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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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and professionalism, and indifference to the processes that are taking place in the country, with an active civic position, and is a key factor in the election of delegates to the entire belarusian people's assembly. the results of the elections of delegates to the supreme council and the central election commission will be announced on april 16. niki continues work at the site of the collapse of the road bridge in vyazma. more than 300 people, four recovery trains and 20 pieces of heavy equipment were involved. now they are crushing the structures to free them from the rubble before they reach the path. in parallel, energy workers the contact network is being restored. once the area is cleared, they will finally begin laying the new track. it is known that the repair of the overpass that collapsed in vyazma was carried out in the twenty-third year. the press service of the investigative department of the investigative committee of russia for the region clarified that as part of the investigation of a criminal case. akhalat.
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are exploring opportunities to purchase systems , noted that berlin and its allies have air defense for kiev from third countries. it was clarified that germany and its allies intend to study the possibility of creating a special fund. anti-nato protests took place in naples to stop the death violence. the police tried to disperse them with batons. according to local media, eight people were injured from the actions of law enforcement officers, two were wounded in the head. a demonstration broke out next to
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the san carlo theater, where a concert dedicated to the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato was taking place. the crowd chanted: "nato leave italy." ignoring the rights of refugees by the european authorities, the cruelty of their security forces and the indifference of the international community, as a result, the number of crippled lives and deaths foreigners on the western borders are growing. the investigation is being sorted out. in the circumstances of another death of refugees near the polish border, foreigners without signs of life were found the day before by belarusian border guards in a swampy area of ​​the pruzhany region. the man's body lay not far from the animal gate in the polish fence. a passport in the name of a 36-year-old afghan citizen was found in the personal belongings of the deceased. to clarify all the circumstances of the incident and to establish the exact cause of the death of the refugee, investigative actions are being carried out. forensic-medical examination. consequences. expansion for the countries of the middle
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east became military conflicts, devastation, hunger, poverty and numerous deaths of citizens. migrants fleeing these horrors are trying to reunite with relatives who managed to find refuge in europe, but the polish government, contrary to the universal declaration of human rights and common sense, has closed the path of escape for refugees. this is the third death of a refugee on the belarusian-polish border since the beginning of the year. in total, since 2021, on the border of belarus with the european union, 48 facts. deaths of foreigners, half of them at the border with poland. the state border committee summed up sad statistics. this is true western democracy. registration for centralized testing has started. applicants can register until april 22. there are two ways to do this by filling out an electronic form on the pixc website and directly at the registration point. in the second case, you must have a passport, id card, residence permit or any identification document with you. dh registration and passage points 40. academic subjects have been identified, and
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today the ministry of education opened a hotline for organizing the graduation entrance campaign. you can call the number indicated on the screen. working hours are weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm, lunch break from one to two in the afternoon. the finals of the eighth international olympiad in military history are taking place in brest, among cadets of higher educational institutions of the cis. devoted to. excursions. four teams take part in the olympiad. republic of belarus, republic of kazakhstan. only 20 participants,
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these are the best cadets who thoroughly know military history. of course, the olympiad is a competition, but the main thing is that the guys communicate. which is now so actively demonstrating. the results will be summed up on friday at the closing ceremony of the olympics. sakura blossomed in grodno. a traditional japanese tree delights citizens and guests with delicate pink petals. there are only 15 trees, they can be found on the banks of the grodnichanka river in
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the zheliber city park. here, on may 5 last year , a sakura alley was laid out in honor of the year of peace and creation. the tree does not bloom for long, only 7-10 days depending on the weather. by the way, grodnaya is not the only one. a city where you can admire an exotic tree. sakura grows in the central botanical garden, peoples' friendship park and other places in minsk. the release of sports news will continue, well , elizaveta lashkevich has joined us, she is ready to talk about the news of the minsk region. lisa, good afternoon, what's new with you? tatyana, greetings, we are building housing at an active pace. emphasis on the panel benefits of electric heating, comfortable layout. and dedication to space. the exhibition is the first in an art gallery. sovitsky we will see rare footage and personal belongings of the cosmonauts already on our air, stay with us. thank you, we are back on the air at 17:00, see you later. a training camp for
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physical basketball, a sport that will be presented in kazan at the brix sports games, has started in minsk. in the capital of tatarstan , teams will perform in a 2:2 format, playing basketball on... a console, and then directly in a real game on the court. the best have been called to the capital for training basketball players from t3 national teams, as well as sergei sukhanov, the best cyber basketball player in the country. based on the results of four days, we will see who can interact one -on-one, play two-on-two, play on a console, the next gathering will take place in may, based on the results of this gathering we will select players in order to form well.
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several government programs in the field of oncology to re-equip our system; we received the most modern equipment, and in all oncological institutions everything you could want. the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed
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specifically to the concept of defense of the homeland? over the next 20 years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved, so this is part of it. not only does it not add security to sweden and finland, it makes them suicide bombers, that’s lukashenko’s personal courage. his position saved the state, which means it saved millions of lives. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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broadcast on tv channel belarus 1 pratsegvayuts news of the capital of the minsk region, elizaveta is with you on the air. the day is good and the most important days are short. the trend is for
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ladies' paneled jackets with prefabricated iron-concrete structures, new gray constructions in the city, at the forefront of high-rise buildings. rules for untethering firemen, soldiers and the present situation of firemen and emergency workers, the ladies are crying for the lack of freedom to do justice to the ministry of taxation. and to the sacred space. the first exhibition is in the art gallery.
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communications, these are sewerage, water supply, electrical, work is also underway on installation of window blocks, installation of clothing for the building, about 35 people are employed at the facility. lantsuzhok styknennya i dtz on the minsk calcium autadarose. sennya ranіtsay podnago s darno-transporta zdarennya zastykulіs adrazu chatyry auto. the geta was blessed at the perstep of a kilometer inside the calc. for... unexamined carelessness, no one has been diagnosed with dtz. holy shit
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accidents on the moscow ring road, and the incident involved three cars. suitable for the latest information, the vadzitselі taxa did not wipe out the carefree duty. at the moment, no one was injured, only mechanical damage was caused. and yashche adzin unsafe maneuvers on the roundabout highway, the bmw vehicle collapses from the side of academician kuprevich street in the direction of the independence avenue. i can’t cope with the bath and get stuck in the sun. at the end of the day, the car will be used between the front part and the percussion area. more than three hundred the burnt dry forests in the minsk region were hit by a major fire in the early part of the season in the ecosystems - non-essential fire protection. the mnf supra-councils give asstable authority to raids on private sectors. summer residents are told how to properly and safely landscape their plots. taksama. before the start of the summer season, heaters, electricians and fire departments in homes are set to begin. you need
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to choose a place where to make a fire. well, of course, yes, it is recommended to do this, in some kind of container, in order to reduce there was a scattering of sparks, there is no need to do this all at once, a lot, intensively, so that there is no large sparking of the fire. yes, under no circumstances should you do this in windy weather, in strong winds, if... you see that the fire is just beginning, it’s literally the size of a soccer ball, no more, and you can handle it on your own, then this needs to be done, naturally, if you are a motorist, a fire extinguisher that you know can help you with this, perhaps there is one nearby some container with water, you need to react, but in any case you need to call the rescuers, since you may need help in any case, the ministry of emergency situations department is in constant readiness, 365 days a year, and will receive your message and go to... supratsovniks of the ministry of taxes and the ministry of taxes in the regime of the civil defense, in order to go to liquidate
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the fire for work several plants on the assemblies control of green massifs and special forestry departments. 24/7 monitoring is based on cameras used to monitor data from drones. the most popular exhibitions of military technology are avimadelyavannya and mutabul. this is where the young dts afuska residents demonstrated their performances. military-patryayatychnae vyhavanne moladzi became galounay temai ablasnoga.


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