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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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events of this environment, the regional and international situation, as well as cosmonautics day and the union mission to the iss, the president will go on a working visit to russia, marina vasilevskaya returns home to her homeland after a stellar mission, what else is our country doing for space exploration, the found remains of about 40 shot by the nazis during the great patriotic war, victims of nazi massacres were children and women. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. new products and time-tested machines, belarusian industry, how we master it technologies and what the buyer orders, we’ll talk about sales markets and service. how the arrival of investors changes life in the outback, why the result will not be long in coming if there is a desire to work, and promising views on the introduction of agriculture, a report from the northern region of the country. yes, everything, how smoothly
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the security architecture in the european region was violated and who benefits from the redistribution of the previous foundations, we will carefully analyze how it should be and how it really is with state control, we checked the preparation process school lunches, we will tell you about the results and shortcomings in our material. the final series for the president's hockey cup has started, the poster. the duping of europeans is reaching a new level, people are again divided into high-quality and not-so-good ones, the idea of ​​the notorious march to the east, the trunk to hosten has received a second life, collective europe is on the verge of great trials and global transformation, how is it all connected, why does each of us have we’ll discuss things to think about in trends. immediately after the panorama
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, president alexander lukashenko flies with a worker visit to the russian federation. tomorrow in moscow there will be a meeting with russian president vladimir putin in a 1:1 format. the heads of state will discuss the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields and issues that require consideration at the highest level. the focus of the talks will also be regional and international.
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levskaya, our first cosmonaut, is returning to her homeland tomorrow, her mission lasted 14 days, 12 of which she spent on the international space station. there marina carried out a scientific program developed the national academy of sciences of belarus together with roscosmos and the russian academy of sciences. seven projects were selected, five scientific and two educational. among other things, the belarusian cosmonaut collected samples of microorganisms from the iss for... we can now say with confidence that a space industry has been formed in belarus, a space industry that currently includes more than twenty industrial scientific enterprises, and the corresponding software is being developed here, our optics, they are primarily used on our devices and are actively in demand in the space program of the russian federation.
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china is very interested in cooperation, so we can say that this flight is a continuation, a success, a triumph of our belarusian program, but it is also a development that goes on. such a device is now being made jointly with russia, its launch is scheduled for 2028. in the future, participation in the lunar exploration program. at the moment, this project is at the stage
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of negotiations with the russian side. state corporation roscosmos is the main partner in space research for belarus. belarus is working on the creation of equipment assembly plants in nicaragua; currently deputy head of the presidential administration alexander egorov is visiting there. so far, cooperation is at the beginning of its journey, but already with one trial supply transaction. we immediately exceeded the previous export figures by one and a half times, there will be more in the future, many of our enterprises are determined to develop new markets for others, as they say, life will force, because if there is a product, then it needs to be sold, and new markets are a guarantee of stable profits, as are new products with modern
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solutions and import substitution. today, new machines for land reclamation were presented, and important points made at the meeting were discussed. for the president of industry, these are quality, exports, service and technology, as well as an increase in production volumes. svetlana lukenyuk, about important steps towards technological sovereignty. belarusian industry is everything from a nut to a large dump truck and an enterprise with workers from a dozen to a thousand or more. to be so big the mechanism was turning; a formula for success was not enough. yes, there is a well-known product, money, goods, but for it to work for everyone, it is important to be able to solve many problems. here is a cost reduction for your units and bridges. yes, we do a lot, there are fewer times when you need to count more on yourself. and even if the car is more than 90% belarusian,
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then 10 of the imports are already in the designers’ work, because from the idea to the finished product it takes from a year to 3 years, so it is important to see far. the equipment now changes quite dramatically sometimes, so you have to separately support serial equipment for its release and develop new equipment. amkador showed all of his newcomers in action today and invited those who created units for potential buyers. they certainly know what is needed for reclamation and construction of systems and operation. while we have stated, let’s say we are taking one bulldozer, the pruzhany pms is taking it, let’s see in action, if everything is fine, that means. and we will buy them, buy them, yes, yes, someone is wary of something new, if the car has not been run in the fields, breakdowns happen, not without this, but the manufacturers assure that each unit is tested, but the new product can only be polished to perfection at work,
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adjustments are made instantly, because all this is needed by agricultural organizations, although sometimes the order has to wait up to six months, well, at least the delivery time was 30 days after payment material costs, if this is what i would like
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the quality to be lame, at a large meeting on industry the president especially noted that this year the quality, and always belarusian products should be at the highest level, and this is not a whim, but a harsh necessity of life. today it is very difficult to compete on price with chinese manufacturers, although it is necessary, we can’t go anywhere, well, that means we need to take exclusively the quality of the product and provide what the consumer needs. service, we must reach approximately the japanese level of quality. the task is to gain a foothold and increase
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market share, but if we mindlessly chase the minimum price, we will lose not only the quality of the final product, but also the production of our own component base. here the industrialists have big plans, up to in the thirtieth year they promise at least 900 new units of modern equipment. this is from all enterprises of the ministry of industry. with the world level, and the cost... confidence is needed to develop new markets, because not everyone has yet reached the same africa, and it is
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the second largest after eurasia, although official visits are at a high level, the doors were opened, but someone took a long time considers logistics, or delays with business proposals, because the equipment, where plus 40 and above, should be suitable, while others have planned plans, but there are difficulties with making foreign currency payments are being decided, we are now working on delivery to nicaragua and it has worked out for us. for the supply of 260 units of road construction equipment to this country, also at the end of april there is an exhibition in zimbabwe, also a country, let’s say, which is already rumored, a contract for the supply of more than 80 units of products is being worked out there, and equatorial guinea is interested in our machines from the timber industry, and we hope that this year the first deliveries of cars to equatorial guinea zimbabwe nicoragua will take place. this market is open to others manufacturers, at the gomel casting and normal plant. that the gomsilmash holding in zimbabwe already has 150 machines, this year plus another 80,
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ready to go further to north africa. yes, you have to tell us in detail about yourself, not like in russia, where they have known our people for decades, they ship reapers, mowers, pick-ups and other units. 60 dealer centers in russia and some at the same address as trading houses. now we are present in three multi-brand centers, well, i’ll say this. so that we provide our services to the service to a guarantee so that every person knows that when they come here, they will be fully protected in terms of warranty and service, and protection from unfair intermediation is also important, when the price increases along the way and ends up in other people’s pockets during export deliveries. the president also spoke about this. so , when sold to the russian federation under the scheme of manufacturer, general importer,
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distributor, dealer, end consumer, the cost of amkador front loaders increases in price by more than 50%. cargo passenger equipment mass by 20%. so how can you compete? and every manufacturer must answer this question through monitoring. its dealer network in terms of prices, in terms of volumes, so that trading houses do not turn into warehouses, every ruble invested in new lines multiplies external sales, but so far not everyone is able to not only write a business plan, but also carry it out. svetlana lukinyuk, natalya ignatenko, olga moslovskaya and ilya puchko, tv news agency. and from the successful work of our production facilities and more, the development of the country in general and the well-being of belarusians in particular depends. farms, agronomists, and indeed all services, depend on
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what kind of harvest we will reap, and therefore, what abundance of goods will be presented on the shelves. agriculture is a complex industry, but with proper organization and adherence to technology, even not the most fertile hectares can produce high results, and where there was no milk, for example, with the arrival of professionals, you can even achieve a record from the northern region of the country, marina’s report romanovskaya. here it was practically what you see in the distance, but with the help of ours.
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you, as they say, are completely whole if you have a soul, if you love this work, if you devote yourself to it, everything should work out for you, family business, the backbone of the farm, three brothers, not afraid of work, started with seven bulls, over time the farm grew to 800 cows, more labor was needed, locals were invited. now is a particularly hot time for farmers, in parallel with spring field work, and there is a lot of land, another one is being built premises, there are plans to open a cheese factory. people really put their soul and energy into it, the parents started it, 820 hectares of land, and the guys are still asking for land so they can develop, construction is underway, two
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investment projects have already been developed. with hard work and a desire to develop agriculture, farmers breathed new life into... a remote village, tidied up an old apple orchard, equipped an apiary, there are many plans, they want to develop sheep farming, farmers have no doubt at all about the profitability of this industry, in the vitebsk region there are 476 peasant farms, they have more than 70,000 hectares of land at their disposal, what is being done in the region to support peasant farms, this is in 2023 by the vitebsk executive committee and... 576 thousand rubles were allocated from the regional budget. this dairy complex in the bishinkovichi district is also experiencing a revival with the arrival of an investor, it is 100% equipped, the cows are kept in proper conditions, receive a complete diet, and as a result, they produce many times more milk, all of the extra class. farming is, of course, hard work.
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there are subtleties, you can see how people have changed...
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khristoforov, telenews agency. but where, apparently, there was a lack of discipline, to put it mildly, discipline, school nutrition is a topic to which journalists and the country’s leadership have returned more than once, but despite this, individual violations still occur today. proper order has not been established. for example, in school canteens in gomel , a surplus of tens of tens of kilograms
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of food was discovered. according to the state control agency, whose employees carried out the inspection, the speech coming. some employees of the school catering plant did not report the students' lunches to the food dish. this is far from the only violation. the tv news agency’s film crew, together with state control officers, visited several school canteens in different cities of the country. yuri shevchuk has the full picture. it is intended for tomorrow, then if it remains under such conditions, it will simply lose its consumer qualities. potatoes on the floor. this is just one of the violations that state control employees identified during the inspection. catering unit of a canteen in one of the schools in gomel. they visited here as part of monitoring the quality of school meals in the first minutes. it becomes clear that there is something to pay attention to, for example, the cook begins to add oil to the mashed soup immediately after seeing the inspectors: oil is added to potatoes according to technology,
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when the potatoes are ground, we arrived, the potatoes were ground, the oil has become only in front of us open the packs and try to add it to the potatoes in the borscht. the same situation happened last time in february. we do not undertake to say where the saved oil would go, but as the inspectors explain, according to the documents... products that were not added to lunch are listed as capitalized, which means that next time they can no longer be used, some canteen employees experience the temptation not to go to the store in the evening using those same saved products. what is important for inspectors is to arrive during lunch, because it is at this moment that you can take any portion, weigh it, check it with the documents and understand how much you really should have get. schoolchildren during lunch and how much soup they actually put there, carrots for salad, meat, and so on, so it is during lunch that such
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checks most often take place. it turned out that oil is not the only thing that local chefs have managed to save on school lunches today: corn, seaweed, eggs, lemons, we are talking about kilograms of food. all this did not go to the schoolchildren and, apparently, should have gone to the side, and as they say... in state control, alas, this trend is not only in this school. recently in one of the gymnasiums in gomel, more than 100 kg of surplus was identified. the envy production of the canteen was prepared for removal of about 17 kg of meat and sausages, 29 bottles of butter, 30 packs of butter, and more than 350 eggs, eight cans of tomato sauce and other food products. i cannot say that this is a widespread violation, most likely they are their own... those institutions where, firstly, there are many students, and secondly, there is no proper control over what is happening in the kitchen, the guilty employees were fired, now
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the law enforcement officers are carrying out check, in total , food prepared for take-out at catering units was identified in four schools in gomel, and this is already tens of kilograms, more than a thousand rubles. but surpluses are not the only violation that can be found today in canteens, schools and... gymnasiums, and we have identified shortages, and we have established non-compliance with food preparation technologies, and also during sampling, discrepancies between dishes and the inclusion of fats, dry substances, etc. the dishes did not meet the calorie content, the temperature was 22°, given that some products here can be stored at temperatures up to 21° no more. and this is the capital’s gymnasium, the inspectors came here not by chance either, a couple of months ago they found in this kitchen a lot of expired products unsuitable for
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cooking. today , no delays have been found here; measures to restore order have been taken, but there is still work to be done, as in many other school canteens. we are talking about the health of our children, providing them with nutritious and high-quality nutrition. this year the committee has studied the situation. food they promised that they would feed our tasty and unusual for children, there was even talk about burgers and hot dogs, but today schoolchildren are offered very few new
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and interesting dishes for lunch; during our filming , we never found anything more creative than mashed potatoes with a cutlet on the menu, experts they say that many products are difficult to store and prepare, menus are seasonal, some dishes are introduced at a certain period, we work according to... an exception is the preferential category, for example, those with many children, they are compensated for everything during the entire training, in gomel region, taking into account chernobyl theme, the state
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completely. high-quality and nutritious nutrition for schoolchildren, including taking into account their taste priorities, so that it is not therefore the main task to ensure that in the future the organization of approaches to school nutrition will change. yuri shevchuk, dmitry chumak, agency. news. and in continuation of the topic, today it became known that the department of financial investigations will check the schemes for supplying products to educational institutions through intermediary structures. we are talking about a number of commercial companies. one of these schemes of unfounded mediation was uncovered by operatives. we are talking about the supply of poultry meat to educational institutions in minsk, as the department of financial markets said, commercial firms purchased
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meat products from agricultural complexes in the minsk region. of this scheme cooperate with the financial investigation authorities, give confessions, in addition, a legal decision will be made in relation to the active participants and managers of this scheme in accordance with the criminal procedural legislation of the republic of belarus. in this case, in the diagram three more people were included, which increased the cost of supplies from 15 to 20%. representatives of intermediary companies cashed out their profits with the help of their controlled assets.
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entrepreneurs spent on their needs, as reported by the department of financial markets, an audit has been launched against the participants in this scheme. cooperation with the asian region. currently, it has become one of the most important for our country, so exports of belarusian goods to china in 2023 amounted to $1.6 billion, which is 20.
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and the rise of each other, the people of china and belarus we fought shoulder to shoulder in the world anti-fascist war, in the fight against the covid-19 epidemic, the mutual assistance and mutual support of our two countries became clear evidence of how friends are known in trouble, now. why
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is it important that all countries, regardless of scale and power, have equal conditions for the opportunity to participate in the formation of a multipolar world, what is the power in money, truth or nuclear potential, and also in whose hands the fate of all humanity is, not only look at this in full release of the program on the youtube channel belarus 1. suppression of acts international terrorism is one of the most important elements of maintaining international peace and security, ensuring... sustainable development, maintaining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, this is stated in the statement adopted today by the council of the republic of the seventh convocation at the final meeting of the session. at the meeting, senators approved two bills: one of them concerns changes to business laws. a system of grants will be introduced, namely the allocation of funds to entrepreneurs from local budgets free of charge, as well as reimbursement.
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at the expense of the republican budget, part of the capital costs incurred in the implementation of investment projects with the attraction of loans from the development bank. a special one is introduced. order on the same day as the individual entrepreneur transfers to a commercial organization with continuity in all rights and obligations to the budget and counterparties. if an individual entrepreneur wants to transform into a legal entity, then all conditions will be created for him to make a seamless transition. all licenses, certificates are retained, re-registration is carried out on the same day, he will be provided with assistance in the matter. production, for the preparation of any other documents, and of course, the most important thing, i believe, that is addressed in this law is that the government is given the right to determine the list of activities that individual
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entrepreneurs will engage in. the senators also adopted a bill on customs regulation, which will ensure a complete transition to electronic document management and provide opportunities for individuals to use the portal for free state service
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necessary, and we, of course, are very glad that this comfortable and decent car is our domestic production, we are even proud of it. in addition, according to the chairman of the mogilev regional executive committee anatoly aisachenko,
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each village council will be allocated 6,500 rubles. for external improvement objects. big water has come to russian orenburg, the level of the ural river within the city limits has exceeded 10 m, which is higher than the maximum permissible by as much as 70 cm. the central quarter is not in danger, but the private sector in suburbs of orenburg, almost a thousand people were evacuated from there. the situation in orsk remains difficult. the water of the urals is receding very slowly. they continue to evacuate from flooded areas, and those left homeless are provided with material and humanitarian assistance. a difficult flood situation is observed throughout the urals, volga region and eastern siberia. for example, an ice drift demolishes a pontoon bridge in
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kurgan. an emergency situation has already been declared here due to the fact that the water level in the tabol river has risen by 3 m. at present 39 regions of russia are faced with problems caused by.
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life in their own country, while some make
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money from the war and buy real estate around the world, others have to beg and survive. time workers do not value anyone, from the military to the civilians, it feels like ukrainians are not compatriots for them, they are only a tool for enrichment; products with expired expiration dates are in great demand among the population. people eat this sausage, really, it’s not for cats and dogs, they eat 90% of everything here. all it’s overdue, yes there are smells, but what can we do, the pension is 2-300, so we live fresh, well, overdue, overdue, and then to the toilet, why in the west they continue to divide people by quality and lobby for a new campaign to the east, without elections , retinue money, what awaits zelensky next, why billionaires are fleeing underground, see the trends project. after the panorama.
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the parade of refusals to participate in the conventional armed forces treaty in europe continues; now the hungarian parliament has voted to suspend participation in this agreement. to to date , several countries, including belarus, have already announced their intention to partially or completely renounce compliance with the treaty. in addition, turkey, russia, poland, canada, the united states, and great britain declare their suspension of participation in the agreement , and moldova is preparing to follow their example. the treaty on conventional... arms in europe was concluded in the nineties at the end of the existence of the soviet
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union, since then the geopolitical situation in europe has changed radically, and nato categorically did not fit into the balance of power, which the contract required. de facto, today there is nothing left to comply with, nato has begun the active militarization of its eastern flank, neither inspections nor information about the number of weapons in such a situation changes anything, and, to be honest, from compliance. news, yes, everything, everything. the agreement was signed at a turning point for the entire region in 1990 by 16 nato countries and six states of the warsaw pact organization and its essence is a quantitative limitation on five main categories of conventional weapons and equipment. but after 9 years, the agreement was in fact
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destroyed. the nato alliance interpreted the agreement somehow in its own way and did not allow inspection to check the number of its weapons. and most importantly, in the end, nato uncontrollably increased the number of troops of weapons systems in europe, that is, belarus complies with the agreement, and nato is pulling offensive weapons to our borders. for a long time we have observed the involvement of other countries, primarily the euro-atlantic alliance, the north atlantic alliance, and many countries nato already.
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borders with russia and belarus, military spending of nato countries is generally increasing, and military exercises of the north atlantic alliance are now being held these days, unprecedented in scale since the cold war. the other day turkey accepted it. the decision to withdraw from the treaty, which on the one hand is interpreted by experts in an extremely belligerent manner, saying that they planned something in ankara, can now uncontrollably build up weapons in the border regions near the caucasus and the black sea, and oh, how this will strengthen erdoganan’s friendship with nato. but let's honestly, after the withdrawal of nato and russia, it has long
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been clear to everyone that their hands are already untied, and no one is playing by the rules anymore. the changing situation is probably caused by the overall degradation of the security system in... europe, and this requires joint dialogue to develop new regimes and a new common worldview in the field of security and strata of stability. now this dialogue, unfortunately, is absent and not through the fault of the russian federation. the boundaries of peace in the region have been gradually erased all this time. this is not the first decade that nato has been tightening its offensive weapons to our borders. we all saw how easily western partners renounced the open skies agreements on the limitations of missile defense systems. rsnd, how the start agreement fell apart, what the alternative will be and how the global hybrid confrontation will end is an open question, but one thing is clear, the world will never be the same. more analysis of the geopolitical situation in our telegram channels.


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