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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:06pm MSK

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belarus 24! there is one news on belarus now in the studio of vladislav bundar. hello. a big conversation about the state and tasks of industrial development is taking place at these moments in the palace of independence. there are more than 250 participants in one hall: the government, governors, heads of various enterprises from all over the country and free economic ones. zones, as
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well as the national bank, science, belstat and regulatory agencies. it is important for the president to hear different opinions. in general, in the industry, over the past few years we have seen a stable increase in production volumes, plus 40% in 3 year, we are adding electronics, cars and trucks, and a combine harvester. at the same time, the situation with the production of tractors, refrigerators, and engines is tense. alexander lukashenko focuses on modern technologies, which ensure high productivity and reduced quality. ambiguous export situation. on the one hand, last year they sold the most in the last decade. the industry gained $6.5 billion, on the other hand, we are poorly diversifying supplies to the far arc countries. in africa, latin america, asia, today there is a huge demand for industrial products. here we need to work closely, and above all on the african continent. food security.
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obviously, we need to go further to expand cooperation and understand that our strategic task is to create joint production facilities for the assembly of belarusian equipment in supporting countries. the key goal today is export diversification. everything that is required of me for this is accepted immediately. the necessary conditions have been created
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, you need to use as actively as possible measures of financial support for belarusian exports. alexander lukashenko calls import substitution a priority for the industrial complex. the stability of our economy and the country’s technological independence from western sanctions depend on this today. the president also sets the task of protecting the domestic market. there is a question regarding the sale of goods and unloading of warehouses with finished products. for some enterprises, inventories amount to. more than two months' production volume. details in our next releases. today the central election commission belarus adopted a resolution establishing the results of elections to the council of the republic. as the head of the center for electoral commission noted, people who know life and profession were elected to the upper house of parliament. 15 of them worked in previous convocations. 31 people have state awards, eight have academic degrees. 18 women and 38 men were elected to the council of the republic. first session of the senate. the eighth convocation
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will open on april 12. the militaristic ambitions of the west and the rattling of weapons at our borders. rapid nato exercises continue in lithuania leopard. local residents were warned about military vehicles on the roads due to the maneuvers. the main goal is to collect information about enemy positions, movements and terrain. the exercises will last until april 14. a high-intensity war in europe is no longer a fantasy, the head of european diplomacy said and emphasized. europe must do everything possible to avoid this, but supposedly containing the enemy requires money. barrel admitted that he does not know how to pay for the militarization of the european union and admitted the possibility of common debt countries' obligations. registration for centralized testing has started; applicants can sign up until april 22. there are two ways: fill out the electronic form on the pixc website and directly at the registration point. in the second case , you must have a passport with you. id card,
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residence permit or any identification document . 40 educational institutions in large districts, regional centers and the capital have been identified as registration points for central heating and its passage. testing will take place in fifteen academic subjects. also today in the ministry of education has opened a hotline regarding the organization of the graduation entrance campaign. you can call the number indicated on the screen. opening hours on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. lunch break from one to two in the afternoon. the exhibition project first started in the art gallery of mikhail savitsky. the exhibition sections are dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin and world aviation and cosmonaut day. rare footage, photo chronicles, documents, personal belongings of gagarin, as well as a whole series of sculptural portraits of the world’s cosmonauts, from people’s artist of belarus ivan misko. all his heroes are firsts of their kind, the first cosmonauts from mongolia, vietnam, cuba, the first belarusians.


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