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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 3:50am-4:51am MSK

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24, hello, my name is lera, you like to be the center of attention, any attention, of course. it’s great, it’s always nice when you are surrounded by attention, but there is also some, let ’s say, other side of the coin, when you just want to be alone, and a little silence, calmness, peace, which was, that’s why, i think, it should be in moderation, but tell me, please, they will definitely recognize you on the street, yes, what is the most unusual reaction when you appear? what's
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the most unusual thing you've ever met, well, mostly everything is standard, there is a photo autograph, and the most unusual thing, by the way, was a story, there was a story in moscow, we were sitting, having dinner with a good friend of mine, and a guy who had already drunk a little, well, maybe not even a little, came up to me and told me about kokora, great, in short. confused me with kokorin with a football player, i said: no, wait, you are confusing something, he said: no, okay, okay, i understand everything, okay, i won’t even ask for a photo, that’s it, and he left, in short, we we spent the whole evening laughing at this, good story, we remain in the red sector, one more question from there, hello, it’s very nice, my name is ulyana, tell me what to do if you’re afraid of public speaking and how to still pull yourself together, well, i’m a little adviser on this, because it’s always
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exciting too, even today, when i went to the program, it’s still one thing to go out on the ice and do what you love in front of full stands, it’s another thing when you find yourself in an environment that’s not yours and you feel a little uncomfortable, well, that’s it, it’s all with experience, yes, if you find something somewhere - then it’s uncomfortable, try to bring yourself into this zone more often, then you will feel... more comfortable, more comfortable. andrey leonidovich, my name is rastislav, you have been to seven different teams, three times to dynamo, you have a lot of experience, so tell me, why doesn’t a coward play hockey? coward does not play hockey? well, probably because it’s a contact sport, and well, it would definitely be very difficult for girls to play it. sports, because
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it hurts there, and it hurts a lot, that's probably why the rope doesn't play hockey, if you had the opportunity to rewind time and change something in your life, then what would it be? to be honest, probably, but i wouldn’t change anything, well, or almost nothing , of course there are, all people have certain things that they would definitely change, yes, but i don’t always want to voice them. in fact, if i had not lived the life that i already have, then perhaps i would not have achieved what i have, and would not have been the person that i know you have become. very extensive career experience, half of the seasons you had such clubs as neftekhimik, cska, avangar, tractor, and you now you’ve returned to dynamo, you started at dynamo, but that’s not what we’re talking about now, and you...
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go back to away matches, to your, well, as they say, past arenas, doesn’t this evoke any nostalgic thoughts about it? but i can say that - returning to omsk, yes, to the omsk avangard, now they have a new arena, and very, very warm memories of this arena, and of course, returning to this arena, vitya plays, and omsk played avant-garde for 3 years and we won the gagarin cup there, and of course, all these locker rooms, this clearing, all these emotions the memories are just crazy, good afternoon, my name is anya and i know that your children also play hockey, was this your initiative or their own desire?
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probably it was my initiative at first, yes, they went to every game, to every training session of mine, so, but later they really liked it and... still watch the children play, because when you you play yourself, yes, it’s not just interesting for you, it’s certainly interesting, yes, but it’s like some kind of competition when you watch at children’s games, and you notice for yourself what
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works, what doesn’t work, what can you tell them where they can improve, so children, tell me, how often do you attend your sons’ games? in fact, my schedule is so tight that it doesn’t always work out, but thank god that the internet, youtube, have already been invented , there are already broadcasts, so i watch everything, and you are a strict father, i’m probably not, i’m very soft, due to the fact that again i have a very busy schedule and don’t see my children very often. that's why every time i want to do something a gift or support in some way, even if something doesn’t work out, but i always keep the line beyond which they cannot cross, that’s why i can’t say that i’m strict, i’m rather fair. if one of your
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sons came to you and said that he would no longer play hockey, how would you react? ah... well, for me it was certainly unpleasant, yes, but i would first of all ask what he really wants to do, yes, so that he would somehow justify this, why not hockey, something else, but if he convinced me, absolutely exactly, i would support him in this, if you have a daughter, then how will you approach her upbringing, eh? well, i think that she will be a daddy’s daughter, and of course she will have a lot, which is allowed, i can be tied down, 100%. do you remember your first
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love, and if so, what age was she? oh, what questions did you ask, and the first one. love, of course, i remember, it was in kindergarten, it was my teacher, yes, ekaterina, listen, i forgot my middle name, ekaterina, i don’t remember, i remember that ekaterina’s name was, so, what if i’m older, well, i think , that anyone, any person remembers their first love, and it was there for 14 years, well, everything is the same, everything is as usual. yes, sympathy and so on. or maybe you can give young guys some advice on how to attract the attention of girls? wow, there are already some pickup courses here, right? yes, in fact,
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just attention, girls really love attention, through attention, understanding, i think everything will be the way they want. and why? so often they like to fight on ice, hockey is an emotional sport, that’s why it’s a very unyielding sport, that’s why sometimes fights break out, especially since it is not prohibited, and this is not football, not table tennis, so if you want to fight, then you can do it. there are cases when players' teeth are knocked out, the club pays them money, if so, how much? are teeth expensive? yes, unfortunately, there are such unpleasant moments with teeth, in fact everything is covered by insurance, all medical issues are covered by insurance. you have 850
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matches in the hhl, what makes you a record holder among belarusians? what does this mean to you? well, it's actually very nice. that i have reached such a mark, i really want to reach the mark of 1.00 matches, but what does this mean for me? and this means that you need to look at your passport, how old are you? it's called andrey, but seriously, i try , i try to give all the young guys advice on everything that i have accumulated over these 850 matches, some of my experience, some of my details that work and thanks to which it will be easier for them in the future career. what motivates you to achieve high results? how?
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come in, and god gave you such an opportunity to go out and show some achievements, yes, some, to please the public with what you do, that’s why every time it’s very difficult, there are moments when you want to give up everything, there and then these are the moments that come, i remember, for some reason, these are her words, and this is a very cool motivation, tell me. what was the reason for choosing the number you play under? and the number i chose was originally
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my brother, yes, that is, he played twenty- thirds, so naturally i went to his games, training, i saw this number more and more often, and i liked it more and more, then later he changed it to another, he had the twenty-sixth, the twenty-fourth, but i kept the twenty-third with me and... your numbers did you choose the children or did they choose them themselves? but i really wanted someone to play on the twenty-third, there is a second under the thirty-second, maybe, but they decided that the goalkeeper would be the second, the one who is in the twenty-seventh field.
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tell me, what does your homeland mean to you? homeland is the place where i always return from a smile on their face and they leave. from an airplane, from a bus, from a train, you immediately feel your home - the air, yes, and of course, when you are not at home for a long time, especially if you played in russia and there for almost nine, 8-9 months you were somewhere in on the road, then you come home on vacation, in minsk, of course, very cool emotions, often... visiting your neighborhood, where you grew up, to visit the guys, someone else still lives there, and such
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nostalgic stories, tell me, please, how did you finish school and did your desire to play hockey interfere with your study? we had a sports class, firstly, i want to say, the teachers were a little more loyal to our, let’s say, school successes, that’s why... but they tried very, very hard, invested their knowledge in us and so on, and thanks to them we were very i learned a lot, of course, from school, the consequences in college, i studied for 2 years in roor, but i can say that, unfortunately , it very rarely works out when professional sports and studies go in step, as a rule... as a rule, some of this suffers, what was your average certificate score? oh, good question, i
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actually changed three schools, it turns out that i studied in the eighty-fifth until the fifth grade, then i moved to the twenty-third gymnasium, we had a special class there, that is, just the boys, a hockey team, then another 2 years in roura, the tenth , eleventh, honestly i won’t lie, i won’t say that there were only a’s. well, these are eights, nines, tens, well , overall six, six se, this is my assessment, were you a bully at school or not, rather? most likely no, a hooligan, a hooligan, probably i’ve never been there, i always felt responsible for how my parents would be viewed later, that’s why i didn’t create any particular inconvenience there for either teachers
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or school principals. were my parents ever called to school, for what reason, if so? now i remember, now i remember, yes , they called us, it was probably 14-15 years ago, when these cigarette tests, beer tests began, all this began, naturally they burned us and explained to us that if you want to achieve something, of course, this is all nonsense. name your top three least favorite lessons at school. top three, bellite, ruslit, just not my thing, the third, probably, iso, fine
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art, i didn’t like drawing it all, gluing it, this is all not mine, thanks for your honesty, let’s talk about... what are your favorite vacation spots in minsk, where do you recommend to go? in fact, i really like to walk along victory avenue, or take scooters with my children, ride there, it’s very, very pleasant, and if i take it personally, i really like to go to my old neighborhood and take a walk around some. places where i used to play football with guys, yes, or go to your old school there, the eighty-fifth, and what kind of area, if not, this is a factory area, what was your best memory from childhood? the best memories from childhood, there are probably two of them, i
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remember going with my dad... now this is the dynamo stadium, there used to be a market downstairs, and bicycles were sold there, so we bought me a bicycle there, i was happy, in general i was just in seventh heaven i was jumping, this is the first memory, the second memory is from childhood, my brother from america brought me a very cool jacket, new york rangers, here i am in this jacket haven't slept there yet. what kind of pets do you have or have had? i have always had cats , right from childhood, now my mother has a cat living with me, i now have a small york, very smart, but very harmful, i also have a york, they are
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harmful, you squeeze him a little, he immediately. always every new year or there and before the new year i watch all these famous comedies that are already 50 years old, but as for foreign ones, it’s probably all standard, some very cool series
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that everyone hears about, or films there with actors, jim carrey. very cool, well, with those, with those too, very cool, clooney too, in fact , i wouldn’t single out a lot of people right now , which is my favorite, if they made a film about you, who, what’s the name of the actor, who should play borunov, borunov, yes, yes, yes, he’s cool too, great, i immediately introduced him to... yes, yes, yes, with a stick, yes, in what genre would the film turn out, well, in a comedy, i hope . tell me, did you have an event in your life that turned it 180°? there was such an event 2 s2 years ago, i
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i met a person who i believe and think is the closest person to me. thanks for the answer. what would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? what would i say to myself, eighteen years old, it’s bad that for 18 years i didn’t have the brains that i have at 35, yes, i would probably say simply, work and enjoy life. my question is: what kind of music do you listen to and do you listen to music in the car? and i always listen to
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different music depending on my mood, i can listen to some rap, i can listen to the king and the jester, if this is some kind of everyday day, then it could be some popular songs on the radio, but what do you think of the music of our generation? in a nutshell, to each his own, each generation, each generation has its own heroes, that ’s why you have your heroes, i have mine. hello, my name is alisa, what other talents do you have, what do you enjoy doing in your free time? hello, well, i can’t say that these are talents, yes, but in my free time i can play the guitar a little bit of me as a child. a neighbor taught me, that's actually me i’m slowly improving, and i really love technology, i mean cars and
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so on, atvs, something like that, well, something like that, there’s actually not a lot of free time, so when you manage to carve out some days, then it’s either some kind of travel, or quietly at home... can you play something for us now? play, well, you can try. hang on and listen to what i say, i’ve been patient, but
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today i’m leaving, i said, calm down and open up, that’s all. goodbye to you, this signal means it’s time for questions to the hero expired, andrey, now you have to choose the best question of this program? in fact, there were a lot of cool questions, thank you guys very much for these cool questions, but i want. give this guy the prize, introduce yourself, tell us what grade, what school you study in, hello everyone, my name is vlad, i’m 14 years old, i’m in the eighth
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grade of gymnasium number 39 in minsk. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. go out onto the site. andrey, now you have the opportunity to ask children have their own question, i would probably like to know what happiness means to them, what does it mean? what makes me happy is spending time with my family with those people who make me feel comfortable, i consider myself happy when i go to school, hang out with friends, go to hockey games with them, and also root for the team, this is very cool for me . i want
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to say that happiness for me is the realization that there are people next to you who are ready to support you, understand, with whom you can share not only something sad, they will support you, and the fact that you what makes you happy, they will be as sincerely happy for you as you are, is to find your life’s work and make progress in it, as well as spend time alone with yourself. wow cool! andrey, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, thank you very much for so many very cool questions, i see from your answers to my question that an excellent generation is growing up, which values ​​​​its parents, who clearly know what they want, so i want to wish everyone good luck in all your endeavors, good health to you and
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to your families. well, enjoy this life. so, belarusian hockey player, center forward, captain of the minsk hockey club dynamo. andrey stais, today's guest on the program is 100 questions for adults. i'm waiting for you, andrey, to enter the site. thank you. and here i ask you to stay. andrey, how do you like our children's audience? very cool, really liked it, very, very nice guys and there were some very tricky questions, what question seemed completely unexpected to you today? unexpected, unexpected, probably there was a question about the director, that is , they called, they didn’t call the parents, i never wanted to worry the parents with some of their problems, so there was even... there was no question
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of calling the director or anything like that. today you managed to answer 62 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? be sure to invite. i am addressing our young audience. do you think that our hero was as frank and honest with you today as possible? whoever thinks so, raise your hand. i think it's quite open, cool guy, i won’t remember his age. he communicated with us on an equal basis, and i think that he answered all our questions quite honestly and openly, well, at first it was noticeable that he was a little shy, but rather during the program he opened up to us more, i especially liked the moment , when he picked up the guitar he played agatha christie, i really like these songs of the old generation more, and i... how i danced to these songs
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as a child. please tell me who thought that andrei, well, didn’t say something, maybe perhaps he was a little cunning in his dialogue with you? well, i think, of course, every person has personal boundaries and his own secrets that he cannot reveal. therefore, well, i think that i was not fully honored. the moments when relatives and loved ones were touched upon, he was very hidden. andrey, please tell me how you would comment on this remark? well, next time i’ll have to come with the children to be completely open with the girl, so that it’s easier for me, so that the guys don’t have any objections, we’ll be waiting for you in this cheerful company, andrey, we have such a rule that the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place.
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as many broadcasts and broadcasts as possible in this team. andrey stas was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. in the next issue, dear participants of the program, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, natalya korchevskaya. what's the most
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uncivil thing you've ever done? how much do you value our education? abroad. could artificial intelligence replace creative professions in the future? there are show business stars studying at your university, and you make excuses for them in exams? do you think you have talent? it seems to me that you have a very stressful job, how do you relieve stress? 100 questions for an adult. if i don't get it.
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people of the sir's paltaina of the european land, we have such strength, that's what we are, sir, let's
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fight, our land has been saved, our bright name, hail the people. from time to time, in countries like ours, we are at the end of our lives, and you see yourself in slaughter
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search, layer the earth. danima live forever, prilorus, friendship of peoples, strength of the people, ours for victory, solo way,
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our choir mixed in, clear i. faithful and joyful in our evil earth, our bright yoke.
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hello, in order to prevent a hot war, you cannot lose to the information war, to reach the hearts of people, this is the task the president sets for the new deputy head of the administration, monday’s personnel decision. big water in russia, despite all efforts to maximize the concentration of resources to cope with the consequences of the flood in it is not yet possible in the urals and the volga region. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. loud personnel news on monday, as well as the president’s tasks for...
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legitimate, how zelensky canceled the presidential elections, why the arguments are sewn with white threads, usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution and ordinary ukrainians, in understandable politics the whole situation is arbitrariness in the banking , instead of income, you get only losses and debts, which means that on the other side of the screen there are scammers, like swindlers on behalf of large companies and banks, profiting from belarusians and is there a chance to return lost deposits? we’ll talk about this in the story of the panorama. let's start with
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the important personnel news of the day: alexander lukashenko appointed vladimir pertsov, deputy head of the presidential administration, and set specific tasks for propaganda and counter-propaganda, if it is simply impossible to lose in the information war, which is now in full swing. belarus is doing everything to prevent a hot war. it is important to convey to people the truth about what is happening in the country around us, to fight off fakes and not to give in for tricks. information and psychological operations from abroad. the ideological work that will oversee the peppers comes to the fore. how expected was this appointment and what instructions did the president give? let’s ask our columnist natalia breus. colleagues, personnel forecasts, thankless tasks, but in connection with the latest political events in the country , it was clear that appointments were coming. one of them happened this morning. we see how consistent the president is. forms the team of his political headquarters, because even more
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an important event is ahead. the minister of information enters the first one's office, only to emerge as deputy head of the presidential administration. his predecessor, igor lutsky, as is known, was elected to the council of the republic. despite the prefix “deputy”, the post in the apparatus is important, because alexander lukashenko himself is building the conversation, understandably, in these difficult times on the ideological front. of course, as far as possible, i inform our people about the main points, but i wouldn’t want to strain the situation so that people worry, worry, but i understand that the situation is not simple, everything has come together now in the media, now these sectors of our lives. play a vital role
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in general in the development of belarus, now there is an information war, primarily in the media, an economic war, there is no other way to call it, we are doing so in order to protect the country from a hot war, as long as we succeed, i think we can solve this problem, to prevent a collision, as it has always been, you know this well. on the territory of belarus, the fugitive opposition dreams of stirring up trouble in the country and better yet, it’s hotter, the belarusian side sees and controls the media agenda of opponents, whose task is to find, if it does not work, a fabrication.
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they behave more or less neatly, carefully, although they are doing their job, the dirty business with these terrorist attacks, attacks and so on, we know this well from the border with ukraine, so the situation is not simple, sometimes it is difficult to understand it, our fugitives are always they are pushing this information agenda, we know that they are now collecting all the dirt, now we have met, wait until tomorrow , they will start turning you inside out. and they will write down where you went, where you flew, what you did, who you met, and so on, so on, this is their agenda now, well, as we put it mildly, information and psychological operations, they are banking on this, although their curators are inclined to armed confrontation,
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both of them are not easy, being the minister of information, vladimir pertsov, as a savvy and media person, tried to convey this is not easy. position of the state, but also to open the eyes of those who at some point blindly believed the good intentions of fugitives from the west, always fundamentally, always patriotically hits not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. pertsov managed to work as a media manager in the region and headed the representative offices of the interstate television and radio company mir. the information war and the hybrid war that is being waged against our country by a group of western states, it has not gone away, they... are probing, looking for new channels of influence on our people, on influence, primarily with the help of all kinds of digital synthetic... information- psychological operations, and what we call media-like,
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bloggers and so on, through social networks, in order to reach hearts, fool , cause certain negative emotions, for technologies and centers of this, we must more actively apply the methods that we have learned over the past 3-4 years, methods of effective counter-propaganda to the lies that. .. in relation to our country, in relation to historical truth, in relation to our president, pouring in from abroad, the president will note the strengths of vladimir pertsov, he knows how to talk to people, this is a quality that, by the way, is impossible in ideological work, the task here is to streamline, by appointing here a deputy head of the administration for economics, you probably followed, i told him that we need to somehow concentrate and get out.
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prepares our people for the fact that maybe, especially in the era of our artificial intelligence, there will still be plenty of lies. communicating with the press in his new status, vladimir pertsov, in his characteristic manner, will say that he considers his main task to reach the hearts of people, because we really have something to be proud of and what to cherish, the main thing is what is right word. natalya breevs, katerina krutalevich and ilya puchko, tv news agency. the process of restoring the first cosmonaut of sovereign belarus after
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the space flight that ended on april 6 is active. marina vasilevskaya and the hero of russia, a native of belarus , oleg novitsky, are now in the dispensary of the cosmonaut training center of the roscosmos state corporation in the star town near moscow. and this is what they told us about their condition and well-being. good afternoon dear friends. we are glad to welcome you. wonderful, yes, condition our health is normal, we are undergoing rehabilitation, everything is according to plan, everything is on schedule, and we will continue to do the same. our astronaut stayed on the iss for 12 days, during which time she conducted several scientific experiments in the field of microbiology, the effect of bacteria on the human body in space, as well as the use of probiotics in food. as reported in nan-belarus, all studies were successful. to
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keep our skies cloudless, another batch of mi-35m helicopters arrived at one of the air force and air defense airfields. soon new technology. will enter combat duty and will fully participate in combat training activities. four aircraft on a flight route of more than 2.0 km were piloted by our pilots, who completed an internship at the training center of the russian armed forces. belarus received the first batch of four mi-35m helicopters delivered in august twenty-third. at the same time, the pilots and engineering staff underwent retraining in the russian federation. we already have eight such machines, mi 35m.
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but is fundamentally different from it in the newest electronics and modern devices, the vessel is capable of using a wider range of aircraft weapons and is ready to perform tasks in any conditions. and threat neutralization tools are being improved during the current review of the army’s combat readiness, on how to preserve your region and country as a whole in the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. we can already say for sure that the planet is moving along its steps, not confidently, and even down the steps, uncertainly.
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there really is nowhere to go. which ones red lines and... oceans of blood did not intersect, what mechanisms of killing people were not used and were not justified recently. now, for example, we are witnessing the process of routinization of terrorism, which is not a day, a terrorist attack, and the focus of media presentation depends solely on the affected country. a monstrous crime occurred in the moscow region and it quickly faded into the background, giving way on the western agenda to attempts to divert the blame for what happened from ukraine, that is, from themselves. about dozens of dead, about this in the form of statistics. so what? talk about the discovery of explosives in icons traveling to russia is trivial: they waved their hand in brussels and washington, and that’s all, but in reality they waved their hand, they gave the go-ahead for similar terrorist aspirations in the future, like the shelling of residential buildings, but what a bark arose , when president putin spoke harshly about the consequences. those who use these weapons, and these are weapons that are used against
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russia, obviously must understand this today. that it cuts both ways. vladimir putin, president of russia. in the west and in kyiv this they reacted amazingly to the thesis and resorted to their own terrorist tactics to the alleged plans of moscow. even some shopping centers were included in the list of potential targets for russia. and the real decoding of the answer has already come in numbers. over the past week and a half, at selection points for military service under contract in the armed forces, it has been recorded. a significant increase in the number of people wishing to enter into contracts with the russian ministry of defense in order to take part in a special military operation; up to 1,700 people come to selection points every day. most candidates indicated the desire to avenge those killed in the tragedy that occurred on march 22, 2024 in the moscow region as the main motive for concluding a contract. russian ministry of defense.
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this is the reaction. what is happening is most directly related to belarus: aggressive rhetoric towards minsk, the concentration of military groups near our borders are gaining inertia, which simply, according to the law of the transition of quantity to quality, threatens with negativity, now with a clear terrorist overtone, after all, no one of ours will not condemn opponents, and therefore a preventive measure of protection is the key task of people in uniform, an effective mechanism for preventing or neutralizing terrorists and terrorist means of attack, territorial troops on... volunteer units in several regions of the country at once. and i must say, they got into action with enthusiasm, and the territorial and militia will be one of the first where they can send sabotage groups or the same attack drones, be it an industrial facility or a residential building, to protect
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from any threat, belarusians with guns are now learning this. the guys are in good spirits, 20 people under my command have completed training, practical training in combat training, medical training, and shooting. recent events around belarus fit into the logic of preparations for war in the eastern direction. poland recently received 100 abrams tanks, which will be part of the first warsaw brigade, even denmark, and it confirmed that it would send a battalion to latvia, it really needs it, minsk alone. we. after all, now we are also digging the ground, he dug, how much, they too, we dig the ground like them, very close to the border, only our goals are completely different, they dig trenches, trenches, against tanks, etc., increase the cost of strike weapons, and here we are 2/3, 2/3
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of the budget region we direct to the social sphere. hopes that they won’t risk taking out a sword, and if the neighbors carefully look at the panorama for military purposes, they will definitely turn into kittens, news about medicine, sowing, they have a beneficial effect on everyone. nato sea shield naval exercises have started in romania, in which, in addition to the host country, 12 member states of the alliance are participating. involved in maneuvers. destruction of submarines and naval aircraft in the black sea and the rivers of the black sea
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basin. the romanian ministry of defense notes that these maneuvers will be the largest of those conducted under the leadership of the country’s army command. the sea shield is further evidence that the north atlantic alliance intends to take the black sea under its full control.
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considering that the cdu is the most popular party in germany, it will most likely form the next government of the country, the idea of ​​​​increasing pressure on the slovak-hungarians is in the air and will soon, quite possibly, be implemented. how zelensky canceled the presidential elections, why the arguments are flawed. threads, the usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution and ordinary ukrainians, when an actor’s mandates run out, why even the most faithful friends are thrown out of the team, in
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understandable politics the whole alignment of arbitrariness in the banking sector, watch today after the panorama.


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