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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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music is inside our skin. you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. technological sovereignty and product quality. diversification of exports and
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personnel training, the president has a big talk about industrial development. 80 young activists from each region and minsk. at the congress of the belarusian republican youth union, delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly were elected. both mexicans and colombians will all come in handy. in us prisons, drug traffickers are recruited to be sent to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. and journalists against dynamo minsk hockey players. battle on virtual platform. industrial production in belarus is growing today, but at the same time, the president demands to look at the future. a big conversation about the state and challenges of development of the industry took place in the palace of independence, from issues of production and sales of goods to scientific support and personnel training. the last few years have seen a steady increase in production volumes, plus 40% over 3 years. we are adding on electronics, cars and trucks, combines, but on...
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products, here we need to work closely occupy their niches, and above all on the african continent, food security is one of the most vital issues for africa, therefore agricultural machinery and equipment are especially in demand there, despite all the difficulties, one has to work there, the one who wants to work, works there. today there are agreements on the supply of over 300 tractors and 80 combines
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in supporting countries. the key goal today is export diversification. everything that is required of me is accepted immediately. the necessary conditions have been created you need to use measures of financial support for belarusian exports as actively as possible. alexander lukashenko calls import substitution a priority for the industrial complex. the stability of our economy and the country’s technological independence from western sanctions depend on this today. the president.
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areas that ensure the sustainability of the entire economy of the country, these are means of production, machine tools, robotics, projects to achieve technological sovereignty should become the engine for updating our industry, helping the entire economy reach cutting-edge efficiency and competitiveness. the government’s task is to work now to form a long-term order from the russians, at least until the end of the current decade.
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issue with the sale of goods and unloading of warehouses with finished products. for some enterprises, inventories amount to more than two months of production. the president drew attention to the problem of the growth of corruption schemes; according to the results of the past year, the number of such crimes increased by almost a quarter. hidden corruption scheme bribery of officials of industrial enterprises for organizing the purchase of equipment from certain commercial organizations. criminal cases have been initiated against. officials of our flagship, belaz. a fact has been established when the possibility provided by law to sell products at prices below cost, under the pretext of unloading warehouses, was used for the personal enrichment of officials. the goods
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were shipped at low prices to a controlled intermediary, after which they were resold at a higher price. price. facts of theft of finished products and components are regularly revealed. to it, as the state control committee reports, we have a mess in the metallurgical industry, beltormet does not provide metallurgical master-building enterprises with scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals in the required volumes. we recently said this about cullet. your mismanagement and disparity in purchase prices for scrap metal created the preconditions for the emergence of shadow circulation in the raw metal market. i instructed the prosecutor general to pay attention. the most annoying thing attention to these issues, and there is no need to refer to any risks here, that you do not have enough risks, we turn a blind eye to this, but when you put it in your pocket, and it is in full view of those who should be watching, you do not go and don’t cry that someone is being overly
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stressed here, no one will punish anyone for a mistake, you can always reach right up to the president and explain your mistake, but if...
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practical centers, as they are called, scientific and practical centers, mechanization there agriculture, there is a united institute of mechanical engineering, why do they work in isolation from production, because in soviet times there was industrial science that developed new technological and design solutions and transferred them, that is, to production, which implemented them, so i suggested, let us, at least as an experiment, a number of institutes, practically or centers , we will give it to those who really need to enjoy the fruits of their labor. alexander lukashenko demands maximum effort from all those responsible for the sphere. times are difficult, everyone must do their best in their own way direction. also, among the tasks is to ensure product quality and proper service. it is important to accelerate the pace of industrial modernization. the president emphasized a fundamental point: no one
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will punish leaders for making a mistake, but there will be no forgiveness for theft and corruption. the elections of members of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation complied with belarusian legislation.
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april, delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly were nominated today from the belarusian republican youth union. during the forty-fifth congress of the organization in minsk. so 80 young patriots were nominated, including 36 girls and 44 boys. these are representatives of the youth union from each region and minsk. these include students and working youth, doctors, teachers, sports representatives and cultural figures. also in the team of candidates for delegates of the supreme council, deputies of villages, paradise, mountains and regional councils, candidates for chemical, economic, legal.
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implementation of the development strategy of the belarusian republican youth union until the twenty-fifth year, on introducing amendments to the charter on the election of the composition of the central committee and the central control commission of the belarusian republican youth union. society must be consolidated and go alongside deputies to achieve common goals, this opinion was shared during a conversation in the studio of the program skazheniy silent evgeniy pustovoy, a journalist and deputy of the minsk city council. the hosts of the program discussed with the guest the influence of western culture on belarusian society. they also answered a number of questions regarding the activities of the deputy council, namely, what problems the deputy solves, why the elected representative of the people cannot be kind, why do belarusians need to grow up? what is the miracle of belarusian politics?
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it’s difficult to admit this outwardly, yes, but those who stayed with us, but knowledge is formed in existence, we talked about doctors’ salaries about other issues of the state’s social policy, about this and more, watch the full episode on the belarus 1 youtube channel. britain will be forced to send troops to ukraine after france if paris takes such measures, retired british colonel glen grant said in an interview with the daily or express. according to grant, at this time moment london is losing its position on the world stage. since it is not able to produce a sufficient amount of military equipment, if it refuses to send soldiers to ukraine,
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together with france, it will fall as a state. in turn, the washington post paints gloomy prospects for the armed forces of ukraine, which are due to the successes of the russian army and the freezing of financial assistance in the us congress. after a failed counteroffensive last year, kiev's military prospects have become bleak, american observers say. ukraine has lost many soldiers and the morale of the ukrainian armed forces is falling, but this problem... cannot be solved with american money. meanwhile, american private military companies, with the complicity of the authorities, are recruiting representatives of mexican and colombian drug cartels in us prisons to be sent to the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. compromising data fell into the possession of the russian foreign intelligence service. if they agree to a ukrainian assignment , prisoners are promised a complete amnesty in the expectation that they will never return back. they are killing two birds with one stone, replenishing the ranks of demoralized ukrainian armed forces fighters with a multinational rabble with a penchant for armed violence. the first batch is planned to be delivered to the combat zone in the summer. the ban formation will consist of several
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hundred mexicans and colombians. true, drug lords will have to pay for this, without whose blessing not a single bandit will dare to cooperate with the american authorities. ignoring the rights of refugees by the european authorities, the cruelty of their security forces and the indifference of the international public, and as a result, the number of crippled lives and deaths of foreigners on the western borders is growing. understands the circumstances of another death of refugees near the polish border. foreigners without signs of life were found the day before by belarusian border guards in a swampy area of ​​the pruzhany region. the man's body lay not far from the gate for... animals in the polish fence. a passport in the name of a thirty-six-year-old afghan citizen was found in the personal belongings of the deceased. to clarify all the circumstances of the incident and establish the exact cause of the refugee’s death investigative actions are being carried out and a forensic medical examination has been appointed. the consequences of european expansion for the countries of the middle east were military conflicts, devastation,
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hunger, poverty and numerous deaths of citizens. migrants fleeing these horrors are trying to reunite. with relatives who managed to find refuge in europe, but the polish government, contrary to the universal declaration of human rights and common sense , closed the path of salvation for refugees. this is the third death of a refugee on the belarusian-polish border since the beginning of the year, in total from 2021 to on the border of belarus with the european union , 48 cases of death of foreigners were recorded, half of them at the border with poland. the state border committee summed up sad statistics demonstrating the essence of western democracy. now no one doubts that... fascism is flourishing in europe; nations and peoples there are once again being divided into righteous and unworthy. in addition, the west encourages nazi marches to applaud the executioners of the forties in parliament. the current state policy of the usa and the eu towards belarus and russia is also based on the ideology of fascism. author's column platform with lyudmila gladka right now. it was a terrible judgment. it’s one
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thing when troops confront each other in battle, it’s quite another when animals exterminate children, women, and old people, just because they live on their own land, which was at odds with the general plan of nazi germany. according to the plan, most of us were supposed to die, the rest would become slaves of a superior race. the slavs must work for us, they said. the mouth of the slavic population is undesirable. the katryuk case confirms that all military crimes, punitive operations were carried out on our land where and when the fuhrer and his pack demanded it, according to a single plan. few people know that kotriuk was charged back in 1987, long before his death in canada in 2015. he claimed that his 118 punitive battalion
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of ukrainian nationalists, where he commanded a section, in belarus simply maintained law and order and protected the inhabitants. partisans, they say he didn’t hear about punitive operations, didn’t shoot, didn’t set fire. it wasn't available in canada then. tried, they didn’t extradite us. after the war, the west hid thousands of such kotryuks, not caring about international obligations at the nuremberg tribunal. katryuk is guilty of twelve counts. as part of the armed group 118, the battalion killed at least 393 people, including 125 children from the villages of khatyn and chmelevichy. selishche, zarechye, koteli, dalkovichi, veleika and others. he attempted the lives of at least 21 people, robbed, burned a village, and forcibly sent people into labor slavery in germany. on february 18, 1943, as part of the 118th battalion, he carried out a punitive operation in the villages of zarechye and kateley. at least sixteen people were burned alive. six, including children, managed
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to escape. when the shelling began, witness rusak was hiding with her mother under the stove. they smelled smoke, ran out into the yard, the houses were burning, she said, the punisher with a machine gun motioned for the mother to come up, she handed me her three-month-old sister, took off her sheepskin coat in one dress, went up to the nazis, told the children to run away, they ran away not far, lying in the snow, frozen, they waited when the nazis leave, because mom is there at home burned, the witness continued, in the middle of the yard in a pool of blood lay the murdered mother. the clothes were smoldering, the body was burnt. from the testimony of antonina smolenskaya. she spoke about punitive operations in the spring of '43 in veleika. the germans from the end of the village herded us all to one place and there they sorted who would be burned in one barn, who would be sent to germany in another, who would be released into the garden, they released her. the men who were going to be burned had stars first cut out on their bodies, and then
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they were shot and burned. in khatyn on march 22, 43, the accused was part of 118. there is testimony survivor joseph kaminsky interrogated in the sixty-first year: he recalled how living people were burning in the barn, how dead people fell on him, a burning roof collapsed, how his son, practically cut in half by machine-gun fire, managed to ask if his mother was alive, people ran out with their clothes on fire and fell. someone, trying to appear dead, continued to lie there in the barn among the bodies, when pieces of the roof were burning on their legs, when the body was burning, when in some places there was almost no skin. when the blood flowed, and then to the survivors, from what they saw i wanted to die, to stay there, next to my people. according to the testimony of vasyura, meleshek,
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kurki and other nazi collaborators, the squad under the command of kotriuk took an active part in these atrocities. it was he who drove people into the barn, he stood in a cordon, set them on fire and shot them. and the children and grandchildren of those who were, know who are personal, said terrible things in court in minsk. survived, thanks to the archives , victims and punishers spoke, sentences of the courts spoke, our people, living people, like cattle for slaughter, bodies were mutilated, burned, deep under they hid the traces of their crimes with the earth, but our people say, even the dead, they say, and we are obliged to remember and not let others forget, yes, no matter how the west and semi-official temporary workers try to present people like kotryuk as fighters for the national idea, in history they will remain murderers and traitors.
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registration for centralized testing has started. to do this, you need to fill out an electronic form on the rix website or directly at the registration point. in the second case, you must have a passport, id card, residence permit or any identification document. 40 educational institutions in large ones have been identified as registration points for central heating and its passage. no, the same thing will be held on may 30, but in the russian and belarusian languages, well , on june 3, june 6, everyone who
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wants to enroll is already registering, that is, graduates of the current year, that is, june 3 is our mathematics, biology, foreign languages, world history and geography, and the rest of the subjects are physics, chemistry, history of belarus - this is june 6, so i encourage applicants don't forget that you must register . testing will take place in fifteen academic subjects, and today the ministry of education opened a hotline for organizing the graduation entrance campaign. you can call the number indicated on the screen. working hours on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm, lunch break from one to two in the afternoon. journalists from the sport5 website. players from both teams admitted that
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they prepared for the battle by spending several days in front of computer monitors. 2-3 hours, sometimes more, and although everyone said that victory was not the main thing, the nerve of the game was very noticeable. yes, it will be cool if we win, if we lose, we won’t be offended, well, in any case, it’s very, let’s say, interesting for young people, now, well... you understand perfectly well that being friends with our athletes, journalists too necessary, often spend your free time on the computer, well, outside the training room, when there are no games there, well, when there is free time, we can all get together there, play for a couple of hours, spend time together, something discuss who was the most in charge of the player on the team, daniil saseshvili 100% and pinchuk with him , battles on virtual fields will continue their story, both teams are sure that they need to meet more often, and journalists and athletes... are in the same big boat, title which belarusian sport. sakura blossomed in grodno. the traditional japanese tree delights citizens and guests with its delicate pink petals. there are only 15 trees, they
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can be found on the banks of the grodnichanka river in the zheliber city park. here, on may 5 last year, a sakura alley was laid in honor of years of peace and creation. the tree does not bloom for long, only 7-10 days depending on the weather. by the way, grodna is not the only city where you can admire an exotic tree. sakara grows in central...


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