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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 5:45am-6:00am MSK

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an important event in the extra league final series for the president's cup, in which zhlobin metallurgist and brest will meet. the history of the championship has never been rewritten before, the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season did not reach the golden series, neither individually, nor especially together, of course, from the stalivars, as from the current holders of the trophy , progress and transformation could be expected during the playoffs, but the phenomenon of the southerners is like a sports miracle, magic is happening in the city above the bug, local fans are hype. with sergei's posters
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dumbledore pushkov. the magical theme also captured the hockey players themselves; alexey selivnik, who had just begun a comeback in the sixth game of the 1/2 finals against the miner, celebrated the goal here. the stick equals a magic wand. and fans of opponents find the reason for their defeat precisely in divination. why is it so difficult for them to play with brest? well, because there are sorcerers in brest. he really legitimized such people, the word around says, maybe you really are a magician, stop it, this is magic from us, from our city, from our fans, thank you to them big, yaroslav kosa, came to the team, said that guys, we are going for the cup, that’s why we go there, we try very hard every game, we give our all, we fight for each other, so maybe from this result.
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comes. the final series of up to four victories will begin in zhilobino. already this coming wednesday , the starting throw-in is 18:00 on friday at 20:00. then the confrontation will move to brest. on sunday the game will start at 16:30. battles live on belarus. 5. the washington capitals lost to the atavi senators in overtime in an nhl regular season match 2-3. in in the capital's lineup , max pocharete and alexey protas scored accurate shots. vetebsk resident. interrupted a long streak without scoring points; in the current championship, alexei has played 73 matches in which he scored 29 points. washington is in tenth place in the eastern conference table, now the capitals have no room for error. if they lose the next game of the season against detroit, the team will lose its mathematical chance of making the stanley cup playoffs. artyom kuntsevich, silver medalist of the spring stage of the enduro for seasons tournament in the category about belarus.
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lost only to russian danila chernyaev. bronze went to another endurist from our neighboring country, danila mironov. for the first time in history , enduro competitions were held in waste chalk quarries near volkovysk. this stage for seasons impressed its participants with its not simple route and obstacles, but also with a beautiful landscape that will certainly attract tourists, because photographs and videos of the competition have already spread all over the world. this.
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something else, tens, hundreds of thousands of people will watch it there, and this is, well, somehow will help the development of the region, 430 participants, each will come there with a wife, a child, a friend, that is, already 5 people in total. they film on their phones all these jumps and so on, naturally, it’s a powerful, maybe a stream. about 400 participants showed up for the spring stage of 4 seasons in five categories following the results of 2 days of competition in category b1. let's note the victory of minsk resident artyom korin, in b-2 dmitry yakovlev from novopolotsk, in b3 evgeniy ponkov from grodno tried on gold. the most popular open hobby category, where those who recently met enduru performed, ilya krymov from voron won. plus
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five olympic licenses in the belarusian wrestling team. our athletes performed successfully at the qualifying tournament in baku. let me remind you that in order to win the quota, the wrestlers had to make it to the finals of the championship. with the main one, with a personal trainer and write some kind of plan that would be more suitable for me. veronica ivanova was a little short, a very worthy fight with a representative of the russian team, it was a fairly worthy fight, a tense fight, i think that veronica still has a chance,
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she will get a ticket to the olympic games. the belarusian volmiki performed triumphantly at the baku tournament, winning four quotas at once. magomed khabib khadi magomedov. alexander gushtyn and denis kharminkov, for the second time in their careers, will go to the main competition of the four years, and arian tyutrin has also booked a trip to paris, for him this is the first olympics in his career. of course, we always count on such a result, we always want more, but we were pleasantly surprised, naturally, by the men’s team. we when we saw zhiebi, it was clear that we should have at least two licenses. the rest were counting on the guys to get together, tyutrina aryan, we were counting on him, it wasn’t a big revelation for us that he would take the license, well done, naturally, there are also worthy rivals there, he coped with it without any problems and now we can calmly prepare for the olympics
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games, we were on our way to give all the villages away, but there was still a little left, if you needed them, you also gave them away, fights were taking place, somewhere there were intense fights in pain, somewhere i... didn’t sleep, okay, it didn’t work out, for some reason there were some nuances, everything is still floating . in total, belarusian wrestlers won seven olympic licenses; vanessa kaladinskaya and abubakar khaslakhanov also won quotas earlier. the athletes will have their last chance to get a ticket to paris at the world qualifying tournament, which will be hosted by istanbul in may. belarusian gereviks continue to delight with new records as part of the open strength festival. weighing 32 kg in 5 minutes, thereby doing one repetition more than the previous result, also viktor
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matsur, who pressed a 60 kg projectile 16 times, was also pleased with the broken world record, he clearly did not intend to stop, the public, the support went according to his schedule, but then still. it seemed that i didn’t train, and after 100 times everything dropped sharply, and they were just carrying the will, just experience, maybe experience, and i did it one time at a time , so i had time to spare, so i made it to 120, well, for one time, well, this is a record anyway, so i’m very glad, glad that i set it, kept myself in uh three-four mode workouts a day, sometimes even more, i was preparing for this record, we... with harneko vyacheslav agreed to coincide these records with the day of unity of russia belarus, a record and i plan even more, now i’m switching to heavier weights, as promised, i’m already working with 70-72 kg with a weight, by the ninth of may, i think, there will already be a record with
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heavier weights, i think something that will arouse even greater public interest. let me note that the open festival of strength sports brought together more than 120 athletes from all over the country. and not only. in whose hands will the fastball be on this once the final stage of the republican handball competition among boys and girls under 15 years old started in the capital. for many guys, the upcoming games are not only a unique opportunity to improve their skills, but also a great chance to prove themselves. this season , the system of holding the tournament has changed, so previously only national teams from the regions and the city of minsk competed for the main prize. but now anyone could apply to participate in the competition. children's and youth sports school in belarus, therefore the number handball players and handball players increased significantly, almost 400 boys and 200 girls, of course, teenagers were actively training and preparing for the fast ball final. before these competitions, we had
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a training camp, where we also trained twice a day. these competitions are very important for us, because we still want to win. there are teams that are very friendly with each other, by the way. sometimes it interferes on the court, they know each other, during the season they meet at games, then as girlfriends, you can’t offend a girlfriend too much, there are principled meetings, there are such intrigues of the game as straight punching. emotions, like those of adults, are no worse, there are very promising children, coaches who take them to the olympic reserve school, to clubs, they look, they already take note of good children somewhere, in the future they will work with them , let us add that this tournament became very famous back in the days of the soviet union, well, the competition has been held in belarus for 17 years, all winners will receive special awards and gifts from the president.
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in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants, is it true that demarcation is the process of marking the state border on the ground. yaroslav, what do you think? took as a basis the fact that in the word demarcation there is, well , the root of the word marking, can lead to the fact that well, this is really a process of marking the state border, and what kind of process is delimitation, you can only count on your own strength here, 10 in 15 powers + 8 - it will be 1,000, it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but at the end there will be eight and we have 1 + 8 = 9, and that’s how far we’ve gone just? in short, it’s possible. please tell me what you are getting at? a game that will not leave
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anyone indifferent. i chose option b, but i don’t know such a bird, but i do know a rifle that has a whitefish at the beginning. oh, are you observant? this is his subject matter, this is all military, he is well versed in this. look, an intellectually entertaining project, i know. on the tv channel belarus 24. it’s easy to explore belarus, just create a non-trivial route. the treasury building was built in 1807 year, and during the battle with napoleon there was a french hospital here. and that's it, guys, we can also see the alyakseevskaya tsarka, which is known from the grounds of the bela kovel castle. the most important thing is to be open to amazing secrets.
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scissors, so brilliant, oh, i know what i can do, ale, this is what i can do, look at the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel, each of the heroes is special, this is unity, some kind of brotherhood, with the guys who helped us there were few girls, we were the first intake in the entire history of the faculty... the six girls who graduated received an education equal to the men. each has
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its own unique story. my father advised me to go and study as a psychologist, a practical psychologist, because he said that from his practice , most people deal with family issues, when i try to analyze why i am so open, and i have so much, so much love and attention to others to people. what my parents invested in me, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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