donetsk, and i did not stay there for long, then my mother is from belarus, here is the brest region, my, as they say, relatives, roots, this is the brest region, she is from here during the war... she is a participant in the war, my grandmother, her mother, she was a partisan messenger, she was betrayed by a neighbor who went to the police, my mother began to do her work in her place, she was still young, of course , young, so she was also a participant in the war, at the age of 7 we
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returned here to belarus, when i was already 7 years old, well, it happened, but i ended up in an orphanage, that is, my childhood grew up in the gomel region, in school, when i... decided to enter the theater institute, well , what did i learn there, a poem, i went to apply, i remember that the first round passed in
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the lists, the second round passed in the lists, the third round i was no longer there, in the third round, well , someone was chosen... more interesting, more talented, probably someone showed up brighter, what was for me it was a tragedy, what a tragedy it was, my god, how i cried, i had been dreaming for so many years, 4 years, of becoming an artist, then i didn’t get in, the tragedy of my whole life, when we returned those who didn’t get in anywhere, then to the soviet time in an orphanage, we were given jobs, and me and another girl were given a job in gomel, since it was gomel region, at the gomselmash plant and... when i was already 18 years old, i could already decide my life, my destiny, and i decided that i would go to theater again, but i was very afraid to go to minsk, and i began to look , where else can i go, and i found mogilev, uh, as they say, the college
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of arts, then it was a cultural and educational school, and - why i chose it, there was a phrase “of republican significance, i thought i liked it, wow!” i'll go there, i went there, i did, as they say, very easily and quickly, when we graduated , a puppet theater opened in mogilev and the director came to the graduation performance. see who he can propose to the competition, come to the competition, i was playing then, and he suggested that i come to the competition, and there we went through it like at the institute, all three rounds and i was accepted, so in the seventy-seventh year on january 11 i was accepted as an artist of the puppet theater of the mogilev regional puppet theater, i had never been to a puppet theater before, i had never even been to a drama theater, no, to grab it. yes yes yes, i’ll go, i say, i still have to understand, i want to work, does the puppet theater need me and
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do i need it? when i worked for another year, i had already played 12 roles, suddenly i realized, this is the revival of the inanimate, and for me it was like an insight came, a discovery that a dramatic artist is an artist, and then i take a spoon or a fork, attach a bow to it, i start not just, as they say, chatting and moving, moving, i start, as she looks, but what she thinks, and how she evaluates, how she reacts, this is the subject, and it seemed to me that in this there is some kind of magic, some kind of enchantment, that’s it, i decided that from now on i will always be an artist of the kukov theater, of course, although i have been working for so many years, or as we say, i serve the theater, although i like it better, i serve the viewer, of course, i serve the theater, i serve in the theater, but i... serve the viewer, the dolls have weight, one, before in
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soviet times they were generally heavy , 2-3 kg, because everything was made of natural wood, so wood inside, if iron, if mechanics, fingers move, arms move, mouth opens, ears move, all this the mechanics are inside, it’s also all made of iron, and you take a fragile young girl, 2-3 kg, and you need a whole performance, play her, work, dance, will you hold her? your hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on, you still feel that this is a puppet theater artist. well, that’s our profession, that ’s what i’m saying, and the scenery couldn’t stand it and many people left because it’s hard, because we in the puppet theater are equal to ballet dancers, we can work for 25 years and go to professional pension, of course it’s small, and you don’t have the right to work as an artist, there is such a subscription. but we're not leaving, that's for sure.
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well, like many people, i also have a hobby, that is, a desire to do something, i am especially attracted when doing something with my hands, for example, in my youth i really loved sewing on machines, i sewed different things, i could i can sew anything for myself, trousers, sweaters, dresses, even coats, and if, of course , it’s a very, very complex cut, then they cut it for me, and i sewed it all, and i liked it so much. then, of course, i love knitting, it’s so calming, it’s kind of like thinking about it, well, i think
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that many women do this, so i won’t surprise anyone with this, and i also like to draw, of course, i love drawing since childhood, i dreamed of being an artist as a child, so i even i like the smell of paints, when i came to the puppet theater to see the artist, when he was drawing sketches or painting dolls or to the workshops, even i and i were not alone. only we were young artists, we came running, helped to make, glue, draw there, i always asked if i could paint something, you can tint something, i liked the smell of paints, the process itself, so i paint at home on my own sometimes, sometimes when there is time, of course, the theater takes a lot of time, but nevertheless, when it happens , well, it’s just not in magata, then you take a pencil and draw something, of course i really like it. to draw nature, that’s what my soul is drawn to, and i also want, i hope i have enough
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time for this, to try pottery, when i look at it, i like it so much, how they are all different products, to create, to create, as i said, to create something, to create something with your own hands, it’s so cool, but in general, in general, it seems to me that when there are a lot of desires, it’s good, it’s good, because when we are young, it seems to us, it seems , 50 years old, this is already, oh, so old, and then, when these years fly by unnoticed and quickly, there are 20, 30, 40, 50, you think, god, am i really that many, yes, that many, and over time i think that everything, we are all human, me too, as they say, nothing human is alien to me, i also think about this, that life flies by quickly,


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