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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:20pm MSK

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the broadcast of the series is from the news of the country and the world, darya tarasava is with you, good evenings and a short note on this issue. chicken tanks for vitamins i wonder how important the cats of the minsk agronomy factory are? trampoline complexes,
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daily variations of the autadrome and waltz season of attractions and loose equipment for amatars of winged areas. the landscape of the beldzyarzh philharmonic stage is colorful, the images of our solar system are based on the notes of the theater of classical music and impressions. raise the culture of farming to a new level, technology for miliary races.
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and tomato, greens, and charse peppers. only the minsk agricultural factory produces 9 thousand tons of product per season. the successful plantations have been expanded with new chicks, and the modernization of old plots is planned. right to the vitamin factory. alena vidko. ruddy, saccharine, perfumed, tamata pershaga delights the cat of the minsk agaric factory. there are 60 kilograms per square meter. there are a lot of goodies here.
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in the winter, we changed the artificial lighting and fulfilled the instructions in full heads of state to provide our country with cucumbers in the winter, increased gross production to 50% of cucumbers in the winter, now you see a short-fruited cucumber with...
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the line of greens is planned to be a pashyrytsya food assortment, a new list of iceberg, there is a dachshund tsybul on pyaro, kab patrymats maximum growth, special microclimate, high climate and temperature, eggplants, for example, grow in mineral water, and other elements fall directly into the water. we have our own laboratory where we we grow. everyone believes that eggplant is
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a vegetable, from a botanical point of view it is a berry, a blue berry, which is rich in vitamins such as vitamin c, vitamin a, folate. more than 200 dollars and honey was fixed for two months, keeping the taste of every insect.
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special necklaces, sprays and tablets are available. the season of gala-circular fun starts on minsk 26 beautiful. you can request attractions from geta zen from the city center. there are more than hundreds of winged areas in three parks of minsk, yanka kupala, and in chalyuskentsev.
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on the balance sheet of zelyanbud. at the same time, specialists are adjusting the abstraction of preliminary procedures, technical aspects, focus on external appearance, and we will continue to move forward. syarod іх trampoline complex. daily variations of autodrome and waltz. at the moment , an event is being carried out for technical diagnostics and technical certification of amusement rides. it includes electrical measurements, electrical equipment, then visual inspection of welds and bolted joints. in addition , special equipment is used which allows you to measure the thickness of the metal, the degree of wear, after.
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once the season starts, the attractions begin to sell fountains, and throughout the city they sell more than 30 pieces of water. immediately, specialists are setting up installations. the white camel was overjoyed and agrasyadzibe fell, the little fluffy cloud had already become a vigilant satsyal setak. then... the gadavanian is afraid of the first crumbs, it’s full of joy to destroy the company and the mercenary internet. what kind of a cry for the rare pastayalist of our climatic latitudes? karyn gurevich. the little whelp is not just going to walk, jumping around
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her mother. and in the meantime, there are still millions of people in social networks who are praising the fact that the gadavans are plump and gaining motsy. varblyudzannya was overjoyed.
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closely acquainted with the new gadavanians, the navalniks come from the agrasyadzibu, as often as the little pucks are barred, the grub is turned off by malak. at the varblyudzitsa.
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our team took first place in checkers last year, for several years
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the core of the team has already formed. the work of the minsk regional organization of the belarusian health care workers, of course, is based on the creation of comfortable, favorable working conditions for our labor collectives of the health care organization of the minsk region. chess and checkers provide intellectual development, development in order to remember logic, and everyone needs it. their people are both experts and candidates for masters of sports. in musical traditions, not only the theories, but also the practices of the national library and the religious cycle lecturer's office. listeners are familiar with belarusian music directly from the history of europe. charg sustretchy. this main topic is chamber-instrumental genres and belarusian campsite creativity.
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this is the course of the instituted musical chapel, the center for the development of belarusian culture, language and literature of nanbelarus. kasmichny landscape stage beldziarsh philharmonic, at the nyadzelnay afesha academic stage concert adysey. cardynates of our solar system on the notes of the layout of the theater of classical music impresia, symphonic jupiter of mozart and... the concert, of course, is dedicated to world cosmonautics day, which is celebrated on
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april 12. in our concert there will be a space traveler in such a theatrical costume, and this is an image that really looks like our first belarusian cosmonaut, marina vasilevskaya, who talks in words about the journey in the concert, that is , in addition to the music that will sound, there will also be and sound artistic words, poetry. this is the basis on planets and galaxies , the office of adeseya aformia has two components: a special part - the terminology of the vox, an instrument, yaki guchyts p dapamoza electromagnetic shaft. the final musical pallet to the unperturbed hands of the german camper karl bohm. this concludes our issue. news of the region and other projects of the beltelevision campaign are available on the website afternoon evening.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. oops, it's taken. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is belarus like? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like.
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generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active , energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for... its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. we are the propagandists that we are
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are we promoting? the state course, yes, is the need to support the current president, especially in the current, turbulent and difficult times, three times yes: the sovereignty and independence of belarus? yes, naturally, the head of state emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and well-being; by well-being, we mean peace and security, from the absence of war in our country to tranquility. on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and much more. am i satisfied with what we have done and built? i’m happy, i’m sure you are happy too, we built it as best we could, as best we could, we
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were sincere about this construction. our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power. went carefully, without breaking anything, will everything work out for the new generation, probably not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t have a disaster, because after a strong government, the likelihood this is still a little more than a statistical error, a propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, club of editors, this is my first time in minsk, i have been to a very large... number of countries in the world, so i come and what do i understand, everything works shops, please, if you want, the city is clean, the hotels are excellent, i’ll tell you more, such a conveyor belt as i saw here at the car plant for my mother, such an organized conveyor belt, i have never seen anything so clear and so many young people working when the state was small , pursuing our policy, developing our own
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belarusian economic model, this actually makes us a desirable goal, we need to be in...
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