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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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a criminal case has been opened, drug control operatives from two countries, and other possible participants in this criminal chain. the telephone swindler introduced himself as a cellular operator and defrauded a menenchanka woman of her passport information. the caller assured that the scammers were trying to get her a loan for $1,500. indicated by the interlocutor, the pensioner went to the post office, where she transferred the scammers’ account 3.00 rubles. only later did she realize that she had been deceived and a criminal case was opened. don't take your eyes off, millions of people in north america watched the complete solar eclipse. the first to see this unique phenomenon were in mexico. the moon completely covered the sun and the sky darkened for a full 4 minutes. eclipses could also be seen in the usa and canada from some islands.
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and atlantic oceans, according to scientists, the next total eclipse will take place in august 2026, then it will cover large areas of the northern hemisphere. biden’s main rival in the upcoming elections , donald trump, could not ignore such a cosmic event and used the eclipse as an excellent opportunity for self-pr. politician posted a video on social networks in which his shadow profile outshines the celestial body. this is the only solar eclipse we want to see. the son of the ex-leader of the white house added to the description. we continue to shed light on events in the country and the world. we'll continue at noon, stay on the first button. the eleventh
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international tournament, the commonwealth cup, hosted by baranavichy, started the new season in women's field hockey. eight clubs will compete for the main trophy, five from belarus and three from russia, which are on initially divided into two groups. in the first match in quartet a, the players of grodno rhythm lost to our guests, the team of the sverdlovsk region, with a score of 2:3. everyone played as they did from the first minute to the last, and simply converted, in the second half they converted their chances that they couldn’t. realize in the first quarter, in the second, the team is good, they are also pressing, they are losing, they need to run forward, so we pressed a little, and already at these moments on the field, a repeat of the final of last year, the current the champion of the tournament, the dynamo team from elektrostal, against the silver medalist victoria ismalivich, this match is broadcast live by belarus 5.
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at the beginning of july 1954 , a closed meeting of the presidium of the council of ministers of the ussr was held in moscow. a resolution was adopted on measures for the further development of the oil industry. the agenda includes a discussion of the construction of a new large-scale oil refinery with an estimated cost of 315 million rubles. ukraine, its northern regions, bryansk region and the bssr. the conversation at the meeting is more than emotional. khrushchev lobbied for ukraine. chairman of the council of ministers of belarus kirill mazurov put forward his arguments. as a result, the republic received the plant. and not only because
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its territory met the criteria: proximity to the borders of western europe, where the export of petroleum products was planned, a developed railway network, and infrastructure. but the arguments of the belarusians turned out to be more convincing in the main thing. the economy of the bssr developed rapidly, and over the years the first post-war five-year plan created the groundwork for high-tech production. and the fact that this was so was confirmed by the decision taken by the party leadership of the ussr in the early fifties to build a number of large general mechanical engineering enterprises in machine tools in belarus. structures, radio electronics, optics and instrument making. this became a kind of recognition of the great work that was done by the republic to restore the national economy, the heroism of its inhabitants, who in a short time were able to transform
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belarus is an industrialized region with great economic potential. the bssr proved this by releasing its products, supplying the entire soviet union, and exporting to many countries. at the beginning of 1948, the portork of the molotov radio plant , together with the chief engineer, was once again inspecting, or rather evaluating, a brand new radio. one of the first produced at the enterprise. emotions were overwhelming, they were able to do it. not far away, in a place of honor, in the red corner, is the pioneer receiver. it was he who , in the first months after the liberation of belarus,
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was the main object at the plant. after their shift, people crowded into the dilapidated room to listen to the last message. republic, now they were also waiting after the change of belarusian radio about the situation at the front among the workers, only with a different goal: to demonstrate the new product in action. the engineer was concerned about how all seven lamps that were used in the new model worked. porturk, having chosen the record he liked, started the player. now all this was combined in one. receiver,
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in the new cycle of anniversary programs of the thirtieth anniversary republics, which began to appear on belarusian radio, the announcers continued to talk about the successes of the enterprises. the unique distribution of belarusian specialists, the production of the minsk radio plant, is a loss in sales in many parts of the soviet union. after the liberation of the capital from the nazis, the molotov radio plant was able to
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restore production in the shortest possible time and begin production, in fact in 1945. the first ones. production facilities were rented from the chkalov plant, of course, this was not enough there was no place to stay and there was no opportunity. full-fledged production of a large number of radio receivers that the post-war country needed. at first, they produced consumer goods, so necessary at that time, aluminum spoons, dishes, but work on new models of receivers did not stop. the first example of radio engineering products produced by our company was radiola minsk,
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the department of the chief designer, as a result of its work a
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second-class radio receiver was developed in 1953, belarus 53, this the radio receiver was highly appreciated by the expert council of the all-union chamber of commerce of the ussr, became widespread and, so to speak, in demand throughout the territory of the entire soviet union. the horizon enterprise made a breakthrough in the development of not only radio products in the republic, but also high-precision production, creating the groundwork for such a new direction as electronics, since the minsk radio plant was the pioneer in the production of radios, and then the first televisions, then of course this brand, which.. .
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our people, in the soviet union the company was the flagship for the production of its products, well, at the moment the horizons of our horizon have expanded, the brand that was born in the post-war years is developing, increasing its competencies and at the moment you see the leading... production company holding horizon.
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the hosts of the travel show are right at home, they know exactly how to behave when visiting. babryus is one of the most expensive cities in this country in belarus, probably equipped with something. belarus, studying its history, exploring foreign students travel to the sights because the city is called a bridge, which means, think about it, think about it, it probably means that there is some kind of amazing bridge here, look, such a beautiful, huge bridge!
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in your own way, you drink your chants, everything, it’s interesting to chill, especially in the morning, one of the smallest cities in belarus, but for me this city is big, because my childhood passed here, i watched polishuk’s project on our tv channel. by the beginning of the fifties, the republic was making a breakthrough in other areas of popular farms. this was largely determined by the fact that the post-war five-year plan
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placed its main emphasis on heavy industry, primarily on the heart of the industry, machine building. and metalworking. in addition to the minsk automotive tractor plant, new industries appeared in the republic, the production of road machinery and mechanisms, tools and ball bearings. tank building reached a qualitatively new level, and the production of agricultural machinery expanded. all this formed the basis of the industrial development of the ussr and the bssr. how as a result, the republic demonstrated success in many areas, some even unexpected, especially in areas uncharacteristic for belarus. at the beginning of the fifty- second year , preparations began in the republic for the main political event, the twentieth congress of the communist party of belarus.
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work collectives summed up the work for the first post-war five years.
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hectares, and obligatory congratulations from the pioneers, with a fashionable chant, who walk together in a row, this is the change of the komsomol, our pioneer detachment. despite the fact that the main
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indicators for agriculture were not met, much was mastered. for the first time in the country, at the level of the central committee of the cpsu, subordinates were announced about the widespread cultivation of no, not corn, this will come later, koksagyzy with strict procurement plans with maximum allocation of farmland for this crop, with socialist competitions, leaders in production, reports classified as secret or: for official use, a product of defense significance, rubber was produced from it, growing a crop in an uncharacteristic climate was... truly a feat. in in the early fifties, in september 1952,
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the twentieth congress of the communist party of belarus summed up the most difficult time for the republic, the first years after the war. a voluminous report by nikolai semyonovich potolishchev, first secretary of the communist party of belarus. honorary titles and awards to representatives of various fields. in the energy sector of the western regions of the republic. the industry of western belarus has made more than just a breakthrough in its development.
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the industrialization of the region was a big victory. during the years of the first post-war five-year plan, grodna, brest, baranovichi, pinsk, molodechnaya, lida. new industries were created here. agricultural engineering, textile, sugar industry, construction materials, wood processing, food and meat and dairy enterprises, peat mining enterprises have been reconstructed. by the end of the five-year plan, by the beginning of the fifties, the western region had achieved significant success in the development of the national economy, and it had indeed already become so. one of the developed regions of the republic. the congress set goals for the new five-year plan. they are ambitious. republic
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entered a period of large-scale changes, unique projects not only in industry and agriculture. the solution of many social problems has already come to the fore. schools, educational institutions, culture, especially. one of the key ones is medicine. the republic was approaching the construction of specialized medical institutions and an oncology center, the fate of which would have to be decided even by the un. at the same time, in the early fifties, the successes of belarusian doctors made it possible to set such tasks. literally from the first days of the liberation of the republic in... along with as sappers, doctors entered liberated concentration camps and populated areas, joining the fight against dangerous diseases. the disaster was
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an epidemic of typhus, scabies, maleria, and an outbreak of cholera. doctors struggled with the consequences of the use of biological weapons, which the nazis tested on civilians in the azararischi death camp and other places of detention. there was practically an epidemic in the city, such medical institutions appeared like mushrooms in many places, at the guardhouse, i remember on grushevskaya. incredible, but already on july 12 of the forty-something year in there were seven medical and sanitary institutions in minsk, and the seventh session of the supreme council of the bssr in july 1945 reported. there are over 400 hospitals, 810 outpatient clinics, and 175 regional sanitary and epidemiological stations in the bssr.
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doctors carried out mass sanitary treatment and examined 3 million people. in the first half of 1945 , about 2 million people were cured of scabies. it felt like life was gradually getting better. in the end, medical institutions appeared in minsk; they used to be somewhere in a wooden house, the first hospital was renovated, it still exists, it consisted of one building and two small two-story houses nearby, the second hospital appeared on the street of the present bogdanovkhikh fell, impressive and... other figures. as of january 1, 1945 , there were 1,800 doctors and 8,657 mid-level health workers in the bssr. over the five-year period
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, the number of doctors has increased by one and a half times. key medical institutions began their work. the belarusian blood transfusion service resumed work from the first days of the liberation of the republic and only in 1945 prepared blood twice as much as in the 9 years of his work before the war. in 1946 , the penicillin plant, now bel-medicine, came into operation. since 1949 , the first specialized inpatient departments have been opened in minsk, neurosurgical, pediatric surgery, psychoneurological and others. much work is beginning to vaccinate the population against dangerous diseases. the base created in the first post-war years became the basis for the emergence of an entire school
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of combating the epidemic. let's go on a journey where we will visit the most cultural meats in our country. tsikava, the first find that was mined here, was the key. and all the archaeologies seem to be the key - this reality as a symbol of the fact that lida is the most terrible of the world before the navukoists. gets from the old school of kruger know about minsk and love our watches. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of this institution. let's learn more about the history of belarus' past. trying this sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzekanka or takhtamysha's yard, no one knows, alekhan takhtamysh would have been at lidzia, he lives here.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course,
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marches around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, watch all this and not only in the weekly project ether 24:7 on our tv channel every friday evening.
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and then after the end of the national gaspadarki i am tired of being tortured at home, and the results of my home would be paid for the red chats in which dyktars, careers and many people work, who ensure the success of all parts of the channel. belarusian radio. vyashchanne, which also took place sometimes in difficult conditions, played an invaluable role. the spirit of the people for the first time, and once again with all the belarusian peoples, the joy of such chyns has become an active part of the modern people's reserve of our belarus. by the end
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of the first.


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