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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 3:20am-3:51am MSK

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enough time to try pottery, when i look at it, i like it so much, how they divided it all up to create, to create, as i said, to create something, to create something with your own hands, it’s so cool, here, but in general, in general, it seems to me that when there are a lot of desires, it’s good, it’s good, because when we are young, it seems to us, oh, we’ll still have time for everything, that’s all, and i thought so, and young people, and that’s well.. well, maximalists, this is all correct, and it seems, oh, we still have so much life left, people, when you are 17, there are 15, 20, it seems, 50 years, this is already oh, how old they are, and then, when these years fly by unnoticed and quickly, there are 20, 30, 4050, you think, god, is that really that much for me, yes, that much, and over time i think that’s it, we’re all human, me too, as they say, nothing human is alien to me, i also think about this, that life flies by quickly, it...
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is really such a different information- rich field, and we don’t communicate so often, thank god, thanks to my profession being so interesting, we have to communicate with people, with actors, with each other, so it's good, but what am i talking about, that every moment of life you understand that it is interesting, it is valuable, it is gone and it is not there, it only remains in the memory, an event, some kind of emotional. because it’s gone, it’s gone, you don’t have to worry about it too much and think about it, you can touch it, you can’t feel it, it’s not material, it’s only in the cells, somewhere deep, deep in our consciousness, subconscious in our memory, therefore, of course, every minute that comes, every day that comes, is interesting. today it’s like this,
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today it’s cloudy, how many ducks are swimming, what a beauty, and so is he, he is also handsome, he is good in his own way, he is interesting in his own way, because this, this, this, this, in general, i try to take a notebook in the morning when i get up, while i drink coffee, i write to myself, today i have to do this, this, this, this and this, i write quite a lot when i’ve even done half of these simple... things, i think it’s already good, it’s already good, so the feeling of life is like this, what else should be done, should be lived, should live well, that’s what i want to live, just to live, you want to breathe in the air, look at ducks, look at leaves, communicate with people, smile, they smile at you, someone smiled, you smiled, because what is even more valuable than that in this world?
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the contribution that you make to your work in your life is noticed sooner or later, and i always told both my students and actors, if a person does something, does and does, sooner or later, it brings results, that’s for the future of course i'm working.
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i already really want to work more, i still worked for many years, i worked everything, but play, live and work, my only dream is that we are all healthy, that there is peace, that of course our theater is at a good high level, that our artists are friendly with each other, and of course to live and work and do something else for people, even if small,
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the year of quality for our enterprise is , first of all, an increase in the model range to fill the sales markets and satisfy our consumers
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. i came to the minsk atlant refrigerator plant in 2001. in a refrigerator assembly shop as a fitter. on today i am the head of the refrigerator assembly unit. in 2001, i was 19 years old, i probably decided for myself that i would like to see how a large production works. and, probably, i still wanted to work, to see how our industry was developing. in 2001, we had about six product lines. today there are about 20 products and almost 100 executions of these products, production over the 20 years of my work here, in principle, it has been automated by at least 30%. we are very workers have mastered a lot, but
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also automatic equipment. the quality from the introduction of this equipment has improved by an order of magnitude with the release of the new line. automated production will make our life easier, our brand is respected by people and appreciated because this enterprise has been operating for a very long time, so just for the name atlant people are ready, in principle, to purchase our equipment.
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dj music. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all the questions: are you ready to meet our guest? andrey, s what mood are you in when you start a conversation? i'm in a wonderful mood, i'm sure there will be many interesting questions. are you ready for the fact that children are sometimes tougher than their opponents on the ice? absolutely ready. promise to tell only the truth. will try. are you ready to come out to your children? ready, then good luck! so, we welcome our hero, belarusian hockey player, center forward and captain of the minsk hockey club dynamo, andrei stas!
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andrey, i want to warn you that you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, in the end program you have to choose the best one, well now you have one minute. i’d like to briefly tell you about myself, time has passed, hello everyone, my name is andrey stas, i’m 35 years old, i’m a professional hockey player, a student of the youth hockey school. and i’ve been playing in the khl for 16 seasons, i was lucky in the twenty-first year, i made it to the gagarin cup, i have two more wonderful children, alexey and artemia, they are also hockey players, they study at ruslan soley’s school, that’s all, you got it in one minute, well, we are ready to move on to dialogue with children, our questions, we have 100 children in our studio, each has their own question, how long will you have time to answer, are you ready? ready, then let's begin. hello andrey, my name is alexandra, when you
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first went on the ice, what was your motivation? but the fact is that my brother is older, and he is also a hockey player; my father and mother always went to his games and practices, and i really wanted to be like him, that’s why my dad asked me there, would you go to hockey? , i didn't even have the slightest. a hint that i will somehow shirk and so on, i immediately said that i wanted to be a hockey player, that’s why i had motivation since childhood, looking at my brother, at what point did you realize that hockey would become the work of your whole life, probably when you signed your first contract, yes, well, in general to be honest, there weren’t even any thoughts from others about what i could still become, but hockey is probably all in years.
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it’s hard to say, i don’t know, i also really like music, maybe it has something to do with music, but to be honest, all my thoughts were only about hockey and how to become better at this sport. as in everyday life, you are the oldest on the team, do you feel like an old man? thank you for
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reminding me, actually no, i don’t feel like an old man, i just feel like i can tell the young guys some game moments that i have already lived, which i have lost and, in the sense of lost, like life, yes, i have lived, here, which... will help them become better in their careers and bring results to the team. the next question is from the red sector, how do you spend time with the team off the ice, or is it not customary for you? accepted, we have team events where we can take the whole team out to play golf or, i don’t know, pintball or any other kind. a game that will bring the team together, maybe just
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have some kind of barbecue, yes, something like that, can you share some interesting moment or anecdote from the locker room that describes the atmosphere of the team? now nothing immediately comes to mind, but i can say that dima korobov always, when he... enters the locker room, the whole team is immediately in a good mood, he loves joke, he has a large baggage of various anecdotes, jokes and jokes about generally every person in the locker room. andrei, tell me, how does he tease you directly, he calls me by name in society, so that every time he is a year younger than me, and every time he tells me andrei leonidovich to emphasize that i am already old. thank you, andrei leonidovich, what is andrei stas like in life and what is he like on the ice?
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are these different people? well, probably a little different, because any sport, especially professional sports, yes, it’s a little bit like that tough, and no one likes to lose, you always have to be very unyielding, and in a good way. angry on the field, but in life, of course, i can say that it’s a little different, yes, somewhere there are kind ones. well, i can say that in life sometimes you have to be a little bit angry in order not to let, let’s say, unwanted people get close to you, again a sharp turn with the puck, there’s a red sector to your left, the question from there is what’s best for you, the number of
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goals scored or victory, and of course, the most important thing is victory. because hockey is a team sport sports, and it doesn’t matter how many goals you can score, it’s always important, but the team’s result is important, can fans influence the outcome of the match? they absolutely can, when there is a great atmosphere in the arena, it is additional emotions, both for the team and for each player in particular. even in the last games there was an amazing atmosphere at the minsk arena and - when the audience drives the team forward, it adds additional strength, emotions, well, confidence, of course. to your right is the purple sector. athletes,
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as a rule, are superstitious people, you personally have any traditions or rituals before going on the ice? somehow this has happened since childhood. that i always tie the left skate first, this is perhaps my most important tradition and one that i have observed throughout my entire life. is it true that teams don't allow strangers into their locker rooms during the playoffs? not even in the playoffs, even in the regular season, there is a rule that unauthorized people are not allowed to enter the locker room and... there is an important rule, but you cannot step on the emblem, which is in the center locker rooms, what happens in this case? well , a fine, or if there is no money, a slap on the head, thanks for the frank answers, hello andrey, my name is timofey, how do you usually relax before the game? hello, well,
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before the game, on the contrary, you need to be collected, if it’s about a hobby, then some kind of table tennis, yes, would you like to play a game of chelban, who can hit the most in a minute, well, let’s play, bold proposal, bring the rackets to the studio and ping pong balls, let's do this, you have one minute, if the ball falls, it means you lose, ready? yes, well then let's go, gave it up, andrey, nothing, they played on the schelban,
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i remind you, nothing, nothing. that’s it, no, i ’m done, i don’t hit children, that’s okay too, who is your idol at the moment, who do you look up to? if we take it in terms of hockey, yes, for me, my brother has always been my idol, and i tried to imitate him, that is, take some useful things, his advice, that’s it. in everyday terms, of course, my parents, my mother, who invested so much in me and my father, and what just low bows and try to please her as much as possible, who was your best friend in
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life, the best friend in life, in fact, i have... there are five or six people whom i trust very much, and i consider them my close friends, but there is one best friend whom i can call at least 3: 00 at night, and he can do the same to me, and he did anything for me, and i did anything for him, this is my friend from school from hockey, let's call him, i wonder if he'll pick up the phone or no, let's do a little experiment, let's do it, hi, hi! listen, i'm sitting on the floor right now program, they said: call your best friend, i say, i say, you can call my best friend, he’ll answer the phone even at 3:00 in the morning, and describe your friend, it’s
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interesting, just the whole truth, listen, i’ve known andre since childhood, yes, uh, he was always honest, he would always come to the rescue, lend a shoulder, yes, probably the most basic qualities are honesty, kindness, decency. well , of course, like an athlete always achieves, strives for what he wants to achieve, thank you very much, an excellent characteristic of a true friend, that’s it, let’s connect, hugged, bye bye, hello andrey, my name is artyom, you played for russian teams for six seasons in a row, why did you decide? return to dynamo minsk. it so happened, i’m very glad to return home to minsk, my family, friends, stands are here, everything is familiar, i’m very glad that i was able
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to come to an agreement with my previous club, yes, to let me in, everything worked out well here, in general, still once again, i’m very glad that i managed to come back, dynamo minsk is the only one. from the belarusian teams that plays in the khl, and what do you think? what other belarusian teams have a chance to get into this league, there are very, very many criteria that must be met in order for a new club to be allowed into this league, but i hope, if there is a financial opportunity, they will sponsor another team in belarus, in minsk, in particular, then...
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what level are you at? and if it’s so subjective, there are a lot of talented young people in dynamo minsk, they try, they work on themselves, now the draft was nhl, a lot of guys were also drafted, this is also a big indicator that we are moving towards the right direction. to your left is the yellow sector, this is the difference between the training of hockey players and... say 15 years ago, in fact there is simply a huge gap between how hockey players prepared 15 years ago and how they prepare now, now there are
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a huge number of methods, there even on the same youtube and a huge amount of material that you can take from the internet, all this did not exist before, and before they worked only on some old... notes, and so on, that’s why now i think that at young people have a huge chance to have a lot of different gadgets to get better every day, and for this they just need to try, and would you like to become a coach, a good question, but my brother is now a coach, looking at how he is passionate about it. .. and there are so many problems and pitfalls, well, you still need to think three times, in achieving results and
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rewards, what is the ratio? labor for an athlete, and what for a coach? it’s a difficult, difficult question, because i believe that the team coach wins together, and also loses together, too, so it’s clear that physically, the players strain more there, run, push, there may be some injuries and so on, but the coaching staff has more work to do. there with video, with computers, yes, that is, they are trying to introduce some of their own ideas to us, so that it will help us in the game to achieve our results and goals. hello, my name is katya, tell me, have you ever used a hockey stick for other purposes than its intended purpose? of course, i used it, of course, it was something to get from a high cabinet, something or something under there
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something to fill up the sofa. i had to get something like this in this regard, i don’t even remember anymore, that... only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes. tall city. so, according to the chronicles, this place was called from the 15th century. there is a lot about the attraction here. i'll try to tell you about everyone. this is high and we start dating. and we set off on an exciting journey. by the way, it used to
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be in the city. several units, water, power, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists they claim that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear on the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is, the road between sino and shklovo is very picturesque in some places , similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this site thanks to the iconoclast tadeusz waginski. consider you not have you visited sinoy if you haven’t tried the spring water? people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing powers. watch the program "cities of belarus" on the belarus 24 tv channel. you and
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i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, postmodernity, everything in the world is text, the text of what is not important, ours the mistake is that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that here there is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically, somehow explain why post of such a huge state. will be a man, a grandfather, who doesn’t remember his name, but this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for a prayerful life like this, you’ll just feel somehow uncomfortable, monastic life is not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s advanced , god is alone with every heart, he says, every person, here he is an individuality, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. hello, my name is lera, do you like to be in the spotlight, any attention - of course it’s great, it’s always nice when... you are surrounded by attention, but there is also some, let’s say, other side of the coin, when you just want to be alone, and a little silence, tranquility and peace, that was, that’s why i think everything should be in moderation, but please tell me, someone on the street will definitely find out, but what is the most unusual reaction when you appear?


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