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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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and no profession can make up for the happiness that motherhood gives. our country has been holding a leading position in the ranking of the most comfortable countries for motherhood for many years. how do we do this? yes, indeed, olga, this is true, maternal and child health care in the republic of belarus is a priority area in healthcare and is regulated by legal acts, ranging from the national level.
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successfully canceled. i respect that the elections are not for an hour. the arguments are sewn with white thread, the goals are extremely clear. the overdue president did not care about the laws and usurped power, political scientists are indignant. we will show you the facts, conclusions, and let you draw them.
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first, let's look at the law. zelensky blamed the reluctance to hold elections on martial law. before it ended , the parliamentary campaign was also canceled in the country. zelensky’s supporters refer to article 108 of the constitution, which states that the president fulfills his duties until a new president is elected. since holding elections during martial law is allegedly impossible, the head states have the right to remain in office. the end of martial law calling for new elections. the election law also prohibits any elections from being held during martial law. it sounds nice, but is illogical, opponents say, because the same constitution does not directly prohibit holding presidential elections during martial law. the cancellation or postponement of voting concerns only the parliamentary election campaign. this is what article 83 of the basic law says. because during the action.
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however, the verkhovna rada insists on the suspension of all electoral procedures until the end of the conflict. the opposition, in turn , demands strict adherence to constitutional norms, stating that otherwise, after the expiration of his term of office, the president will turn into a usurper. according to the country's constitution, presidential elections were to be held on the last sunday of march, since the constitution does not say anything about the extension of powers during martial law, then from may 21.
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act as president. when early termination of the powers of the president of ukraine, in accordance with articles 108, 109, 110, 111 of this constitution, the performance of the duties of the president of ukraine for the period until the election of the new president of ukraine is assigned to the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. last year zelensky. he fully admitted elections, in august he said that he did not hold on to power and would like to hold a campaign, in the fall he also said that he was ready, but the ukrainians were no longer ready, and a couple of weeks later he closed the topic, noting that elections allegedly cannot be held according to ukrainian laws. throughout
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2023, the presidential election was a fairly discussed topic, although the presidential administration did not make clear promises in this regard. everything is final. firstly, zelensky wanted to show that he was not usurping power, and secondly, he was pushed to this by statements from western representatives, which kiev perceives as a signal of the loss of some of the trust between him and the west, and the west’s desire to replace zelensky with another candidate. thirdly, so
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zelensky and his team tested the actions of the ukrainian opposition, who is preparing for the elections, where does the money come from, what kind of media, who is supported? for those who don't understand. zelensky will say again in early march: don’t wait for elections; around the same time , sociologists’ data on whom ukrainians want to see as a leader will become available to the public. spoiler not zelensky. a sociological survey was published by socis. its essence is quite simple: who would the ukrainians choose as president if the voting did take place? in first place by a wide margin turned out to be the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, he has more than 40%. at zelensky's.
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the bet only added to his popularity. by canceling the elections, zelensky came up with another argument, saying that the electoral company spends a lot of resources, but they are needed at the front, so with all regret, he will have to take such a step, although analysts see differently: the mayor of kiev vitaly was ready to join a coalition with zaluzhny klitschko, and such an alliance beat zelensky himself and his party by several tens of percent.
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vote right now then it's on again will be supported as president, but zelensky does not want to check this, which he also stated directly to the journalist, because now is not the time for elections, voting is impossible. according to zelensky, no one has canceled any elections; it is simply impossible to hold elections during a military conflict - zelensky is sure. the president of ukraine also believes that at the moment he generally has the greatest support in modern society. zelensky did not specify which society he had in mind. so, if we have elections straight now, people will choose me. you know, i'm not
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trying to stay in power because i will win the elections if they happen. let’s just remind you that only a month has passed since that very opinion poll. it is zelensky who is responsible for the situation, he forbade himself and others from holding negotiations with russia in order to end the conflict, this is a simple formula for power: while we are at war, i will not... give up power, but we will not end the war. why didn’t zelensky make such changes, because he is not confident in himself and cannot act as, for example, this happened in russia, where elections were held even in regions where martial law was introduced, becoming a kind of referendum in support of the actions of the russian president. it turns out that zelensky, to put it mildly, did not listen to his western partners. how
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to do this, but of course, ukraine must organize free and fair elections, because this is your obligation under the statute of the council of europe, and of course you will do it. the same motives were heard from american shores. i want free and fair elections in this country.
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that the longer the hostilities go on, the more profitable the ukrainian resident boris believes for the leadership, as they will never end. zelensky declares that he does not want to fight for a new term, and ukrainian citizens themselves consider the elections dangerous and senseless, against the backdrop of hostilities, so that no one doubts that he is not clinging to the place, he told how difficult his work is, but so far in the country has difficulties, i’m not going anywhere, just a hero, not a president. of course, here... zelensky is being teased a lot and brought to an example is russia, where elections were held just in march, purely without serious comments;
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zelensky himself, after the announcement of the results , still managed to criticize the kremlin. the main tyrony of the world is quietly holding presidential elections, and the current head of state receives record support from the population. the hope of all mankind and the last stronghold of democracy, simply pretends that there should not have been any elections on march 31 on its territory, and the western world completely agrees with this state of affairs. another spicy moment. the main excuse, as you already understood, this is a martial law. zelensky is not holding elections because there is a war in the country, they say it’s not the right time. the paradox is that ukraine is not at war with russia. kiev did not officially declare war on moscow. not a single decision was made in the ukrainian verkhovna rada on this matter. simply, and here, as always, the cynical and cold calculation of the kiev authorities, the fact is that if ukraine declares war, it may
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lose military and financial assistance from the united states and the eu, because in this case the western allies they will officially become accomplices in the war; in fact, they will enter into it. ukraine is in a state of martial law. martial law is not about war, martial law is about defeats in the rights of ukrainians, and what is happening is prohibited. countries and so on, but on the contrary, in the criminal code, for example, there is an article that provides for criminal liability for the use of martial law for the purpose of usurping power, which is what is happening, once again, ukraine did not declare war and did not enter a state of war, did not introduce a state of war one by one simple reason: so that the credit rating is not compromised and so that the west can continue to lend to ukraine solely for money, the state of war is not accepted, the conclusion on the surface is quite simple. for zelensky, military actions are just a reason to retain power; this is openly discussed in
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ukrainian political circles. this man is determined to be a president of duty and generally decided not to bother with any legal or political-legal steps either in parliament or in the constitutional court of ukraine. in parallel, zelensky is conducting a tough purge of personnel and throws out even his loyal friends and comrades from the team, those who went through fire, water and copper pipes with him. even first assistant sergei shifir was fired; zelensky had been close with him since the quarter. apparently, there is a lack of understanding not only in society, but also in the immediate environment. actively uses the completion theme.
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constitution, what should happen, there is a chairman of the verkhovna rada, he performs the functions of the president until a new president is elected and assumes his rights, everything is standard, everything is democratic, i understand, that neither zelensky nor his office like it, but the law is the law. on the other hand, zelensky can really do what he wants, there will be no political crisis within the country, because no one can object to the servant of the people. the main opponents are either in exile. or almost in exile, dissent is harshly persecuted by the special services, and for an alternative opinion you can easily be thrown into prison with the prefix for treason, according to the kremlin narratives. the very concept of opposition in ukraine has become conditional, the media that expressed alternative views have long been closed, leaders those who allowed themselves to criticize the top leadership
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were either killed or in prison; the most fortunate ones managed to leave ukraine, leaving only pro-western politicians. who will do whatever they are told from abroad. however, experts considered that ukraine is no stranger to violating the constitution. over the past 10 years, various leaders of the country have ignored 15 points of the basic law. it all started with a coup d'etat for european values. and we must start not with who and why canceled the current elections, with who and how destroyed the legal mechanisms of change authorities. this happened 10 years ago during the so-called maidan. neither the ukrainian constitution nor other state documents provided for such a form of expression of will. on february 22, 2014, the verkhovna rada adopted a resolution on yanukovych’s abdication and appointed turchynov acting
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. this was a direct violation of the constitution. a day later, parliament repealed the law on fundamentals. elections and - the constitution of ukraine, they were in flagrant violation of the law on elections and were falsified in many ways, and where they it was impossible to falsify, they were simply simply prohibited, if they consider crimea to be their territory, but this is 2.5 million inhabitants, if they consider donbass, then it is their
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territory, yes, they then considered it so, this is 8.5 million inhabitants.
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to hold repeat elections sounds especially colorful today against the backdrop of ukraine, right? how can i calm everyone down? i would definitely say, within a month there will be a new vote, and i'm running in a new election, who else wants to run ahead? here you need to understand that the source of zelensky’s power, like and poroshenko is, of course, the american embassy in kiev, so such, in principle , statements by zelensky, just when... then he was clearly working out at the us embassy, ​​striving to ensure that external control appeared in belarus in
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the form of western countries, so this statement specifically followed precisely this trend, because as we know the so-called maidans or euromaidans in ukraine, they were just designated taking into account the third round of elections, an additional tour, that is, it’s a classic.
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zelensky is even more stuck in the need to take into account the opinions of the united states and the eu. having refused to hold elections, he found himself in a legal quagmire. now, as soon as he stops pleasing his foreign patrons, he will quickly be asked to leave. the lever of expired legitimacy allows the white house to overthrow it at any convenient moment. it turns out, indeed, the power is on blood, because zelensky becomes the main one who is interested in continuing the military conflict. country from the abyss, such ideals in ukrainian politics, it seems, no, the leaves of illegitimacy have already turned yellow in the spring, and how to relate the overdue president to democracy, the skillful manipulator of the west
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has yet to be decided in their offices, i hope this has become clear, happily. in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants, is it true that demarcation is the process of marking the state border on the ground. yaroslav, what do you think? i took as a basis that in the word demarcation there is, well, the root of the word marking, it can lead to the fact that, well, this.
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but i know a rifle, which at the beginning has a postscript in latin letters sig, oh, you are observant, its subject matter, this is military, that’s it, he ’s good at it, look, an intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel, we ... early in the new day and we're working on this music, the music that's so thick inside our skin. yana
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pausyul, in the sun, in the soft hands, on the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, aspirational thoughts and opens thousands before us. music can change the light, as much as it can change us, music inside kozhnaga for us.
7:01 pm
you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. technological sovereignty and product quality.


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