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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 12:50am-1:26am MSK

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a little dark, a little blue, you know where i learned this from, i have my mentor, my beloved, balen lyubov stepanovna, this is a woman who is an honored guest of our center, she always tells me about the subtleties, the tricks that are associated with weaving, thanks to such a woman, such a craft as weaving has survived to this day, she told me about our color scheme in the volkovysk region, and you tell me just now... this technique has long been used to make fabrics for clothes, towels, bedspreads, rugs and other useful things in everyday life, a thread always comes in pairs, two threads, why, because one thread is separated from the parka, goes to the first thread, this is our second thread, we have one thread, look, here we have small ones there are such. ziva,
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oh, we insert a finger here, look, yes, and we must thread one thread from the parka into the first thread, put the second one in the second , and so on until we go through the entire thread. thanks to the craftsmen and old-timers of the area, the equipment was preserved. the tradition of simple double-thread weaving is recognized as an element of the intangible cultural heritage of the volkovysk region and is included in the list of historical and cultural values ​​of our country. how to say, walk on the greaves, here we walk on the greaves, look, once with our feet, i walk on the greaves, raising the first one, i press the right one, well, it rises, in the process, when it rises, we take our shuttle, here we already have a thread tucked in, i move our reed, this is where our pharynx begins, just like that, which is held by the lower thread, you see, i i put it there, it doesn’t disappear anywhere, push it towards me with your hand. and i will meet you, you can
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endlessly watch how the water flows, how the fire burns and how thread by thread a large beautiful canvas is created. yes, without good training you can’t sit at a rolling machine for long; our craftswomen have a lot to learn not only in professional matters. consider that everything is good, excellent, nail it, one, two, i change the leg, again our nostrils crossed themselves and... so, after several days of work at the machine, the fabric is ready, what is it made of women in volkovyshchyna made shirts, skirts, jackets, in short, the most stylish outfit for themselves and their family, i note, only in the current colors of dark tones, it all also depends on what color our base is, here it is white, yeah, so it looks like this, this fabric on a black base is completely different, also dark purple, light... it’s our
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color scheme of the volkovysk region, we adhere to the principles that are taught to us by older people who still know, remember and appreciate everything we have. to create a full-fledged suit with embroidery will require about a month of work by several people at once. of course, our ancestors chose more modest clothes for work, saving embroidered suits for special occasions, saving them and passing them on to their children. this is where we hang our costumes. which we go on all sorts of trips, to all sorts of holidays, our traditional belarusian ones, so everything is made of linen, shirts and fortukha, and embroidered by our craftswomen, girls, with a cross. for more than 20 years , a museum exhibition of the crafts center was created, based on everyday objects 19-20 centuries, collected in the volkovyshchyna, not only clothes, fabrics, ancient tools, household utensils, dishes, furniture, more than 500 items in total. tell the life story
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of ordinary villagers in the region. any visitor, guest, we really love, expect and wish to be visited. we will teach any quality master classes, people will look at our way of life, look at our household items, and plunge into our history and prehistory. i think that with great pleasure they will want to invite their friends to visit ours with them again. beautiful, therefore, dear friends, be sure to come, tv channel belarus 24 presents, food has never been simple, at all times people... wanted to eat deliciously and live well,
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a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world will change, will be divided into and after, the soup, it gets ready. in chicken broth, well, well, in belarus this recipe has been preserved, this is a hunters’ recipe, duck in a pot is reminiscent of a rich thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area, slab, slab, what a medieval slab looked like, a ceramic box lined with bricks, on which it was bred. but a large metal sheet was installed on top. in the 18th century, the gypsy baron jan martinkiewicz built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in the surrounding area in a gilded carriage. let's draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country.
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the project has food everywhere. there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. look. every sunday on our tv channel, the club of editors, this is my first time in minsk, i’ve been to a very large number of countries in the world, so i come and what do i understand, all the shops are open, please come out, the city is clean, the hotels are excellent, i’ll tell you more, such a conveyor , as i saw here at the car plant at the mother of such an organized conveyor belt, i have never seen anything so clearly and so much... already worked, when a small state, pursuing its policy, developing its own belarusian economic model, does exactly this us the desired goal, we need be prepared for the fact that they will turn us around, try to split us, including with the help of terror, after all,
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lukashenko is a handsome man, gather journalists right in the field, he didn’t just gather journalists, this is from my point of view, this is a manifesto, this declaration of our strategic course, we understand that they will not... be friends, just live side by side peacefully, but keep in mind, we are with the russians together, we will not leave each other, we will not betray each other, we will go to victory if you attack from the enemy , don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel, the village of ros may not surprise you only ancient, but modern, you don’t need to go far, leave the craft center and get acquainted with a unique modern residential development project. we are located in an architectural development complex called ros-2, which is popularly known as a new town. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. the project
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is unique for the republic of belarus. it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here. that is everything. these are the objects that we see, a shopping center, a school, a kindergarten, a children's center, pharmacies, they are all located outside the access zone of cars, all cars are located, all car entrances are located along the perimeter of the town. today in rosa everyone stands firmly on their feet. since the beginning of the last century , the village was famous for its military airfield, where first the soviet and then the belarusian ones were based. airspace defenders. we are near the plane, it is installed in memory of the fact that there was a military unit here, which began its history before the war, then in as part of the western group of forces, it was in
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germany, but during the collapse of the soviet union , it returned back to the urban village of ros and existed here until 2010. as a matter of fact, this is a su-24 aircraft; russian pilots have actually flown on these planes recently. starting from the 16th century, the history of the village is connected with the pototsky family, who owned these lands; here in rosa, until the 20th century, there was an estate of a wealthy family. we are located near the catholic chapel, st. stephen, this is the beginning of the 20th century, its construction is here. she was built personally for stefan pototsky, who was called the count above the counts, such an interesting figure, he was actually buried here, unfortunately, in the middle of the 20th century, his coffin was blown up; in fact, it has not survived to
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the present day, but the chapel was restored already in two thousand years - in fact, it functions. in pre-war times. representatives of three faiths lived peacefully in ross; their main shrines were located nearby, right on the central square, and although the synagogue building did not survive, orthodox holy trinity church. the trinity prayer continues to this day. the church of the holy trinity is one of the centers of spiritual life in the village. every year believers from different parts of our country come here. this time i came too. the church in rosa is an architectural monument in the classicist style, one of the main attractions of the village. severity and minimalism, distinguish.
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1807. what shrines, let’s say, are the most revered in your temple? well, first of all, this is the statue of jesus zhurbotnogo, which has been accompanying here almost from the beginning in the parish from the beginning of the 16th century there is a statue of jesus that was in the parish before leaving. then, when the first miracle happened, they moved it to the side altar, then moved it to the main altar. accompanies to this day. on the walls of the vaults of the main volume and the altar
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part of the temple there are picturesque compositions on biblical themes and decorative paintings. and here, in addition to the statue of jesus zhurbotny, which is located in the main altar, there are side altars, this is the first altar, this is dedicated to mary and the baby jesus. this is an icon that was transferred here to the temple with... with the old chapel from machulna and here it is dedicated just to her, people, when they come to the temple, according to tradition, immediately, but they venerate mary in front of this icon, and then they come to prayer, it has already happened that mary wants to bring everyone to his son, to jesus. the second altar is dedicated to uh, st. joseph, also with the baby jesus, as always, accompanies and... in a special way this altar is revered by men, because well, they have such an intercessor in heaven as
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st. joseph, who is such an example and a model of life for men. i also noticed a very unusual sculpture. yes, there is this monument here, a sculpture dedicated, not dedicated, as it were, which is like a gift, probably for... many monuments of the italian sculptor, who is already in the documents that this was
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the last sculpture of this kind made here in rosa, just the monument that is in front of us. they also come to ros to take part in a special ritual practice. ksionts czeslaw is one of the few priests in our country in whose the obligation includes conducting a special ritual of exorcism, that is, the expulsion of evil spirits and demons. total.
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“hello, good afternoon, masha, kolka years, kolka, oh, don’t even count, i really really missed your bread, so i decided to visit you again so many years later.”
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on the territory of the republic of belarus. in 1800 , count felix patocki founded a mill here. yon warehouse amal shto three topkhі. then she got well, a million years ago, and the insurers , count patotsky, paid 20 thousand rubles. well, then we found out that these millions and added two tops. on the first cover, eight of them, like above the ground. what's here?
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cereals, all, all, all, all, all, and on the third page, what muggle knows, i don’t know, there is a warehouse there, they wanted this flour, well, saprauda, ​​on the fourth and fifth page, what muggle knows, restaurant, no, there zhyў melnik with its dry place, wow, what kind of quaterra was ў melnik, salіdnenka, salіdnenka, here is all the akruga, amal shto hadzila and mlynar, hto flour. the cheerful mood of a good-natured miller, i know a smile is the first thing you need to take with you to journey.
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july 7, 1943. this date became fatal for the village of shaulichi, volkovysk region. early in the morning the nazi invaders came here. there were a lot of dead. after this bloody massacre, the village was never able to revive. but the memory of this terrible tragedy is immortalized at the memorial complex. when our partisans shot a german felcher, you know, the germans decided to burn
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the village with the largest number of inhabitants, because 360 ​​lived in our shaulichy. six inhabitants, of which 120 were children, the germans entered village early in the morning, the men were gathering in the field, the women were busy with housework, so the germans divided the men and women into two parts, the women and children were gathered to school, you see the school there, the old men were gathered here, and now
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they had time to shout, goodbye, guys, we are digging our own graves here, you won’t see us anymore, from the ashes of the war the shaulichs were never able to be reborn, over time , an obelisk, a sculptural composition of a warrior and an underground woman, two mournful crosses appeared next to the mass graves of killed civilians, during reconstructions for the seventieth anniversary of the great victory on the site of burned houses were coming with families, many people come even from abroad, yeah, it’s nice, it’s nice that our youth thinks that our youth
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remembers, because if we forget history, we can’t to be the future. i went to the agricultural town of volpa to look at an unusual temple, and the church of john the baptist is unique in that it has survived to this day almost in its original form. this outwardly modest wooden temple, built in the 17th century amazes with its lush interior. the bright colors of the ceiling and painted walls are decorative.
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the uniqueness of our temple is that the altar, as you know, is a reminder of the architecture of republican significance, and it was published not for the purpose of the church, not for the church, but for the popes yarednyaga, trazyaga, and yon elders for the kastsel itself , well, more than 100 years ago, there it is said that the altar was published in 1600 in the 30s, it was ordered from the malapolian mayors, expressed from the tree and... delivered in a disassembled look, and here we have it collected, and that three cassels are not captured, the altar was dismantled and written, there is everything here that can be used for use
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, the carnivorous pryhodzhans of the yago were breathing and the stupid hours, i can’t say what you in these belarusian churches there is such a unique speech, which is we, however, cannot praise our cathedrals for such unique buildings, this hieraldical cartouche, and the beauty of the seeming, coat of arms, foundation... architectural, and dictated by historical events. surprisingly, the wooden shrine in the village of volpa was not touched no war, no revolution, no uprising. if
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exploring the sights of the volkovyshchyna is part of your immediate plans, don’t forget to mark this church on your tourist route. i’m sure you won’t leave its vaults without being impressed, but it’s time for me to go home and plan new adventures.” this was my trip through the volkovysk region, it was a little frozen, but these are all little things, the most important thing is that i had a very interesting time, dear friends, discover belarus, love yours, just like me, masha bogatyri was with you to everyone bye bye.
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it is possible that everything will change, the forests will not fall, the smoke of spring will not be known, the rain will be clear, only this life will not be hourly, it will be an eternal life, as it is, bright folk words, a monthly squeezing on the grass, and no matter how you live it’s not a great fox, you, kamu aichina. there is pain, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, there is joy!
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help the doctor, and he will help all of you, we
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are located in the grodno region. puppet theater in the honored collective of the republic of belarus, on its stage. we love it like our home, because this is our stage, this is our home, through which we express our emotions, our lives, our dreams, our hopes and, of course, our love for our audience. this is a theatre, or rather the theater building is very mature, it is 250 years old. the only thing was that there were, as it were, permanent corpses that worked for a long time, and if there was no permanent corpse, then various other theaters rented it, so i know that the warsaw puppet theater worked here at one time, our russian theater named after gorky, the most important thing is that performances have always taken place here, life has always happened here, energy, feelings, and for 250 years
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different, different spectators came here, then in... they came in carriages, and now 250 years have passed, completely different people, other modern ones, but they also feel, look the same and want to go to the theater, despite in our information age, the internet and so on, because a person needs an exchange of feelings, as they say, thoughts, emotions, there are probably not enough of them, so we almost always have full houses and not enough tickets, we came here. they were still small, so old, narrow, how we washed the windows here, organized a cleanup day, we washed all these iron ones, these beautiful ones in the form of lyres, musical ones on our stalls, and so on and so forth, and we were happy, but when we came here, we couldn’t be kicked out of here, but we’re not leaving here, now it is our puppet theater, and as for the stage, it is
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also very, very interesting, firstly, below us, where i am sitting, there is an orchestra pit, that is, initially, when it was built 250 years ago, it was built as a musical theater , that is, they danced here, sang, basically it was like a modern opera theater and ballet, so the orchestra sat here, music was played live, and they sang and danced there, so the puppet theater is such a wide palette, all theaters can be shown in our theater, we relate to it... of course, very much, how can i tell you, with trepidation, with trepidation, because here we open our souls, our sincerity, whether it is a children's performance, you must always be sincere, whether it is a performance for adults, you must believe in all this, so when you step here during the performance, before the performance, you feel so special excitement, despite how many years you have worked, how complex it is... this
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performance itself, or how complex the material is, what dramaturgy is in it, or is it simple, in any case, you are always worried, because uh, when you enter already before the performance, there will be this action, the action is called the performance, in which you worked on your role, the whole company worked, of course, the director, artist and many, many services that work for this performance, so that it is shown, told, lived and conveyed.
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sometimes it happens, it doesn’t turn on, but it should turn on, must turn on, that you are so clicked, it happened in you, and you went, you went, you are no longer you, you do not belong to yourself, you already belong.
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a character with whom a lot often happens, a lot happens, we had a new year's play, which means i played atamansha, oh, a dramatic role, you can say, as we call it, a live plan, a black office - this is when you are not visible, and living plan, you can be seen, the director entrusted me with such a role, this image was for the chieftain, like the bremen musicians, i had three the robber whom i commanded, naturally i had a suit, well, a skirt, with a peak... there’s a black blouse with these cards, everything, and the most important thing is, of course, a wig, i see, it’s fair, and there’s a black wig, and they put on a wig for me, it was black, a bob, that’s all, i didn’t recognize myself, much less me,
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who it was, what kind of artist she was, well, in that wig, like in the cartoon in the bremen town musicians, there was a ponytail, he played a role, that’s why i speak on it, the tail, well, that means it’s wearing rubber bands, of course. i play this role with pleasure, i command these guys, our scene is going on, no longer with them, they hid, got scared, baron munchausen, and we are fighting with him, my last scene, who will win, who will win, we had natural swords, iron ones, that’s it, we built a picture with swords, ringing, iron, iron, knock, here we are fighting, fighting, in the end he has to prick me, the blow misses, the blow misses, the blow misses, and he hits, but somehow i turn around in the dance, he is the last one... .does, i turn to the viewer, and i have to fall beautifully, die, suddenly i feel that i have, and he hit me on the tail, i hit the ponytail with a sword, i didn’t understand yet, but suddenly the wig rises, flies in the other direction, i fall, beautifully, as if killed,
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i don’t understand yet, in the other direction, and together we fall so beautifully on this stage, we fall, i i look at it and there must be a blackout, that is , a blackout, and i usually ran away in the dark with my sword, the light turned on, baron mikha won, but there was no tamankhe, there is no darkening here, i look at him, and his face is scared, angry, he thought that he hit me naturally, and i wink at him that everything is fine, everything okay, but i’m thinking, where is ztm, where is ztm, no ztm, how can i leave the stage, i mean, i look, my wig is there, i feel like there’s something wrong on my head, i think i need to leave, okay , since i have to leave, that means i... will pretend to be wounded, i mean i came up with the idea that i’m wounded, and i’m thinking, well, i need to take the wig, i get up, in the hall, when the wig fell and we fell, there’s a pause in the hall and everything is like that, the auditorium is silent, i turn around in this silence,
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rise up into the audience, suddenly there is laughter, and i understand that my curls are all these, which the whole day, all the invisible ones are sticking out, more invisible ones are falling off me, they have such a look, probably from the audience, that... it turns out that the king is naked, that is, i have curls and invisible ones, and my wig is there, then applause is heard, and i realized that they were happy that i, they also apparently thought that i had been injected naturally, they clapped, and i was crawling, wounded, crawling, crawling towards this, that means, wig, i take it, crawl into the wings, the actors are sour, the audience laughs and claps, that’s the story, and when the spectator gets up from his seats, he gets up and they applaud, and you you bow once, let's go backstage, they clap and clap, this...


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