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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 7:25pm-7:46pm MSK

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review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline cannon world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece.
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exclusive interview with athletes, i worked a lot, i worked towards this, it’s my dream to play for dynamo minsk, it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i’ll work, i think that the game was not bad, it was just a little short of finishing everything, you also need to take into account that the field transition, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes 4: 0, it seems, but it was.
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foreign students travel around belarus, study its history, explore the sights, because the city is called a bridge, which means, think, think, it probably means that there is some kind of amazing bridge, look, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes
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hello, my name is anastasia, i came from kazakhstan, i have been living here for 7 years and work as an instructor.
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i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area, in general. i really like the nature of the country, because there are steppes and mountains, a very wide range of all kinds of natural zones. i didn’t have anyone left there, everyone left in all directions, only me and the kids and grandma were left, and we also decided to go to our historical
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homeland, it turns out that my grandfather is belarusian, my grandmother is german, well, i’m generally so used to city ​​life, was born in the city, always lived in the capital, at some point i realized that... i don’t want to live in the city anymore, i want to live on the earth, so i decided that since i’m already going to live on the earth, why i wish i could move to another country, and i came here and began to look for a place where to put down roots, so to speak, i went to belarus, first as a tourist, and visited minsk and grodno, my sister and i came here, we really liked it, and there was such funny story, my sister lives in germany, we met in belarus, and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean here, and she and i walked around the city, she says, she tells me, it’s so clean here, i say, yes, it’s clean, she says, well, these are probably the central streets, so if you go into a courtyard somewhere, there are probably pieces of paper there too, and we even carried out such an experiment with her, it’s funny now,
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you remember it, then we walked straight through the courtyards, looked for garbage somewhere, found nothing, so we were surprised, we were very surprised, the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean, no one beeps on the roads, this was my second trip, i had already decided that yes, i would definitely live on the land, i had to find some kind of place, i found a house on the internet, it was rented out in a village, i returned to kazakhstan, from there i found a house that was for rent, came here, settled in this house, a young family was renting out the house, we got to talking with them, i said that this is how i want to live, help me, do something, tell me where it is, what’s here, he says, of course, we also have houses for sale here, have a look at this place, i liked it, according to... the seller, he said: yes, let's meet in the evening, and the guys were getting ready to go to valozhin, and i said: take me with you, they went to the market to buy seedlings, they were so actively buying something for themselves there , there are some flowers, sprouts, something like that, in general i think,
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i also need to buy something, i bought two plums, two plum seedlings, a shovel, we returned there, i came to this site that i had chosen , i planted these two plums, then they laughed so much too that... i haven’t bought it yet, i’ve already planted plums, so i’m serious i’m in the mood, well, the important question is why a person travels at all, i was traveling, for example, i really liked the people, they are very friendly, good-natured, then the natural component was important to me, that there is beautiful nature here, i feel just like at home, i want so that not only my roots remain here, but also my children here , too, feel like home at home and stay here.
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now we are in the sports and health complex, i’m here. i’ve been working for about 5 years, there ’s a lot here to do sports, physical education, there is a gym here, where you can practice volleyball, basketball, football, there is a judo room, there is a gym, a sports training room, and also a table tennis pool. to move, i needed several special conditions, i needed a music school, because my children study music, a general education school within easy reach and somewhere nearby, a swimming pool, because i teach
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swimming lessons, and just at the time when i arrived to look for all this, they were finishing renting the object is this foresail, so it ’s like this... come to attention, hello, hello, wow, well done, today we are swimming with boards, crawl, legs on the back. my sports history comes from childhood, like probably many others, i really wanted to take up swimming, my mother tried to dissuade me for a long time, said that i would have shoulders like these, in the end we got together in synchronized swimming, because this is not competitive swimming, it ’s like that my shoulders don’t grow, she allowed me, in general, i went in for sports for some time, she even joined the kazakhstan national team, rose to the rank of candidate master of sports, but then left.
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water was pouring in there, it was unpleasant, but the goal was this, to get the puck, in general, when it worked out, it was such a pleasure and then, when i learned to swim, such a thrill, well, about character, it’s probably better to ask others, they will appreciate it more , well, if i need something, then i try to achieve it.
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i didn’t intend to go to a physical education institute at all, my parents told me that you were involved in sports, and i also have an uncle master of sports in skiing, and he taught at this institute, and he says: let’s go, what are you saying, i don’t want to, i actually want to go to winemaking, what type of department, did i go in for sports or physical education, and so i went, when i entered college, i had already... by that time given up with professional sports, because after all, professional sports are quite dangerous and they squeeze out all the juices, let’s say, although i really liked competitions, such a spirit, trips, it was very interesting, it was incidents, we were traveling by train, it was a competition in tashkent, we went by train there, there were us...
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we are so, what happened, how did this happen, in general, well, we somehow contacted the coach, she is very on us she swore, of course, that we were idiots and got out in the wrong place, in general, we were on adventures, but by the way, the tashkent people are quite friendly, because they realized that we were behind, they put us in jail, we didn’t have money with us, they they put us on the bus, told us how to go to the next station, and we were like that on the transfer boards, on the bus got to the next station, got it right, fun college life, in general, i didn’t regret it even once, after that i didn’t
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immediately go to work in fitness and sports, first i worked in a restaurant, then i worked as an administrator, and then i realized that in general, i had the idea that we need to bring benefits to people and that sport is something that brings joy, positivity and some kind of healthy charge, so i probably went into fitness, i worked in a fitness center as a fitness trainer swimming. i worked on water aerobics and did some land training at the same time, aerobics, then little by little i wanted to distance myself from the fitness center and do what i wanted. why coaching? well, because i like it when a person gets such
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a buzz, for example, he couldn’t, i train children, teach adults to swim, so when, for example, an adult comes, he regretfully explains that he can’t swim, to him i would like and that he will probably never learn again, i say, don’t worry, everything will be fine, when he succeeds, when he swims, he is like that happy, satisfied, it’s very pleasant, it’s the kind of feedback that fills you with energy and you want to do it straight away... do it again and again, it’s the same with children, i had a moment in my life when, for example, i taught a child to swim and he moves to another group, a more professional one, i feel a little offended, but then i...
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we have such a facility that the base is very wonderful, you can train, all the conditions have been created for this, and if the child has a desire, it’s quite possible from great heights to achieve, in addition, when i plan some kind of training, i sometimes rehearse what i will do during this... some new movements, some new exercises, i try all this on myself first, well, regarding water aerobics, for example, i go into the water, i try, see what is more effective, what easier option can i offer to people who cannot do this or that exercise? the thing is that i don’t exercise in order to check a box that i train there every day, i do it so that i feel good, i have
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there was enough joint mobility, stretching and so on, besides this, well, just for... self-satisfaction, i also do physical exercises. i think it is important to start studying from childhood. any physical activity, playing ball, it doesn’t matter, jumping, football, anything, so that the child can feel his body as early as possible, be able to control it, be able to feel his body in space , be able to react adequately to space, so that he is less injured, so that he was healthier, more seasoned, and of course, than the more diverse these types of activities are, the
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better for the child, the more skills he gains, swimming, plus hardening gives, so this is of course cool. it’s very cool when both women and men come of age, but in our country it’s mostly women who do robotics, but we even have women who go to several programs in a row, although they are already pensioners, they attend yoga in the morning, then they go, well i have two such women who attend several programs a day, she comes to me for apyrobics, she does nordic walking, plus she also does yoga, that is, she is very active, but you can see that the woman is like, wow, i can just see that she is cheerful, joyful, i think that’s great.
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in my protective work apron, which means i ’m doing my favorite thing, now i ’m doing, i have a new series, helmets, i’m making them, and i like to create - masquerade masks, costumes or elements of costumes, and various decorations, including unusual decorations, some kind of luminous, voluminous, unusual shapes, something like that, well, it started everything from decorations with some small accessories, and then once i made the first mask, and this mask of the god of fire, and i liked it, and i decided: oh, so masks are generally cool, you can make any different ones, with that moment, i probably had a whole series of such masks, well, ideas, like probably all people, i was somewhere, i saw something, some impressions, maybe
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i watched a movie, maybe something else, i’m like, this needs to be done, or spring has just come, and there needs to be done... something like spring and you start do, you do one, you start doing it and you think, oh, it would be possible like this, and i think, okay, i’ll also do one like this, then somehow the series turns out, i just don’t want one thing, so, so, and so and also try this, but they are called series, because they may have some elements in common or some style, but they are all in a single copy, that is, each one is unique, let’s say. but if it’s about masks, then i’m starting to figure out what to make the frame out of and the basis on which i will rely, because , for example, i measured the first mask on my face and sculpted it from plasticine. the foundation that i will make, in the end it turned out that not every face can be put on, that is , for some it is pressure here, for others here, i realized that i had to do something -


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