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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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akіnchytsy albuts smolnya and lastok - this is not just a month, there was a vyalikaga song. when you're here, you'll be hanging out at the theater under the open skies, the characters of the wheel are alive, and you'll become one of the heroes. only you will see how you will read the new land, knowing where and by whom the change is taking place. yakub kolas.
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mayo pādarozha pāchynaetstsa z akіnčytsaў, dze naradzіўsya vyalіki paet. interior of akіnchytskaya chamber is added to the ўspamіna of carnivorous fats and native songs. the interior of the house consists of three parts, a porch, and closets. i sanctuaries. do you know, nadzeika, what is the holy day? that's how the house was, until the first memories of the sun fell on the windows, and all the words hell, words, light of the sanctuary. the house is at least self-contained, but all the speeches are authentic to us. much of the river was donated to the museum by kubakolas's own key, so that here you can make a lot of fun. geta leg jumper yae, and geta here was geta for the smoky bot. and that's how it is. called by
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the people, they know, like the little lady, because it seems like the lady is kind, so the bots themselves i'm leaving my husband, and since my life didn't get stuck, i'm getting greedy , and i'm going to get a great joy, it's easy for me, like father kolasa comes home from the forest, and from the help of such joy i'm dying from tired legs, wet charaviks, omentum, all plyadzіtse, nadzejka, what a tsudoўnaya gland, you can vadzіchku navat byarosta.
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that the native belarusian feather is smelling all here at the getai hatsine from the kalyhanka of your mother we are listening to the sleep of my cotton sleep of my any daughters we have all herded at the nest the little birds sleep have become bunnies drama. and torture
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me, my knitting needle, atsi not, sleep, my lad, sleep, son, so pass, i myself would immediately zenelak small, sniff the knitting needle, i won’t be rocking, and ў these hours are urgently needed prasti distances, now matsi can tie the dek ratnas admission, to...addat all your time to dzitsyatsi, but earlier the janchyns had to watch the dzitsyats, not fighting hell pratsy. in the evenings, the oldest cotton uladze ales sleeps on the stove, dremya michal kazimiravich, tata kolasa, and hanna yury on the pride prague and sleeps her little baby. all such moments are not meetings ўyaўlaetstsa ў getai hatse. all this is so sad, all the time, here you go, here you go, here you go.
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in the fa cup match of the 22-23 season between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card, its peculiarity is that it is clear even for players who do not distinguish colors, what exactly is its... its specificity. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you are the first in this part, but the topic will have to be changed. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. name a city that is not hosted the 2018 world championships in russia.
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saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavl. absolutely right. however, activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the best?
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lastok is the true pearl of the yakub
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kolas museum, and from akinchytsa khalbutz and smolny, the pabudovs were acquired on archival materials, then the house and the threshing floor were stocked here in the 19th century, which... i remember yakub kolas . uh, this little one? in his own work , yakub kolas writes: “the earliest common reptiles came from the dry land, from the swallow. a remote place, a field, a forest, and only a hellish forest forester, the hut of gumno, khleў. this house is over 150 years old, and people here live here for eight hours and centuries. the written swallow can be combined not only with the work of yakub kolas, but also with the work of novaya zemlya and with the completed publication of pears sapiajanka. volga mikalayena, we will sit with you at the central kolasa village.
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well, well, nadzeika, this is the kind of thing that lives near mickiewicz. already a whole five years ago the bastards were here. here kostus pastaleў, here for the most part, we know and... recognize the great lights, they have already become more like that. it’s not for nothing that he writes in his mind, because he is especially fond of the swallow, here he runs after mushrooms, after berries, all sorts of attacks from him, we remember that he runs after him lesse na ssyazhyntsy, then ishoў, and the great dog us mate, you tell matulya about the raid on this dog, you run away and huts, you know the gift from the past, so you scare poor gannaya, because yana realized that this is not a dog. little castes early bastards have something extraordinary in simple situations and rivers. these enthusiasts admired the brilliant works of the song. yany taps of the yago sirts and became a regular creation of issuing images. here from mikalayevshchyna
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, famous relatives came from the neighboring villages, and here he heard the greatest rumors about these dimensions. and darechy, i have trained my superiors here. here the hell of a hut melted away, there were workers, an old hut, gontu slaves, gontu. this is how the pilots learned, and then they said that the warehouses of these pilots were in bulk. who knows, magchyma, cali b i don’t know how to live, yakub kolas would have grown up completely different, but here he is a slave of his first generations and learned martyrs. and here there was a happy life, and there was plenty of roses, everything bloomed, it faded, because the creative force was alive here. dsnu. budzila, khlyavets staў poўnіtsa to the fruits, the threshing floor fell over the years, and
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the extra penny stavў vadzіstsa, there was something that was stolen, and there was a paradox in the house, that is, i lived here, it’s already good, good, live in peace, but it was too late to move on from albodze. i so often changed months of cruelty because of my father’s father kolas, being a forester, mikhas kazimiravich was good at getting out her abavyazka, but the service was heavy and the only downside was the shepherd crossings. yakub kolas lived here from 1890 to 1902, an unforgettable moment. denominations and youths became the basis and foundations on which
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paet's talent grew. in his own work, yakub kolas writes that albudz remembers the pit most clearly. lesnikova pasada melted on the lively sky where people went and went. there, hearing their inescapable tsikavy gutarks, kolas cultivates his supply of knowledge about people and life. here kulas lived in 1902, in 1898 we came, we pastured at the seminary, we came here only for vacations, for summer, for winter, and since 1902 , we have been traveling here for a long time. kam on paless, having graduated from the nyasvilian seminary. well, by the way, the people in our family are in no need to pack up the garden and the hutka house in the first place with a lot of galas, mom hanna. pachne zavikhatstsa kalia stoves, and dzyadzka antos budze dapamagats yoi na gaspadarci. kali ў
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kolasa ўzho ўtired bastards said kanstancin mikhailavich, writing an autograph, he said, read the new land, there’s everything there . 30 parts near novaya zemlya, 20 hours from them are illuminated by life in albuze. and father, and brother-in-law antos, and father, brothers, sisters of kolas, all of them have lost their names, for hours and hours we have remembered, and all of our fathers, who are ascribed to us in new land, a... life, and trekking, and forest, and familiar, i remember, dumplings on white sakura, yes, and the baked goods, and dzyadzka uchovin, who didn’t let him down here, this is all life here in albutz. all the speeches here are not in vain, the skin borrows its time and tells about its life here. a forester's geta, such a big bag, a forester's bag. i yana yashche і fashionable at once all geta skura ўse yes geta ўўse that fell over the place zaly yak
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ta zhivenu here podkryts here lazhyў there hedgehog yak termas bachytse yana ўhatched up all geta bag geta vos z such a bag forester hadzіў at all times with such compasses hadzіў the whole size of the tsikavaga can be ўbachyts not only ў khatse but also the call for albudz slavіzza your please give us the most familiar information about our albutz. what kind of oaks, look, what kind of oaks we have, centuries-old oaks, yes, they have already been around for several centuries, when i came here mickiewicz, these oaks have melted and were behind us, and i think what is it with us that falls from these small oak trees? i brush my first feathers , and then, you know, i read the tattoo, in the vast sky, with little laces, cranes on the holes, knuzza.
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far away, i give you my soul, you have ordered the best, and you have a padarunak, i give you a silver ruble, kalila. then, our sleepy grandfathers immediately, kola says that if i had such ganarars at my meeting, then he would become a self-made rich man. eighty rubles, remembered by danila mitskevich, the eldest son of kulas, have been around since 1941 as a talisman. first of all, in 2013, the last year of history, there was a hidden exhibition of the life and
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work of yakub kolas. in this case , the witch doctor can enjoy the most delicious food. galowna and i would have felt the fur, from which i had the herbs, collected, so little scarecrows, that if they were not pasty, then the hets of the felt fur would lock up their own, but that’s all horror stories, because the sorceresses did not slave to evil, on the contrary they darted, and also the garbats, brewed on the grass, they have a fragrant, velma savory, i think, the same yashche hell shchiraga
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sertsa, and with any, geta yashche daba yes. mikhas kazimiravich, if i know what happened with this, i’m heading to smolny. in 1910, there were eight times when fathers died. yakub kolas mikhail mitskevich relaxed in smolny. menavita was here as the first sister of kolas with yankam kupalam.
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empress kolas arrived at smolnya foraging for tours ў verasni 11th year. fending for the fire that is going on in mikalayevshchyna, here i found myself without a roof over the shed, and everyone knows dziadzka antos paehau da radzivila and paprasia getai shmatpacknaya syam'i, if there is a roof over the shed ў, publish the house. radzivіly zgadzіlіsya and in the village of yarshi, vuznenskaya district, the school of dziadzka antos was rebuilt and the same house was built in 1910. kolas has arrived here, galota, byadota. there was no fire, but from the family of antosya we walked near the forest, there were sticks and sticks, one stick jumped and has been going on forever 112 bastards. i'm going to breathe in this stick, so as to gather the strength of good emotions, i won't turn off. all you know, i'm glad to hear such a mots and captured
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hell all this month and that's why yakub kolas himself. yashche vyklikaya zaprelennye the fact that the menavita here had a strong relationship with yakub kolas and yanka kupala. at that time, they were in charge of adzin adnago pa perapistsy, pa listavannya, asabista did not succumb, and in the life of 1912, when yakub kolas arrived for the summer vacation, he wrote a leaf to yanka kupala, leafed through the request for myself and the state, he wrote at the forest that when you pass by the foot, the owl from the cyagnik. hire yourself a bala or a reasonable price and you will find a kolasavu hut, and if you don’t have a penny, then i will tell you that i will find a new taxa kulas in the hut. yanka was bathing, by the way, of course, there were pennies, but she had grown up looking at the kolasava meats, and she was walking, and she was walking, already sharella, bachyts, who found herself starting in
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an unknown forest, and then the wind blew i'm lying, it 's clear that i'm correct... kolasa ў geta was not at home for an hour, there yanka kupala was with the sustrel ganna yureina, pakul yana was visiting the state, kolas’s little sister, marya ran away from mikalayevshchyna to her brother, to say the least, that yanka kupala had left. we are on our way to the holiday season, where the sister of yanka kupala yakub kolas was, for which his gift of the month is frequent, kolas, of course, the herbs were simple, syalyan, where kolas... he himself loves the simple syalyan lands, you and i yanku bathed. we can eat other tables, like the flock of everyday life, for which we washed the hedgehog, and darechy,... cube colas i remember that the great lords are strict and strict behind him,
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and the lads don’t dare, it’s a paradox that the great people here are strict, because falls on such horns, potassium in bad times , let's have a parishysh chicken, a parishysh lamb and kvass, so as not to spin without an hour. i have a good imagination, so i say that the geta is unacceptable, not hatsela. і atrymat such pakaranne, small dzyatsey sajali asobna s usim for trezі table, paradka there dzetsі did not touch small ones, yakulas taxama write to the paema new land, that little yuzik gael gunn is especially grazed. paradka dzetsi were not touched, but they were not scraped, so that we would not break up, so the fingers of the fingers flog the grass and the varashka smeared the lava, and the sisters of the heart and the lab of the rope were squeezing, then they the year was gone. between them, the striker came out, let the narrow ski hit the ground, the body of the body pressed, the sisters giggled, and the sisters pulled the ears from
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two tanks and whites, and the worlds of the world and, on the fire, they poured water and soaked their weather, kissing you brothers, and i know it's all gone to your parades. at smolna, yakub kolas works on the poems novaya zemlya and symon music, writing the tops and apavádannya, the saddle itself. at smolny dachshund , the branches of the yakub kolas literary and memorial museum were published in 1967, when the collection of kolas’s meats began at the station.
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see the project route built on the belarus24 tv channel.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us and will answer all questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be.
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the school itself means that our products were the true masters who were able to work with different materials. in our time of life, you can learn in the clubs of the people's mayors, and that's where i 'm going now. sunny, i will weave a belt. our products have learned that woven shawls do not have the highest energy supply, there...
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it is important for me. the frame of the yard for weaving can be cut out on a special weaving machine. zvyarnitse, kali weasel, thank you, i take a thread, i take a thread, i tie it, i have a nail, i take a thread and a thread , i let it go all the way up, back and forth, eight times, all this way, and i turn back, that’s it. good guys, geta velmi shmat. then, by the way, i have
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a lot of little ones, yeah. and the snow is no longer on top, and all the same, it’s not necessary for such people to wind the heels in the same way, as much as it is necessary for the design, to refuel the machine, it is necessary to issue the kala gadgets, i have a key, i have my key, yes god damn it, i took it all, i adjusted the wings like this, right the key i righted it all this way, i adjusted the key, i pulled the thread, once... the little girl jumped, the little girl was all here, if it didn’t get stuck, this is the thread of the world, i fell inny be, eight bachytsa, versho, i punch the messages, i remembered the messages , i ily meana z'yavіsya nova ze, i lacam my fingers eight, since i was stuck , bachytsa, clothes, ozda nova ze, i work, i take the key in the hand of the truth.
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all of you are already two happy, all of you have sated down a centimeter, a whole centimeter, i thought i only worked a few millimeters here, i know that this is an issued graduation, at such a rate i am in the middle of my belt, all here the threading of my belt is done, here 2 m 70 cm, according to the rules required , gloss,
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a kind of caress on me, i’m all the same. then abyarnutsya and tie the vuzelchyk, i am a married woman, my vuzelchyk is on my right side, and if my daughter is not married, she is on her left side, you have great goodness, everything is good, vyal iki, nasamrech geta velmi tsikava, there kali budzetse dzestsi i ў you will be working magic, abavyazkova worker geta. kali vyrashytse. paўtaryts my route, plan your time in paradise. navedvanne kolasa zakaznika zoyme hell 2 yes 5 gadzin. maystar-klasstve pratsyagnettsa kalia gadzіny. i was very pleased with my sunny misfortune. during the last day, i paved the way for the staptsovsky districts, especially as yakub kolas told me, it’s not just sickness, but also fucking meats , the right thing to do is to weave a belt, which is not disgraceful to our skin. yen. remember.
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