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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 1:40am-2:01am MSK

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i went there, i went there, i entered, as they say, very easily and quickly, when we were graduating, a puppet theater opened in mogilev, and the director came to the graduation performance, to see who he could nominate for the competition, come to the competition again, i played then , and he suggested that i come to the competition, and there we went through all three rounds and i was accepted, on january 11, 1977, i was accepted as an artist.
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how she looks, and what she thinks, and how she evaluates, how she reacts, this is the subject, and it seemed to me that in this there is some kind of magic, some kind of enchantment, that’s it, i decided that from now on i will still be an artist of the puppet theater. of course, although i have been working for so many years, or as we say, i serve the theater, although i like it better, i serve the viewer, of course, i serve the theater, i serve in the theater, but i serve the viewer, dolls have weight, one, before in soviet times, they were generally heavy, 2-3 kg each, because everything was made from natural materials, wood, so wood inside, if there is iron, if there is mechanics, fingers move, arms move, mouth opens.
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we are in the puppet theater, we are equal to ballet dancers, we can work for 25 years and retire professionally, it is of course small, and you do not have the right to work as an artist, there is such a subscription, but we are not leaving, i’m sure.
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well, like many people, i also have a hobby, that is, a desire to do something, i am especially attracted to doing something with my hands, for example, in my youth i really loved to sew on a machine, i sewed different things. could sew anything for herself, trousers, sweaters, dresses, even coats, and if, of course, a very, very complex cut, then they cut it for me, and i sewed it all, and i liked it so much, then, of course, i love knitting, it’s so calming, it’s like you think about it, well, i think a lot of people do it women, so i won’t surprise anyone with this, and i also like, of course, to draw, i love to draw since childhood, i dreamed of being an artist as a child. that’s why i even like the smell
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of paints, when i came to the artist’s puppet theater, when he was drawing sketches or painting dolls or to workshops, we even i’m not alone, we’re the only young artists, we came running, helped with making, gluing, drawing there, i always asked, can i paint something, can i tint something, i liked the smell of the paints, the process itself, now i’m home on my own , sometimes i draw quietly, sometimes... when of course there is time, the theater takes a lot of time, but nevertheless, when it happens that you ’re just not in magata anymore, then you take a pencil and draw something, i really love it, of course, to draw nature, that’s what my soul is drawn to, and i also want to, i hope i have enough to it’s time to try pottery, when i look at it, i like it so much, how they are all different products, to create, to create, as i said, to create something, to create something with your own hands. this is so
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great, but in general, in general, it seems to me that when there are a lot of desires, it’s good, it’s good, because when we are young, it seems to us, oh, we’re still there. we’ll have time, that’s all, and i thought so, and the youth, and these, well, the maximalists, this is all right, and it seems, oh, we have so much more life, people, when you’re 17, they’re 15, 20, it seems like 50 years, that’s already oh, how old, and then, when these years fly by unnoticed and quickly, there are 20, 30, 40, 50, you think, god, is that really that much for me, yes, that much, and over time, i i think that everything, we are all human, i too, as they say, am nothing human.
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remained in memory, then some emotional event or something happened, good or bad, it seems to us that oh-oh-oh, and we think about it, and we torment ourselves, here’s how to somehow learn so that don’t worry or think about it too much, because it’s gone, it’s gone, you can’t touch it, you can’t feel it, it’s not material, it’s only in the cells somewhere deep, deep in our consciousness, subconscious in our memory, so, of course, everyone has passed... just a minute, every day that comes, it he himself is interesting, today he is like this, today it is cloudy, how many ducks are swimming, what a beauty, and he too, he is also beautiful, he is good in his own way, he is interesting in his own way, because this, this, has happened today this, in general, i try to
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take a notebook in the morning, when i get up, while i i drink coffee, i write to myself, today i have to do this, this, this, this and this, and i write quite a lot. the feeling of life is that there is more to be done, i should live, it would be nice to live, i want to live, i just want to live, i want to breathe in the air, look at ducks, look at leaves, communicate with people, smile, someone smiles at you, someone smiled , you smiled,
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they are also all interesting personalities, the contribution that you make in your life to your work is noticed sooner or later, and i always told both my students and the actor, if a person does something, does and does, sooner or later it brings and... results, for the future, of course, i worked, i have already worked for many years, i have worked everything, but i really want to work more, still play, to live and work, my only dream is that we are all healthy, that there is peace, that of course our
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theater is at a good, high level, that our arts are friendly with each other, and of course that we live and work and do something else for people, no matter how small.
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the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily. the task is to tell about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it, business and developing. guests. welcoming, bright and festival,
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports. and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different. to understand and feel it, you need to see it with my own eyes. hello, dear
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tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. one of the best places to work for me, when i come to work i understand that this is mine, people work here who care about their work, their enterprise. electronics manufacturing, short and clear. the vast majority of our products are our own
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development. in 5 years, i am ready to open a production site on mars. courage bordering on audacity, perseverance, carried away by imagination and supported by competencies, purposefulness, inspired by the desire to act now. here the energy pulsates, thought works, hands create. this is the minsk production association of computer technology. in collaboration with all areas of the horizon holding. all the processes are interesting and, in fact, every employee, including me, is passionate about every direction, every process, and we all enjoy this work. there are a lot of problems here, when you solve all the problems, you succeed in something, you you get a certain level of pleasure, and this moves you further and develops you professionally. today the association is one of the leading industrial enterprises in the country. the flagship of the belarusian radio-electronic industry develops, produces, installs and services a wide range
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of complex technical products. we have two main directions, the first direction is auto components, the second is computer equipment. these products are not inferior to european foreign analogues and in some respects even surpass them. the association is almost seven decades old, the factory is almost seven decades old. the checkpoint meets and sees off workers, products made through their efforts are shipped from warehouses, industrial music is heard in the workshops, created by working machines and mechanisms. our company was created in 1956, when the council of ministers of the ussr issued a decree on the development of the instrument-making industry for automation systems. this decree launched several dozen factories throughout the soviet union.
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developments of one of the institutes of the academy of sciences soviet union. all production technological processes were worked out on this machine; already in the sixtieth year, a completely new machine was produced, the electronic computer minsk-1. she was the founder of a large series of electronic computers. cars minsk. minsk 1, minsk 2, minsk-22, 23 and minsk-32. these cars were produced for more than 15 years. it was completely my own development. in 258, a design bureau was created at the enterprise. at the end of the sixties, the production of kvm minsk-1 reached four thousand units. at that time it was 70% the entire fleet of computers in the soviet union. in 1970, the creator of the family of these machines was awarded the ussr state prize. since 1971, the plant began producing computers of the unified series. in
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1986. a very important milestone, our company released the first personal computer, the 1840 computer, many remember and know it. in the difficult nineties for all industries, the management of the association decided to launch production of new products, electronic automatic telephone exchanges. our first product there was ats kvant. during the production of this automatic telephone exchange, we worked out all the production processes.
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this is the course followed by the association today. we have a development program, which includes introducing new auto components to the market and introducing new computer products to the market. why? because every year processors become outdated, video cards become obsolete, the market demands new sizes, screen diagonals of the same laptops. we have a development department that employs 40-2. person, and the development department includes both technological specialists and designers who are engaged in the development of new products and production support of existing products, a number of import substitution programs have been launched, which have been successfully implemented, and some of them
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are in the process of development, we are constantly developing new products of the enterprise, tuning for trucks , agricultural machinery, mining dump trucks, intercoms, metal cabinets, equipment for special communications, mini pc laptops. in 2005, when the new the building of our library, the library is equipped with shelves produced by our enterprise. in 2022, the unification of computing technology loudly announced itself, exciting the public, both professionals and amateurs. information... i listened to the start of mass production of the first belarusian laptops as an occasion for both idle talk and serious analytics. this is a new direction, this is a joint project of horizon holding, in which absolutely all of our enterprises took part, but the final product is already we produce directly at this production site, we generate
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the idea, we are a team, and marketing and logistics specialists, we all participate, including technologists. second, that is, we need a large, huge team, there are also representatives of the management company, who help us a lot in analyzing the market; they give us some ideas, which we are already processing here in more detail; we are already making decisions collectively. we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes; the variety
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of products on store shelves today gives the buyer has unlimited freedom of choice, but in this variety... get lost, a freshly picked, not overripe eggplant must be heavy, there must be a stalk, green, not shriveled, the right breakfast, the key to health and good mood, today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling, i can’t wait to start cooking, it sounds simply amazing, let’s figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal. i'll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up and stretching anterior posterior surface of the thigh. first , let's stretch the front surface of the thigh, now it's time to walk, jog, and meet with a full charge of strength.


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