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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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this budenka saprauda was in full swing, and these creative groups, which were already by this hour, had their own salists, had their own literary and dramatic group, well , it’s crazy that there was so much slackness, so to speak, in full swing for our technicians, for our engineers hour, gavoryts minsk.
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its inhabitants won a convincing and, perhaps, the most important victory, a victory over hunger, deprivation, devastation, labor, but with unhealed wounds of a terrible war and memory. it brings destruction to nations. from 1951
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to 60, 307 will be built in belarus large industrial enterprises. since the early fifties, two republics in the soviet union, the rsf and... the ussr were not subsidized.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things in simple language, today about what other elections are on the horizon, who is given
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only 60 days to disperse, and what do democracy and nesting dolls have in common? go! quite recently , the first single voting day in the history of belarus took place. of all registered voters in the country. 77% of young people who received the right for the first time came to the polling stations vote. behind these figures is the real interest of belarusians in political processes and trust in our electoral system. i would say that this is civic maturity, because the deputy is not the president, and to learn more about the candidates, and then... with the choice to represent the interests of the residents of your district , it’s not enough to just watch tv sometimes. voters needed to study the biographies of local councils in parliament. this work of people and deciding which of them is worthy of each of those who voted was immediately noted in the central election commission, and its head personally
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thanked voters for the high turnout. after that, everyone exhaled, suddenly there were elections again. from april 1 to april 10, belarus will select delegates to the all-belarusian contest. less, maybe more, no, these and other norms are spelled out in the law on the all-belarusian people's assembly, its status is also indicated there, the highest representative body of the people's power of the republic of belarus, so who agrees? may be in the ranks of the supreme national assembly: the president, representatives of all three branches of government, legislative, executive and judicial, representatives of local councils of deputies and representatives of civil society. basically, the last two categories will have to be decided from april 1 to april 10.
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we have already chosen the rest one way or another; they automatically end up in the ens due to their duties. look. we voted for the president in 2020. from the legislative branch, the all-belarus people's assembly includes deputies from both chambers of parliament. those who will work in the top of their ranks on april 4 will be chosen by deputies of local councils; they, in turn, were chosen by us on a single voting day, that is, by the people we elected they will send the most worthy of their number to the council of the republic, and they will end up in the ens. deputies of the lower house. parliament, the house of representatives, we also chose february 25, and here our elected representatives go to the supreme national assembly; the prime minister, his deputies and other members of the council of ministers will serve the people from the executive branch in the supreme national assembly; they are appointed by the president, chosen by us. in our elections, we have given
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the head of state the right to decide on our behalf who is fit to be a minister and who is not, and we trust his decision. from the judiciary , the spc includes chairmen, their deputies and judges constitutional and supreme courts of the country, some of them are appointed by the president, some by deputies of the upper house of parliament. now, as for the elections, which will be held from april 1 to april 10, during this period it will be necessary to appoint 350 deputies of local councils from minsk and six regions of the country, and another 400 people from civil society, to the supreme national assembly. let's start with those who are 350, they must be from the number.
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41, from minsk - 60. these positions are distributed as follows. for example, brest region. she received 52 seats. local regional executive committee scatters them between areas. district, city rural councils of deputies, and they will propose candidates for people whom they would like to send to the supreme council from their location. this process is called candidate nomination. it officially started in belarus and will last until march 31. then the regional executive committee and regional councils will decide on delegates and send their lists to the central election commission. now about the second group of delegates, of which there are 400, they must represent civil society. five organizations have the right to choose them. republican public association
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belaya rus is not to be confused with the party of the same name. belarusian public association of veterans, belarusian women's union, belarusian republican youth union and federation of trade unions of belarus. this list was approved by our ministry of justice. the listed organizations are provided with 400 seats in the national assembly, 80 for each. candidate delegates will be selected by the highest body. of these organizations, for veterans it is a republican conference, for the bsg it is simply a conference, for the rest there are congresses, at which delegates to the supreme council will be elected from april 1 to april 10 and send the lists to the central election commission, where they will check the regulations by which delegates were elected in each association, clarify whether the procedure for their nomination was followed, and approve the results. the first meeting of the supreme council must take place no later than 60 days after the single voting day. that is, the deadline is april 25, before this moment the lists of deputies of the upper
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house of parliament who will be elected on april 4, the lists of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly must be approved, and the work process will begin. at the first meeting, delegates the supreme council will choose a chairman, decide how many deputies he should have, who will become them, and also determine the composition of the presidium and the counting commission of the meeting. at the beginning of this... the chairman of the ovns will not yet be present, therefore the registration of arriving delegates will be carried out by the central election commission, and the meeting will be carried out by its head. further, vns should be performed at least once a year. an extraordinary session can be convened by the president, the presidium of the supreme national assembly, any of the chambers of parliament, or 150,000 ordinary belarusians who have the right to vote. there are 1,200 delegates in the supreme council.
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all of them, during the presidential elections on a single voting day, received from the people the authority to make decisions and propose options for the work of the state. tires on behalf of the majority of belarusians, we have elected deputies of one level, from among them come deputies and delegates of a higher level, civil servants who have been appointed by our elected president will work together with them. the system for forming the composition of the vns has something of a nesting doll. no matter what side we reveal the biography of any of the delegates, we will go to the one for whom we personally voted in the 2020 elections or last february. as you can see. there will be no random people among the delegates of the supreme council; all of them are directly or by
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proxy elected by the people, as required by the principles of democracy. if you gather 1,200 people in one room, that's a lot. and if you remember that they represent the interests of 9 million, then it may not be enough. and if, in addition, we take into account that each of them must have a set of special qualities, then the result is an extract of scarce ones. frames. vns delegate is a pure product of folk choice, repeatedly sifted through the sieves of public opinion, discussions with like-minded people and inspections by election commissions. such a person must not only understand well how our economy and social sphere work, but be able to connect the processes in them in a timely and beneficial manner for people, and then clearly convey to colleagues the needs of citizens, and to citizens - the nuances of the work of colleagues. the spc delegates saw the turnout on a single voting day. and realize the responsibility they have shouldered. their work will be assessed by millions of citizens of a sovereign
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states that have felt that the fate of the country is in their hands, and they will not tolerate hands that turn the steering wheel of this ship in the wrong direction. since we were so actively involved in the process of governing the state on a single voting day, then for starters we simply should not abandon this mood, and continue to be interested in the work of the people who were elected... to make adjustments to it, we are given such an opportunity through the delegates of the supreme council, including number. evaluate their work not with aggression, but with reasonable passion. this is not the last election. build your own selection criteria deputies for the next election campaign, and without looking back at the outcry from abroad, lay down your nesting doll of democracy. although barbie is sold in a beautiful package, it is empty inside. i am marina karaman and we have figured out how the representative body of the people's power of belarus will be formed. everything is clear, see you soon!
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a year of quality for our company is , first of all, an increase in the model range to fill the sales markets and satisfy our consumers. i came to the minsk atlant refrigerator plant in 2001 in the assembly shop refrigerators as a fitter. today i am the head of the refrigerator assembly department. in
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2001, i was 19 years old, i probably decided for myself that i would like... to see how a large production works. and, probably, i still wanted to work, to see how our industry was developing. in 2001, we had about six product lines, today there are about twenty products and almost 100 versions of these products. production over the 20 years of my work here, in principle, it’s like at least 30% automated. we have a lot to ourselves. mastered work equipment, but also automatic equipment, including, the quality from the introduction of this equipment has improved by an order of magnitude, with the release of a new line of any of our products, in any case, it is natural pride both for ourselves, as well as for the enterprises, but also the most important thing - this is the team that is engaged in
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the manufacture of this product, in the future we are introducing an extensive line of refrigerators, this is the primary task as the leader of the implementation of these new lines, refrigerators, but again, i repeat, this is process automation, when we have at least 50-70% of our production automated, it will make our life easier. our brand is respected by people and appreciated because this company has been operating for a very long time, so just for the name of atlanta, people are ready , in principle, to purchase our equipment. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute
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the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. do you often messages coming? and uncomfortable questions: every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus
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24 tv channel . there is one news on belarus now in the studio of vladislav bundir. hello. there is a big conversation about the state and challenges of industrial development in this area. minutes pass in the palace of independence. there are more than 250 participants in one hall: government, governors, heads of various enterprises from all over the country and free economics.


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