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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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gave as real specialists, as real patriots of our state, and who were entrusted by their teams, to represent interests so that they could confidently, transparently and openly convey the position of their team and, most importantly, after the congress of the all-belarusian people's assembly, talk about those innovations that will be accepted, it is this process of constant exchange that has allowed us to transform the socio-political system today. the national library hosts a monthly a series of lectures and concerts, listeners will get acquainted with belarusian music through the prism of european history, they will talk about chamber instrumental genres in belarusian composers. this musical lecture course is an initiative of the musical chapel of the center for research of belarusian culture, language and literature of the national academy of sciences of belarus.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current. interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania. serbia,
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croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, at aired the program “sas is authorized to declare, i am its presenter nadezhda sas, i greet you.” and i remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect everyone’s life and the life of the country. we will tell you about the main events of world politics this week right now. israeli airstrikes hit the iranian consulate and hit the houses. as a result of which seven
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members of the islamic revolutionary guard corps ksir were killed, cnn reports. among the dead was a senior member of the sir, he commanded an elite unit responsible for conducting special operations outside of iran. xing notes that he was the most important target since former us president donald trump ordered the assassination of prominent general xir in baghdad in january 2020. the attack on the damascus consulate was the latest in a series of israeli strikes. in syria directed against the ksir and the iran-backed lebanese group hezbollah. tehran threatens the jewish state with full revenge for this attack. prices against this background, oil has already risen to record levels for six months. the russian foreign ministry stated that the investigative actions carried out by the russian side indicate a connection between ukraine and terrorist acts on the territory of the russian federation, including the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. in this regard, the department. submitted to the ukrainian authorities
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a demand for the arrest of the head of the security service of ukraine vasyl malyuk and other persons involved. vasily malyuk, according to meade’s statement, cynically admitted that ukraine had organized the bombing of the crimean bridge in october 2022, and also revealed details of the preparation to other terrorist attacks on russian territory. the foreign ministry demands that ukraine stop any support for terrorist activities, hand over those responsible and compensate for the damage caused to the victims. nato secretary general and stoltenberg proposes to create a contribution fund to finance ukraine over 5 years in the amount of $100 billion as part of a package of documents that will be signed at the july alliance summit in washington. according to sources, the allies are still discussing stoltenberg’s proposals and any calculation mechanics, including the issue of whether to include bilateral aid to ukraine in the total. at the same time, it is noted that the proposal that... needs the approval
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of thirty-two nato allies, will likely be changed before it is finally agreed. in addition, the financial times, citing five diplomatic sources, writes that the proposal will be called the mission to ukraine, and stoltenberg presented it as a means of protecting the mechanism from the winds of political change. this refers to the possible victory of donald trump in the elections in november the us share of the targeted $100 billion will be significantly less than the delayed bilateral aid package, sources said. well, timon, our today's program is an onslaught on the east, is europe preparing for war with a union state? the standard pistol caliber in nato member countries is 9x19 caliber. first used by designer luger and his legendary parabelum. parabellum is translated from latin as prepare for war. this is the second part of the famous aphorism: “if you want
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peace, prepare for war.” and exactly this, according to the republic of belarus is forced to follow the example of the same nato at the moment. about why today minsk has to follow the principle: “if you want peace, prepare it.” parabel will be discussed in today's program. i am glad to welcome you to our studio. alexander vladimirovich tishchenko, an expert on national security, is present for the first time. hello. good afternoon. nikolai moratovich mizhevich, executive director of the andrei andreevich gromyk association for foreign policy research, is with us today. we're glad to see you see. in addition, waldemar gerth, a german entrepreneur and member of the bundestag of the nineteenth convocation, joined our broadcast. voldemar, i'm glad to see you.
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it continues. nikolai marazovich, please. the likelihood of a big war decreases somewhat in the last week, two, maybe three at most. the fact is that, uh , our opponents perceive a big war as some kind of new blitz cry, and a quick tourist run through brest, minsk, mogilev, smolensk, to moscow. and there maybe even to beijing, depending on how it goes, but the events of recent weeks, the constant concern of the two presidents, i mean president lukashenko and president putin, about the military and political security of their states and
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the union state together, all this leads to the fact that there will be no quick walks, the walk will be scary, just such a walk it seems to me. no one except the half-crazy lithuanian, estonian, latvian leadership is ready. yes. let's talk about this in more detail. yuri, indeed, there won’t be a quick walk, so from the side of the ukrainian authorities, the service security of ukraine, we increasingly see sabotage, terrorist attacks, calls for violence, but rather there are no other methods of struggle left. please, the floor is yours, do you believe that europe is really ready for a big war? of course, we are reacting to the statement of mr. macron, but they...
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because the beginning of world war ii was still very far away, i would not be so careless about the fact that everything is fine with us, everything is in decline, the west is ready to raise its hands, refuse to destroy russia and belarus, i emphasize, because this a single union state, in this sense, i would like to say that over belarus...
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the non-contiguous side has strengthened the security of the state border at the belarusian borders , anti-tank ditches and firing positions are being created, the number of ammunition is growing and aerial reconnaissance is being conducted against belarus. warsaw is intimidating. our country will not agree with those who suit them, the belarusian leader stated: any provocation must be stopped by armed means, there is no point. joke with them, violated the state border to destruction. the response to provocations will be
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instant. during the head of state’s working trip to the ashmyany region, alexander lukashenko also outlined specific scenarios, both in the event of a violation of the country’s airspace and in the event of an entry by sabotage groups. the belarusian leader emphasized that our country has all the strength and, importantly, the means to ensure security. peace and quiet in the state are guaranteed. the military more than once. will leave the territory of belarus, there has never been such a conversation, i’m done, i already
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said this once, listen, if you’re not crazy, but smart people, and they have brains in their heads, they must understand, god forbid, quote, what i once said, god forbid we deal with ukraine, what other war against nato troops, we don’t need this, they, they they are waiting for this, they are provoking us so that we at least somehow answer them. take the transfer of sabotage groups across the ukrainian border, through belarus, why are they doing this? we are not attacking, we are not doing anything, they are provoking us so that we will respond, so they initiate this in order to provoke us to respond, they interested in starting this war, stupid, absolutely stupid people, that’s what concerns various provocations on the state border, we will... stop them by armed means, the head of state noted. alexander lukashenko emphasized that there is no
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double bottom in his policy, but our western neighbors do. however, everything secret always becomes clear, a striking example of this is the detention of the father and son kabarchuk, who tried , on instructions from the sbu, to introduce aerial bombs with wasted waste into belarus. the saboteurs are already cooperating with the investigation and giving evidence. yes, alexander, well, not so long ago he was detained on the territory of the russian federation.
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something there, every election, what ukraine did, it threw
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some militants, groups, some repeat offenders in our direction, served as constant irritants, all the time tried to somehow get in, that’s what, today is happening, this is a continuation, just the greater the despair of the kiev western political, so to speak, elite, yes, in this regard, not so long ago i watched an interview with peter tolstoy, to a french journalist, and the french journalist, he was so stunned, how can this be, we want to help ukraine, and you said that the french boot, if he enters ukrainian soil, although we know that naturally, there are mercenaries located there, but if france officially supports it, it will send its troops,
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every soldier will be killed, well, well, it’s still clear and logical, but at the same time mr. macron continued. well, right now, write me down as a prophet or as a fortune teller, i don’t know, but we must understand that we are now at the actual turning point of eras, an era that lasted, well, 300,500 years the development of humanity with the help of aggression with the help of, well, selection by force, led to a single
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beginning, yes, with us. at one time there was a state that considered itself the world's policeman, considered itself that they had already grabbed god by the bridle, and could dictate to everyone to impose their model of government, they, under the guise of democracy, created, well, real pirate warriors, now we are in that the moment when humanity begins to build a new model, a multipolar model of coexistence. the old one has not yet left, the new one has not yet been created, all these conflicts, both local and non-local , are the agony of this old conflict, of course, this beast is dangerous, he is wounded, he is driven into a corner, he understands that, well, probably the time of unified dominance in the world has passed, but they will do everything to
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prolong this time, or introduce humanity into chaos, in which... thank you, nikolai maratovich, he is truly a wounded beast, you can draw such analogies, he is dangerous, because at the moment
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of agony, actions can be taken absolutely and necessary you are very. that is, well, it was hardly friendly atmosphere with drinks and snacks, but no one ate anyone, there was a normal process, then the west did everything and coped with its task in order to nullify all these agreements or even turn them in a negative direction, time has passed, quite a lot, now it’s this situation of being driven beast, it is
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before us, i mean the manifestation, groupings and a new offensive later, but now the west just needs to move a little away from this pre-nuclear situation, because the intensity is too great. and far from it everyone, not everyone, including, by the way, not macron, of course, is ready, tomorrow to finish the last cognac in their bomb shelter
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under the elysee palace, not everyone is ready, the majority is just not ready, and the voters are not ready, that concerns macron, his ambitions, so to speak, well, i would say this, after the brilliant defense of paris in the forties by the french army. helsinki,
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to raise questions that were once raised in but now there is no longer helsinki, and there is no helsinfors, there are new countries. who want to play their big role, and this of course turkey, this is iran, this is naturally india, this is great china, they will have to be taken into account, whether they will take france into account is a separate question, the finns, the balts will not, but in this bitterness the west is divided into two unequal parts: one ready to kill herself, and us, our belarusian, russian, chinese borders, are in the last impulse.
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dor is a territory on the border between lithuania and poland, through which the baltic countries are connected to the rest of the european union. the shortest transport route also passes through it between belarus and the kaliningrad region of russia. experts call the suwalki corridor nato's most vulnerable point. by capturing it in the event of a military confrontation, it is possible to cut off latvia, lithuania and estonia from continental europe. the length of the corridor is 65 km. yes, in the event of a conflict, there is a corridor, many analysts believe.
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sets such goals for this suwałki corridor to exist, since the transit of everything necessary for
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the kaliningrad region still exists with a creaking noise, but as soon as as soon as, i emphasize, and nato has already been incited to this by 75 years of the formation of the nato bloc. aggressive bloc, which was formed in 1949, and not as our ideological opponents say in response to the creation of the warsaw pact, after all , the united states was the first to initiate against the soviet union, the creation of this aggressive bloc, well, i digress a little, so, the suwałki corridor will certainly be implemented in terms of its expansion, if on the part of the european union, nato, where colossal military exercises involving almost all
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nato parties, the number is also a little staggering, because sweden has never conducted such dangerous and large-scale maneuvers. so, if this continues, there will be an attempt to block the kaliningrad region, economically, militarily and in other respects, russia will certainly take adequate actions in order to expand this corridor. direct assignment from belarus or ukraine to kaliningrad in order to provide this region of the russian federation everything you need. such attempts to isolate kaliningrad have already happened more than once; i emphasize the attempts. but that’s not the point, we ’re getting a little ahead of ourselves, and i apologize, nadezhda, for interfering in your
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scenario. i have just two more words. because in order, in order to cut off all these attempts at provocation in relations with russia in kaliningrad, it is necessary first of all to resolve the issue with ukraine, many accuse me of being too reactionary in my statements regarding ukraine, believe me, i have the right to this, i know that is happening in my home country, i twice...
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the victory of ukraine over russia. today, colleagues have already touched upon this issue in relations with war, the third world war. today, the question of its further expansion is indeed very pressing, since i know, as far as i understand, the third world war has already begun on a local scale. firstly, this is ukraine, secondly, this is the middle east. middle east, i mean first of all the israeli attack on iran, in the next 48 hours iran will take retaliatory action against israel, while we are talking about it we won’t say, but iranian fatah-110 missiles are within reach of israeli territory. and the third region, which is also very dangerous, is the pacific region, where today it is entering an active phase. let's say, in
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opposition to china, japan, which at one time received the right to have their own self-defense forces, today, with the help of the united states and the finances of the united states, the self-defense forces have already turned into full-fledged armed forces, with a navy, aviation, and so on, yuri, yes, here is your geopolitical analysis, it and pushes to the conclusion that, probably, action. in the current europe of european bureaucrats, the readiness for war is dictated by the impending defeat of ukraine, well , there is no other way to say it, because from the lips of alexander lukashenko, vladimir putin, we hear that we are not going to fight with you europeans, we are not going to, at the same time, well, that is if there is dialogue, dialogue is the basis for some mutually beneficial terms of cooperation, but if one side says no, the red line for us is ukraine,
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this is our territory.
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yes, valdemar, please, you have the floor. the thesis about the attacking russian bear is very beneficial to justify the entire failed policy of this one. the western coalition, because it failed not only militarily, most importantly, it failed economically, because well, i once praised china that in 10 years they brought 800 million people out of poverty into relative prosperity, but i think that our government has surpassed china in terms of efficiency, it didn’t bring 80 million germans into poverty in two years, well that’s it no one imagined it. can be done quickly, but in fact it is so, germany has forever lost its status as an industrial country, all analysts, not only my patriotic sense, even those who were opponents, now state this
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as a fait accompli, the entire industry, everything energy-intensive, everything conscious everything is leaving the territory of germany, and germany was the driver, the economic driver, succumbing to this influence and making wrong decisions, who is to blame? i, no, no, no, this is, this is the conflict that i didn’t start, not us, and this is now trying to somehow mobilize the population. europe for the alleged aggression from russia, but many years of influence, american influence on the destruction of self-esteem, patriotism, love for one’s country, it bore
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fruit, it is not only iron that fights, it is the spirit that fights, but this spirit is not there, no one will die for the country , which cannot be loved, and that's the biggest uh. the puncture of this american policy, supposedly far-sighted, i hope that love for one’s country will awaken after when they see that they are in such a situation, it will not turn into fascism, but will turn into popular, sacred popular anger, which will sweep away this bunch of corrupt politicians who dragged our country, europe into this, into this situation in which we are. ..
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to the polar, because not so long ago there was a tragic anniversary, 25 years ago, nato began the bombing of yugoslavia, we filmed the past on sunday, a wonderful special edition of the program was released, we made a film about this tragedy, you see, today, when the americans are shouting about war in europe, well they would be ashamed, you know, but who will judge, who will evaluate who is right and who is wrong in this fight? well, if you look at it.
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if you dig a little, then when the hyena of europe begins to protect someone, it means she is ready to bite something off. at the junction of three borders, belarus, lithuania and poland, there is a settlement called saposkin, and there is an arch there, it is so historical, few people know, it is dedicated to the polish-lithuanian war at the beginning of the last century. and there 5000 everything is written there, the suwałki corridor, it is bilingual, in fact affairs, polish-lithuanian, there is a constant escalation of disputes about what, what, who to obey,
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who to pray to, and so on. from a military point of view, the suwałki corridor, i’ll tell you this, in today’s positions, well, this is already a far-fetched situation, well, why else , to put it mildly, the crimean bridge. an analogue that will be bombed from both sides, the easiest way to clear it, is the coast of the baltic sea, from lithuania and latvia. before this sual corridor it will be much easier, but if the president says: they are constantly starting to push us towards this conflict, poland is interested in it most of all, and if a conflict begins or a continuation of the conflict on the territory of lithuania, it is being egged on more than anyone, then what poland will do is try to bite off the lions in ukraine, and... from lithuania, bite off this suwałki
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corridor, this her, you know, food, this is her goal, here the distance along the rising seats is already being reduced, that is, this is the strategy of poland, they are not at all going to defend lithuania or the sual corridor, from a military point of view, this is nonsense, from the point of view of the geopolitics of the new center geopolitical in europe, who claims it? germany, germany considered that it has 600 bomb shelters, and finland has 360. finland, in the event of a nuclear war, will all crawl in. will stay underground there, and germany, at
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best, is, well, a quarter, so this is where many people are hiding, by the way, a brilliant idea, in a situation of redrawing borders, many do not curb their appetites, it seems to me that this is a really important idea, like how the essto countries will behave, this pressure is probably beneficial for them, for some it is beneficial, for others it seems what is beneficial, and absolutely for some. but it’s not profitable, so i’m not sure that the political leadership of, say, spain and portugal, two countries that fully supported kiev with their elite groups. so, i don’t think that these countries are really terribly interested in getting into bomb shelters that aren’t there. and also in finland, granite-gneiss rocks, it is difficult and expensive to build a bomb shelter, but they really are. there, they are of really high quality, in most of europe
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the rocks are calcareous, this is all with modern weapons simply evaporate along with the contents of the bomb shelters themselves, and i don’t think that because of kharkov or even because of odessa, the spaniards, portuguese, and even germans are incredibly interested in disappearing, and even the poles, because... as my colleague rightly said , the poles are interested in lvov, they are interested in vilna, but they are not interested in dying, they want to get it, and not put 3000 to take vilna or lviv, they are certainly not ready to put their people, volunteers, suicide bombers, that’s their business, for avdiivka , rabotino or mariupol, that wasn’t the case. such in polish history of towns and villages.
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it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. the treasury building was built in 1807, and during the battle with napoleon , a french hospital was located here. and yes... and for the sustrech once again these underground
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hads were published and do not forget to give free rein to positive emotions two rings two kantz and pasyaredzine color scissors so genius watch the project route built on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will introduce you to people who found their calling. in russia was master of veterinary sciences evsein. who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity, we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their
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work, we are unique in what we represent more democratic genres, it gave me the impetus to think about whether i’m too mature,
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i remind you that on air the saz program is authorized to announce that the topic of today’s program is the onslaught on east, is europe preparing for war with a union state. it is important to note that not long ago a tweet from mr. musk appeared that was quite disturbing to ukrainians; kiev faces the risk of losing odessa and access to the black sea if the conflict with russia drags on. this was stated by the head of tesla and spacex, elon musk, on the social network x. ukraine tragically wasted the lives of a soldier of such a larger army with deeply layered defenses, minefields and more powerful artillery, while lacking armored vehicles and not having. similarity in the air, any fool could have predicted this, musk wrote, and the businessman recalled that a year ago he recommended that ukraine direct all available resources to defense, since it is difficult for the ukrainian armed forces without strong landscape barriers to hold positions and prevent the russian armed forces
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from advancing by taking new territories under control, and he also noted that he does not believe in the complete capture of ukraine-russia, however , the russian federation will certainly seize more territories than... now and he is convinced that if the fighting continues long enough, then odessa will fall, and the main question is whether ukraine will lose all access to the black sea or not, i recommend resolving the issue through negotiations before it comes to that, the billionaire emphasized. yuri, please, i want to hear your comment, well, these are absolutely sound thoughts, forecasts, unfortunately, few people want to hear this, they think it’s a betrayal of mr. musk.
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famous people in this world understand this, but i want to emphasize one thing again: be it poland, be it germany, be it countries the baltic states, the baltics, or whatever you call them, they do not act independently today, they still do everything under the auspices of the united states, by direct interference in their internal affairs, and dictate.
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in washington and is financed 2/3 by the us budget, but in no case by the budgets of the countries participating in the nato bloc 31. countries, so, as for, again, this or that point
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regarding nato’s actions, this is all determined by the american generals, state department, i note that over time existence of this bloc, not a single military member of the nato bloc countries stood at the head of the committee of chiefs of staff of this organization, or supreme... in itself, and let’s not really hope that some european states, be it, again i say, germany, poland, finland, no matter which of them will take their heads and understand that today... to begin some kind of independent actions in relation to peace, some kind of agreements,
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negotiations, which is generally not typical for me, i am fine today i understand that the rubicon has been passed and no negotiations between what nato members are doing on the territory of ukraine and the russian federation can exist at the moment. united states. what i would like to draw your attention to is that mr. lavrov, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, stated not so long ago that maybe after may 20 there will be nothing to recognize, and there will be no one to talk about legitimacy.
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they, they force russia, the republic of belarus to perceive the current government and ukraine as a whole, which is headed by the name,
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as a terrorist state, the conversation with terrorists is short, a terrorist state is not exactly a legal formulation, instructions to carry out terrorist attacks are given by specific politicians, and we generally know who gave such instructions, therefore... negotiations cannot be denied, more moreover, i don’t remember that alexander grigorievich lukashenko even once said that we, in principle, are forever against any changes, compliance with our conditions, security guarantees, and so on and so forth, then negotiations, but no one insists that negotiations be with zelensky, if instead of zelensky there will be some other person, ivanov or ivanenko, or even ivanyan.
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that odessa, naturally, is a great russian city, at the same time for the british this is an unacceptable loss, they are preparing in every possible way for a new battle on this territory, well, we proceed from the fact that any conflict ends and can only end in negotiations, and it will be resolved by military means very expensive, very difficult, a lot... lives will still be sacrificed, so the sooner, well, let's get to the negotiation room process, the easier it is for the whole world to return
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to the rails of a pragmatic... creative process, but this is precisely not included in the plans of those who now understand that they are losing, well , the scepter of influence and other things is slipping out of their hands, so most likely well, somehow there was an operation to force peace, that ’s what i think this georgian conflict was called back then, here i think similar processes will take place regarding...
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communications, now we will hear a direct speech from the belarusian leader, who directly touches on the topic our program today, and let's summarize. do you think that the germans and americans came here, in the event of a clash with the belarusians and russians, they will defend lithuania, but this has never happened, and they will not defend. at the first serious situation, they will run away from the battlefield and
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rightly so, their land is in germany in the united states of america.
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they were late before the presidential elections of the russian federation, the chance was minimal, but at least there was some, when they blew up the crocus, there was no longer a chance, and this is not evidence of strength, this is evidence of weakness, so strong does not fight, the strong enter with their military parade into this or that square of this or that capital, like us... or into paris in 1814, this is how the strong enter, and this is how the weak act from under pressure, so you can’t relax, keep your gunpowder dry , at the heart of our integration, i mean a union state, yes, it so happened, military-political and industrial integration, well,
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that’s also an option, we could have started with... with more humanitarian issues, but it turned out that we first had to protect ourselves along the perimeter, and we ourselves as a whole protected. gunpowder needs to be kept dry, and it seems to me that the republic of belarus is doing this. alexander vladimirovich, final word on today's program. well, i will say this, the president once again made it clear and emphasized that we see everything, understand everything, evaluate everything, predict everything. accordingly, we are ready.
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negotiations on ukraine can only be based on the terms of capitulation. we put an ellipsis in our discussion today, it is very interesting, thank you very much, i am incredibly grateful to all participants, i’ll end the discussion with a quote from a recently published column by a russian expert, fyodor lukyayanov, who i deeply respect. gunpowder is sometimes preserved even in old powder flasks. turned into souvenirs, if he is not there, so much the better, but it is more useful to overestimate the enemy than vice versa. thank you, this was the cas program authorized to declare.
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only fear of receiving unacceptable damage can keep nato from aggression. the achievement of the presidency of alexander lukashenko means peace, security, independence and sovereignty. despite everything that we were able to save them. now, of course, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this. thank god, after the twentieth year, we crossed out the point when we should strive to comply with some democratic postulates.
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good evening, live panorama in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova and.


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