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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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and this unites us, and those who lived before us, and those who, perhaps, will live after us, come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer, people now come here in a large, large crowd to worship and how to come into contact with the mother of god, this kind of living prayer happens here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed to this saint for two thousand years?
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watch in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, don’t touch me, damn, wil, jump into the car, they are chasing me, help, oh, hurry up, hurry up, look at those little eyes, musya, who, my bride, for my part, i want to warn you your... the return will be very difficult, i ’m not afraid, well, my dear, now come on, tell me how, when, under what circumstances, you started collaborating with the germans, how you ended up on the farm with fraochilda, comrade, we would like tickets, i want strength to go home, the child, she walked with the fritz, maybe you can take a walk with me, but he lived here for 3 days and then went to the front, under a different name, under what, pavel levchenko, you promise that i will turn around quickly, watch the series, i will return on
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the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we are starting a new day and working on it. music, music, such a thick interior of the
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skin of us. yana pausyul, at the sun, at the timid hands, at the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, aspirational thoughts, and opens thousands of gifts to us. music can change the light, little pieces can change us. music is inside our skin.
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here we, belarusians, must also leave our core, and this is our narrative, and this the political path distracts you from the main work of being a deputy, what is journalism, what is a deputy, what is the priesthood, this is... serving people, if you are not interested in a person, there is nothing to do in these areas, in your opinion, good should still come with fists , now i have open palms, i hold them out for a handshake and even for those who have fallen into this quagmire of improbability to rise, are you sure that all belarusians are now looking in the same direction, as long as we have fatherlandism, we will save ourselves, your future and my history. hello, you are watching the program tell me not to be silent, victoria popova and svetlana
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smolonskaya are in the studio and today our guest is a tv presenter, journalist, as well as a deputy of the minsk city council, evgeniy pustovoy. hello, evgeniy, hello, congratulations on your new one. thank you with new responsibilities, i directly feel our last meeting, we told the audience that we meet in a minibus and quite often we travel on the same route, but lately i haven’t noticed you, we became a deputy and moved to car, belarusians, we are so modest, we don’t like to stick ourselves out, we rely more on our intellect, that’s why you don’t notice, i just go out earlier, i probably go back later. it’s clear, that is, they remained - yes, they are loyal to urban transport, this is also advertising and propaganda of urban transport, in minsk you can easily get to any place using just such opportunities, but immediately as a deputy
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, questions came from people about why the buses are on time don’t come, so we need to go to the on buses, look where it really is, that is, you leave, go out into the street already at work, you can say that, right? unfortunately, sometimes everything comes down to, you know, the usual problem, just recently we talked to people, which means we need parking, here’s a kindergarten, we need to demolish the fire, take away the territory from the children, put up a parking lot, well, we’re in the direction of belarus, that’s children
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are the most important thing for us, so it’s clear that there’s no way to get around this, the second problem of the network, it’s also impossible to solve this, this is a well-known fact.
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it’s more appropriate to understand the problem from different sides, not only do you say, do it, but you still have the fuse, i wonder how long you will be enough, evgeniy, there are different people, but by temperament, at first they want to help with all this , help,
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and then such a thick skin quickly grows, as you predict yourself, or something in this work, how to predict, well, of course , that’s enough for 5 years, yeah. in general, the world is changing very quickly, you need to keep up with it, so development must be within a person, and that’s the main thing belarusian, what is the miracle of belarusian politics, is that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront, that’s all, and you know, i think the very institution of state power, the mainstream itself, the very trends of foreign domestic policy says that you need to be closer to people, and i constantly hear about the president talking about this, i must do this, there is a desire, you know, by the way,
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you already have leadership in the minsk city council, let's see, announcements of these people recently took place, serve on fortunately the capital will be 60 deputies, at the first session today they elected the chairman of the minsk city council, artyom tsurana, and ivan eismant and oleg kazaredov as deputies; in total , representatives of the healthcare sector will work in the city tandem. from the inside, they were always engaged in political
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journalism, but at the same time retained their people, i am confident in them, because i saw their simplicity, there was no arrogance, openness, that’s what is important for a deputy, especially the minsk city council, especially in minsk, where decisions are always made issues are generally resolved in minsk, then this wave goes to the regions, so these people are competent, professional and most importantly, open belarusians, so what kind of air was there in these?
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where there are, well, elderly people, and society is determined by how it treats old people, children and women, this is a social institution, well, not very attractive, let's start with this, then further, during communication with people, many are outraged by the fact that near schools, not far along the perimeter of schools, there are small markets that sell alcohol, which should also not be be like this. it seems to me that we are talking about a healthy nation, physically, morally, here are the children, these same eateries
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are turning into eateries, a special contingent gathers, i think that - they don’t remember high mathematics or dostoevsky there, and the kids go to pits somewhere, so this issue needs to be resolved, this is the main thing, then, well, of course, there are parking lots, asphalt, there are a lot of road regulations, people still have questions, well, about the work of clinics.
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from the executive branch, he understands all these trends, the rule-making framework, how it all works, and judging by his mood,
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he is also on fire, he also wants to help people, so that you understand, here we are talking about civil society, so let him...
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but he says, if you are very work actively in your constituency, other people will come to you and decide too, well, of course, if you come, i ’ll be happy to see you, word of mouth will work, but it’s a big load, it distracts you from the main work of being a deputy, what is journalism, what is being a deputy that the priesthood is serving people, if you the person is not interesting, there is nothing to do in these areas, but you have already graduated from the academy, but
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you finished, finish, it seems to me that somehow you study endlessly for a long time, no, love lives for 3 years, you know, it seems to me that i am listening to you, remembering the past chairman of the minsk city council of deputies andrei bugarov, it seems to me that you took as a basis his model of behavior and work, because he also patched holes in the asphalt, and repaired entrances, well, a man who gives his all for the sake of his homeland, and i i think he took it as a basis the work of our president, well...
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they can’t collect an anecdote without the president, they can’t collect the shoals, they can’t collect stones, they can’t remember
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, they can’t sort through the bulb, i don’t know, but the stones can’t , and this is an exemplary grodno region, well, we really have a lot to learn, we are proud of how she is. no one will make our life better than us, a year of quality, it’s not just about the fact that the farm worker must create even better quality, let’s say trolleybuses or
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our combines, or let’s say light industry sewing a good shirt or suit, thank you they do this is how to generally treat each other better, this is what i can do to make it better than everyone else, let’s say a policeman should smile, a doctor should treat well and everything will be fixed. time for a political upgrade, please
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participate, work, accept, actively show yourself, here is an opportunity, i ’ll just tell you with an example now, if in the capital you can also see the activity of deputies, young people and city councils, then in region, if we leave, it’s completely, well, it’s completely different there, everyone is waiting there.
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they won’t detect it, it turns out that that is, people don’t realize that they are falling into a mousetrap, yes a mousetrap, yes, call it that, a mousetrap, or it seems to me, a gradual scale until
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it goes lower, lower. yeah, well, one of my friends in such cases says: there are a lot of temptations, a person is weak, and for now we’ll take a short break, i remind you, our telegram channel say, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we’re in touch, on the air again tell. shut up, our guest is a journalist and a deputy, one might say, a people's deputy chosen one, evgeny pustovoy. evgeniya, well, you are still presenting on stv, the author’s project of a politician without ties and banknotes. and we discussed this last time, that you, grisha azaryonok, your colleague, have both fans and opponents of your expressive presentation of information. but the reality is that fists are clenching,
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as yours said... in 2015 at 24 ee, this is not even an edifying, but an exhorting tone, that is, to tell what we have and what we can lose, that’s all the task, gregory has his own topic, your own audience, you know, very good, when there is some kind of enemy like that, it’s easy, let’s say, before everything was the president’s fault, now many people think, these zmagars, let’s start everyone with themselves, so i want to reach their hearts so that it gets
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better, everyone. must become better here in belarus, it is clear that we will have enemies who will shake us and hinder us and trip us up, but when we stand firmly on our feet, when we walk along the road to belarus, no one will interfere with us, which is why the president talks about internal agendas must be within oneself, each within oneself to develop within the country, about good with fists, you know, now i have open palms, i hold them out for a handshake. and even for those who fell into this quagmire of improbability, in order to rise, a person can, well, unfortunately, make mistakes, again, trends are set for us by the president, the same pardon commission, wherever the head of state speaks, communicates with people, he says: yes, sometimes i even feel sorry for them, those who left, well, but he said that yes, in one of his last speeches he said that people have they have the right to make mistakes, they have the right to make mistakes, but you see, they pulled our country onto these
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new rails, and western ones. civilization, now they have embarked on this very rails, they understood, it’s not that it’s not going, yes, but or they didn’t understand, they still come to treat teeth in belarus, and talk about how good it is in europe, well, you’re not these people there treat, don’t treat, yes, it’s our money, yes, it’s taxpayers, we create it all, teachers, teachers, we train, we train doctors, we build clinics, but you see, the insult is that, well, you... i’ll be the first to do it, but now is the time, time has passed, the main thing is that it is true, sincere repentance, and many people think, well, these same people can pretend, our organs work well, it’s clear, the person pretended and did not pretend, but events to any
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“we must learn to be proud of ourselves, rejoice in what we have, and think about how to preserve it and leave it for our descendants, that’s my main task, and not just vilify someone who has already wiped them out.” kind of smeared, there is someone to smear, grigory with he copes with this very well, but i have a different rhetoric, well, of course, when he invites me to his stream, we ’ll have a little verbal abuse there, but nothing more, and i’m also a deputy, i have to think about every belarusian so that it cannot be touched, and so on and so forth, but if someone is wrong, yes, yes, no, no, everything else, that is, tell me, are the audience ready for a conversation calmly, yes , ready, people want this, people are tired of expressive politics , yes. please note, the president has a keen sense of us ours, our mood, how the president conducts the dialogue, already yes, we remember the fugitives, yes, betrayal, well, you already know, this is not an insult, but just to be remembered, that’s all, fell into the quagmire of improbability, you came up with a good
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idea, but is it necessary, if this person himself wants it, maybe it’s more convenient for him there, well, we still don’t hire there a person who has stumbled in this quagmire unpopularly .
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during the president’s recent trip to grodno, i think you were also nearby, alexander lukashenko was laying a capsule at the construction site of the city hospital, this is the question that there are not enough clinics and hospitals there, and we continue to build them, yes, and speaking during the visit about the salaries of doctors, he announced the size of the presidential salary, let's listen, they say, this is not enough, this is not enough, doctors there are not enough nurses, listen, we have enough of everything. absolutely true, only in our country some categories, including doctors, want to work like we do, and live like in the west and get big money, like in america, somewhere else, so they work for days, especially young people,
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i know this for sure, they work for days, well, they earn money, but we are missing one and a half people, it’s a disaster, and what a disaster, let the doctors work, those who work earn money, and then i...
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who hasn’t understood yet, but now oh doctors, this is not a political problem, this is an economic and social problem, economic, so that there is enough for all the hospitals, clinics, ambulances, because for several hours at a time, i know people are waiting for ambulances in the regions, we are not talking in minsk, wow it is necessary to close, and the salaries of doctors themselves, yes, this is work, this is work, firstly, a person can become a doctor who is an intelligent person who knows how, instead of zybet...
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here it is necessary to develop mechanisms, a person sees how much he can work, me too, i am not a doctor, yes, but - in addition to stv, i i also publish in three newspapers, i also earn money, and i saw on stv a sofa on which evgeniy empty stays overnight if he suddenly stays late, well, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was like that, well, what i mean is that we live on work very often, and how do we understand that this is our choice, this is our choice, this is not even profession, that’s probably yes, journalism, that’s... our heroes should be, as teachers,
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as security forces, that is, everyone can prove themselves, and that and well, you want the gentry, call them, you want this is the salt of the belarusian society, you want it, well, what would be the intelligentsia, the intelligentsia, doctors - this is the intelligentsia, this is such, well, the word caste is not, stratum, yes, which is yes. i have to earn money, but i also have to move, it all depends, it’s not even a matter of generation, i see so many young, good doctors who are on fire, who, well they give themselves to people, so, but they also need to be replenished somewhere, so they must feel respect, the care of the state, and the president also said it well, there are these rates, yes, it all depends on the chief physician, how much he, for example, will allow the young a specialist, a successful doctor to combine more, or he will give to someone who...
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the group he led led to the seizure of almost 2.5 million dollars during martial law, that is, it is emphasized that this was during martial law, all of this was spent for the purchase of transformers, then there is a war for whom the mother is dear, and it is not necessary, it turns out that during the war you only trade in weapons, and do you think the war is just like that or military actions on the territory of ukraine just happened, firstly, of course, geopolitical problems,
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well, ukraine lay down to the west and fulfills his orders, yes, so she became, well, we all know, a battering ram in russia, and against russia, but for this, people probably had a decline in morals inside, the same corruption, the same crosses were cut off, the same movements there of these naked femen and so on, that is, the fall morality then behaves like this feeling. war is god's last argument, that's all. belarusians pulled themselves together, yes, everything, everything is fine, the country has been preserved, because in general our state is, well, so clean. i say the word concept not only about the streets, but about the internal state of the national character, but there is no way without war, and russia is also participating in this war for a reason, because excuse me, when in one house they mourn a dead soldier, in another in another club they walk around in one sock, well, that can’t happen either
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continue like this, you see, society must be consolidated, it must look not only with an open mouth at - the comfort of the western model, but first of all in one direction, belarusians look in one direction and wealth - this does not mean happiness, you know, we, i remember 2004 the year when we were not yet so rich, and the chronicle is white, you look at photographs and graduates are walking in the rain, smiling, this is the way of our belarus, in this, you know, there is once a lot of happiness, when there is enough, to the west, than, than it isn't he buying us?
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for thousands of years the people were scattered, but remained because they left their core, so we belarusians must also leave our core, this is our narrative, this is a political path, this is a social and public path for belarus, the core, as you formulate in what in what we are originally in traditions, we are a nation of civilization of bread, yeah, we don’t break away from our roots, remember the graves of our ancestors, remember our grandmother.
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nine civilizations, and now we will form another civilization, the slavic civilization, we will call it so that you can join us and the same serbia could, and ukraine, which, i hope, we will still survive, will remain with us, this is civilization, the christian civilization of the slavs, this is labor, wealth -
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this is not a sin, yes or there it is, this is not shameful , but you have to earn it, first earn it, first. admit it, yes, and those who stayed with us, well, knowledge is formed in existence, but little by little they will come to their senses, everything will be fine, but for now we will take a break, for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and invite guests, we are in touch.
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the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, our guest is a journalist, a deputy of the minsk city council, and a public figure, evgeniy pastovoy. evgeniy, we remember your tender attitude towards your small homeland, towards the brest region, from which you come, please tell me, do you already feel fully a menchan and do you visit your homeland less often, and if you do, what places do you visit? first of all, i love all the cities, all the regional ones, all our centers, like...
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silence, the kingdom of nature, when you enter minsk this is such intense traffic, the whole city of big lights, and you understand that this is how different she is, but how beloved she is by everyone, and you are a city person in spirit, it all depends on the task, on the mood, alone at work, on vacation another and so on, but when you drive into the lights of a big city, you think, my village, everything is mine, eugene, well, we learned a lot today, let’s say. such exclusive spiritual information, i would say, and the fact that on the sofa you can turn on stv, and the fact that you, once in
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in one office we were next to the head of our media holding, ivan mikhalich eismant, let's tell another story, i think you will recognize this man, he will now ask you a question from the screen, we will tell our viewers that once upon a time at the dawn of his foggy youth, young evgeniy pustovoy ...
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you didn’t choose me, but i chose you, yes, there is such a thing, well, of course, my mother brought me to church, when i was little, i remember, she also says, let me fight, let me beat you, i remember the little ones like that, i still remember , the same icon has been preserved, so my mother brought everything to the temple, and i’m standing on my shoulders their ancestors, who were also orthodox, who loved their country, did everything to ensure that everyone was in their place, to leave something good behind them, and these are the people who are nearby. well, the main thing is not to change the heart, yeah, when you feel, this is mine, it will always be, well, probably the answer is that everything comes from the roots, from the roots, yes, and from ourselves, and we for the third time we were convinced that you were not cheating on yourself, well, you probably came to us with pleasure, because you also came to us without a tie, i forgot, i had one yes, not only about politics, okay, come
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next time in a tie, i think we will meet. more successes of prosperity only forward, well, in parliament, so that everything works out, so that i help, can help people, let’s do this, but you talked about service at the beginning, let it be so, and we, victoria popova, svetlana smolonskaya, say goodbye with you, until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, evgeniy pustovoy is speaking now, family, relatives, homeland, we must remember this, preserve this, and as long as we have fatherlandism, we will preserve ourselves, your future and...
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thank you. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. we definitely use it after cooking, as well as after any meal. it is thanks to him that our dishes retain their beautiful appearance for many years. while science has not yet given us those household chemical cleaning products that we
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use now, housewives most often from dirt and... quite by accident: in russia in the 15th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, birch, in europe at the end 14th century, charles vi established an entire vinegar guild uvarov. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary so that the surface molecule of the active substance can perform its function. if the environment is acidic, for example, then the function of a detergent will be performed by molecules. will be watched in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country.
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there was also a goal: to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen at once , it all happened gradually, of course, we walked under the strict leadership of our region. both the region and the ministry of culture, it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed shells, by keeping it in its same place, yes, but with global modernization, let’s get to know the people, who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this... museum was the director of our museum, it was her old dream, we work wonders, yes, yes, yes, the mood is always good, because we we love our work, we create beauty here,
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so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel, our region through the eyes of foreigners, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, know about...
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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