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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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plywood, matches, artificial alifs, 25% of yeast, more than 10% of metalworking machines, more than 10% of peat was mined here, the basis for electricity generation, light industry enterprises produced up to 70% of the production of the all-union, the difficulty of restoring the national economy. was that some of the enterprises that managed to be evacuated remained in the soviet rear, these are enterprises that were removed from the vitebsk, mogilev, poletsk and gomel regions, 124 enterprises were removed, and of these 109 were factories and factories. among these enterprises, 70% were factories of union and republican subordination. saratov,
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kuibyshev, ulyanovsk, gorky, tambov, chelyabinsk and other regions, autonomous republics of the ussr, tatar, bashkir, mordovian and others, became locations for belarusian production, all of them working on the production of military products. more than 100 scientists of the republic also ended up in the soviet rear. among them were academicians, doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences, already in november 1900, forty-two, a session was held academy of sciences, at which the work of scientists was discussed that was not done during the evacuation in the soviet rear; their developments were used upon the return of the people to restore the national economy. educational and cultural institutions. in total
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, 20 higher secondary educational institutions, six theaters, and more than a million human resources were moved to the east. it was necessary to return them back, as well as production, large industrial enterprises, plants, factories, institutions, to restore and begin production as soon as possible so necessary for the republic. its territory is scorched earth. the republic was so depleted in terms of human resources that the leadership was faced with the main question: with what forces to raise the national economy? the government of the republic central committee of the party continued to receive alarming telegrams. all of them had practically the same content: there are not enough workers. in
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the minutes of the meeting of the bureau of the central committee of the party of the republic in the section they listened to recordings that were also alarming. in a number of regions of the republic, the number of working-age population numbered in the hundreds; some collective farms did not recruit even two dozen people. for the residents of the republic, a new front was beginning, the labor front.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of finland,
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things in simple language. today about how international observers get to our elections, what. don't think about belarus and why osce representatives did not come to us this year. go! a single day of voting took place in belarus. the whole country elected deputies to parliament and local councils, and we can already state that the process of preparing for the elections was not easy, but they went off
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without a hitch. and one confirmation of this is the opinion of international observers. the electoral commission center accredited it. 94 international observers, most of them from member countries of the cis, csto, sco, joint governing bodies of the union state of russia and belarus. these are countries that are friendly to us and the arrival of their representatives was expected, but among the observers there were also citizens of states that allowed unfriendly and sometimes aggressive rhetoric towards belarus. 23 foreign observers wanted to come to us as single experts. not representing organizations, parties or unions. among them are citizens of germany, italy, spain, lithuania, poland, france, sweden, switzerland, serbia, bulgaria and iran. and if the relations of belarus with iran and serbia are favorable, then
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the rest of the listed states are in recent years have indirectly or directly put pressure on our country. and their media has distorted and continues to distort the picture of what is happening here in order to justify it. their society unceremoniously interfering in the life of sovereign belarus. the presence of independent observers from these countries at our elections is all the more valuable. they brought home what western propaganda has been trying to hide from its audience for years. the truth about life in belarus. you can endlessly look at three things: how the fire burns, how the water flows and how international observers widen their eyes, arrived in belarus. hide their shock that everything here is not at all as politicians and the press present them. when i say everything, it means everything. they are surprised that none of them were denied accreditation. everyone who filled out the questionnaires developed by the central election commission received
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the right to observe our elections of deputies. the next shock for many was the infrastructure of belarus. modern cities, cozy villages, a good level of digitalization and well-developed transport. system, this is not at all similar to the conditions life in a country that western media resources present as impoverished, crushed by sanctions with a people living on bread and water. the people themselves, too... are persistently not ready to look the way the western media portray them. people came to the polling stations for a week, on the main voting day they completely sold out, showed a turnout of 73.9% of registered voters, and then for another day they posted on their social networks photographs taken at the polling stations themselves, against the backdrop of billboards dedicated to the elections or just with edg. single voting day. therefore, a summary of all international observers. the downside is similar: the voting process in belarus meets democratic standards,
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the people have the right to choose and do it consciously. for example, political journalist from poland, ronald losecki, noted that order and security reign in belarus. our cities have changed a lot for the better in the 15 years he hasn't been here. he shares his impressions of belarus with his readers and colleagues and is going to draw the attention of the polish authorities to the need to build rather than tear apart. connections between our peoples. and here are the words of his compatriot, krzysztaf tolwiński. quote: the legality and correctness of the elections does not raise any doubts in my mind. belarus has excellent democratic standards. end of quote. simon vesperini, from france, visited several polling stations and noted the festive atmosphere, the activity of voters, and the work of members of local commissions. here he is right: our elections always take place in an atmosphere reminiscent of... holidays, so by the way, not everywhere. an observer from italy, camilli egor, said that belarusians
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really participate in the life of the state, and it would be good for some countries to adopt our electoral system. his fellow countryman, mateo peggio, is impressed that there was active dialogue between the government and the people before the elections. people didn’t just check boxes, they really understood what they were voting for. but the main thing is not tanks on the streets, as the american media write, not intimidated people. our italian guests never found it here; they even talked with voters, and the openness with which belarusians express their opinions especially impressed the members of the delegation who came to our country for the first time. international observers come to our elections by invitation. the following have the right to invite them: the president, the council of ministers, both houses of parliament and the electoral commission. over the years of cooperation with foreign experts , several things have developed. traditions in terms of who invites whom, for example, the cec invites its colleagues from countries participating in unions in
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which belarus is a member or in which getting ready to enter. the council of ministers, parliament and the foreign ministry are calling observers from the sco, the cis and its interparliamentary assembly, as well as experts who work individually . next, the potential observer is asked to fill out a questionnaire. he transfers it to our department, which invited him, and from there he is already on... all the costs of organizing his visit are borne by the inviting department, they help him with a visa, hotel, transport, the person comes to us, goes to the center with a savings account, receives accreditation documents, observer certificate, badges and a package of documents to familiarize yourself with our laws and electoral system, having studied them, the expert can draw conclusions about whether the rules are observed during the vote? or not, then observers can freely travel around the country,
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there is no specific route for them, they have the right to go to any voting station in any corner of belarus at any time. as a rule, the travel itinerary is drawn up in the evening so that the agency inviting the expert can organize logistics, but the observer can abandon the plans at any time. moment to go to completely different areas. for this purpose, those who arrived in minsk were given travel cards for... all types of transport, and the ministry of culture provided observers with the opportunity to visit museums for free to introduce people to our history. let me emphasize once again that this year everyone who wanted to attend our elections as observers received such an opportunity. but let’s be honest, how many of them can you call, why? osce observers do not have uniform standards by which they would evaluate the quality of elections. for example, in this matter we rely on the convention on the standards of democratic elections, electoral rights and
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freedoms in the cis member states. this document was ratified by the parliaments of all cis countries. it passed the examination of the venice commission, which in europe decides whether the document ensures respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens. even the osce once gave this convention a positive assessment. the osce itself does not have any specific criteria for assessing elections. in each. country, its observers travel with different training manuals, and no one ever knows what their requirements are based on, who established them. for example, in 2015 , the osce sent us to our presidential elections. 40 observers, 10 times less than ours, although the population there is 35 times larger. the osce sent about 30 observers to the presidential elections in poland. in the fall , a member of our parliament, denis karas,
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was invited to work as osce observers at the parliamentary elections in poland, but poland simply did not allow him onto its territory. for far-fetched reasons, the osce remained silent, nor there were no comments or condemnation of the boorish step. what can observers, who do not have a working mechanism for assessing the democracy of elections, give us, what rights and freedoms can they protect if they are unable to protect their own missionaries? remember, the observers’ stay here is fully paid for by the belarusian country, and to serve an ineffective landing party of 400 people then a thankless task for... but despite the debatable usefulness, if a request had come from the osce for permission to send a group of its observers to us, they would have been accepted, what alexander lukashenko said on voting day, but we won’t ask them to come anymore, this game is definitely not worth the candle. there are enough people in the world who are ready to register the interest of belarusians in the elections, and a turnout of 73% indicates that there is interest. no,
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politicians. have become more interested in us, that is, the people, as a living organism, have certainly always been interesting to civil servants, but now they are interested in each of us separately, what we want, what we strive for, what we are afraid of, how we see our land in 10 and 20 years, this and there is a new belarus, where attention is paid to each individual person, and not to the mass of people as a whole, this election campaign was special, you noticed how much with us... how much information there was about the candidates for deputies and discussions about what qualities they should have, as deputies tried to get to know their voters personally, as until recently , skeptics far from politics posted photos from polling stations with the question: have you already voted? we began to see and hear each other, we learned to perceive each other
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like a link in one chain. we physically felt contact with our representatives in parliament and finally understood that they are the link through which we can change laws and distribute our resources. these elections were a turning point for belarusians, and i am confident that they will launch creative socio-political processes that will lead us to next year’s presidential elections with confident voters with a strong position. be patient. western countries actually offered us a choice: loss of sovereignty or the iron curtain. we chose ourselves. they they slammed the door, but we didn’t lock it; we left the keyhole open. the light in it attracts the most curious, and the bravest ones enter inside. then they bring stories about ours into their distorted world. this flow of information is becoming increasingly difficult to contain. sooner or later he will sweep away all the doors and both sides will be happy about it. and the mood of international observers is clear evidence of this. i am
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marina karaman, and international observers saw what our elections were like, we figured it out. everything is clear, see you soon, about unique features of the oldest belarusian churches, the vault, and we can notice the development of the gospel plot, in particular the moment when jesus christ is taken down from the cross.
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now a large, large crowd comes here to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god. this kind of living prayer happens here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years. watch in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. you are watching the news now in the studio olga kalairova, hello: the president is flying on a working visit to the russian federation, tomorrow there will be a meeting in moscow with...


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