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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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the morning broadcast continues with the program zone x. i am violetta sokolovich. hello. a batch of components for building materials worth more than 200,000 rubles. found at the border. a polish carrier's car in a trailer is a product. the driver entered belarus through the kozlovichi checkpoint. according to the information specified in the documents, the truck was supposed to contain food flavorings, pelletized hops, cheese and other goods. but during the inspection, additional investments were also found. if brest customs officers had not found excess cargo, the carrier would have saved 67,000 rubles on payments. but if this were not our method, there would be an administrative penalty for the driver. an administrative process has been initiated against the polish carrier for non-declaration of goods in accordance with part one of article 15.5 of the code of the republic of belarus on administrative offences.
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the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. an elderly couple killed their son-in-law. the tragedy took place in molodeshchna. the daughter complained to her parents that her husband had gone to binge. the pensioners decided to talk to their forty-one-year-old son-in-law, but the conversation did not go well. during an argument, the man was fatally hit with a hammer. a few days later, the wife reported her husband missing. only the next day did the pensioners decide to get rid of the body and evidence. they undressed his son-in-law and wrapped him in cellophane, after which they took him to the forest, where they buried him. police officers quickly detained a sixty-five-year-old man; his ex-wife left the country immediately after the murder was committed. the pensioner admitted to what he had done and told in detail to the investigator how he and his ex-wife killed his son-in-law, and also showed where the body was buried. the man said that he threw the victim’s hammer and mobile phone into the river. during the initial
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her husband is in custody; details of family relationships are in the final program. strangled for not giving money for drinks, a resident of mogilev is suspected of murdering his neighbor, a criminal case has been opened, the body of a sixty-five-year-old woman was found in the apartment. her relative told the police that the pensioner had not been out for several days. connection. detectives from the criminal department of the rozovsk
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department of internal affairs and the leninsky district department of internal affairs established that on the day of the murder, her 38-year-old neighbor came to the owner of the apartment. a drunk man wanted to borrow money from a pensioner. previously, the woman helped him out, but this time she refused the request. as a result of the conflict, the neighbor grabbed the cord from the electric breaker and strangled her. a resident of grodny was daringly robbed right in a bank branch while buying a car. the complex, confusing situation began last summer, when the sign. coma offered the menchanin to earn money from his name to make a money transfer abroad, but the transaction did not take place, since the owner of the documents ended up in the police station while serving his sentence, the man came up with a simple plan to take possession of other people’s money. if the owner wants to make the transfer secret, he is unlikely to go to the police station in case of theft. the man decided to change the details so that the victim would transfer money to the company where his friend worked, in order to cash out the amount later. the plan was implemented at the end of last year... for a meeting at the bank, the defendant
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went with two companions, promising them a generous percentage of the proceeds, then everything was recorded by cameras. it was not possible to replace the sheet with the details, since the customer was nearby all the time. despite the fact that it was not possible to implement the criminal scenario, the man found a way out of the situation. he put about 17,000 euros in his pocket and allegedly headed towards the transactionist, creating the appearance of fulfilling the agreements for the victim. literally a few seconds later he ran out into the street. victim. tried to catch up with the robber, but he got into the car with his accomplice and disappeared into unknown direction. having left the capital, the defendants distributed the stolen goods among themselves. the car had no license plates at the time of the robbery, but despite this, the defendants were still detained. the actions of the trio are qualified as robbery committed by a group of persons on an especially large scale, and not in custody. stop it!
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if you do not stop, the ordered weapon will be brought along the road, creating a safety hazard. guys used weapons to stop the powerless man. patrol officers noticed the strange behavior of the driver lada, we passed the information to the gai. the driver himself refused to stop, the inspector fired warning shots into the air. soon the seven stopped, the drivers and passengers tried to escape, but were detained. the eighteen-year-old driver never received a license, and his twenty-two-year-old... he was prosecuted for driving without a license, this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1.
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good ranitsa belarus, good morning, our beloved country, let’s continue wake up everyone together, tatyana matusevich, mariana murenkova on this wonderful day called tuesday, april 9, it’s already 27 minutes past eight on our studio clock, it seems to me that everyone has already woken up, right now, dear friends, our colleague from grodno joins us via teleconference , valeria kurbat connections, lera, good morning, what’s new with you? dobroya ranitsa belarus, good morning, colleagues, there is a lot of new things and... also, for example, the councils of working youth of the litsky district and st. petersburg agreed on cooperation, industrial tourism, career guidance, implementation of state youth policy, promising cooperation in youth exchanges, patriotic education, these and other topics
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were discussed during the online meeting. belarusians were interested in the experience of attracting young people to active social activities and patriotic events. the russians, in turn , were interested in the experience of the litsky district in organizing industrial tourism and career guidance for youth. as a result , lichin activists from st. petersburg agreed to hold teleconferences on exchange of experience in the field of youth policy. what about offline meetings? maybe something is planned? i think, i think it will happen soon, but online meetings are also good, there is still an opportunity to share valuable knowledge and experiences. the main thing is that these meetings there is, indeed, as you said, sharing your experience is the main thing. so, let's continue. also in grodno , a review competition of artistic creativity 2024 was held . students from three regional universities presented their concert programs to the republican jury:
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kupalovsky, medical and agricultural. please note that the art vacation festival is held every 2 years. this year it is under the motto “youth time”. feat in the name. future and dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. this theme became central; it permeated the concert program and the children’s performances. yes. ler, thank you very much, what else can you tell us? we also inaugurated the russian center for science and culture in grodno. this branch is a representative of the rossotrudnichestvo representative office in our country or the so-called russian house. this will be a multi-profile space, a platform for meetings and demonstration of achievements in all areas. adults and children will be able to visit it. let us remind you that the consulate general of russia has been operating in our regional center for more than a year. and the organizers are confident that the center will help further strengthen bilateral ties at the regional level. by the way, the russian
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house in grodny is already the fourth in belarus, after minsk, brest and gomel. so, ler, well, according to tradition, you also prepared the plot for us, right? of course we have prepared and today. we will tell you about an event that took place in library no. 2 and was dedicated to world health day. health is like wisdom and peace of life, that’s what it’s called, everything is called correctly. super, right, right, valeria, thank you very much, we wish you a wonderful continuation of the day , enjoy watching the story. according to scientists, the most common diseases among the elderly population are cardiovascular, as well as problems with the nervous musculoskeletal system. simple things to help you stay healthy recommendations that were shared with regular readers of the second grodno library. the event was dedicated to world health day. in order to live a full life and harmony with oneself, it is necessary to have good health, because it is this that
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helps us realize our life plans. the health of pensioners is generally a separate topic, since the peak of the body has already been passed, life has been lived, and how to maintain this health remains a problem for older people. on the day of the health promotion, both wisdom and measure of life, library readers talked with andrei barbashinsky, honored master of sports of the ussr, olympia. handball champion and deputy chairman of the republican handball federation, he recalled the importance of physical education. in my opinion, any person who even reads a book all day or works at a computer, drives a car, works at a machine, manages companies, he needs some kind of shake-up in order to free his thoughts and switch to something else, otherwise sooner or later an explosion will occur, sleep will worsen. his concentration will be reduced, and accordingly,
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he will feel tired. as part of the grodno healthy city project, a psychologist told how to properly deal with stress for people of golden age, a general practitioner discussed with readers the principles of active longevity, paying special attention to the importance of physical activity. at the end , an employee of the belarusian red cross society with fifty years of experience introduced those present to the work of the organization.
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good morning to everyone who was so on time, exactly in 7:36 turned on tv channel belarus 1, because we
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have the most up-to-date information about the weather, let's talk, maryana, what the heavenly office is preparing for today. we have the hottest weather information in every sense of the word, look, these are morning indicators up to +12 in the minsk region in bres up to +13, +10 +12 in the vitebsk region, in gomel up to +12 to +14 in the grodno region and in mogilev +19 +1 no precipitation, cloudy with clearings, you see, this is april 9, these are just morning indicators, during the day the temperature will rise significantly, see up to +26 in the minsk region. in brest +25 +27 to +25 vitebsk region in gomel the same situation +25 +27 grodno in mogilev +24 +26 also a fine day no precipitation cloudy with clearings just wonderful weather, i can’t even believe that it ’s april on the calendar, yes, but the only thing is that in some places at night in the morning, mainly in the north of the country , light rains were observed, and in the morning in
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some areas light fog is possible, so be careful and know that the cap we won’t need it today, the day promises to be as good as possible. comfortable and a down jacket, at least until thursday you can hide it, but then they say that it will be colder, but we hope that this is not critical, and like last week the snow will not fall, yes, well, we remind you again that today april 9, and also that the entrance campaign for school graduates will begin very soon, from this year applicants from russia for the first time will be able to enter higher educational institutions in belarus for a budget-funded form of education based on the results of the unified state exam 125 different specialties. the republic of belarus will accept students from russia; in most directions from the list , from one to five free places are allocated for russians. well, right now our correspondent anna ganger will tell you what every school graduate should know before enrolling. let's see. since last year, all eleventh grade students are required to take a centralized
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exam, the same as graduation, but its results are not only included in the certificate, but are taken into account when entering a university. it consists of two subjects: russian or belarusian to choose from. with the second, graduates decide on their own. if students plan to enroll in a university, they must also pass centralized testing. it includes another discipline in the specialty chosen by the future student. in the twenty-fifth metropolitan gymnasium , students showed excellent results in the rehearsal exam. in our gymnasium, 45 children took part in the rehearsal centralized exam and at the exit. uh, as a result of converting points into grades, 19 children received grades 9 and 10, this is a fairly high percentage among there are one of these guys who scored 100 points, and accordingly, this is also a ten, for the academic subject of mathematics. the director of the gymnasium does not hide that
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they achieved such results thanks to their teachers, one of them is svetlana skaryukina, mathematics has long been a part of her life. children to study themselves, that is , what weaknesses, means that he, what is his problem, one is inattentive in the conditions, the other, inattentive in computing, is in a hurry so that they cannot be afraid, return if something does not add up, the answer does not work out there , they know they have to turn out to be integers, calmly return, decide to write it as a regular test. arseny has been preparing for exams since first grade, which is what helped him pass the rehearsal exam with 10 points. he wants to follow in his parents' footsteps and enter a technical profession. mathematics is not a science that you can understand in a year if you haven’t studied mathematics since the fifth grade. let's say that the chances that you will understand it all in the eleventh are very small, but the guys who pass with 80 to 85 are quite they can pass with 100, you just need to put in
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more effort and be more attentive. not only arseny received 10 points for the rehearsal exam, here are some tips from excellent students for those who are just starting to prepare: you need to have good discipline, never be lazy, try to devote time to this every week, at least two hours there, work , work. does not exist, but there are methods that are effective and can help in this difficult struggle. it is very important to program yourself for
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a positive outcome. you can also use this way is to mentally replay the exam, and in your head this important day x. there is very little time left before passing exams and testing. you can register for the ct from april 9 to april 22, and the first is centralized. will take place on may 27, well, we wish good luck to the graduates, everything in the body is arranged very rationally, self-cleaning processes work, there are hairs in the ear that flicker, which stand out in the ear. are pushed out, and the wax itself is released from the ear, from the auditory passage. after a bath, you can simply dry it with a towel, without any cotton
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swabs, without any devices, that’s all ear hygiene. very caring mothers who start cleaning their child’s ears from birth only make things worse, because they disrupt the processes of this self-cleaning, instead of cleaning the ear. with a thick cotton swab, they push the sulfur inside ; as a result, sulfur plugs are formed, which are very very difficult for a child under one year old to get, and this is hearing, they really affect hearing, hearing is speech, which means it affects speech also affects, so be very careful, there is no need to climb into the child’s ears, there is no need to achieve sterility in the ear, because sulfur is a protective environment, it protects us. from infection it protects us from external otitis, which is also quite common, so stop wasting your time trying to
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achieve sterility in children's ears, the ears clean themselves, remember this. the song of iradzima stops, everything may change, but the yans are not fallen, you will not meet the smoke of spring, the forest is clear, only this will not happen hours, life will be eternal, as you live, bright folk words, monthly expression on the grass, and wow. life is not a great sand, tykh, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, there is a
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story. budget, dear friends, is not just about money. on april 1, belstat began conducting a large-scale household survey to study the use of the population's time budget. and we’ll talk to our guest about what it is. we are glad to welcome you to the dobraya ranitsa studio belarus, head of the main department for statistics of living standards and household surveys of the national statistical committee of the republic of belarus. inna kanashonok, this is the time budget, explain what this even is? well
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, time is an important indicator of...
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time is very important for studying gender differences in a person’s daily activities, it is also very important for studying the distribution of labor within the household, for example, what does mom do, what does dad do, when mom cooks dinner, dad helps mom, or dad takes care of the child, well, how will such statistics then subsequently affect our lives in practice if we clarify what dad does and what mom does? well... this can be used further for the formation and monitoring of social policy in the field of labor, family, youth, culture, that is, these data are directly an information resource for the development of such a policy, about the people who take part in in this study, as i understand it, there is some kind of focus group, to which you ask questions, what did you do from one to two, from two to three, and so on, no, we structured
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the survey a little differently, but in the survey in...
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in our country similar studies were carried out 10 years ago, were there any more? well, until 1990, surveys were carried out every 5 years, then they were carried out in march 1990, in april 2004, the last survey 10 years ago also covered a year-round cycle, at the same time from april 1, 2014 to march 31, 2015 , and i'm interested. 10 years ago, if you rewind, to what did belarusians emphasize in their leisure time? well, as the results showed, the main, main item of time spent is personal care, but what percentage? this is 46% of the daily time fund, about 11 hours, what is personal care, this is sleep, this is the satisfaction of physiological needs, this is nutrition, time for expenses and other personal
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care, second. and i’m tired, i’ll lie down on the sofa, that is, in this way, okay, how then is this examination, you know, yes, that a woman spends more time, she is endlessly in some kind of wheel working, yes, then
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as belstat emphasizes what it does for a woman in the future so that she has more rest, well, belstat doesn’t do it here, social policy should be aimed at ensuring that women have more time. modern, which makes women's work easier, and we really hope, yes, that now a woman will spend less time on housework, she will have more time for herself, more free time for sports, various hobbies, travel, by the way , about how to delegate responsibilities, we we'll talk later.
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that in our studio there was the head of the main department of the statistical standard of living of the population and household survey , thank you for the interesting conversation, and we will remind you, the national statistical committee of the republic of belarus inna kanashonok, thank you very much, good luck. day, this is what the hero of our morning professions spends his time on, so let’s look and find out right now.
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my name is evgeniy kapchik, i work at a household appliances factory as a foreman with a specialty as an automatic line adjuster and aggregate machines. every morning i wake up at 5:20. i wash myself, do exercises, pack myself and drive to work, i arrive at about 15:7 at 7:00, i already start the shift, we are in the workshop for the production of an automatic washing machine, it consists of three lines, we install roll we begin to manipulate the sheet, cutting, stretching, bending, the result is a wrapper. at each post there is a different technical process, somewhere it is cut, somewhere it is extracted, somewhere it is bent, and so that in the end we get a suitable one, a good, beautiful body of a washing machine, well, here’s the final stage of our work, we put
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just a roll of metal at the beginning of the line, we get a finished body at the output, it will then be used for painting and assembly, this is a finished product. i came to this profession, probably from school, that is, i didn’t think that i would be a service technician, my father suggested that i go to college of electronics, i entered the radio mechanics, but there was a second profession as a service technician, i trained for it, at the plant i i came, they took me with a woodsman, but the head of the workshop, who works in metal cutting, suggested that i move to the service technician, i agreed, well, i’ve been working here as a service technician for 20 years.
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there will be adjustments, some adjustments, there is no way to do this without us, we have to help her somewhere too. “i love my job because it makes the morning of my country good, we wish evgeniy a great day to all his colleagues and a great week, well, on this wonderful note, the second part of our live broadcast is coming to an end. tanya, in connection with this i have i have a question for you, tell me, are you in the household, for example, that’s all do you pull it on yourself or know how to delegate to your husband correctly." now i’m on the air, someone is watching my daughter, like this, i
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started this conversation for a reason, because in the third part of our program we are waiting for alya komarovska, a mediator-psychologist , which will tell you how to delegate responsibilities correctly, whether they need to be delegated at all, so don’t miss it, yes, we are sure that girls have definitely asked themselves this question, perhaps men have also wondered how it is possible to delegate everything to someone else, so wait , a we will return to this studio very soon again, we will tell you the good difference belarus. the rain is swaying, the thick mist is swaying, the rain is knocking on your side, today the dream has passed by, but tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet. shine it, there is no
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need to be different, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, like dew in a field, like a star in the sky, like an endlessly cheerful sea in the sky, like the sea. let them be with you, with you forever, forever, a big dream, a big love, a light to grieve, a whole life ahead, a whole life ahead, hope and wait.
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your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, your whole life is ahead...


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