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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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education, it is not enough to change the approach to training qualified specialists in blue-collar and technical professions; we must, based on the experience of the soviet past, significantly raise the prestige of engineering professions, raise the status of those people whose hands and intellect create real material values, otherwise all our plans will remain empty pieces of paper. it is necessary to actually strengthen the connection of all levels of education from school, university to enterprise. you should work according to a single logic for a common result. the heads of enterprises will have their say, as they see the situation, what else is missing in their opinion? the holding's development strategy in the medium term for the twenty-sixth to thirtieth year provides for a change in the structure of export supplies. in 2004, the russian federation market accounted for up to 81% of exports. it is planned that by the end of 2030 the share of export supplies. to the russian market
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will decrease to 75% with a total sales of equipment of 3,750 units, which will amount to 110% by the twenty-fifth year. i cannot help but say that there are a number of problems in selling equipment on foreign markets, as has already been said here, that these are insufficiently developed mechanisms for supporting exports to the republic of belarus, this applies to 466 and 453. two indicating according to these decrees, in these markets the conditions for the sale of equipment are unequal, for example, if the rosagroleasing company manages these decrees and produces equipment from the russian federation, then the price increase period average annual equipment for russian equipment is 4.2%, for belarusian equipment 8.2%, and with a leasing period for russian equipment 7 years, for belarusian equipment 5 years.
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the history of the country did not exist. implementation the import substitution program of the state military industry over the years 21-2 made it possible to ensure a significant replacement of critical imports. in the twenty-third year alone , the supply of import-substituted components for our enterprises amounted to 38 million us dollars; in the course of implementing the assigned tasks, including the development of new technologies and modernization of production , of course, it is not possible to do without problems. first: lack of professional personnel.
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at various levels, both in existing production facilities and in new projects, where we historically did not have a school or specialized specialists. more active work is needed with all government bodies, including the academy of sciences on import substitution; here we would like closer interaction with the participation of our belarusian scientists in terms of the development of electronic components and other products. taking into account the fact that quality has been declared for the twenty-fourth year, there cannot and will not be any compromises on this issue. concerning. personal responsibility, you are right, i will increase your personal responsibility, it will be increased, and you are already dealing with those who are subordinate to you, you and the governors have been given all the powers, so exactly, today not a single person, especially a specialist, can be fired or quit his job, move to another area, to another area, if this happens , ask them, they have been given all the powers.
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so that there is no laxity, but we will check this in the near future. the war in ukraine showed that without elements of counter-battery warfare, without uavs, unmanned aerial vehicles, without an electronic warfare system, it is impossible to defend the country impossible. there will be no convergence here, and you must understand, ukraine has shown that... not only and not so much high-precision weapons solve problems, conventional grenade launchers, machine guns, machine guns, small arms, they and people solve the problem, what i tell you he said, even before the war, when we were expanding the production of small arms, the ammunition, in my opinion, had become worn out, the most common cartridges, the war showed that it is impossible without this, these weapons are always needed.
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that, well, they hoped for the americans, for western europe, today there is no ammunition or not enough, zelensky sits and says to the president: if you don’t give it to us, tomorrow ukraine will collapse, lukashenko and putin will go to europe, scares them, so that it doesn’t happen to us that we will sit and rely on someone. alexander lukashenko demands maximum effort from all those responsible for the sphere. times are not easy, everyone must do the maximum in their own direction.
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added this time, everything we have achieved, thank you, good, but this is extremely insufficient, you yourself talk about this, discussing problems with each other, with the minister, maybe with government, but i feel that it is not enough for you to meet together in the government, discuss the problems that face you, all of us, although everyone demanded more powers, well, here you go...
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this is not enough today, so let’s solve at least those issues which, as the poets say, cry out, lie on the surface. the conversation today turned out to be very principled, we protect national interests and support our own, because behind any decisions there are thousands of destinies and the long history of brands. take any belarusian an enterprise is a dynasty, and anyone who has ever visited a workshop will not doubt the value of this very difficult but important work. but the main thing is not only to produce, but also to sell. the analysis of the situation will obviously affect other areas. the president announced another big meeting with farmers. ilona krasutskaya, veronika buta, ivan martinovich, ilya puchko, television news agency. an important
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stage in the formation of the belarusian parliament has been completed. today the central election commission registered the elected members of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation. 56 people, eight more appointed president, the elections complied with belarusian legislation, this was during a meeting of the central election commission, chairman igor karpenko emphasized. the council of the republic brings together the best representatives of all regions of the country; these are experienced people who know how to solve assigned problems. yulia alferova with details. this year is truly unique for belarus politically. for the first time, we took part in a single voting day. if for citizens the most. the brightest stage of this process took place at the end of february, then the final results we can only speak today, when the central election commission approved the elections of members of the council of the republic, they took place on april 4, and were elected by deputies of the basic level. in each region of the country , members of the central
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election commission monitored the process, and today at the round table they are ready to present a general cross-section of the maximum number of deputies involved in the voting process, confidently above 50% and the minimum number of ballots that are recognized. a very high figure, and i can say that there were 500 deputies present, this of these 500... the eighth convocation of the upper representatives from each region and the minsk chamber of parliament formed eight city councils of deputies, another eight members of the council of the republic are appointed by the president. the composition has been well updated, only 5 people are members of the previous convocation, there are more women,
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now there are 18 of them in the upper house, about a third of the new composition are representatives of political parties. we conclude today's meeting. representatives of the central election commission staff were present at all meetings. in total , 56 members of the council of the republic can be elected, to say that the documents that were presented and the procedure that took place to elect members of this republic were in accordance with belarusian legislation. already on april 12, the eighth convocation of the council of the republic will convene for the first session, work will begin at 10 am, registration will open an hour before, there is no time to build up. the all-belarusian people's assembly is ahead.
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some using information technology, in general these are representatives from the youth union of each region and minsk: students and working youth, doctors, teachers, sports representatives and cultural figures, including young delegates, candidates of economic and legal sciences, holders of state awards, as well as honorary titles of scholarship holder of the special fund of the president of belarus for the support of talented youth. the guys will be along with members of the government, deputies of the upper and lower houses of parliament. representatives of the regions will decide the fate of belarus according to the military doctrine on the concept of national security as
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young people, as people with a special point of view, they will probably argue, they will put i doubt some theses, but for sure, as representatives of the most constructive part of our youth, they will offer their worthy ideas. the selection of delegates will be completed on april 10, and the 16th central election commission will sum up the results. delegates of the supreme council. legislators are the president, the government, the vertical of power, the chairmen of the regional and city executive committees, judges of the constitutional and supreme courts. thus, the composition of the belarusian people's assembly is optimally determined by legislation at 1,200 people; it must approve the main directions domestic foreign policy and balance, taking on the role of stabilizer in society. yulia alferova, yulia khmel, olga moslovskaya and andrey novgorodtsev, tv news agency.
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the situation with floods in russia remains difficult, the disaster affected 39 regions, the orenburg region suffered the most. a federal emergency regime is in effect in the region . the water level in the urals today rose sharply to almost 10 m. in orenburg, sirens were turned on with a call to evacuate. more than 2.0 areas in the city and suburbs are flooded. houses, while the peak of the flood is expected tomorrow, an unfavorable situation is predicted in the kurgan region, 62 settlements and the local airport are under threat of flooding, more than 19,000 people may be in the danger zone, a preventive evacuation of the population is underway, a collapsing house is already completely sinking , the roof is already under water, in principle, such a plate is flowing water. kazakhstan is also experiencing record floods. a state of emergency is in force in ten regions; more than
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5,500 houses and buildings are flooded. already evacuated more than 85,000 people, almost 30,000 of them children. in addition, water in kazakhstan flooded eight cattle burial grounds and 14 burial sites with anthrax. now the entire livestock population near this territory is under threat of infection. difficult flood situation in the border regions of russia. region, at the site of the collapse of the road bridge in vyazma, just over an hour ago, two tracks of the railway line were restored, which made it possible to resume train traffic in the moscow-minsk direction, said the governor of the smolensk region. before swallow passengers were transported by buses through the barrier between the semlyovo and vyazma stations. experts began
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to put two more paths in order after complete clearing. the overpass itself is completely planned. gather to build new emergencies in its place, let me remind you that it happened the night before, a woman was killed, five people were injured, a criminal case was opened under the article of negligence, gas supply was disrupted in the region, this affects 800 houses, the communication line was also damaged. europe continues to be plagued by protests, this time italians protest against nato. in naples , activists tried to break through the fence to the san carlo opera house, where they should... despite tough police actions in naples, protests will continue,
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activists say, and this is brussels, where people are protesting at nato headquarters against arms supplies to kiev. barcelona is also restless, zelensky is a nazi, a nato terrorist, protesters came out with such posters. discontent in europe with the bloody desires of the alliance is growing, people are demanding that the bloc’s budget be directed not to war, but to establishing peace in different regions. in an atmosphere of complete division in society, europe is approaching the election campaign. elections to the european parliament will take place in june. experts are confident that this education will not be the same. how the voting will be tense, this opinion was expressed by swiss journalist and analyst alexander pesky on the air of the trends program. the european union is experiencing several internal and global crises at once, from migration to economic, which have seriously affected the internal political situation in the eu. of course, the mood is residents of the european union are very different,
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because the countries that are member countries are participants in this. supranational assembly still has a few, well , diverse, let's say, problems, yes, if the countries of the south, such as greece or italy, have one of the main problems of everyday life, for example, migration, yes, migration flows that are from the east or from africa they lead through these countries, of course the population in these countries, and...
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well, we know the elementary canopy of our own bags, we understand that for the same 100 euros, yes, you could buy two bags of food, but we will arrive, plus or minus, the same thing always, now for the same 100 euros you can fill only one bag with food, of course this situation simply does not pass people by, there is of course such a conflict, who will win in the end, the tv or the refrigerator, and you know, until recently the tv was the leader in this... are they running underground? watch the trends project tomorrow after the panorama. what awaits zelensky next, why billionaires
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the true face of european democracy, hypocrisy and cruelty. this is confirmed by new victims among refugees at the border. a foreigner without signs of life was found the day before by belarusian border guards in a swampy area of ​​the pruzhany region. the man's body lay next to the animal cage. to clarify all the circumstances of the incident and establish the exact cause of the refugee’s death
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, investigative actions are being carried out and a forensic medical examination has been appointed. the consequences of european expansion for the countries of the middle east were military conflicts, devastation, hunger, poverty and numerous deaths citizens. migrants fleeing these horrors are trying to reunite with relatives who... find refuge in europe, but the polish government, contrary to the universal declaration of human rights and common sense, has closed the path of escape for refugees. this is the third death of a refugee on the belarusian-polish border since the beginning of the year; in total, since 2021, 48 deaths of foreigners have been recorded on the belarusian border with the european union, half of them at the border with poland. the situation near our borders remains tense and requires special attention. drone and... 10 batteries were seized near the border with lithuania by smargon border guards. three belarusians were detained and an administrative process was launched. now
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entertainment lovers face a fine of up to 2.0 rubles. let us remind you that on april 1 , the presidential decree on the operation of civil unmanned aerial vehicles came into force. thus , it is prohibited to import and store helicopters using airspace without proper permission. flying drones in the border zone is strictly prohibited. and this is paris, which is preparing for the olympics and for the first time in modern history , the airspace is going to be closed during the games, the french interior minister announced. in addition, various negative scenarios are being worked out: the threat of terrorism, an influx of migrants, large forest fires. the personal files of almost 200 thousand people out of a million planned have already been checked. these are, first of all , the staff who will... work during the sporting event, as well as some of the spectators, of which 161 people have already received a ban on visiting olympic venues due to
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various risks. the security of the games will be ensured by almost 45,000 french security forces, and about 2,500 more will come from other countries. and, despite such measures, more than half of the french, 52% according to polls, believe that the country is not ready to host the olympics. how are the authorities? are trying to improve the image of games and their personal one, see the author’s section: periodic table right now. games under threat, protest mood, transport collapse, rats and bugs. how is paris preparing for the olympics? we look at all the political elements and put them in their places, this is the periodic table, hello, there are less than 4
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months left until the 2024 summer olympics, the successful holding is in question, paris is still not ready, the competition facilities are not completed, the transport system is not able to accommodate all visitors, there are rats on the streets, mindless bedbugs, and this the other side of the olympic medal, but first things first, where... everyone is being taken, information about the so -called social cleansing on the eve of the olympics is actively being spread online. police and gendarmes are liquidating refugee tent camps. inhabitants they are put on buses and taken to the provinces. they try to hide the homeless from the eyes of strangers so as not to spoil the impressions of important tourists about the city of love. the fate of those who distort the image of the capital. no one cares and no one plans to deal with their problems. local residents do not know what to do with the displaced people. there is no work for them, and the state only pays for 3 weeks of hotel accommodation. globally,
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this will not change anything, but will create an artificial image of paris. human rights activists are indignant at the fact that it does not correspond to reality. require instead of athletes, move homeless people from all over the country into the olympic village. these houses are a symbol of the poverty of us french. over the past year, homeless people in our country have become more numerous than ours. thousand people, there are now 127,000 people, and you promised to give a roof over the head of each of them, we demand that the entire olympic village be transferred to those who really need a home, and not a hotel for a couple of days. if only they could deal with rats and bedbugs so effectively and quickly, but they can’t be taken out of the capital as easily as homeless people, and therefore they are trying to solve this problem just don’t say it, it will turn out faster, higher, stronger, and most importantly - truly together. the problems of the olympic capital are growing like a snowball.
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the transport system is unprepared for the influx of visitors. paris, there were posters advising the french to leave the city or stay at home during the olympics, to save time during the games, it is important to work remotely, whenever possible, give preference to remote work. there is no need to lie to people when they struggle with public transport every day, i won’t become one say that everything is decided. the mayor of paris also promised to swim in the seine this summer. they plan to hold swims on this river as part of a triathlon competition. and... the issue of water quality surfaced; no one had swum there for about 100 years. in 1923 , by decree of the prefect, swimming was prohibited here. there is another olympic scandal in france: a black singer was chosen to perform at the opening of the olympics, but many believe that this is not the real face of france. according to this survey , 63% of residents are against this decision. greatest concern causes security. the attractiveness
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of french. capital fell sharply after a report on the convening of the defense council and an increase in the level of terrorist danger. as a result, massive refusal of bookings in paris hotels. afp previously cited statistics that show that people are afraid because of macron's aggressive rhetoric. something might happen in france. moreover, an employee of the paris city hall lost a laptop and usb flash drives with security plans during the olympic games, and put a bag with secret materials upstairs. luggage rack, looked around, and it was no longer there; one can only guess into whose hands it fell. looking at the french capital's preparations for the olympics, the phrase "see paris to die" takes on new meaning.
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tactical exercise with... in vitebsk, grodno, bresse and mogilev regions. the units practice actions during defense, repelling a mock enemy, destroying gang formations, sabotage and reconnaissance groups, attacking the enemy and supporting troops. this stage of testing combat readiness is key, according to him the results of the command will evaluate the skills of the military.
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the stations will conduct firing from howitzers, gvozdika, akatsiya, the multiple launch rocket system, hail, anti-tank guided missile and anti-tank assault complex and mortars will show their power at the ranges. the military unit also has drones; they help, among other things , to adjust fire on a mock enemy as part of an ongoing exercise. a training ground in asipovichi, where units of the 19th guards mechanized division perform tasks as part of the exercise. visited by the minister defense victor khrenin, got acquainted with the living conditions of military personnel and talked to the reserves. attention to applicants: registration for centralized testing has started in the country; you can sign up until april 22. there are two ways: fill out the electronic form on the rix website or at the registration point. in the second case , you need to have a passport, id card,
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residence permit or other document... verifying your identity. in total, there are 40 points in belarus for registering for and passing the ct. as experts noted, the feature this year's entrance campaign is that the timing of the centralized exam and centralized testing will be the same. the dates are may 27, may 30, june 3 and june 6. on may 27, all graduates take the centralized test. exam in a core subject, the same thing will be held on may 30, but in the russian and belarusian languages, well, on june 3, on june 6 , everyone who wants to enroll is already registering, that is, graduates of the current year, that is, june 3 is ours mathematics, biology, foreign languages, world history and geography, and the rest of the subjects are...
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testing will take place in fifteen academic subjects. also today, the ministry of education opened a hotline for organizing the graduation entrance campaign. the number is now shown on the screen. working hours on weekdays from 9 am to 6:00 pm, lunch break from one to two in the afternoon. now is an important time for farmers, weather conditions, high above-zero temperatures allow the country's economy to begin sowing corn for grain. and green mass a week earlier than usual, but most importantly, observe technology, complete the work strictly within the agronomic deadlines before may 9. how a strategic product is cultivated for feeding cattle in the report
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by yuri kornilovich. on the golynka farm, the sowing of early erovaya crops has already been completed, and an equally important crop - corn - is next in line. the successful development of the livestock industry depends on its productivity. farmers understand this well. they approached sowing with full responsibility, paying special attention to the quality of the seed material. corn seeds for sowing, they are treated with insecticide and fungicide, to avoid damage to plants. seeds have been tested for sowing quality and are approved for sowing. agronomist nikolai belyavsky conducts the sowing campaign strictly according to science, constantly introducing modern technologies and methods of cultivating crops, for example the second one. every year in a row, corn is sown with a combined unit, when fertilizer, the so-called fertilizer mixture, is placed in the soil along with the seeds; the nutritional elements in it are selected even taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. purchased seeders that
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simultaneously apply mineral fertilizer and at the same time, when sowing, we use phosphorus fertilizer in a dosage of 30 kg of active substance, this gives... the fact that the plants immediately grasp the nutrients, as a result, the corn grows quickly , but the quality of the sowing itself affects the future harvest no less. alexander sleznik personally sets up the equipment before going into the field; he admits that thirty years of experience suggests that in order to avoid breakdowns, you need to go through every component and mechanism with your own hands. i went through selka myself, well, i think she shouldn’t get a lift. under good conditions. you can sow 30 hectares in a day. early sowing of corn is a definite plus for the farm. considerable areas have been allocated for crops, and the work must be completed strictly within the agronomic deadlines. this year we started sowing a week earlier, due to the fact that
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the soil has warmed up and weather conditions allow. we plan to sow 1,500 hectares to obtain high-quality silage; we plan to complete the village by may 2. we have everything necessary for sowing in the optimal time. corn is a strategic crop for farmers; it is one of the main components in the diet dairy herd, and it numbers more than 3,000 heads on the farm. both corn grain and green mass, which is placed in silage trenches, are used as feed. due to its high starch content, the crop is the main supplier of energy for cows. thanks to this food we achieve good results. 3 years ago we... for 2024 , we set ourselves ambitious plans to grow 8700. corn, along with sugar
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beets, is the final crop of the spring sowing campaign. already in early may, the farm will begin preparing grassy fodder. yuri kornilovich, victor baka, television news agency. these are the main events of this day, i say goodbye with this, sports news and weather forecast are ahead, right now the broadcast will continue with the author’s program of ksenia lebedeva - this is different. stay with us, it will be very interesting. it is not necessary to be a righteous smagar, especially abroad, it is enough
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to shout about it from every bell tower, that is, to lie and hype on the feelings of brainless bs people. at the same time, for a catchphrase, to heal your mental wounds and to be pitied if you steal the power, you can add colorful matches. did she accept his death for herself or are they still walking him? after another glass, but i appreciated the fact that the singer has low social responsibility, but a rich imagination, but this is different, probably, i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello, who is meriem erossimenko, most likely, not what they remember, and not everyone knows it. so, this young lady is in august twenty-second.
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but this was, so to speak, an excuse, the reason lay deeper, these are photographs from that same events, what a beauty, white-red-white hearts, but they have nothing to do with extremism, of course they don’t, these are just the colors of the indonesian flag, as mary said. well , actually, this is a caption for photographs from august 2020. these are not just thoughts out loud, but extremist thoughts. we will not forget, we will not forgive.
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and now our flag, let’s stand hand in hand, this phrase alone raises questions: the hitch is a priori an element of attack, not defense, of course, the phrase “let’s stand hand in hand” is a call. here is the warhead with the flag: excitement social hatred and enmity, from two to 5 years in prison, so what examination did her song undergo and whether it passed at all, only the investigation knows. well, it still requires. withdrawal of russian troops from belarus
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and on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine.” the most scary thing for me was that all the posters there were zeta ones. well, she had not previously supported the residents of bratsk donbass, who were bombed by ukraine at the age of 8. well, she was silent about the peoples of syria and iraq, which were mercilessly bombing the north atlantic alliance. why now on... being in georgia and moving around the european union, he doesn’t go out into the streets in support of palestine, or is that something else? azetov’s posters at gubopik’s to drive out the devil from such fanatics? i have a very high degree of justice, this sometimes really bothers me, that is, i like to be treated according to my conscience, and i am fair to people, if we act from the point of view of the law, then i need a composition, i need parties, objective, subjective, so that i understand why i am... being punished. actually, the lawyer of the mayor's office, anna zamataeva
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she tried to do everything to convince the investigation and journalists that her ward understood everything, but it didn’t work out very well. not only did anna zamataeva, trying to pull the singer out from behind the walls of the barn, cut off all the phones, calling with a request to quickly record mary, she also asked for questions for approval in order to prepare her ward, but she couldn’t prepare them, she had to work. revaluation of values ​​in the sense that i no longer want to react emotionally to the information flow, i don't want. take part in unauthorized events, and i want to add something here, because i understand that there is some kind of unfinished phrase, no, because it seemed to me that i just said it before, but since i didn’t
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finish, composition 34 , why did you leave, you clearly formulate why you left, what are you doing now, what would you do now, how would i act now, that is, what if i, for example, how can i talk about what i would do now never came out, this is, i just appreciated it information objectively, i would go for information, look for information in other sources, i would understand that there are other ways to solve the issues of going out, everything, that’s all, has now worked out for me, for the last time, the third happiness, without my asking. yes, let’s go without, but no, it’s better to tell me the ending so that i can connect my thought to the beginning, i forgot how we are in 2020, now they’re changing article 342, but how do you generally evaluate those events and what conclusions you probably drew? but for myself, i can probably
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say that i was uh emotional then due to the influence of a very strong information flow in general, now a big revaluation of values ​​has occurred in my life, and i definitely don’t want to take the same actions that brought me here, i always believe that it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue, so, yeah, it was, not absolutely, gelding, that’s it, you’re tired, actually, and so on eight times, until the mayor’s office was able to satisfy the lawyer, i feel... how during the interview the investigative journalists are putting pressure on poor mayor, they’re just monsters, mayorim didn’t want to sing in the colony for all 3 years, well chemistry is another thing, she wanted to go home to her relatives, a dog, a future husband, to whom she fled to georgia, for some reason it’s either not on the wish list, or he’s in the very last place, and after
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this last place, somewhere at the bottom are the words of the mayor’s office that she gives easily and also easily takes away: it can change, i never undertake, i don’t really want to compare myself with other people, your position, when you leave here, it’s who is leaving there, everyone has their own personal life, he makes his own decisions, for he is responsible for them, for myself personally i can say what i want to stay in belarus, i have no desire to communicate with you now, and then go out and
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say something to the contrary, first of all, i then don’t understand why my desire to communicate with you here was. and i very much want, when i find myself at home, when i find myself free, to take care of my life, my career, my music, my family, as if i don’t want to create any of these unnecessary conversations, i don’t hold any grudges, i don’t need anyone- then blame me for being here, here i am as a result of my actions, here so i can only answer for myself, for myself. i answer that i want to stay in the republic of belarus, i want to stay in minsk, i have a house, i have everything to live and develop here, and everything will be fine, in fact, i hope that i just in fact, this is a question that perplexes me, because if i think something, i’m kind of
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telling you about it now, then i hope to come out, as the president says, to start everything with a clean slate, let’s turn this page and let's just get started. new, calm, musical, family life is the most important thing for me. merim gerosimenko, a smogar pro-ukrainian singer, is the prototype of a wedding in malinovka. power changes, words and views change. the only thing that remains unchanged is her craving for alcohol. there were problems with alcohol for some time, that is, you just have a constant work situation, you work, you have clubs, you just woke up, worked, performed, went back to the club, that’s all.
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currently, the map has been developed in principle, what it represents, it represents a general map of the russian federation, eight regions, within the regions there are subsections, and what are the features of this map, directly.
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countries, in principle, when we formed the assignment, we assumed that directly similar interactive maps for others
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, cooperation in the field of construction services would extend to the eu countries, to the countries of our community, and of course to the closest partner of the russian federation. a project like this also helps to develop and increase the export of our construction services. in your opinion, why are our builders so in demand today? in which countries are they represented abroad, first of all? how much of it is russia? yes, today, our builders are in demand - everywhere, of course, the closest region is the russian federation, about 82% of services, the amount today is 790 million us dollars, these services are provided directly abroad, if earlier there was a dynamic. quite the opposite, today we can say that the export is actually exported outside the republic, what is our
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advantage, is that we have preserved... well, in principle, this year i see very interesting things, this is a children's technology park that will be in the starobinsky district, this is the construction of the kobrin memorial of the brest fortress, this is probably one of the landmarks in grodno, this is the construction of the third hospital and an oncology center.
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a global question that always interests everyone. on the agenda is the amount of housing being built, in 2023 we built 4,193 m2, of which 1.49. this is for people in need of improved housing conditions, recently we have been developing quite well, this is rental housing, in 2023 we will put it in order. this year’s plans are also quite intense, we plan to introduce 4,4000 km of housing, of which 1,400 are for those in need , 355,000 are for rental housing, for people who are directly identified by documents. on the air sports day, in the studio
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anna eismont, good evening. the main battle of belarusian hockey. tomorrow starts the final series of the president's cup metallurg against brest. for the first time in history , the sixth and seventh teams of the regular season will play in the decisive match. metallurgist kravchenko. against brest pushkov. here it is the fish of the final president's cup. just think about it, the sixth and seventh teams of the regular season are fighting for the trophy. yes, this has never happened in the history of the extra league. it’s a new thing for brest to play in
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the main matches, but zhlobin and kravchenko are entering the championship hectrik. brest knocked out the first team, shakhtar, and i think they are capable of bringing some kind of surprise to this series, but metallurg is still last year’s winner of this very president’s cup, so do you think they will be able to defend, do they have any chance of defending at all ? of course there is, they showed.


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