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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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a batch of components for construction materials worth more than 200,000 rubles was found at the border. a polish carrier's car in a trailer is a product. the driver entered belarus through the kozlovichi checkpoint. according to the information specified in the documents, the truck was supposed to contain food flavorings, pelletized hops, cheese and other goods. but during the inspection , additional investments were also found - 6,000 units. drills, discs, cutters, construction tools. if only brest. customs officers did not find the extra cargo, the carrier would have saved on payments 67 thousand rubles, but if it weren’t for our method, there would be an administrative penalty and a fine for the driver. an administrative process has been initiated against the polish carrier for failure to declare goods in accordance with part one of article 155 of the code of the republic of belarus on administrative offences. kremin's review will continue. the daughter
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complained to her parents that her husband had gone on a drinking binge, the pensioners decided to talk to their forty-one-year-old son-in-law, but the conversation did not go well, during a quarrel the man received fatal blows with a hammer, after a few days the wife reported her husband missing. only the next day did the pensioners decide to get rid of the evidence from the body. they undressed him, wrapped him in cellophane, and then took him to the forest, where... police officers promptly detained a sixty-five-year-old man; his ex -wife left the country immediately after committing the murder. the pensioner admitted to his crime, told the investigator in detail how he and his ex-wife killed his son-in-law, and also showed where the body was buried. the man said that he threw the victim’s hammer and mobile phone into the river. during carrying out initial activities , information was received that the fact of an unknown disappearance could be related. criminal
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in nature, later the criminal investigation officers established that the murder of the missing person was committed on the basis of personal hostile relations between the parents of his wife. during the murder, the victim was struck numerous times on the head with a hammer, from which he died. the next day after the murder, the couple took the body to a forest in the veleevsky district and buried. a criminal case has been opened against pensioners for murder by a group of people; investigators are now investigating. they are preparing documents to put the suspect on the international wanted list, her husband is in custody, details of family relationships are in the final program, strangled for not giving money for drinks, a resident of mogilev is suspected of murdering a neighbor, a criminal case has been opened, the body of a sixty-five-year-old woman was found in the apartment . her relative reported to the police that the pensioner had not been contacted for several days. criminal department references a search was established for the department of internal affairs and the leninsky district department of internal affairs. that
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on the day of the murder, the owner of the apartment received a visit from her thirty-eight-year-old neighbor. a drunk man wanted to borrow money from a pensioner. previously, the woman helped him out, but this time she refused the request. as a result of the conflict, a neighbor grabbed the electrical cord and strangled her. a resident of grodny was daringly robbed right in a bank branch while buying a car. the complex, confusing situation began last summer, when an acquaintance suggested that the menchan resident make money on his behalf by doing money transfer abroad. but the deal did not take place, since the owner of the documents ended up in the police, serving his sentence, the man came up with a simple plan to take possession of other people’s money. if the owner wants to make the transfer secret, then he is unlikely to go to the police in case of theft. the man decided to change the details so that the victim would transfer money to the company where his friend worked, in order to cash out the amount later. the plan was implemented at the end of last year. the defendant went to meet the bank with two companions, promising them a generous percentage of
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pens, then cameras recorded everything. it was not possible to replace the sheet with the details, since the customer was nearby all the time. despite the fact that it was not possible to implement the criminal scenario, the man found a way out of the situation. he put about 17.00 euros in his pocket and allegedly headed towards the operator, creating the appearance of fulfilling the agreements for the victim. literally a few seconds later he ran out into the street. the victim tried to catch up with the robber, but he got into the car with his accomplice and disappeared downstairs. famous direction, having left the capital, the defendants distributed the stolen goods among themselves. the car had no license plates at the time of the robbery, but despite this, the defendants were still detained. the actions of the trio are qualified as robbery committed by a group of persons on an especially large scale, and not in custody. stop!
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without a driver, the patrol service officers, seeing the strange behavior of the lada driver, transmitted information to the traffic police, the driver himself refused to stop, the inspector fired warning shots in the air. soon, the seven stopped, the drivers and passengers tried to escape, but were detained. the eighteen-year-old driver never received a license, and his twenty-two-year-old companion was prosecuted for driving without a license. this was the project zone x. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1.
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belarus, we all wake up together, good morning, beloved country, a new day on the belarus tv channel, one of
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the belarus 24 satellite channels, we continue to welcome you, maryana marenkova and tatyana matusevich, welcome a wonderful tuesday, april 9 on the calendar, on the clock 8:22. definitely belarusian, like this, and since we have tuesday on the calendar, it means alla komarovskaya, mediator, psychologist, in our studio, alla, good morning, good morning, girls, good morning country, today we have an interesting topic, and delegation, today, by the way, is the day of the cleaning service workers, they are precisely those to whom cleaning in the house is very often delegated, and let’s talk about delegation in the family, because delegation in work is a separate, such a good block, so what is it? this is generally the case delegation, distribution, and should it even be, this is the distribution of household responsibilities between all family members, between husband, wife, children, especially teenagers, but this is often devalued; it is believed that if a woman does not particularly work, then ironing,
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washing, cleaning, transporting children to all circles, that’s all, yes, it’s not work and it’s a woman who does it, and the man earns money, why is this even happening, where do we get it from? our mothers and grandmothers, they are used to it and for us this is generally the norm, yes, they worked, looked after the house, and raised children, but they no one asked about the emotional background that was created around them, yes, aren’t you tired, dear, and you want something, and this dear is already at the end of her endless working day, but doesn’t want anything, so then about the emotional background no one thought, and in general times since the time of the mammoths.
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but you will be surprised how much help there is around and how a person can feel significant, valuable if you ask him for some help, look, okay, i know that i cook cheesecakes well, my husband says, let me make cheesecakes today, and i understand, that they won’t turn out the way i would like, what should i do, stand next to them? “listen, you
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’re about to fall 10 times, let me drag you by the hand all your life, give a person the opportunity to show this initiative, don’t kill this masculinity in men with your own hands, masculinity, of course - well, this is a different situation for women move to this stage of delegation if for a long time they had to do everything"? excellent question, maryana, first of all, admit to yourself that i am not omnipotent, admit to yourself that i i’m tired of saying out loud, i need help, what psychological blocks could there be, this is, of course, our favorite shame, because when a girl grows up and she sees all the time that her mother, grandmother, they work, they look after the house, she she sat down to watch cartoons, sat down to read a book, they told her that you are lazy, the whole family works here, and why are you special?
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it is written: we need to delegate more, my husband finished reading, so this topic is interesting, there is still a lot that can be said, but we, of course, get rid of shame, from feeling guilt, but because what, when we... they tell you that, oh, you’re the smartest, or something, yes, you have to work here, and you translate it into another simple language, i want to do it like you, but i ca n’t allow yourself this, well, feel yourself, if you are tired, if you feel that you are not in resource, rest, the world will not stop if you don’t wash the floor today, learn to delegate, al, thank you
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very much, i wish you a wonderful continuation of the day, well, in turn, right now, let’s delegate the responsibility of preparing breakfast. breakfast for our anatoly moiseev, because as always everything is tasty and healthy for him, bon appetit! good morning! today for breakfast i propose to prepare a very tasty and appetizing dish! quite dietary muffins with chicken fillet on kefir dough! to prepare, we need chicken fillet, flour, hard cheese, kefir, eggs, onions, soda, provençal herbs. salt, chop the chicken fillet into small cubes with a knife, peel and finely chop the onion, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, take a bowl for the dough, pour in drive two eggs into it with a glass of kefir, add
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salt, herbes de provence and a quarter teaspoon of soda, with a whisk... sift the flour, mix the dough thoroughly until smooth, take suitable molds for baking muffins, grease the molds with a small amount of vegetable oil. place the dough in the molds, filling them almost to the full height. the muffins will rise when baking, but not much. bake in an oven preheated to 180° for 30 to 45 minutes until golden brown. the prepared muffins are delicious, both warm and cold.
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these mini cakes will give you a unique, savory treat. taste. there is a lot of filling, it is generously distributed throughout the dough. a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit. hello everyone, my name is olga zankevich and we are from kenya. we will show you a set of exercises, they will include three exercises for muscles, abdominals and also for developing stretching. we will start the first exercise lying on the mat, lying on your back, you parents can do this on the sofa, on the bed, on the mat, or as we will do it on the mat.
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we lie down on the mat with our back rounded, and try to put our hands back behind our heads. stretch as if you just got out of bed and do a light stretch, take a deep breath in as you exhale, bring your knee to your chest, clasp it with both hands, lift your chin, look at your knee, take a breath, pull yourself up as you exhale, the left leg flies towards you and you lift it grab it, and inhale and exhale one more time. well, now we've warmed up a little, you've already worked the muscles of your plush abs a little , it's time to make it more difficult for us, we'll lie down and pull up two knees of the chest. as we exhale, we
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will do a tuck, inhale, stretch. and exhale, we begin to wake up every morning, exhale, this exercise is good to repeat 10 times, two, three approaches, every morning do not forget to pump up your abdominal muscles. in order for you to be cheerful, cheerful with good energy, well charged, you need to do our third exercise, it will be a little more difficult, again we will lie down, comfortably. so that it is for you, we will lengthen our arms, our legs will act as scissors, exhale, alternately, if it is difficult for you to perform
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with straight legs, we will bend your knees a little, this exercise is also good to repeat 10 times, two, three times. i hope you really enjoyed everything and are now recharged with energy from us. be healthy, smile more often, do this exercise every cheerful morning, and you will give endorphins to everyone. olga zankevich was with you, good mood, more smiles, bye! tv channel belarus 24 presents, food has never been simple, at all times
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people wanted to eat deliciously and live well, a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world will change, divided into before and after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, well, that’s in belarus. the recipe has been preserved, this is a hunter's recipe, duck in a pomirski pot resembles a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area stove, what a medieval stove looked like, a ceramic box lined with bricks, on in which a fire was built, but a large metal sheet was placed on top in xvi century. we’ll draw up a detailed gastronomic
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map of our country in the food project anywhere, there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe throughout belarus, watch every sunday on our tv channel. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. hero programs will have to open before the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to get up, this, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path. the main task is
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to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients. this is an inexhaustible source. energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus tv channel 24.
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it's tuesday and we continue to wake you up and share interesting information. i will be happy to share, and if you wanted a verbal balancing act, i will now provide you with such an opportunity. the king of the new zealand indigenous maori people, tuhitia, patatao, teferafero, the seventh, please excuse me if i said something wrong, legally approved the equality of whales and people. the document, called haiwa katanga moana, the maori word for declaration of the sea, talks about the need to come clean. and not just part natural resources, now, like the representatives of the maori people, they are the possessors, possessors, attributes
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of the personality of man. spiritual essence and mauri - life force, they have the rights to freedom, movement, the ability to develop natural behavior, express their unique culture, thrive in a healthy environment and witness the recovery of their population. the new status will help protect whales in the event of construction of infrastructure or other commercial projects. they cannot be implemented without consent of the indigenous maori population. new zealand has already passed laws that give legal status to rivers and mountains. so maori. consider the taranaki volcano, the angonnui river as ancestors, so both objects were given personality status in 2017, this is very good news, but very complex names, i wonder when you will photograph a whale, well, if you go on an excursion, is it necessary to take written permission or consent, in general there are a lot of questions, now a whale is a person, no, in fact it’s very good history, and so we... always welcome it
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when personal space is respected, not only human, but also natural. in general, yes, there are more questions than answers. you talked about the volcano, by the way, what is known at the moment is that the eruption of a volcano can last from several hours to several years. by the way, this catastrophe can entail many consequences for the environment. unfortunately, we cannot influence such emergency situations, but at least we can help a little ecology, this is for us. have ditched plastic coffee cups, and some are giving their old clothes new life with interesting design solutions. yes, here is another important point on the way to saving the ecosystem. yes, various eco-trends have been gaining momentum for a long time - the correct recycling of household metals, popularity among young people, many of them - how each of us can not only help the planet, but make money from it, natalya khomich will tell in its plot. burs,
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pots, pans and other household metal pollutes the environment if not disposed of correctly. if it is pure metal, it decomposes in the ground in about 10 years, which doesn’t seem to be that long compared to aluminum, which takes 500 years to decompose. metal has no toxicity, but we understand that if it goes to a landfill there will be only plastic, polyethylene around it, it will not decompose, because the conditions are not right, there is no clean land. there is a solution, rent out the household one.
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to the list of those allowed to accept metal from the population, if everything fits, we weigh it, we write down the person’s statement, actual weight, 5% salinity is the minimum, 58 kopecks each. at the moment we are calculating that for 4.5 kg of metal it turns out to be 2.5 rubles. if it is not possible to get to a collection point, you can throw the metal into a yellow plastic container. almost every home now has yellow containers for recyclables or for plastic, they are called, if you send your metal waste there, they go through the sorting line, and a magnet works there, which is immediately made of plastic, for example, that however, the metal will be separated and it will be recycled. with proper disposal of metal , it will be given a second life, and the landfill will become smaller. this is how simple actions make the world a cleaner place. really simple, so don’t
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sort out this garbage, because the weather is not the weather that is right now for the nature does not spare for us a good one , be too lazy to get to the yellow container or window, my colleague, tatyana motaseevich, will tell us more about this, tanechka, tell us, what nature has there, i’ll tell you that the morning as a whole is already beautiful, warm and comfortable, and the day will be even warmer, for example, in minsk this day it is expected to reach +26, in brest it will be sunny +25. 27. in vitebsk and gomel up to 25 above zero, in the city of grodno - 25-27 degrees. up to 26 in mogilev, and mostly cloudy with clearings and no precipitation. this is such a wonderful picture. she's a great picture. today we never tire of admiring the weather on april 9, up to 27 in the republic. well, of course, there will be some fog, but in the morning it will all clear up during the day,
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so enjoy everything. during the day and go definitely go for a walk in the evening, i generally adore spring, and even when it’s so warm, and you know, this is a reason to take off your outerwear and show the whole world, it’s not for nothing that i watched my diet. all winter and autumn tatyana would like to fix all her outerwear, yes, it’s not so hot yet, but in fact this is a reason to take out your bike, really go for a run in the fresh air, in general, she monitors her physical fitness, and more about that in our next section. good morning, i'm ekaterina, an expert on healthy eating, about the myths around side dishes let's talk. side dishes are an additive to protein dishes, most often harmful and very high in calories, so are side dishes taboo on pp, or
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is it a myth? myth number one - salad plus a protein product and you will be slim. in the morning it’s simply impossible to think about breakfast, only coffee, cookies or glazes. cheese, for lunch, vegetable salad, chicken breast, and in the evening he comes, hunger, then at home we load up on dumplings, chocolates. the reason for evening overeating is a lack of copper carbohydrates, which should provide the body with long-term satiety and energy during the day. during the day. as a result, increased appetite in the evening, cereals, whole grains, pasta and bread, legumes, all of them should provide at least half of the daily requirement. energy, isn’t this a reason to look at side dishes with a new eye? myth number two: all side dishes are equally healthy. rice, buckwheat, quinua, bulgur, pearl barley go well with fish,
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vegetables and mushrooms. they are rich in microelements such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins, primarily e and group b. when choosing whole, that is, unrefined grains, along with cereals you you get big. amount of vegetable protein fiber. goal on grain bread, pita bread or pita bread is also a great side dish. please note that the composition must contain whole grain flour, not premium white flour. but mashed potatoes quickly increase glucose and insulin levels. this is a champion in the content of fast, refined carbohydrates. as a result, you easily gain weight, and skin problems and hair loss may begin. therefore, replace this side dish with baked potatoes. side dishes can be in a wide variety of forms, alternate them as you wish, it will be tasty, varied and definitely healthy.
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the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave at home... when visiting. babryus is one of the most fragmented cities in this country in belarus. probably something is equipping this animal in this city. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore its sights. because the city is called a bridge, which means, think, think, it probably means that... there is some kind of amazing bridge here, look, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes, it’s really big, and they also share their vivid impressions, oh wow,
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hello, we are a tourist from venezuela, traveling around belarus, we have a gift from the people’s republic of china, a sculptural composition of the afu doll oh, how cute they are, these are boys. watch on tv channel belarus 24 head game, a show where they fight not with the help of physical force, let the strongest win, in the fa cup match of the 22-23 season between wrexham and shefield united, the referee showed an unusual red card, its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players. color-blind, what exactly is its specificity, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you answer first, but the topic will have to be changed: saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, name the city that did not host
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the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. absolutely true, however, activity will also play a role. today we win, watch the intellectual and sports project “ head game” on our tv channel.
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good morning belarus, good luck to everyone again morning, the live broadcast of the good mornings program continues, together we meet a new day in. tuesday april 9th ​​on the calendar, yes we have a lot of news, for example, registration of applicants to participate in centralized testing begins today on april 9th ​​and will last until the 22nd of this month. yes, our correspondent, anna ganzhur, will tell you more about what every school graduate should know in preparation for admission. since last year, all eleventh grade students are required to take a centralized exam, the same graduation exam, but its results go beyond that. but are taken into account when entering a university, it consists
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of two subjects: russian or belarusian to choose from, with the second, graduates are determined independently. if a student plans to enroll in a university, he must also pass centralized testing, which includes another discipline in the specialty that the future student has chosen. in the twenty-fifth metropolitan gymnasium , students showed excellent results in the rehearsal exam. in our gymnasium, 45 children took part in rehearsal centralized. exam and at the end of the exam, as a result of transferring points in the mark, 19 children received marks of 9 and 10, this is a fairly high percentage, among these children there is one who scored 100 points, and accordingly this is the same ten, for the academic subject mathematics . the director of the gymnasium does not hide that they achieved such results thanks to their teachers, one of them is svetlana skaryukina, mathematics.
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he could have passed the rehearsal test for 10 points. he wants to follow in his parents' footsteps for a technical specialty. mathematics is not a science that can be understood in a year. if you haven’t studied mathematics since the fifth grade, let’s assume that the chances that you will understand all of it in the eleventh are very small. but the guys who pass with 80, 85, they can easily pass with 100, they just need to put in more effort and be more attentive. 10 points. not only arseny received a rehearsal exam, here are
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some tips from excellent students for those who are just starting to prepare, you need to have good discipline, never be lazy, every try to devote time to this for a week, at least two hours there, work, work and work, first we’ll take a short break for the summer, and then work again at the institute, you need to know some kind of hobby, otherwise seborol can relieve stress, during preparation for exams. really covers graduates, so the psychological service of the gymnasium closely monitors the mental health of everyone. stress manifests itself differently for everyone, and accordingly, everyone is used to coping with it differently. such a universal unfortunately , there is no medicine or magic pill, but there are methods that are effective and can help in this difficult struggle. it is very important to program yourself for a positive outcome. you can also use this method to lose. exam and
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i have this important day in my head x. there is very little time left before passing exams and testing. you can register for the ct from april 9 to april 22, and the first centralized exam will take place on may 27. well, we wish you good luck and success graduates. by the way, playing through a testing scenario is very useful, so dear students, does it matter whether you are in the eleventh grade or the tenth? you can attend such an exam for yourself, check the box: it worked, it didn’t work, perhaps fill in the gaps until that very day x, let’s call it that. the most important thing is, don’t worry, confidence in everything, i liked the quote in the background from our speaker, nothing stops a person from becoming smarter than he was yesterday, so strive for more, for the better, improve, listen and have a good day, have a great day, of course, watch good morning belarus, yes, because we are already striving to complete our live broadcast, thank you for
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spending these 3 hours in our company, maryana marinkova, tatyana matasevich, have a wonderful day and see you soon, bye! your best day has come, try it delicious, and i found you, this is the feeling, you are already so close, you can’t resist, we strike sparks, splashes of champagne. and we will be covered by vibrations and holidays, hundreds of bad things, i’ve come with the help of an eraser, you fasten the seat, the flight is normal, i’m coming out of stress, and you’re phenomenal, we’re in love, we can’t hide anywhere and don’t stop, you’re with me now,
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we’re burning so brightly and we’re not afraid of anything , take your head off, after all... today is a day off, a day off, today is a day off, today is a day off, hey, we’re not hanging on our heads, because today is a day off, a day off, your best day has come, there’s no need to be sad, but i feel so good, with you nearby, my thoughts are at their limit. whatever you want, i won’t regret anything, today at night, we will be covered from vibration, holiday, sato bad with the help of an eraser, fasten your seat in airplane mode, fly together, we
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deserve it, we cannot hide from love anywhere and cannot be stopped, you are with me now, so am i... arco is burning and we are not afraid of anything, we are not hanging with our heads, because today is a day off, it’s a day off, today is a day off, today is a day off, we are not hanging with our heads, because today is a day off, we are from love, we can’t hide anywhere and don’t stop, you are now... with me, so we burn brightly and are not afraid of anything, we hang with our heads, we are from love we can’t hide or stop anywhere, you ’re with me now, we’re burning so brightly and we’re not afraid of anything,
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we’re not hanging with our heads, because today is a day off, a day off, today is a day off.
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morning news for belarus 1. vladislav gundar in the studio. hello, at the beginning , briefly about the main thing. shanghai organization.


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