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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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strategy and geography of sales of orenburg milk. everything is economically profitable, even despite the presence of competitors. and the strongest thing is our manufacturers. but as experience shows, we know how to successfully complement each other, and this is the main formula for effective cooperation. anton malyuta, alexey petrov and nikolai uzefovich. area of ​​interest. this is an area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement, later in the program. the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange are our harvest, which farmers are already counting on. bilagra, let's ask the minister, in the spring and as we prepare for a large-scale exhibition , don’t touch me, the car, they’re chasing me, help, oh, hurry up, hurry up,
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she was walking with me, or maybe you’ll walk with me, and he lived here for 3 days and then went to the front under a different name, under what? pavel levchenko, you promise that i am fast, watch the series, i will return on the belarus 24 tv channel. russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and attempts to discredit the west.
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the end of the war, the end of the war. standards everyone is the same everywhere, i simply cannot find anything here that does not correspond to generally accepted law. in both russia and belarus, we hold elections primarily for the citizens of our countries, instead of the discredited meaning of the word democracy and other western sham, we have another word - justice. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest and we are
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now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened to russian ruble. so, the following exchange rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles 26 kopecks. for 10 yuan at auction they gave 4 rubles 49 kopecks. 3.51 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 54 kopecks. our main agro-industrial exhibition is already. very soon, on june 4, active preparations have already begun in the country. the exhibition area will increase by more than 10%. to date , more than 350 companies from 10 countries have applied. these are belarus, russia, germany, china, pakistan, turkey, vietnam, italy, india and iran. this year, as in previous years, the exhibition will feature belarusian manufacturers of machinery, equipment and food products, as well as food sales fairs.
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farmers of belarus plan to collect at least 9,100,000 tons of grain this year, and 5,200 million tons of sugar beets to load all our processing plants. the head of the ministry of agriculture and food told us about this. well, in order for the work to go smoothly, of course, it is important that there is equipment, seeds, plant protection products, and fertilizers. how about this?
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slightly below last year’s level, but overall we should be at last year’s level come out, well, one more, probably, important question remains, this is the personnel that are involved, today more than 2000 were attracted from city enterprises, organizations, machine operators who are involved in the sowing campaign, also this year we attracted our youth, students of higher educational institutions, about a thousand people work in agricultural enterprises of the republic and participate in the production.
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the stone appears in any case, but this issue needs to be worked on, including the participation of students, work and technology, it is necessary to clean up after some kind of cultivation of a certain soil so that the combines and other equipment involved in harvesting are not damaged in the first place, we carry out this work, in general it is clear that some breakdowns happen, is the work organized in any then mobile teams, how long does it take if something breaks, then everything should be ready, this is a day, an hour, 2 days, is that clear? breakdowns are different, breakdowns are different, but during the day almost everywhere are eliminated. first of all, they work service centers of our manufacturers, servicing enterprises, well, on local farms there are teams that travel, who provide assistance with repairs directly on the field, after all
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, there are more and more of our equipment in the fields on farms, of course, our equipment is already about 90% , and i think that we will soon reach 100% security, and i would like to do this.
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provide and obtain long fiber, we do not need to increase the area, the main thing is to get quality, it is from many factors depend, including on the cultivation technology and on weather conditions, well , we cannot change the weather conditions, but we can improve the technology, so today studies are being conducted on the basis of the orsha flax mill, at the flax institute they conducted studies with managers who are involved in the cultivation and flax processing. the goal is to provide 180,000 tons of flax and 55,000 tons of flax fiber, and we will strive for this. and with that, today we will tell you all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy in area of ​​interest tomorrow. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck to you and have a good spring.
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a year of quality for our company is, first of all, the continuation of the production of our products with a high quality standard. i came here a very long time ago, about 8 years ago, in the numerical control department i... it’s only 2 years, my responsibilities include the manufacture of case rings, covers, watches, there was some small dream of doing
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something... something that people use, that people they will love what i use myself every day, we have maintained a full cycle of production of our own mechanism, we produce both quartz and mechanical watches, over the past year we have sold our watches to more than 52 countries around the world, the company is developing. over time, a watch is a high-precision device, it consists of 120 structures, that is, if one of the designs is made poorly, of course, the watch will either rush or lag behind, we would all like the time to be always accurate, the products of our watch factory naturally quality, you always want the word belarusian to be synonymous with quality.
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hello viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda, let's begin. today is my first day at work after a short vacation, so i was away from the office keeping track of the main events of several weeks, the most important thing. which is, of course, marina vasilevskaya, who successfully launched into space and has already successfully returned from there, it seems that this is the first sovereign belarusian woman, but far from the last, and belarusian men will probably also visit space, which they will probably agree on personally alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin, so i’ll probably catch up on all this. i also successfully, in quotes, missed two of the president’s working trips to the grodno region, which upsets me almost as much as the pass. space theme, why? because the grodno region is cosmic, it is my favorite region, because it is native,
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because this land is truly special and there are special people on this land, whose characteristics are sometimes difficult for eastern or central belarusians to understand. let me start from afar: now no offense to colleagues from fraternal russia, but i always smile a little when i see the results of sociological surveys regarding the support of the russian population for a special military operation. i'm u. i am sure that the overwhelming majority of russians support their homeland, because the homeland needs to be supported in any situation, because specifically in this situation the homeland is doing absolutely everything right, not without its shortcomings, but in general, but something tells me that the attitude to the northeast military district, to kiev, to the collective west, to americans and the war, as well as the thesis, need to continue, whatever the cost, it is very different for residents of different regions of russia. federation. huge, something tells me that the residents, conditionally, of rostov and belgorod, the residents of magadan and
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vladivostok, still have some slight differences in their understanding of how to resist nato, with common dominant theses that are certainly common , there is still a little difference in when the war of your homeland is very far from you, when it is not only nearby, but right next to your doorstep, and then houses where rockets, shells and drones fly. we do not have a war, but there are military maneuvers of troops to...
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retreat. let me comment on the position: nationalism is bad, because any nationalism is supposedly the first step towards nazism. i consider this position to be frankly stupid, so it is adopted either by outright fools or by calculating cunning people. anything radical and in excess is bad, but ascorbic acid is not harmful, an excess of ascorbic acid is harmful. if one asserts that nationalism inevitably leads to nazism, then such people should stop eating, because food then. inevitably leads to overeating, it leads to obesity, it leads to problems of the cardiovascular system, they lead to
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death, this is how, for me , colonialism is born from nationalism, and from all of this imperialism is born, so i sincerely cannot understand, how sometimes the same person criticizes nationalism and praises imperialism, in my understanding this is just a different stage of evolution, like bulbasaur and vinosaurus. but let’s return to ukraine, is it difficult? us with...
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the gomel region, the ukrainians of the chernihiv region, they have a special relationship that the belarusians of the vitebsk region will never have, this is not bad, this is not good, it just is, belarusians from the south will always treat the issue of ukraine a little differently than belarusians from north, in exactly the same way , belarusians from krichev in the mogilev region, from molorita in the brest region have different attitudes to the issue of the level of brotherhood and integration with russia, and so in the grodno region relations with...
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that is, the head of state understands perfectly well , that historically the borderlands of belarus and poland are intertwined, just as the historically borderlands of belarus, ukraine and belarus, russia are intertwined. times change, back in 2019, at the state level, we were quite friendly with ukraine, alexander lukashenko flew to a meeting with vladimir zelensky, where vladimir alexandrovich joked, naturally, with pleasure he reacted with gusto to, by the way, much more accurate ones. alexander grigorievich's day. and then it all ended abruptly. let me emphasize once again, this is not the choice of belarus, not belarusians, not the belarusian authorities, but not even ukraine and ukrainians. this was the choice of the authorities in ukraine, which in any case is temporary. but radicalism is always bad, in everything. residents of the ogomel region, radicalists on the internet until 2014 called for loving ukrainians so
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much that kissing the gums would leave marks. after the fourteenth year the radicals called. love ukrainians, but not all. then there was a period when it seemed like we had to love all ukrainians, but in different ways. then the war began, internet radicals they painted the enemy not only of zelensky and not only his puppet government, but also radically all of ukraine and all ukrainians. but what should a conditional resident of loiv do, who during all these 10 years of vacillation of radical ideology lived in friendship with his neighbors from chernigov. and what should he do if his friend or friends are ukrainians from chernigov, and not... radicals, who are generally unknown from where. naturally, i’m not talking about ukraine, but about poland and the grodno region. poland is far from being a universal blessing, the state has many questions, what about the authorities in warsaw, what about the current one, what about previous one, there are also a lot of questions. there are questions, frankly speaking, in general about the peculiarities, well, of the polish mentality, not all of which is understandable and pleasant to us belarusians, but the regions
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are still neighbors, and therefore, like it or not, their destinies are intertwined, including economically. grodno region, we have a good region, an advanced one, by the end of the year we will transfer you to the polish system, no, if they want, but then it’s all for themselves, of course, no one. belarus doesn’t want this; grodno doesn’t want this most of all, because the borderlands of the two are connected countries, not only friendly and family relations between people, but also, of course, economic interests. i already spoke about the fact that it has been profitable for us to work with polish business for a long time in one of the episodes of this program. conventionally, in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit,
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we have our need for jobs , our land, we negotiate everything well. then the polish authorities. something clicked, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, i repeat once again, this is a decision exclusively of the authorities in warsaw, which tends to change, but no one in this pseudo-democracy asked the people, the poles, like polish business, they don’t see us as an enemy, maybe not all, but the majority, they want to work with us in the same neighborly way as before, but they cannot, because they are forbidden, for this there is little. consider them all our enemies, right? i know that after this passage of mine there will be, in general and quite specific citizens, who have some kind of phantom pain regarding kissing. they will write on the same internet that i kiss the master’s polish boot, so i will answer publicly for the first time: the only thing that i, as a propagandist, kiss is interests.


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