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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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morning news on belarus 1, in the studio vladislav bunder, hello, first , briefly about the main thing. shanghai organization, development center. polar world, a belarusian
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view on the results of the summit of sco secretaries of state and preparations for accession. poland wants nuclear weapons, dictator duda intends to host the american arsenal. they will open the olympics and close the sky. what kind of games will be in paris, the staff is being seriously checked. the minsk spring will sound like music for almost 2 months. poster of the white state philharmonic society. let's start with russian piano. schools. belarus strategy in the information confrontation in the palace of independence, an important personnel decision was made the day before. the head of state appointed vladimir pertsov as deputy head of his administration, who dealt with issues of ideology. previously, vladimir pertsov headed the ministry of information. during his appointment , alexander lukashenko emphasized current areas of propaganda and counter-propaganda, work with the media and internet resources throughout the media sphere.
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as long as we succeed, i think that we will be able to solve this problem, to prevent a collision, as it has always been, you are you know well. the situation is constantly kept under control by the special services in our country; this is a proven mechanism. belarusians need to understand that supporting calls for any terrorist acts in the country, which opponents are now actively doing, even in a telegram, does not mitigate the legal consequences. there are many similar resources on the internet that provide so-called psychological operations, large media with a reputation do not work like that, the basis of everything is true, here are any psychological operations, they are worth nothing if the basis is not true, we don’t need to invent anything, take, let’s say, information and psychological operations are called operations at the border, why should we lie, look how many corpses are lying on the border today, the snow has melted, they report horror to me every morning, so what.
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what exists and is being done in the country. belarusians have something to be proud of in history and in modern times. the authority of the shanghai cooperation organization is steadily growing; it is the center of development of a multipolar world. the secretary of state of the security council spoke about this in an exclusive interview with atn belarus. alexander volfovich shared the results of the summit of sco state secretaries held the day before in astana and spoke about the work within the organization to strengthen security in the region. the organization is,
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i would say, a center, an attractive center for the truly development of a multipolar world, look, nine countries are members of the shanghai organization, three countries are still observers. i am sure that in the near future there will be two countries left, because belarus will join the shanghai organization, but there are also many partner countries that are also ready work as a shanghai organization, they see the effectiveness of the mechanisms of work within the shanghai organization, today issues of a new world order are being considered, this is a multipolar world, they absolutely correctly said, today is a unipolar world, i think that it has collapsed after all, i don’t think so, but this is already a statement facts, accession. scheduled for july 4th. poland does not give up hope of acquiring a nuclear arsenal. the warsaw dictator in an interview announced his intention to place american nuclear missiles on his territories. according to duda, warheads can be provided to poland under the us agreement program with allied countries, and
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in case of military necessity , nuclear weapons can be transferred from american storage bases. at the same time, duda showed some common sense and noted that he did not yet see it directly. threats of attack on your country with russia or belarus. in his opinion, this will definitely not happen in the next few years. anti-nato protests took place in naples to stop the death violence. the police tried to disperse the demonstrators with batons. according to local media, a total of eight people were injured from the actions of law enforcement officers, two were wounded in the head. a demonstration broke out next to the san carlo theater, where a concert dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato was taking place. the crowd chanted, nato is leaving italy. no holidays , closed skies, the french interior minister spoke about what security measures will be taken at the olympic games in paris. according to him,
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not a single police or gendarmerie officer will be able to rest at this time; the airspace above the capital will be completely closed. paris is preparing for various negative scenarios. including the terrorist threat, waves of migrants and large forest fires. the personal files of almost 200,000 people out of a million planned have already been checked. first of all, these are the staff who will work during the sporting event, as well as the spectator hour. already 161 people have been banned from visiting olympic venues due to various risks. law enforcement officers liquidated tent camps for refugees in paris, and the inhabitants were put on buses and taken to the provinces. hundreds of people without a specific one. places of residence have now become a headache for smaller cities, there is no work for them, and the state only pays for 3 weeks of hotel accommodation. the final of the eighth international olympiad in military history is taking place in brest, among cadets of higher educational institutions of the cis. dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of operation bagration.
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the grand opening took place in a symbolic place, on the ceremony square in the brest fortress. participants laid flowers at the eternal flame and honored the memory of the victims a minute of silence. the competitions themselves are also held on the basis of the memorial complex; there are only three rounds in the program, scientific and practical seminars and various excursions. four teams take part in the olympiad: the republic of belarus, the republic of kazakhstan, the kyrgyz republic and a team from the russian federation. there are only 20 participants, these are the best cadets who thoroughly know military history. of course, the olympics are a competition, but the main thing is that...
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they are going on friday at the closing ceremony of the olympics. unique book notary belarus from its origins to the present was presented in minsk. this publication reflects the history of the system through the prism of the formation of belarusian statehood. new and little-known facts about
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notarial activity from the middle ages to the present day have been collected. this way readers will learn about the development of civil law relations at all stages. this publication will be important not only for lawyers. fine. we are presenting our publication, i emphasize, the first publication in belarus, in which all materials, very many, a large array, are systematically analyzed materials concerning. not only the notarial activity itself, in fact, but also those procedures that existed in the middle ages in our territories, which made it possible to record certain agreements between people, thereby giving private documents a public character so that all third parties would respect to the results of these private documents. the day before , a general meeting of the belarusian chamber of notaries was held in minsk, timed to coincide with the centenary of the first congress of notaries in belarus. quality, accessibility, digitalization and social orientation are the main thing in their work today.


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