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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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information and analytical project current microphone on air on belarusian radio. the most important issue on the territory of a neighboring state is the legality and legitimacy of vladimir zelensky, there is already a certain crisis, we see that the leader of this state is trying to bring about such peculiar personnel issues as soon as possible, and today the military reshuffle is quite tough. political, but one way or
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another the very political crisis in the country that is unfolding is clearly visible, many officials, deputies they don’t openly know who’s boss, let’s say, openly, including sabotaging certain actions, certain decrees, the same deputies mark themselves out, refuse to vote for certain laws, in general, in my opinion, several dozen deputies wrote a statement about in order to resign their powers, they are trying... among other things, to avoid, probably, responsibility, which is foreseen, in your opinion, what is happening at the moment in this vein? as for the political situation in ukraine, in that, in that situation, in which this state, this society turned out to be, talk about some authorities, legitimate or illegitimate, that make decisions, do not make decisions at all, in general it is not necessary, this is a state that is completely under external control, the budget of this country is formed for the account of external handouts, well, you and i... we
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know very well that whoever pays calls the tune, therefore, as determined in the united states, they will be made by those, so to speak, puppets that are portrayed today, which means artificially, depict authorities, so naturally they all don’t care about legitimacy, about illegitimacy, about some procedures, about the constitution, about laws, today we see very well on the internet, including what is happening on the ukrainian streets, how citizens are treated today ukraine, right?
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what is important to note is that according to the largest estimates, according to the largest ukrainian experts, there were up to 500 thousand people, the rest of the people calmly went about their business at home. rested, studied and generally believed that politics, socio-political life is not their field, let them figure it out what they want to do, in the end today everyone is paying, how many 42 million lived there before 2002, all these 42 million are responsible for such an irresponsible attitude towards their socio-political life, this is what it means, this means that here we also need to draw conclusions from this situation, which concerns the issues of politics, the socio-political life of our state today. everyone, regardless of profession, workload, employment or any other interests, doctor, that means you are a watchman, a janitor, a cleaner, a deputy, a professor, an academician, it doesn’t matter, today in general, but today it’s just a matter of life, death of our state, in the literal sense, a matter of life
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, death of each of us, participation in public conscious political life, this is exactly what every resident of the country should do, but if we say, go back a little, so to speak, to that game, to that...
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and you will need such a person who, in principle, - ceased to be perceived by ukrainian society as a person at all, due to the fact that on his hands are millions of people's destinies, a significant number of dead people, so of course he will play this role as soon as the americans want to
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install another, they look at the law, that's who can give an example today of a state in the world where americans got in, where they looked, read the constitution of this state, there are no such countries. sergei mikhailovich, i wanted to add a little, just the other day we were talking with an expert from switzerland and he openly says that at the moment, here especially after may 20, when this veil of at least some kind of legitimacy around zelensky has finally subsided, it is worthwhile for any, i note, any european politician or state leader to turn to, for example, the same ermak, as the main statesman and... such the thing that triggered me very strongly was that among them , in my opinion, there was a polish politician and he said one joke, if you come to the european union,
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then this is the same thing, not to the european union, sorry, to ukraine, then, remember , this the pilgrimage of european leaders to the territory of ukraine, it was quite large, now... for some reason they are not going, interesting, so, if you want to come to ukraine and make some decisions, decide, you need to meet zelensky, because he has very good connections with ermak, in my opinion, it completely reflects who is the boss in the house and who decides the issues, if such jokes are circulating in the political circles of the european union, then this at least says something, in your opinion, it is possible is there such a takeover of power? after may 20, or at least let’s say this? a slight removal of zelensky from key issues and decision-making, well, it is clear that neither irmak nor anyone else today , i repeat again, in my opinion, does not solve the issues in ukraine, and some small, let’s say , problems there, somewhere to squeeze out some business , another minor issue to be resolved, strategically
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determined, you and i know this very well, in which offices, in which states is the politics of ukraine today, at the same time, at the same time zelensky, we are also fine with we understand you and repeatedly... including in this studio, this was discussed, this is just a tool for solving the problems of the west, as soon as its resource is completed, that means completed, another victim will be identified, which will be, so to speak,
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a different format is needed, now in political trends, including the west, this is the world, why, because well, people have already eaten, it means that europeans have felt this war on their wallets, on their well-being, what is war today and what is the prospect of, in principle, ending it in benefit the west and not apparently, therefore, naturally another person will be needed who will sign these agreements at the behest of the west, and that means the process will go in a different direction, so for now the man of war is zelensky, the one who has been killed... is tainted, he needs to be maximally so to speak, use what, in principle
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, happens, and then anything can happen to it. sergei mikhailovich, developing your idea, some experts, including ukrainian ones, openly say that it is possible that there will be such a small transit in within the framework of the constitution, that part of the presidential powers will still be delegated to parliament, it is the verkhovna rada, in the end , where the conditional speaker of the verkhovna rada will sign.
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today is in such a state and has actually lost sovereignty and independence, this is the very level of political culture that we constantly talk about, including, based on this negative experience, we are forming our own positive one, let’s say, it’s interesting, what else in in 1919, if i’m not mistaken, prices were published on the dates, how much it costs deputy seat, starting from the grassroots level, ending with the verkhovna rada, that is , everyone understood that if you invested, for example, a certain amount in your deputy... seat, you must recoup it while in the verkhovna rada, yes, or even increase it their capital, this is an important moment
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for understanding the essence of what is happening on the territory of the ukrainian state, in my opinion, information was widely circulated just yesterday that zelensky allegedly arrived on the territory of this, well, the border area of ​​kharkov and carried out an inspection of those fortifications that are being built, because in ukraine now again they don’t... they know that the russian federation is about to carry out that same counterattack, some decisive actions are being taken, including saying that this will be in the kharkov direction, in your opinion, what is the reason for this? firstly, information pumping, and secondly, the appearance of zelensky in this region? well, any escalation in the military topic in ukraine today is connected with only one thing, the more it goes on, the more relevant this question becomes, it’s a question of money, give me money, therefore, today, if you look at their media, they often inform the world community in english and other languages ​​that
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the capture of kharkov is being prepared, there will be bloodshed, so a lot of people will die, the city has a million people, that means, urgently give us money for weapons, which no one is giving in such quantities anymore, as it was before, of course, such stories as butch and other information and psychological operations carried out by the ukrainian, that means, ukrainian special services are under the supervision of western ones, which means that naturally no one falls for them, because well, we understand human psychology, if you were deceived once, well, at most , some other part, the second time they can also fall for it, but the third since already... to such tales, it means that they will not react, but the task of the russian army, of course, first of all of the russian state, we see today that there is such a problem - this is to protect the city of donetsk from shelling, which is constantly, so to speak, carried out by the ukrainian army in relation to civilians, therefore, in order for this not to happen, naturally there should be a gray zone, a buffer zone, whatever you want to call it, it actually goes in
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the direction of kharkov, so i don’t think that the city of kharkov is anyone will take by storm, lay siege to this city and... create a gray zone, which means, including targeted destruction of those, so to speak, military points that are there today, and which actually shoot at civilians, that’s me i think this is precisely russia’s task, well, naturally, in this vein ukraine does not give in to this situation, it gives in to the situation, including the fact that the city will now be wiped off the face of the earth, so give us weapons and money urgently, so in this context, of course, you and i also understand very well how these many facts work today have been opened, they are visible to us and... even to an unprepared person and to the naked eye, the facts of this information-psychological struggle, recently the president was just about to appoint a new deputy head of the presidential administration, who will oversee, among other things, the information block of issues in our country spoke about this, so of course we need to watch, follow these processes, study, study in terms of how today, what weapons, what methods,
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approaches can be used against us, and how responding to this kind of provocation is our only achievement, so to speak.
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its main meaning is the result - it’s not how we inform residents, so that everyone can see what’s happening around, what ’s happening nearby, what kind of people are there, where that for people to be vigilant and protect themselves as a whole, the state, and its main task of such an information-psychological attack is money, profit, profit for specific people, specific politicians, specific military personnel, including, here on the internet you and i are fine we see, unfortunately, what is happening today with... and the ministers, what they are doing, that’s natural, that’s all, that’s their job, i won’t talk about them, i think people understand what we’re talking about, it requires finance, so this kind statements, including in order to break off a piece so that the children of these officials would have a good time, at this time already
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today about 500 thousand ukrainian mothers received coffins at home instead of their children, it’s simple. fear, but the worst thing is, because we also communicate, we have contacts with people who are in ukraine, live there in ukraine, many have relatives there in ukraine , yes, communicating with them, we understand perfectly what it means to be a person , such a creature, he gets used to everything, unfortunately, they are used to war, they they almost perceive this as normal, a mother who received a coffin home with her twenty-five-year-old son, she reassures you that everything is not so for her in principle. it ’s bad, yes, the son died, defending his homeland, ukraine, which means, well, the neighbor’s son, there grandson died at the age of 12, this is real grief, i don’t have such grief yet, this is how this society lives, everyone. evening, also communicating with the people who live there, they have an argument in the evening, here is what people are discussing now in the evening, this is where to go to relax, take a walk, have a barbecue on the weekend, a country house
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season, i watched on tiktok, now everyone is discussing seedlings, seedlings, summer season, yes, and in the evening, who will sleep, it means in the bathtub in the family, family of five people, one bathtub, why in the bathtub, because the bathtub is safe , is considered a place, and even if psychologically, this is how they calm themselves down, something is arriving somewhere, so let’s go to the fragments, which means... it’s a little less likely that they’ll get there, so these are the questions they have for today the agenda of these unfortunate people, this is what it leads to, returning to our first topic, a careless, irresponsible disregard for your own social and political life, it all starts with this, and then you no longer control the processes, then you become such a victim, like the 500,000 ukrainians who died at the front, millions more, millions of people who became today, who are starving, who are wandering around the world, who have lost their lives... i observe how, for example,
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ukrainian military personnel who have lost a limb, who turned out to be disabled, react, how they react, at least in the public sphere they are broadcasting some kind of positive agenda, that due to the fact that i, for example, am in shock , well, it’s okay, but my legs won’t freeze, and he sits without legs, for example, yes, that is, they are trying to do this. and you are somehow trying to live with it, fight it and become a worthy person, but you were deprived of this simply because, for example, some person, a particular politician,
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behaved, to put it mildly, dishonestly and brought your country to such a state, and you perceive this as some kind of normality, it seems to me that this is still a large enough layer for the study of psychiatry, which is so clinically tough, in my opinion, i’m interested in your opinion regarding you, too... touched upon such terrorist activities and activity on the part of our neighboring state, and so zelensky, being directly in the kharkov region, stated that in in general , i would not be against more, say, western instructors appearing on the territory of ukraine, and we understand perfectly well who is training these terrorists, so a logical question arises: should we expect an increase in numbers? and the number of such, say, forays into the territory of the republic of belarus, including this question , it seems to me, is relevant on the eve of the presidential election campaign, and we have the national assembly ahead of us, enough of this too, well,
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let’s say, the situation, well, it’s shaky, we’ll frankly, if such events begin to occur, not only will a serious threat arise on the territory of poland, they have increased the number of troops, in my opinion, already... 2000 with our army at 60, but we have tactical weapons, but somehow get around this situation, but we cannot, we say openly, we certainly cannot, we make the appropriate decisions, we see what, what close attention the head of our state pays to the issues of ensuring the country’s security, constantly this is what in on the public plane we see meetings, meetings, and corresponding commands are given today to our armed forces. forces in order to ensure security, peace, tranquility in such conditions - all that we see today on our belarusian streets, but here there is danger more, even addressing our
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listeners, our viewers, the danger is primarily caused by marginalized people, mentally ill people, openly traitors, these are the three categories of people with whom western intelligence services work, these are the curators you are talking about , unfortunately, enough in any society, we have them, but if you look at those who... have been detained lately, these are precisely people from these categories, the task of the special services is, so to speak, to recruit them, such people, they easily succumb to recruitment events, but they, as they say, have nothing, in principle their level of development is quite low, they easily succumb to this kind of provocation, for example, remember those who, therefore, set the transformer on fire these substations on the railway tracks, until force was used, which means two of them were not shot, you know what amazes me when one of the last films came out on ont, in my opinion, the purge, if i'm not mistaken, is called when entire couples do this
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then they begin to shift responsibility. three or four children who, by and large , are at each other's throats, realizing that they will be left without parents, well, because you go to prison, you openly prepared terrorist acts on the territory of belarus, well, you will not be released, and only after that , how you got caught, you begin to think about who your children will end up with, what fate these children will have next, and so on, well, how can you even wrap your head around these things, and the most ridiculous thing is that they are in this situation they say: well, what did we do, we just... transported one box from place to place, and the fact that there is an explosive in this box , the second fool will come, take this box from this place and put it in some other location , and the third will simply press the button, the word is used everywhere: simply, simply took, simply carried, simply laid, simply pressed, unfortunately, people with a low level of development, they are always and everywhere, but they do not strive to read or learn something, they live on these very basic things the simplest instincts that god has given to each
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of us, that god has endowed each of us with. from this explosion or a derailed train, of course not, so our task is to show examples of such cases, but maybe he doesn’t watch tv somewhere in the newspaper, somewhere by chance he’ll be on the radio . on a minibus somewhere else , he will hear, see, at least something will be imprinted in his head, when he is offered this kind of income, that means, or set tasks, something will click for him, so the big task today and the mission is this the issue of countering this kind of provocations and recruiting terrorists as their accomplices in our country lies with the media, and you are also doing this work worthily, but not enough, more is needed, because well, such people need to reach everyone so that they understand these processes, but
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there is also just this... outright traitors, they are purposeful, they need it, they need it today, they are offended either by society or for some other reason they are ready to betray, but in principle this is the genome betrayal, i repeat once again, you and i know perfectly well what exists in any society, any state in any historical period, during the great patriotic war, but one, at least in the village, agreed, agreed for rations, so to speak, yes, for good maintenance, destroy, help their own fellow villagers, including their own relatives. there was one in the village, and in 2020 there were also people at my entrance who knew me very well, with whom i lived in the know, so to speak, including mine biographies that know me completely and can come in, ask any question, clarify, ask for anything, there were those who painted the entrance there at night while i was sleeping , came in, wrote that there was such and such a fifth , tenth, there were traitors, there will always be , the task of the special services, by the way, traitors, unlike the marginalized mentally ill
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, are the easiest, or rather the hardest. just identify and eliminate their threat, why? because we can find out that he is a traitor, and we remember there were many such facts in the twentieth year, only upon the fact of the commission of the corresponding action, yes, that’s why the emphasis is on these people, and there is a threat here, in connection with this, our people must look more carefully at what is happening around each of us, no matter who we repeat once again, not we worked, no matter what we do, but we need to look at what is happening around us and what the situation is, what processes, what kind of people are nearby, what? things remain nearby, it’s wartime, the head of state also called for this, which means back when, that means, i remember, our entire belarusian meeting, sessions of the last all-belarusian meeting of the sixth, this was discussed, today security depends on each of us, yes, our special services work effectively, many thanks to them, the security bloc, but again the time is such that we also bear responsibility for our security today, so dear citizens, be attentive, watch what is happening around and do not
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hesitate to inform enough today.
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at certain class hours in schools and at such, say, political information was carried out for students, universities, when they came they showed these films, which are made from... and produced by ont, the television news agency, directly about the conduct of these special operations, about the detention of terrorists, about how recruitment takes place, in order to exclude the possibility, to minimize the possibility of influence on belarusian society, what do you think, maybe it’s worth introducing a similar practice at enterprises, showing a film for a team one hour a week, it doesn’t actually take that much time, but people will at least know how the specifics of these events work and actions.
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for any society, a small part is immersed in these processes, a healthy society, yes, is engaged in normal, simple, ordinary everyday affairs, interests, hobbies and so on, seedlings, seedlings are discussed, seedlings, yes, then for them they have this information goes to god, and such people can naturally become victims in the conditions
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we live in today, so this method, it is effective, it would seem simple, but very reliable, just like holding our open dialogues, test conversations throughout the country, this is the only thing that we can really oppose to us today. of our state they live, work, no one, so to speak, interferes with them, on the contrary, they assist them, but please, keep this information in mind too, so we need to look, after all, this is our ideological work, as it relates to the private sector of the economy today , which occupies almost
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half, if not more than half , of our economy as a whole, how are the people there, whether they are covered by this information or not, it will really be effective, because other options to create an alternative internet there or somehow influence within the framework of the content that... today exists and shoot through our society, we can speak frankly, we will not, we cannot, there are simply no such opportunities, but reaching everyone is really what can happen today, what is real today and what is happening today, then we need to build up this form of work, including with the help of films, with the help of information content, high-quality, which is sufficient today, which our journalists do , which really shows what really exists without any fakes, as they say, online, i repeat once again, this is our honor and praise... not propaganda, this is a real threat that faces each of us today, including often one of the main
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complaints against the belarusian state is that everything we have is state-owned, everything we have is conditionally ineffective and so on, but nothing is private, in fact, when you start to understand, there are food issues, yes, why, because that there is an example here, please, we can also pay for transport, the transport sector, in many european countries it is private, it belongs to private people, private companies, of course, paying, for example
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, 100 dollars for the maintenance of a particular bus, well, figuratively speaking, yes, a month, uh, a private owner will add another 50, then he needs profit, what ’s happening here, the state paid 100, took 80 per person, and paid an additional 20 from the budget. because this is an important area that provides, therefore, conditions for comfortable residence of people in our cities in other settlements. the state keeps it , so to speak, in its own property, controlling these processes. giving the benefit, unfortunately, our airtime is coming to an end, thank you for taking the time to take part in our release, the information and analytical project current microphone was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, also our guest, parliament member sergei klishevich, see you.
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russia has elected a president for the eighth time, for the first time, this was done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people went to the polls, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagreed the unity of russia. the collective west, however, did not appreciate or understand this, but this is simple. regions that ukraine does not stop terrorizing, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, broke all the stereotypes of ill-wishers, with an average turnout of more than 90%. what are your hopes? related to today's elections? the end of the war, the end of the war. everyone's standards are the same everywhere, i just can't find anything here that doesn't comply with generally accepted laws. we conduct it both in russia and belarus.
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let's get acquainted with people who are sincerely
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devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and general inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we we love our job we create beauty here, so we are always happy, look at the project, a sign of quality. on our tv channel.
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on the air news, elizaveta lakotko is with you, good evening in this episode.


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