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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 9:00am-9:10am MSK

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the state of affairs in production, sales of products, work on import substitution, quality issues, inadmissibility of corruption, personnel problems, the president had a big talk about industry the day before, the range of topics was the widest, the last few years have seen a steady increase in production volumes, plus 40% in 3 year, we are adding in electronics, passenger cars and truck combines, but the situation is tense for the production of tractors, refrigerators, engines, alexander lukashenko. focused on
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modern technologies in enterprises, they ensure high productivity, quality, and cost reduction. ambiguous situation regarding exports. on the one hand, last year they sold the most in recent decades; the industry earned $6.5 billion. on the other hand, we are poorly diversifying supplies to distant countries . in africa, latin america, asia, today there is a huge demand for industrial products. here we need to work closely to occupy our niches, and above all on the african continent, food security is one of the most vital issues for africa, therefore agricultural machinery and equipment are especially in demand there; despite all the difficulties, one has to work there; those who want to work, work there. today there are agreements on the supply of over 3,000 tractors, eighty combines, and thirty dump trucks to zimbabwe.
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the key goal today is export diversification. everything that is required of me for this is accepted immediately. the necessary conditions have been created, you need as much as possible more actively use measures of financial support for belarusian exports. alexander lukashenko calls import substitution a priority for the industrial complex. the stability of our economy and the country’s technological independence from western sanctions depends on this today. the president also puts it.
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the task of protecting the domestic market, there is the issue of selling goods and unloading warehouses of finished products. in addition to those responsible for the industrial sector, belstat, controllers, scientists, ministers, and governors had their say at this meeting. each of them voiced his point of view on difficult issues in the industrial sector and ways to resolve them. alexander lukashenko requires seeing the future, including the task of ensuring product quality. it is important to accelerate the pace of industrial modernization. the president emphasized a fundamental point: no one will punish leaders for making a mistake, but there will be no forgiveness for theft and corruption. to compete well in the market, you need to keep up with the times. the president noted: if we slow down and trail behind, we will be trampled. this concerns and orsha tool plant. the company has mastered a production technology unique to belarus. with its help , they are starting to produce the instrument that was before. drills, cutters,
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and reamers made of hard alloys with a wear-resistant coating were imported from abroad. without them, the operation of metalworking machines is impossible. now for the industrial equipment. going to orsha. a new chapter in the history of the enterprise began after joining the mtz holding. olga moslovskaya assessed the return on investment. the best advertisement for our products - it is that we ourselves use the tools we produce. 5.00 items and types of sizes, ultra-precise geometry and wear resistance. without the tools that worshe produces, the work of hundreds of enterprises, primarily in the machine tool and machine industries, is impossible. mood of road and rail transport, energy and agro-industrial complex. now the arshan instrumental is preparing for its next premiere. here, we are the first in belarus to start producing carbide axial tools with wear-resistant coating. today this is a top instrument
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that competes with the best manufacturers, well, world brands replace products from switzerland, germany, israel. machine operator dmitry korzhitsky. masters new equipment, robots help people in new production, but without the competencies of a specialist, nowhere. i am a programmer by training, so mastering this equipment was not entirely difficult; in order to work on these machines you need experience, knowledge, and a desire to achieve something more. spiral bends, diameter, alignment, dimensions the accuracy of the location of all tool surfaces is controlled by smart machines such as. to take parameters from an object 100 times thinner than a human hair, the drill bits are hardened using a special coating, thanks to which the service life of the tool increases by 2 and a half to three times. naturally, we will not tell all the secrets of this technology, the only thing is that
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this is a unique technology that does not exist in belarus at the moment. my workshop has mastered such a service as a service re-sharpening, existing hard-plane tools. this equipment allows you to resharpen exactly the same way. configurations of having a tool, well , the tool turns out like new, large-unit assembly of belarus tractors and backhoe loaders, a service center for servicing equipment, production of hydraulic lifts, over the past 5 years, a number of commercially successful projects have been implemented under the wing of mtz holding. jobs are created at new production sites , if only 5 years ago at the plant 415 people worked, today it is already 630, and more and more. comes to the workshop. the average age of the team is 44 years. i am 21 years old. i studied at novopalsky polytechnic college. the work is not difficult, the earnings are decent. we are confident about our future in the future that we will have work. achieving
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technological sovereignty, which will ensure the sustainability of the country’s economy as a whole. this task is set by the head of state, so the pace of high-quality modernization of enterprises cannot be slowed down. need to download by complete high-tech equipment , including the orsha instrumental one, then only we will be able to effectively compete in the market. olga moslovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, television news agency. today is the last day for the nomination of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly from local councils of deputies and civil society. the country expects a special contribution to development from young people. in minsk, delegates to the supreme council from the brs were elected. 80 young patriots from each region and minsk were nominated, of which 36 girls and 44 boys, including students and workers youth, doctors, teachers, sports representatives and cultural figures. in addition, in the youth team of candidates, delegates of the supreme council, deputies of villages, rai, mountains and regional councils,
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candidates of chemical, economic, legal sciences, holders of state awards, as well as honorary titles of scholarship holder of the special fund of the president of belarus for the support of talented people. real specialists, as real patriots of our state, and who were entrusted by their teams to represent interests so that they could confidently,
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transparently and openly convey their position his team, and most importantly, after the congress of the all-belarusian people's assembly, talk about the innovations that will be adopted. and it is this process of constant exchange that has allowed us today to transform the socio-political system, especially in the youth segment. security is one of the main aspects. we see modern trends in the modern international agenda.


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