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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 9:50am-11:01am MSK

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or pioneers, in order to pay tribute to the veterinary profession and those specialists who take care of the health of animals every day, it’s not for nothing that they say that artists should be like children, naive, to remain at this childhood age, that, strangely enough, is the role mary poppins gave me the impetus to wonder if i was too old. for our company , quality year is another incentive and another step for improvement in order to move up.
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this is the largest enterprise in our city, if the history of the plant began with one model of elevator, then at the moment there are already more than 180 models. the needs of our consumers have grown, and certain requirements have grown accordingly. one of the areas is our latest developments at our scientific and technical center - these are parking systems, they are independent or dependent on a certain number of parking spaces, about more than 80% of our products are exported, accordingly, we must compete in the sales market, improving the quality of products is one of these criteria, which can...
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well, i feel proud, we do not stand still, we strive, we must strive to improve in order to satisfy all the wishes, all the requirements of our consumers, respectively, the citizens of our country, well, in principle, all the residents of the countries we we supply, we are obliged to ensure comfort, safety and reliability of our equipment, i believe that our enterprise... this is belarus , the main one on the air of the belarus tv channel.
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work on personnel training, you can already see how all these parts work for us. belarus, orenburg, from a grain resident of russia, a large report from the sport program, as the art of uniting. we are for the way we live, we are for the way we feel, and this should
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generally be defended even so. and the language of dance that does not require translation. it's always psychological, it's always about aortic rupture and... the viewer almost always leaves with tears in his eyes. world stars of figure skating at the minsk chizhovka arena and the ballet of the legendary boris eifman on the stage of the bolshoi theater of belarus. shared history, values ​​and culture as enduring the foundation of a common future. the first week of april traditionally falls on the most important date in the calendar of the union state. in a day.
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simple international conditions, a lot has been done to develop multifaceted russian-belarusian ties and strengthen the institutions of the union state. the successful implementation of the agreed union programs, the russian leader emphasized, ensured the unification of the legislation of russia and belarus
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in the most important areas, created the basis for carrying out a unified macroeconomic and monetary policy, as well as for the formation of a common socio-economic space. i am confident, the russian president added, that the consistent implementation of a new set of measures to promote integration processes, which was approved during the january meeting of the supreme state council of the union state, meets the fundamental interests of russians and belarusians, is in line with strengthening stability and security in the eurasian space, about unity time-tested by alesya vysotskaya and this is the main topic of the program. there is a divergence of objects, it is accepted, these images were watched the day before by millions of people around the world, but with special excitement and trepidation, of course, russians and belarusians, there under the arches of a huge parachute, still between heaven and earth, in the ship there is a union, even in the name ,
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it seems, there is a special meaning for us, crew commander, hero of russia, native of the belarusian cherven oleg novitsky, and the first woman cosmonaut in the history of independent belarus, marina vasileva. incredible emotions, expectations, of course, exceeded themselves, because what i saw with my own eyes is something unreal, the earth is so big, powerful, strong, i wish all the people on earth that they would appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is incredible, landing in normal mode kazakhstan, well-coordinated work by all...
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and of course, one of the first to accept congratulations was marina vasilevskaya and the space crew on a successful landing , the president of belarus congratulated him, the head of the belarusian state invited everyone who participated.
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12 days in zero gravity, seven research programs, five scientific and two educational projects, the mission is completed, and in fact another new stage begins in the exploration of space by two fraternal countries, we remember pyotr klimuk, and vladimir kovalyonok, here is oleg novitsky, now marina vasilevskaya, belarusians, our brothers, and it never stopped; another thing is that there was a certain period. when there was some decrease in the intensity of these studies and experiments, but the joint work of our two presidents, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, vladimir vladimirovich putin, it led to the intensification of joint efforts. the foundation was laid at the beginning of the two thousandth. we were able to create a basis for the development of a whole range of industries, that is, space has become a driver for the development of science. we are talking about joint development, training of astronauts and much more.
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belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history; this is truly the oldest building and the most important shrine of our region, the temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 12th century. the columns also have a rich literary history in the area. many poets, writers and publicists lived and worked, and these outskirts never forgot about their famous native, yakub kolos.
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z'yaulyajutstsa people. and to all the local navacolls , i will give you a few radkos at your local famous place “wandrouks in the past in the past, from belarusian and polish countries.” travel with us on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. if it’s even more global and not only about space, then the foundation was laid back in the last century. it happened on april 2, 96, presidents boris yeltsin, alexander lukashenko, the kremlin, and an agreement on the formation of a community between russia and belarus will soon be approved and a holiday, the day
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of unity of peoples, will pass a little more time, a union will appear, and these are the first bricks of the foundation. our total trade turnover amounted to $54 billion; for comparison, i can say that it is 35% more than russia’s trade turnover with all cis countries, except belarus. belarus is the only cis country that has a positive balance of foreign trade with russia. since the approval of twenty-
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eight union programs, almost all areas have reached new heights, and industry, driver. the creation of a common product, in the work of 24 projects supported by a russian loan, cooperation in machine tool construction and microelectronics also predicts new stars. with your wonderful ones there, yes, i consider planar and integral ultra-modern enterprises, at integral, together with russian enterprises , four new technological processes will be created
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for the production of products within the framework of the electronic component base, at planar - these are photo masks, this is the real you ... because that few countries in the world can boast that they have developed production. moscow and minsk have almost completed the transition to payments in national currencies, they are developing logistics, belarus has a special interest in the aircraft industry, there is already a program and the companies communicate directly. now russia is making very serious efforts to revive civil aviation, the production of civil aviation in russia in kazan, and the capabilities of the aviation plant are expanding. voronezh, irkutsk and belarusian enterprises, which supplied their products back in soviet times to all the same factories, are now really have the opportunity to receive an additional boost to their development. belos is the largest project showing how by developing the energy sector, it is possible to give a powerful impetus to a number
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of industries. this concerns not only the issue of support, technical scientific support. joint educational program with the russian federation, in simple terms they say: after graduation, students of these joint educational programs receive two diplomas, one from the republic of belarus, the other from the russian federation, and here... we are very open, already in the past in the entrance campaign, we admitted our russian friends to our universities based on the results of the unified state exam.
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we are talking with the minister of culture of belarus at the national library, where an agreement has been signed to create a center for remote access to the resources of the yeltsin presidential library. this significant event opens up a new horizon for researchers. it is necessary to create the same conditions, because we... are not just neighbors, we are friends, we are brothers, deep concepts are invested in the meaning of this word, because it’s true, we don’t have those people closer than our russian brothers, and we must build our relationships on very clear, transparent, semantic principles. belarusians and russians fought shoulder to shoulder for their native land, and this memory is protected today.
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we are united by culture, history, education, mentality, friends, life principles, probably unite us, in our world there are many... different worries, anxieties and so on, and this holiday is very close, kind, dear, and it creates those meanings that
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we really need at this moment, we came with moscow, we really like the city of minsk, we have a lot of relatives living here, so we often try to go here, we celebrate this holiday, together on the same stage, together at the end of the world in antarctica, finally, together, even in space. in the whole world. and indeed, from year to year, despite the difficult geopolitical situation, we are confidently improving in all areas. this is confirmed by recent belstat data. plus almost 6.5% last year, compared to the twenty-second, in mutual trade, the volume of russian investments in belarus increased by more than a billion dollars. having relied on innovations that are successful here in the total volume of joint innovation projects between belarus and other countries, more than 55.5% are belarusian-russian projects. together, actively
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working, we find time. and for recreation , belarusian health resorts received more than 175,000 russians last year, and this is almost 27% more than in 2022. almost 14,500 russian citizens were able to experience the belarusian national flavor in agro-eco-estates. and a few more interesting ones numbers from belstat, they are about love. more than half of the marriages registered in belarus last year were with foreigners. these are marriage alliances with russians. recently, belarus and russia have placed a special emphasis on the development of regional partnership. promising areas of cooperation with the oryol region on the eve of the day of unity became the main topic of negotiations in minsk between the president of belarus and the governor of the russian region. the range of mutually beneficial new opportunities is wide from microelectronics, unmanned
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harvesters and food to... drugs and new elite seeds. alexander lukashenko expressed hope that thanks to geographical proximity it will be possible to establish cooperation more intensively. you will also not be able to live and work in peace in the near future, there is nothing to count on, so you have to solve the problems of protecting civilians and critical infrastructure in the most difficult conditions. if we can help you in any way in this regard, please contact us. we will be happy to help your people and you, starting points for assessment, i propose to take trade turnover for 23 year, the figure is an impressive 4 billion dollars, i think in the near future in three years we can reach half a billion, this is absolutely possible, although we will have to work and strain ourselves. the growth drivers can be the traditionally strong economic sectors of the oryol region.
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such as agriculture, microelectronics, the investment sector, in all these three areas we have a high level of development, so cooperation is possible, and we will do everything to get the greatest effect. the governor of the oryol region confirmed that the region is ready to increase volumes and quality of cooperation with belarus in all areas, special emphasis on the construction industry, experience of mutually beneficial partnership already exists in the agricultural sector. the arlovsk region is one of the leaders in agriculture, and we see great potential for the use of belarusian agricultural machinery, in addition, we have historically accumulated experience in relations with the minsk automobile plant, tractor plant, in the use of technology for integration with our enterprises, the tsensk plant communal technology, and therefore today i think we will discuss the issue and work on initiatives. to
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create a multi-brand service dealership center in the oryol region, i think it will have a good effect, because even in the first quarter of 2024, almost five dozen units of equipment have already been purchased, and for the remaining year we are also ready to purchase about 80 units. belarus is also strengthening its interaction with the orenburg region, since the supplies are based on agricultural and municipal equipment, light industrial products, food. there are dealers in the region. all major engineering brands in belarus, and thousands of students have already passed through the specialized agricultural class in belarus, who then continue to work on mtz tractors. all aspects of cooperation in our large report. at the orenburg state agrarian university they know what components make up the success of belarus. instead of boring lectures and practical exercises with such visual
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aids. you can already see how all these parts work for us, in particular there is a section of a pump, a drive axle, a front drive axle, there are a lot of people who want to take the initiative, or rather the steering wheel of a tractor, in their own hands, and these skills will soon be needed, in the summer students will replace the walls of the classroom with the endless expanses of fields, belarusian technology, well, i’ve been familiar with it for a long time , that is, i ’ve been working with her for about four years now. i really like the technology, it’s true, it can be changed, there are a lot of different configurations, you can put any trailed one, either in front or in the back, it’s simple, such training is no longer even a trend, the requirements of the time, the corporate audience of agricultural brands is a contribution to personnel training and additional advertising, mtz declared itself in the academic environment of orenburg 3 years ago and still remains ahead of all competitors, here are
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excursions for the oldest... engineering staff, chief engineers, maintenance engineers, end up directly with those people whom we call machine operators who work on this equipment. by the way, mtz holds 60% of the market in the orenburg region, plans for this delivered 450 tractors a year, and this is a record, and the company also has a reliable partner in the region. we arrived at the orenburg radiator for eighty years. the history of the plant , the specialization has not changed, as the name implies, an important element for cooling engines is produced here, given this very importance, the safety requirements are only becoming stricter. we fight for the quality of the product, we fight for better, so
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to speak, performance indicators of our products. the main assessment of our consumer is when he places another order. if another order is placed, it means our competitive products suit the consumer. and this is the outskirts of orenburg, a large dairy plant is being built here, where they will produce everything that consumers need, from fermented baked milk to rekota, in large volumes thanks to modern technologies and modern equipment. our enterprise uses a very serious ventilation system and it was belarusian production that was selected on a tender basis, because it worked like a clock, you need the hands of a master, and also the mind, ingenuity and hard work, belarusian specialists have all this, the launch of the plant
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is scheduled for this spring, and this will be their merit. and yuri, tell us how they treat belarusian builders here in orenburg? generally excellent, good, well, with respect, well, in general , the people here are good, belarusian builders can do anything. yes, belarusian. people in orenburg know first-hand about belarusian quality. we arrived at the showroom of light industrial products. comvoli galantea, svetanok and kalinka, perhaps all the famous brands are represented here. but, the absolute flagship - belarusian linen. it is promoted by the personal founder of the project, and it only took one visit to orsha. lem, of course, is such an amazing plant. this is where excellent products come from. well, really. before this, we probably didn’t actively use linen products, well, because there aren’t that many of them, but i’ll be honest, after visiting the factory i just fell in love with the history of flax in general, i really wanted
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to present these products here in the orenburg region , the demand for belarusian light industry is only growing, and sales have gone into online, now goods are sent all over russia, and digital ones fly in response. reviews, here's anton, they opened it, look, here are four ratings, all a's, that is, this clearly says that the product is in demand, we ourselves are very happy with such ratings. belarus is one of the main partners for the orenburg region, trade turnover is growing every year, there is already an understanding on both sides of what needs to be seriously worked on this year. by the way, i know that there is a wonderful trend in belarus, in my opinion, as far as i heard, moscow wanted belarus start, you have shopping malls. where almost all the producers are belarusian, and there is, there was an idea to open it in moscow, and of course, in the orenburg region, i think it will be very popular if you come and really some kind of shopping facility will be filled with everything belarusian, so for
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interaction there are a large number of, let's say, options, the first is the cooperation of our, say, enterprises with the ministry of industry for the sale of agricultural machinery, since there se... minsk is once again the belagra agricultural forum, the orenburg delegation expressed its interest in participating, and this is only one of the planned meetings this year, partners are always like true friends. communications. this is belarus the main thing and see further. the union state as a model of fair partnership in the modern world. what are the strengths of belarus and russia, who already envy
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the fraternal union today, an exclusive interview with russian state duma deputy maria butina. and plus one allied air route, two at once film anniversary centenary of belarusian cinema. we celebrate together with the centenary anniversary of mosfilm. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. this is belarus' main thing, we continue: belarus and russia are able to understand each other without words, this is our main strength. deputy of the state duma of russia, public figure maria butina stated this in an exclusive interview with our program. what is the role of the union state today in the world, where else can we and should become closer, why is it so important to preserve historical memory together. opinion about the main thing right now. maria butina, deputy of the state duma of russia, journalist,
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public figure, member of the united russia faction, graduated from the faculty of political sciences of altai state university, studied at an american university. in 2018, she was arrested in washington, accused of participating in espionage for the government of the russian federation in the united states. in 2019, she was released from federal prison and returned to russia, published. a prison diary book that wrote the story of her imprisonment in usa, joined the expert council of the commissioner for human rights in russia, authors leading projects on russian television, is under personal international sanctions from a number of countries, awarded the russian guard medal for assistance with the order of the holy equal-to-the-apostles princess olga of the second degree. paul, thank you for finding time for the belarus program, the main thing is that i know that you have a busy schedule in our country.
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where the atrocities of the nazis destroyed so many lives. the first place i went to was the khatyn memorial complex, and i had to to note that i was very struck by this museum, which alexander grigorievich opened a year ago, i’m just empathic, this is a museum of emotions, when you come from this burning barn, where you really smell like wood, you find yourself in a white hall and it seems to you that everything ended, in fact , on the walls on...
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people look at each other and try to understand, belarusians are polar to americans, polar, because in america everything is very superficial, everything is very bright, but here it’s not, not dim, it’s deep, when a person asks you, how are you or how is your health, he really wants to understand the answer, so you also know, you are extremely polite, i have never seen such a number anywhere, hello, thank you.
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absolutely like home, you know what i also noticed, externally, that is, i just have relatives, i grew up, was born and raised in altai, but my grandmothers, they are healers, they voluntarily went to work as teachers after graduating from university, my grandfather conducted electricity in siberia, so we are one of these very first, first settlers, but they are all from central russia, so i came here to belarus, i understand that i am absolutely no different in appearance, that is, on...
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this is a huge role, i’ll tell you more, many of the practices that i saw here, how they work in belarus, i would really like us to use it in russia, in particular, but nothing interferes, i will bring these practices. well, for example, one of my old dreams, so to speak, was to visit a high-tech park, i did it on television at one time, since i am your colleague, i i even did a whole report about it, but theoretically, now i have seen practically, that is, i have seen what htp is, how it works, what taxation systems, i must say that this is the most unique phenomenon
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that i have seen in the world, because i was moreover, in 15 countries, i know how everyone treats the it sphere, this is not pomposity, but this... such a scattered network throughout the territory of belarus, where in fact the high-tech park is an association in areas of activity, and where you don’t matter, so this is such a supra-country even character, it is very important to me, well , plus - your colleagues brought to me a number of problems within the union state, which i can certainly solve, they relate to the belarusian and russian po, their combination, i took it upon myself to resolve these issues , i hope that i i will be useful in this. well, plus i saw a lot of completely unique things, for example, i was, i’ve been a fan of dokar for a long time, then i watched the silk road, i know about the maz team, they took me for a ride, i know that you even have a badge that belongs to you on that the car itself, i in general i just don’t feel happy, but from practice i see how work with colleges is organized, and
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i want to bring it to us, because the system of internship, student internship, is now being worked out with us.
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we can act here as some kind of, so to speak, strong link, perhaps an alternative to our strength, we are the main link, because no one understands each other better than us, i mean, belarusians and russians, we are able to understand each other without words, because we have a unity of souls, therefore, no matter what we do, whether it’s in the industrial sphere or the cultural sphere, we speak the same language, which is important; for the journalistic sphere it doesn’t matter, student exchange, whatever . we are such a united force, moreover, in the existing geopolitical realities, the most faithful ally, the only ally that russia now has, which is belarus, because look when it began, the first who got involved, and understanding everything the decisions that will have to
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be made in support of russia are belarusians, further, when there was a terrible tragedy in krokos, the terrorist who was the first to express words of support, and not just a word.
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towards the union state, from moscow, you also see this, how here we can, so to speak, deepen relations in order to overcome all the attacks of the west, today they are already sounding very loudly. oh, you know, i remembered the song, i am you, you are me, because in essence, this is how it is now, because any attack on belarus is an attack on russia, any attack on russia is an attack on belarus . this is our national thing, whatever you want, it’s probably already common.
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like an athlete’s second wind came to me at the most difficult moment, when we can’t stand alone for everyone at a price, at some point you understand that if they could, we can, how to preserve historical memory, it’s inside us, more moreover, no other people in the world have such a connection to the soil as we do, because where our ancestors rest in peace, for us there is our land, we will defend our land, americans will never understand this at all, you know, they they came where it was profitable, they left their families in the old world, they came to live here,
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because that’s what they agreed on, it’s so profitable, so if the enemy attacks their land, what will they do, ask for weapons, leave, they didn’t agree that way, they came to live where they can find new housing profitably, they travel constantly, either across the states, or going somewhere else, but for us the soil, the right of the soil is sacred, for us our land is a part of us, so you know how convey this to young people, so that, well, not through such a shock therapy, i think that the film industry also plays a huge role, and i know that documentary films are now actively developing in belarus, the absolutely legendary belarusian film is gaining momentum again, for example, i can cite a gorgeous picture of a joint russian and belarusian production on the other side , about the heroic feat of the belarusian partisans, and i must say that when this film is shown in cinemas... and russian and belarusian schoolchildren instantly become silent, because this memory, its genetic memory, its
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we just need to stir it up a little, because ivan has no memory of kinship for us, he’s no longer a person, he’s just a bag of bones, a man without principles does not exist, you know, i’ll tell you as a woman, sometimes a child asks you to constantly eat sweets, but you say that for your health you need to first... eat borscht, then he understands that you need to eat borscht first, well, in the case of us, you also have delicious potato pancakes, but he understands that you need to eat healthy food first, and then it’s already possible, please, it’s the same here, you can’t be capricious, here i’m already telling you that as a teacher, education and discipline should be strict, with love, but strict. an event that is taking place along the union line and in minsk, in moscow, all these days have shown that there really is one fatherland, homeland.
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russian republican youth union and they gave me an absolutely amazing wooden plate on the wall, which
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has a logo and i just see how you have preserved traditions. let it be called in a new way, called komsomol, pioneers, which i want, this is for me a symbol of the future, because what i see is that the guys from the belarusian republican youth union, they are also moving into power, grigorovich himself passed through parliament , certainly through the komsomol pioneers, this is this recruiting, i see the future in this symbol, so you know , i leave here with the understanding that... that we protect the present, but with a positive outlook on the future. maria, thank you very much for the conversation, thank you. president alexander lukashenko also spoke about peace and creation, symbolically on april 2, during working trip to the western region of belarus. the head of state laid the capsule at the construction site of the city hospital in grodno. in
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a solemn atmosphere, the belarusian leader signed. under a message for future generations. the message addresses the descendants, who will open it many years later, with a call to take care of belarus, as passionately as we do. in communicating with the residents of grodno, the president of belarus also noted this event and also sent a message to our neighbors. and here are a few. years of independence, this is our message to the future, here it is not only in this capsule, this construction site is a message to
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the future, who knows, whether ours will be able to... can you imagine what difficulties we have to overcome now? of course, i forbade the government and officials from talking about sanctions, i proceeded from simple logic, today i can say that if a boss , official, director of an enterprise is given the opportunity to get away from straining and working, he will take advantage of it, so i immediately said
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sanctions no, forget it, there are no sanctions for you. what difference does it make to our people: there are sanctions or no sanctions? they want to live, they want to work, the time was chosen by our bosses, and we must do everything so that our people live, work, and can support their families. we want to build our own peaceful future, and we are only determined to create, don’t believe anyone that we want to fight, we are preparing for war, i speak about this frankly, if you want peace, prepare for war. and i didn’t come up with this, it’s very correctly said, that’s why we are preparing for war, we teach our boys and girls, we arm them, if someone howls from there criticizes us, you know, we are doing the right thing, if trouble starts praising us there, we are not threatening anyone, we don’t need to threaten anyone, we don’t want someone else’s land, god forbid we can cultivate this for stones it was less, we will not give you to anyone. plus one allied
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air route from brest to moscow quickly without transfers. a branch of the russian center for science and culture was opened in grodno. and we celebrate two centuries-old film anniversaries together, the days of mosfilm in brest. about the main thing, briefly, further in the program. on the day of the unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, a branch of the russian center for science and culture was opened in grodno. the russian house is a platform for dialogue and exchange of opinions for people.
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there is not a month or a week when there are not regional delegations that conclude agreements, contracts, at the level of municipal and public organizations, this is closer, of course, to the humanitarian sphere, our cooperation, our ties are getting stronger. the nearest project that will be implemented by the russian house in grodno is an international volunteer program together with the belarusian red cross. first in 30 years historic flight from the russian capital to the city. a direct flight connected brest and moscow over the bug. the first plane from brest at sheremetyevo international airport was traditionally greeted through the water gate. the return flight moscow-brest, which landed at the airport of the regional center,
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was greeted no less solemnly. among the first passengers is the general director of the voen film studio, people's artist of russia igor ugolnikov. he arrived in the city above the bug from belokamennaya to take part in events dedicated to the centenary belarusian cinema and dreams come true, and how good it is that yesterday was the day of the unification of russia and belarus, and for 10 years i was the chairman of the television and radio broadcasting organization of the union state, i understand how difficult and important the process of integration of the state, the union state is, in this sense i see real steps. the days of mosfilm became a big marathon in the program of meetings with creative people, film screenings, and a surprise. for everyone was the announcement of the upcoming pre-premiere screening of the film dugout. on the day of the grand opening of mosfilm days igorugolnikov, according to the most famous film traditions, broke the plate with a symbolic tripod. masterpieces of the russian museum in the national
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art of belarus. the mobile tablet exhibition is 23 examples of great works of painting, the originals of which are presented in the main national art museum of russia. and visit to trace the history of russian art.
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we had a gala show in st. petersburg, which we absolutely dedicated to this most terrible, monstrous, inhuman, there are probably no such words in in our language, in your language, who could be named at all, you don’t know, you pick them up, you pick them up, they are not found, but memory, strength, for me this is very important, it seems to me that this is what these non-humans are trying to achieve, to break our lives, ours, our communication, so that we would close ourselves off, we hid in holes, as if we were afraid of someone, it seems to me that this was precisely what was very important, the palace of st. petersburg was absolutely full, and i really
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hope that today there will also be a lot of spectators, this is our answer, we are ours, we are for how we live, we stand for how we feel, and this generally needs to be defended even so. another living legend in minsk, the tour of the famous boris eifman ballet theater on the stage of the bolshoi theater of belarus, the poster is original.
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chekhov's seagull failed miserably, it turned out to be too innovative, it took time for it to take off, as a result, the scandalous play became a classic, it still surprises. for the first time on the stage of the bolshoi theater of belarus, a literary masterpiece interpreted by the legendary... eifman, a ballet about ballet. the plot takes place not in the estate, but in the rehearsal hall of the theater. the viewer's dream is to see the secrets behind the scenes. the main thing is that there is precisely this dramatic moment, which for boris yakovich is always very important in his productions, this is a kind of escalation of the image, that is , the character’s line that comes from the beginning, it seems to leave no one indifferent to its dynamics.
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the world hidden from the eyes of the public amazes with its contrasts, a seagull, a ballet story, a performance where there is everything, love affairs, personal dramas, the pangs of creativity, competition. prima arkadina, against young zarechnaya, mator trigorin, opponent of debutant treplev. the production by boris eifman is quite dynamic, very interesting, very bright, absolutely not boring, everything goes like in some kind of film, everything unfolds very quickly, very dynamically, brightly. therefore, i think the audience will really like it, because there are also , for example, elements of swan lake, paintings, which also look very interesting in this particular performance. unlike the original source, eifman’s main seagull was the one from the river replay the topic is biographically close to the choreographer, once he himself, in search of new forms, trying to go beyond the limits of the real, remained misunderstood, now, as a staging artist, like trigorin, he creates masterpiece after masterpiece.
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eifman’s performances are always philosophy, it ’s always psychology, it’s always a rupture, like a rupture of the aorta, and the audience almost always leaves with tears in their eyes because they empathize with our heroes, it seems to me that the dancers are simply floating in the air, the laws of gravity have won, that’s all what can be expressed in words is, of course, expressed with hands and body. that's why it’s fascinating, it’s certainly grandiose, i don’t know, i’m very impressed, i’m very glad that i got there, thank you for them coming to us. 60 artists, 250 costumes and 150 devices, the ballet seagull’s volumes are substantial; four trucks transported the props to minsk. there is a lot of things, large sets, there is a very large and heavy light farm, not every theater can afford to invite such a performance. so belarusian viewers
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are very, very lucky. lyubov andreeva is called eifman's muse, leading soloist, assistant, 13 years side by side with the choreographer, her first big stage will forever remain the bolshoi theater of belarus. the minsk resident started her career here. a familiar home stage, when you already know where which backstage is, where which dressing room is, how the buffet works, where which hall is? my colleagues all ask me, lyuba, well, you belong here, right? the bolshoi theater as the second volume is not only for belarusian artists, russians dance in the ballet company. the trend was set by the chief choreographer igor kolp. belarus, who became prime minister at the mariinsky theater and entered the gala the first teachers of the boris eifman dance academy. there were also such infusions into the troupe of representatives of the academy of russian ballet, the moscow state academy of choreography and guys who, in principle, already managed to work somewhere. graduates from the academy came to us.
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we saw each other, the relationship changed a little, it’s one thing when you edify and teach, and another thing was not these years, like yesterday, as if it were the case when you are already on equal terms, in principle it was at school. academy it was that story when i wanted us were on equal terms, because the closer the contact, the easier it is to move together to the desired heights. what did igor pavlovich teach you? everything, how to behave in the hall, on stage. everything he can do is thanks to igor palovich. the ballet world
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of eifman is familiar to the belarusian public, this is not the first time the theater has been in minsk, but before they dosed out the pleasure, they brought mostly one production at a time, this time the ovation did not stop. the scope was made possible thanks to the federal program “great tours”, this is a project of the “ministry of culture of russia with organizational and financial support.” thanks to him, theaters even private ones can perform not only in their own country, but also travel to neighboring countries, and a tour to minsk was agreed upon at the end of december.
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cooperation with the theater wizard, as boris eifman is called, will continue. the next meeting is in june, students from his academy will open the international festival ballet summer at the bolshoi. this concludes our release. we will tell you about the main things in belarus in exactly a week, on the belros tv channel. all the best and see you soon. we can note the unique features of the most ancient belarusian temples and vaults
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the development of the gospel story, in particular the moment when jesus christ is taken down from the cross. a large, large crowd comes here to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god, such living prayer takes place here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years.


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