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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

5:00 pm
the news is on air now, tatyana nikrasova is with you. hello. a big conversation about industry, the state of affairs in production, sales of products, work on import substitution, quality issues, the inadmissibility of corruption and personnel problems. the widest range of topics was discussed with the president today. there are more than 250 participants in one hall. government, governors,
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heads of various enterprises from all over the country and free economic zones. it was important for alexander lukashenko to hear different opinions and discuss existing problems. in general, in the industry over the past few years we have seen a stable increase in production volumes, plus 40% over 3 years. we are adding electronics, cars and trucks, and combine harvesters. at the same time, the situation with the production of tractors, refrigerators, and engines is tense. alexander lukashenko focuses on modern technologies, which ensure high productivity, quality and... cost reduction. ambiguous situation regarding exports. on the one hand, last year we sold the most in the last decade. industry generated $6.5 billion in revenue. on the other hand, we are poorly diversifying supplies to distant countries . in africa, latin america, asia, today there is a huge demand for industrial products. here we need to work closely to occupy our niches, and above all on the african continent. food security is one of the most vital.
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issues for africa, so agricultural machinery and equipment are especially in demand there. despite all the difficulties and difficulties , you have to work there. and whoever wants to work works there. today there are agreements on the supply of over 3.0 tractors, 80 combines, thirty dump trucks to zimbabwe, more than 150 tractors to the togalek republic. in the twenty-fourth year, it is planned to supply equipment to nicaragua, vietnam, iran, and pakistan. why, after all the high-level negotiations, are we not working with equatorial guinea? obviously, we need to go further, expand cooperation, and understand that our strategic task is to create joint production facilities for the assembly of belarusian equipment in supporting countries. the key goal today is export diversification. everything that is required of me for this is accepted immediately. necessary conditions, you
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need to use measures of financial support for belarusian exports as actively as possible. alexander lukashenko calls import substitution a priority for the industrial complex. the stability of our economy and the country’s technological independence from western sanctions depend on this today. the president also sets tasks to protect the domestic market. there is a question about the sale of goods and unloading of finished products from warehouses. except those who is responsible for the industrial sector; belstat, controllers, scientists, and ministers had their say at this meeting.
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end of quote. lithuanian deputies propose to cancel temporary residence permits issued to citizens of belarus and russia if they have left lithuania more than once a month over the past year. seven definitely proposes to deprive them of their residence permits for publicly approving russia’s actions in ukraine. russian paratroopers held a dress rehearsal for their jump from the stratosphere to the north pole. jump from a height of 10 thousand m we decided to coincide with the upcoming anniversary of the capital of bashkartastan, the 120th anniversary of the birth of pilot valery chkalov and cosmonautics day. the experiment sets the task of collecting technical data that can be useful in the work of rescuers, astronauts and other specialists. the jump will be recorded by a representative of the russian book of records, who will fly on the plane along with the parachutists.
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live-fire exercises are being held these days in the country's armed forces as part of a comprehensive test of the army's combat readiness. the maneuvers will take place at the vitebsk training grounds, grodno, brest and mogilev regions until april 11 inclusive. military. weapons and military equipment have been removed from storage, they demonstrate their combat capabilities at a fairly high level, and combat coordination of units has been carried out. the artillerymen will fire from gaubis nails.


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