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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up the results of this day together: strategic tasks.
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we'll tell you about the deadlines and documents for registration. my colleagues will continue to announce the program. analysis of the situation in industry, from the quality of production to the tasks of exports, import substitution, and also about personnel and technological discipline, as the president sees the situation, as well as the opinion of the heads of enterprises, the government, governors and controllers, details in a couple of minutes. today in belarus the stage was completed the formation of the belarusian parliament by the central election commission, the composition of the members of the council of the republic was approved.
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structure, transport collapse, rats and bedbugs, how paris is preparing to host the olympics, details in the periodic table. a week earlier than usual, the country's farmers began sowing corn for grain and green mass, and technologies for cultivating a strategic crop are in our story. you don’t have to be a righteous zmagar, especially abroad, it’s enough to shout about it from every bell, that is, lie and hype about feelings of brainlessness. bchbshnikov without facts, how mogar scavengers survive, this is about today in the program. and now about sports: tomorrow the final series of the president's cup in hockey starts, include belarus 5. the fight for the commonwealth cup among women's field hockey teams started in baranovichi and sport 5by journalists played against the hockey players of dynamo minsk, but not in hockey. all details in the sports day project. job. industrial organization,
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prospects for product quality issues, detailed analysis of the situation in the industry today took place in the palace of independence, the current situation, of course, keeps production workers on their toes, now even more so we need to rely on ourselves, a lot has been done in industry, over the past few years there has been a stable increase in production volumes plus 40% over 3 years, we are adding electronics, cars and trucks, combine harvesters. last year, the industry produced a record export for the last decade - $6.5 billion, although this was said at the meeting: we are poorly diversifying supplies to distant countries. alexander lukashenko requires maximum effort from all those responsible for the area. times are not easy, everyone must do the maximum in their own direction. our strategic goal is technological sovereignty. the projects should help everyone. economy to reach advanced
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levels of efficiency and competitiveness. of course, our country is implementing a lot of import substitution together with russia. but as alexander lukashenko emphasized more than once, it is worth relying not only on an ally, but going further, offering your product in various parts of the planet. the conversation today was global: the heads of the country's largest industrial enterprises came to minsk and reported to the president on how import programs were being implemented. understanding that now with exports, warehouse stocks and the production of new components and equipment, alternative opinions were voiced by a variety of specialists. ilona krasutskaya will continue. the meeting did not take place the first time, all because the president was initially not satisfied with the format. when holding any event, the head of state always makes an accent, wants to. therefore, it
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was important to gather the widest possible composition from the government to business leaders from all over the country. let's hold our working meeting without any preliminary introductions. the president already knows from the government’s reports that last year was productive for the ministry of industry, and in general the last three years have been pleasing. the rate of production volumes during this time was 140%. and if we take exports, the figures are even higher, but we all know how general statistics are formed, at the expense of locomotives. at the planar integral and belomo already have, for example, export orders not only for this year, but also partially for next year. and here is the contrast of other enterprises. why did the production volumes of refrigerators, tractors, loaders, and engines decrease? bobruisk agromash sank by more than a quarter.
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the minsk bearing plant was only 12% loaded in 2020. 12%. we have many years of experience in the machine tool industry, a critical industry. therefore, i expect concrete proposals from you today on how we will correct the situation. for real numbers and impartial the head of belstat, inna medvedeva, answers the statistics. she has a more complete picture of the export situation. behind the overall positive results of work, there are warning signs for belarusian enterprises. first:
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problems with competitiveness. future export oriented. almost 80% of production is exported, the named organizations in the conditions. accordingly, supplies to other markets have decreased significantly, this is especially typical for enterprises of the ministry of industry, so if in 2022 the products amounted to 91 countries, then in 2023 in 66 countries, work on the supply of industrial products to the countries of the far arc is slowly unfolding. in 2023, exports of goods to egypt, mongolia, bangladesh, and india decreased, and virtually no goods were supplied to ghana. this year, export supplies from machine-building enterprises have not reached the level of the same period in 2023
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. and if there is some progress in the distant arc due to the low base, then in such friendly countries as kazakhstan, azerbaijan, and pakistan, exports have decreased by almost a third. and by enterprises the ministry of industry continued to reduce by half , supplies of a number of items in metallurgical production, household, agricultural, road and construction equipment continued to decline, but on the russian market, belarusian enterprises were not able to fully replace the departed western manufacturers. of course, this is a very convenient option when the president went on a business trip abroad and agreed: deliveries began, then we happily report how much we sold and received, but only marketing and selling on our own is completely different. supplies are reoriented to the markets of friendly countries, primarily to the traditional market of our russia and other cis countries. however, in non-cis countries the situation is much worse. sales volume was less than 20% compared to the pre-sanction
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twenty-first year. plans for export to friendly countries in the far arc have not been fulfilled. in africa, latin america, asia, today there is a huge demand for industrial. products, here we need to work closely to occupy our niches , and above all on the african continent, food security is one of the most vital issues for africa, therefore agricultural machinery and equipment are especially in demand there, despite all the difficulties, difficulties, you have to work there, those who want to work work there. today there are agreements on the supply of over 3,000 tractors, 80 combines, and thirty dump trucks. zimbabwe, more than 150 tractors to the tagalek republic in 24, it is planned to supply equipment to nicaragu, vietnam, iran, pakistan. why, after all the negotiations held at at the highest level we do not work with equatorial guinea. obviously, we need to go further,
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expand cooperation and understand that our strategic task is to create joint production facilities for the assembly of belarusian equipment in supporting countries. the key goal today is diversification of exports, everything that is required of me is being accepted immediately, the necessary conditions have been created, you need to... actively use measures of financial support for belarusian exports. in the twenty- third year, warehouse inventories increased by almost a quarter, to put it more clearly, somewhere in the hangars there are 350 million rubles lost. my request to reduce external overdue accounts receivable has not been met. over the past year it has grown by more than 10%. and this is your turnover and investment. a simple question arises: why do we need anyone? in this case, we credit that buyer. the appearance of debt
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is often the result of a mindless race to meet targets for unloading warehouses and exports. it seems that everything is there, we have preserved the iconic production, teams, there is talented people and overall results. recently, the production of electronics, passenger cars and truck combines has significantly increased; for example, the latest unmanned ones from gomselmash were created specifically for the tambov region. the product is in high demand, like an unmanned missile system. the question is clear, the answer is simple: there is not enough innovation and scientific contribution, that is , statistically it seems to be not bad, we have a share of shipped innovative products of 46.5% with a target of 335, that is, we are fulfilling and exceeding, but the president is right behind these. in terms of numbers, there are no truly new products for the world, we need to change the structure of interaction between science and industry, i suggested, let us
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, at least as an experiment, give a number of institutes, practically or centers, to those who should really benefit from the fruits of their labor, well, the same institute mechanical engineering, now they don’t know what to do, they brought a new program, it means an event, we’ll invent an electric sports car, who needs it, well, they’ll cut it out with a jigsaw, then they’ll show it to the president somewhere and say, here we are... created, it will not go into production, this is already clear, so let us have these personnel who work there, but let it be, as they say in the west now, a design bureau that will work for the interests of the ministry of industry and carry out the tasks that needed by domestic industry. we can imagine to the head of the academy of sciences that it might not be very pleasant to hear such words. now we were focused on space achievements, but as they say, you can quickly come down from heaven to earth. the president has a fundamental requirement to decide many problems need enhanced integration. mechanical engineering, there is a high level
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of production costs in almost all enterprises, including due to significant dependence on imports of raw materials and components; to overcome this, the emphasis should be placed on increasing the level of localization of production, reducing dependence on foreign suppliers. by the way, while there was a meeting with our president, in turn the leader. russia received the head of bashkartastan, where he plans to create a machine tool and construction cluster. vladimir putin praised the reliability of our equipment. quote: you can buy in belarus, it’s reliable there. of course, such statements are obligatory, it is important to justify trust, especially since 90% of our industrial products today go to the russian market, but again, if you look at individual items, everything is not always rosy. this may come as a big surprise to some, but tractor exports fell by 18% last year. the famous atlanta refrigerators and ice cream. what prevents you from selling your products? china, india and
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etc., so you get used to competition, competition will only intensify, we have reached the point where downtime is systematically occurring, and people are being sent on forced leave, we are losing the market, why? everyone has heard about the annual message of the president of russia, he announced that by the thirtieth year the subjects of the federation should receive about 40,000 buses, trolleybuses, trams or... in the first birth, here his role is largely decisive, despite the demand
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for products, all possible measures to fully utilize production capacity, for example, in contrast to russian competitors actively increasing their presence in foreign markets, the metallurgical industries of the bmz failed to restore the rate of export growth. for 14 out of 16 belarusian-russian import substitution projects, there are violations of real deadlines. delays in deadlines can lead to a lack of demand for manufactured products; similar problems are typical for the ministry of industry's treasury projects: 65 projects, 54 organizations. a significant part is being implemented behind schedule. many programs for we are implementing import substitution together with russia, this is industrial cooperation, microelectronics, there is funding, powers have been granted, and this is the result of agreements at the highest level. but in fact, as follows from the report of the head of the kgc, many projects are slowed down purely because of someone’s sluggishness or wrong decisions on the ground. too expensive a loss.
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is it really not clear that we will slow down and trail behind, as i said. our strategic goal is to achieve technological sovereignty in cross-cutting areas that ensure the sustainability of the entire economy of the country, these are means of production, machine tools, robotics, projects to achieve technological sovereignty should become the engine for the renewal of our industry, helping the entire economy reach an advanced level of efficiency and competitiveness. the government's task is to sit down.
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sitting around working for show is not the time, and this is also a reality, some ineffective managers, moreover, are not just... looking, but getting into the state’s pocket, and there is no need to refer here to any risks that you don’t have there are enough risks, we turn a blind eye to this, but when you put it in your pocket, and it is in full view of those who should be watching, you don’t go and cry that someone is being overly stressed here, no one will punish anyone for a mistake, you can always reach all the way to the president. and explain your mistake, but if you steal shamelessly, leaving out labor collectives, thousands and the flagships of our industry, there can be no forgiveness here, i will be the president or someone else, if you want to save the country, it will be the same, the demand will be fierce, the quality of the products
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has always been praised by many partners for this, and also the price is suitable two in one, this is not always the case, we really have... something to offer, this is also the protection of the domestic market in sanctions conditions, and the year of the same name presents there is an increasing demand every year for quality, and the products produced must always be at the highest level, and nothing else, this is not a whim, but a severe vital necessity, a question of the future of the country of the people, our products must be of high quality in all respects characteristics and parameters, today it is very difficult to compete on price with chinese manufacturers, although it is necessary. where we can’t go, well, that means we need to focus exclusively on product quality and providing the service necessary for the consumer, we must reach approximately the japanese level of quality, the task is to gain a foothold and increase market share, and if we mindlessly chase the minimum price, we will lose not only the quality of the final
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product, but and production of our own component base. the minister of agriculture will join the conversation; he has his own.
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also all the equipment practically for applying mineral fertilizers and lubricants, which is used today in agriculture, this is what was called, this is anti-corrosion protection of metal, as far as i understand, you are satisfied with this equipment, in terms of the main positions, and then when these problems will be solved today by a harvesting combine, a forage harvester and soil-cultivating equipment. tractor equipment up to 500 horsepower, that’s over 450, but where will they get the engine? there is no result, alexandrovich, there is a result: ministry of industry in 2020, the republic of belarus produced
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commercial products worth 13 billion rubles. the ministry of industry ended 2023 with a result of 29.4 billion in marketable products, that is, in 3 years, twenty-first, twenty- second, twenty-third, and you put half in the warehouse. i put it only in the twenty -third year and inna viktorovna named the figure, in the twenty-first, twenty-second year we sold everything quite successfully, there are certain difficulties in agricultural construction, the essence of today’s meeting is to help you heard and weren’t offended by me, if you don’t hear what i’m saying, that it’s better to work at some factory than to fight, well , listen, how can i kill this in your head, you’re smart people, it can save us only the economy, so i will ... be forced to take the most severe measures against the leadership, as far as the laws and the constitution allow me, to you, and tell me that
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you are heroes there or that he came out, i know the opinion of the farmers about our technology, he smoothed it all out, today the time is such that a leader must work from morning to night in production and drags his subordinates along with him, we have half of the managers at the plant ... an hour you also need proof, it’s easy to control, i was a director, i know what it’s like, if a subordinate is not seen by the director in production, there’s no point there there won’t be, and the governor of the minsk region does not have enough energy-rich tractors, as it turned out, it all comes down not only to money. today, in simple terms, today a six-meter and a twelve-meter seeder differs in productivity by 2.6 times, and therefore, of course, for such equipment
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, it is inappropriate to have automatic equipment for the entire country, it reduces the demands and discourages personnel. in the minsk region, the issue has been resolved; it is on the site now. the president will say that investments, technology, discipline and quality are all important, but the main thing is personnel. the people who will work on this equipment are also responsible for its production and sales, and as it turns out, there is a strong demand for such specialists. today in the republic almost 28 thousand vacancies are in blue-collar occupations. there are not enough workers.
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these are your reserves, a lot has also been said over the years about securing young specialists in places, we have reversed the negative trend on this front, it seems not. moreover, experts warn that the risks of losing competence in the design and development of new types of products are growing. why? because at most enterprises there are few young specialists in the design and development departments. and this is a question not only for the ministry of industry. but for the ministry of education, it is not enough to change the approach to training qualified specialists workers and technical professions, we must, based on the experience of the soviet past, significantly
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raise. the prestige of engineering professions, to increase the status of those people whose hands and intellect create real material values, otherwise all our plans will remain empty pieces of paper. it is necessary to actually strengthen the connection of all levels of education from school, university to enterprise, we should work according to a single logic for a common result. the heads of enterprises will have their say on how they see the situation, what is still missing in their opinion, and the holding’s development strategy. v in the medium term for the twenty -sixth to thirtieth year, a change in the structure of export supplies is envisaged. in 2004 , the market of the russian federation accounts for up to 81% of exports; it is planned that by the end of 2030, the share of exports to the russian market will decrease to 75% with a total sales of equipment of 3,750 units of equipment, which will amount to 110% by the twenty-fifth year. i can't.
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for belarusian equipment 8.2%. and with a leasing period for russian equipment of 7 years, for belarusian equipment 5 years, that is, in this case, if we bring a 2124 combine there, the price increase over 5 years will be 10 million russian rubles. therefore, there is something
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to work on... the situation in the military industry, the issue of our sovereignty and security, and as it became clear today, the president soon wants to look at domestic developments in action at the training ground. taking into account your instructions, president, the necessary decisions have already been made and the implementation of a number of large-scale projects has begun in areas that previously did not exist in the country. implementation the import substitution program of the state military industry for the years 21-2 made it possible to ensure a significant replacement of critical imports, only. the united states, in the course of implementing its tasks , including the development of new technologies and modernization of production, cannot, of course, manage without problems. first, there is a shortage of professional personnel at various levels, both in existing production facilities and in new projects, where we historically did not have a school or specialized specialists. more active
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work is needed with all governing bodies.
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like ukraine, well, well, they hoped for the americans, for western europe, today there is no ammunition or not enough, zelensky, the president, sits and says, if you don’t give it to us, tomorrow. times are not easy, and the fact that today we have the opportunity to discuss tasks for the future, tactical, strategic, in this way, shows that a lot has been done, and i am grateful to you for what has been done to all those who
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added this time, everything, what we have achieved, thank you, is good, but it is extremely insufficient, you yourself say this when discussing it. problems with each other at the minister’s office, maybe in the government, but i feel that you don’t meet enough together, the government discusses the problems that face you, all of us, although everyone demanded more powers, well, here are the powers for you, act, the economy is in your hands sitting here in government, plus new other sectors, representatives, agricultural leaders. and others, act, you asked for powers, handed over a new constitution, adopted, the fact that our state, our people do not feel this the wild pressure that the west was counting on when introducing these sanctions is your merit,
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this is not enough today, so let’s solve at least those issues that, as the poets say, are crying out loud, lie on the surface. the conversation today turned out to be very principled: we protect national interests and support our own, because behind any decisions there are thousands of destinies and the long history of brands. take any belarusian enterprise - it’s about dynasties, and anyone who has ever visited the workshop will not doubt the value of that very difficult, but important work. but the main thing is not only to produce, but also to sell. the analysis of the situation will obviously affect other areas. the president announced another big meeting with farmers. ilona krasutskaya, veronica buta, ivan martinovich. puchko, tv news agency. an important stage in the formation of the belarusian parliament has been completed. today the central election commission registered the elected members of the council
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of the republic of the eighth convocation. 56 people, another eight are appointed by the president. the elections complied with belarusian legislation, this was during the meeting of the central election commission, emphasized chairman igor karpenko. the council of the republic brings together the best representatives of all regions of the country. these are experienced people who know how to solve assigned problems. yulia alfiorova with details. this year is truly unique for belarus politically. for the first time, we took part in a single voting day. if for citizens the most striking stage of this process took place at the end of february, then we can only talk about the final results today, when the central election commission approved elections of members of the council of the republic took place. april 4, and were elected by base-level deputies. in each region of the country , members of the central election commission monitored the process, and today at the round table they are ready to present a general cross-section of the maximum number of deputies involved in the voting process, confidently above 50% and a minimum of
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ballots that were declared invalid. everyone who intends to represent the region in the upper house of parliament prepared a program and held an answer to the deputies and support in the majority received unanimously. today you reported on how... from the local situation you are responsible for the magilev region, we would like to know the nuances? a very high representation of deputies who elected their delegates to the council of the republic, i can name the numbers: 686 registered deputies, of which 500 were present, this is a very high figure, and i can say that of these 500 who voted, that is, three ballots were recognized only as invalid, the eighth convocation of the upper house of parliament was formed by eight representatives from each region and the minsk city council of deputies, more...
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in total, 56 members of the council of the republic were elected, representatives of the central election commission staff were present at all meetings. in general, we can say that the documents that were presented and... the procedure that took place to elect members of this republic, they corresponded to belarusian legislation. already on april 12, the 8th convocation of the council of the republic will convene the first session, work will begin at 10 am, and registration will open an hour before, there is no time to build up. ahead of the all-belarusian people's assembly, and the members of the council of the republic, as well as the lower house of parliament, are delegates in their entirety. in the meantime, the process of forming the highest body of democracy continues. i decided on the delegates.
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of course, it is a great honor to make decisions that will be aimed at preserving peace, preserving order, and establishing our country as a serious geopolitical partner. today we elected delegates from the belarusian people's assembly and from the youth organization who will represent the interests of youth in the highest body of the people authorities, decided during the forty-fifth congress of the belarusian republican youth union. that's 80 patriots, the youngest delegate candidate. 18. it is very important for me, as a future physician, to be a delegate
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of the all-belarusian people's assembly, since it is through the belarusian people's assembly that i will be able to promote our ideas that relate to the healthcare system, how it can be improved, what innovations can be added, some using information technology, in in general, these are representatives from the youth union of each region and minsk, students and working youth, doctors, teachers, representatives.
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the situation with floods in russia remains difficult. affected 39 regions, the orenburg region suffered the most.
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a federal emergency regime is in effect in the region . the water level in the urals today rose sharply to almost 10 m. in orenburg , sirens were turned on with a call to evacuate the city and more than 2.0 areas of over one and a half thousand houses were flooded in the suburbs. the peak of the flood is expected tomorrow. an unfavorable situation is predicted in the kurgan region under threat flooding of 62 settlements and local ones. the collapsing house is finally going under the water, the roof is basically like a plate with a stream of water. kazakhstan is also experiencing record floods. a state of emergency is in effect in ten regions. more than 500 houses and buildings were sunk. more than 80% have already been evacuated.
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minsk - said the governor of the smolensk region. before this, swallow passengers were transported by buses through the barrier between the semlyovo and vyazma stations. experts began to put two more paths in order after complete cleaning. they plan to completely dismantle the overpass itself and build new ones in its place. let me remind you that
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the emergency happened the night before. a woman died. five people were injured. a criminal case has been initiated under the article of negligence. the area is broken. supply, this affects 800 houses, and the communication line is also damaged. europe continues to be plagued by protests. this time the italians are protesting against nato. in naples , activists tried to break through the fence to the san carlo opera house, where a concert dedicated to 75th anniversary of the alliance. the police harshly suppressed the rally. eight people were injured, three with injuries to the face and head. despite harsh police actions in naples, protests will continue, activists say. and this is brussels, where people are protesting at nato headquarters against the supply of weapons to kiev. barcelona is also uneasy. zelensky is
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a nazi, nato terrorist. the protesters came out with such posters. dissatisfaction in europe with the bloody desires of the alliance is growing. people demand that the bloc’s budget be directed not towards war, but towards establishing peace in different regions. in in the midst of a complete split in society, europe is approaching the election campaign. elections to the european parliament will take place in june. experts are confident that this formation will not be the same, as the voting will be tense. this opinion was expressed by swiss journalist and analyst alexander pesky on the trends program. the european union is going through several internal and global crises at once.
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have, well, one of the main problems of everyday life, let’s say migration, and the migration flows that from the east or from africa lead through these countries, of course population in these countries, and the government is quite tired of this one-sided load, through migration in their countries, some of the european union countries refuse to host them. migrants, well , countries like poland, hungary, the baltic states, well, they still willingly accept refugees from ukraine to this day, but they don’t want any migrants from distant non- european countries, since the time of this covid story, we’re just, well, elementary, in the canopy of our own bags we
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know, we understand that for the same 100 euros, yes, you could buy two bags of food, but we always eat, plus or minus the same thing, now you need the same 100 euros to fill only one bag with food, of course this situation simply does not pass people by, there is of course such a conflict, who will win in the end, the tv or the refrigerator, and you know, until recently the tv was the leader in this fight, but the refrigerator is starting to catch up and people are increasingly asking questions, well, to their own governments, why in the west about...


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