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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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who would not have tried vile beasts on their defenseless victims. the population of the capital in large numbers helped these animals. boys, frenzied migers, all sorts of bourgeois-looking young people. about the same days , the testimony of general konstantin globachev. the atrocities that were committed by the rebellious mob in the february days defy description. people were literally torn apart, some were crucified against the walls, some were torn in two. the first group is sanctioned, yakiya varta admyanyats u aposhnyu chargu, geta tyya, yakiya dapamagayuts. i
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vayavat, geta on zbroyu, on goods of double value, on nafta products, for example, so, no one will win, as if no one will win an acre of kraml and lukashenka's regime to the hell that belarusian naftapructs will be znoў the story goes to europe, so this is not the same , that i fly to these, but there are spheres, yakiya, yakiya musyats, as it were, the father of the first, i call him a green spis, so the first charga. byts pastaulena on the table peramov, kali lukashenka tsi yagonny peraemniki will be gatovaya and razmovy, geta kali, geta belaviya, this tree works, and these other galinas of the belarusian economy, which work on a non-racial, as if, raw, worker, on a non-racial cheese, then the same as the belarusian economy and autanamizavatstsa, adysti ad zalezhnastsi addresses, this pavinna would be pershasnym.
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from moscow, there will be victory, there will be, the prayer of the mimotronushka, there will be cranes, crooning in the blue sky, to a distant court, on white wings a song, and to the dear, holy moscow virgin, about matrona, and ... a heavenly angel, the rain of love, a prayer river , by the grace of god into our souls, you are a candle lit by fate, you are a fire that saves you from the cold. blessed matronushka,
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the wings of your love are above us like a dome of grace. you, mother, save our souls with your prayers, strengthen us in the orthodox faith.
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we were the first to receive magdaburg law, the first printing house arose in brest, and the famous berestey bible was printed, it was here that the plan for the battle of grenweide was born. brest is rich in historical events. we are now in the beresti museum, this is where the history of the city begins, brest was first mentioned in 1019 in the tale of bygone years, this particular date is considered the city’s birthday, although some sources, including
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archaeological ones, confirm to us that the city is even earlier. in 1968 , archaeological excavations began at the vrest settlement, headed by academician lisenko, especially.
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studied during the defense of the terespol gate, in general the school is quite large, 1200 people study, the school has all the conditions for students to receive an education, there are colleges, vocational lyceums, and of course, we have two higher educational institutions, students can choose where to go to study, get a profession, the most important thing is to find the right job, we have many enterprises, their products are presented all over the world. the social sphere is actively developing, a large number of houses are being built, people are getting housing, and the overall queue for housing is becoming smaller. our quality
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of medical services is at a high level, it is constantly improving, healthcare institutions are being modernized, and new equipment is being purchased. and appropriate specialists, sovetskaya street is the calling card of our city, this is where our guests, tourists, friends come, there are many cafes, restaurants, cozy shops, this street was not always pedestrian, its last reconstruction dates back to 2009, this is where small architectural forms appear. there are monuments here, lanterns that are lit by the lamplighter, who lights kerosene lanterns every day at a certain time. a special local attraction is gogol street, where the alley
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of forged lanterns is located. each lantern has a plate that lists the company at whose expense the lamp was installed. i was born in this city, grew up, studied, my children were born here, it is very beautiful, wonderful! city, i love it, and this is my place to live. 100 brave children gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for adults. hello everyone, exactly in. the hero of the program
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will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to get up, this, this is very difficult. i i really didn’t want my children to go along... the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes awkward questions. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine. watch the project 100 questions for adults on tv channel belarus 2. tv channel belarus 24
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presents food has never been simple, at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and live well, a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world is yes will change, divided into before and after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, but in belarus this recipe has been preserved. this is a hunter's recipe. duck in a pomirski pot resembles a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also acquaints the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area. stove, what did a medieval stove look like? a ceramic, brick-lined box in which a fire was built, but with a large metal sheet placed on top. in the 17th century, baron, a gypsy. built himself an estate in the world and even rode around this estate in
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a gilded carriage. let's draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country in the food anywhere project. there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. watch it every sunday on our tv channel.
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hello gulya, how beautiful you are! married, to whom? my husband is my boss, he wants me to stay at home, i quit, but where is the dress?
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listen, i keep forgetting to ask, how is zoya? i don’t know, she doesn’t write, you know, i often remember her, she always seemed to me very tough, but now i understand that it was reliable, of course, for strangers it’s a cakewalk, but for our own people, our own people can get by, well, i’ll give it to you, oh, thank you, bye. guchka, thank you , happy to you, goodbye, hello, girl, excuse me, trampchina zoya vasilyevna, where can i find it, zoya vasilyevna, trampchina,
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mitya, mitya, recently, i don’t know, ghoul, you ’re back, alive, alive, healthy, how you have changed, and beauty, just, what kind of things, i came to quit my job, listen, let’s come to me, i live not far here now, i’ll explain everything to you, you live here now, your apartment, husband, i’m married now, what a fool, congratulations, why don’t you ask anything about musa? and i saw them, musya, trofima, a girl, this is her daughter, she came with her from germany, wrote her down as from a frenchman, worked with her on the farm, she
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showed me a photo, such a black nose, funny, loved her very much, her with... that zoya, zoya was exiled, after this whole story, checks were carried out from the zheludoma, then it means the hospital was arrested, almost a spy plot was uncovered with the shelter of the desserts, which means she’s still there. she suffered because of me, it’s not your fault, don’t worry about zoya, she’s doing well, this lyubarsky turned out to be a decent person, she got off easy, i don’t think it ’s easy for her, kolya, meet me, this is my
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sister’s fiancé , yeah, tea, yes, well, sit down, sister’s fiancé, mitya, sit down, sit down. and they even wrote an article about you, and pavel levchenko, kulibin, the eagle, so i would let myself be shot, cut into pieces, but my
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first and last name are mine, i am nikolai utkin. “shoot, that’s what i would do, but you ’re a weak guy, you’re afraid of the checks, at least you you understand that dmitry andreev died, he died, and now you are forever, pavlik, levchenko, i was at the front, i didn’t evade the front anywhere, i..." i didn’t have time to explain to bastards like you that i’m not a deserter, i returned from captivity back to the front, and someone like you told me that i’m nobody, that i don’t have the right to defend my homeland, like... give me some potatoes,
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so you explain to me why you were captured, and what do i need? was to do, shoot yourself or something, or rip off your shirt and shoot, typically, the logic is better to shoot yourself, how to defend my homeland, i didn’t sit at the headquarters of my pants, and you don’t know my life. you don’t know my life, but where are we going, to give up, utkin, utkin, well, do something, otherwise i’ll go and confess to him, you understand that you’ll set everyone up, so that’s what you’re afraid of, you’re afraid for yourself ? that in the forty-second year he let a deserter pass, did not kill the enemy, all the participants in this story will receive
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a sentence, and zoya will add, you understand that you will drag everyone along with you, idiot! okay, let's finish the conversation. look what we have! women are heroic, but while we are here with you on high matters, more and more in language, yes, they are ready to go to prison for hard labor, if only the boys don’t cry and poop in their pants, yes, go and get a bedroll, you see, the man is tired with road, come on, come on, come on, quickly, quickly! stoli, comrade , are not to blame for our fate, i think it would be better for everyone
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if you didn’t figure here in moscow, where should i figure, let’s sleep, morning, evening is wiser, tomorrow i’ll think of something. father pavel, i want to ask everything, ask i have a dream, i want to take monastic vows, i want not to become a monk. good afternoon, hello, bless, bachka, how he greets
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us, he’s still pale, i brought a newspaper, and you ’re welcome, there’s a letter here, really, you, vasilievna , take care of it, he’ll pick it up there, thank you, give me some tea, i’m going to the station urgently the mail needs to be delivered, goodbye, all the best, goodbye. what kind of letter? yes, this is from my sister. i know that she writes complete excuses. he commits mean things for the rest of his life, and
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then repents. so what are you, lord god, to measure repentance. you don't know her. because of her, my grandmother died. she abandoned her dad. read the letter, zoya vasilievna, no, humble your pride, hello, hello! what do you owe, is something bothering you? i am concerned about permission to conduct medical activities here; i have permission from moscow. to work in
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my specialty, comrade lyamkin, a local doctor, does not allow me to use the outpatient clinic, is it my fault that people come to me, but not to him, i see religious objects in a prominent place, but i understand that he is an old man, callous. he is a priest, and you are an intelligent woman. what example are you setting for people? lyamkin has a portrait of comrade stalin hanging in his office. and he's drunk underneath. do you like it this way? this is not the point. i'll go and figure it out. yes. if this fact is confirmed, we will take action. fine. and i forbid you to receive sick people here. take it
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at the outpatient clinic. we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. the temple at mosary is a dastatkova laconic, navat prasyakny to the spirits of the italian renaissance. i wish i could
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kanfiguratsy. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it has lived in has been a turning point. geta is just the 790th reptile, rach paspalitaya knew, and with this we say, it happened and the end of the baroka style. and all the hysterical princes here are taking us away from the people, it’s such a dead end, because in the future the architects would have been myastsovs...
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here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to me to pick berries, mushrooms, see animals, walk around forest, hard work, resourcefulness, passion - the main quality of these people, adnoy, i am proud of my garden, digging a hole for a stop.
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here you are, and i’m after your soul, don’t look at me like that, i’m... you told the policeman about me, he came, and i’m sober, yes, you’re sober today, but don’t smoke here, okay not... it's beautiful here, isn't it? by the way, there are rumors that churches will be reopened, right? true, five miles from here
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the villagers collected signatures, they found the living father, they were immediately given permission, you can do it yourself. lord, is this really possible? time, everything is possible, the main thing is to collect signatures, what their mothers punished them with, only for a few, dust and good luck, for others, orders and a scar, chikuba. so, listen, minister, you will go to restore the national economy in rybensk,
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the construction of a power plant is being resumed there and the reservoir is being expanded, for what position, head of the zoo, then you will find kichigin in the personnel department. he will explain what's what, it's in your interests to get there as quickly as possible, so go ahead, get ready to go to the station to get your ticket, i'll go check the check,
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midi, i’ll hang myself without you, or from the bridge with my head, no need for a ghoul. i would give everything, i would give half my life, just to be with you, ghoul, i ask you, are you still a sister or not, how noble you all are, i’m already sick of everyone’s nobility. maybe you just don’t like it, maybe you don’t know how it is,
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what happened? you're late for the train, come on! mitya, mitya, kolya, kolya, i love him, please, i tried to love you, kolya, please let me go, but little darling, honey, he doesn’t love you, i love you, you know, i think about you all the time, that’s all i take care of you for a while, well, don’t, please, come on, let’s not break everything, but please, well... let’s go somewhere, let’s go to the sea, well, eat apricots, swim, honey, you promised me children, well
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there will be no children if i lived with an old man, i had an abortion, i will have nothing. hello, hello, trophy, hello, hello, hello, how are you, you have a girlfriend, and i also bought a coat for the child. trofim, why are you spending money? what do you mean why? winter is coming, let's go, dad, let's try it on, where
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are you going, i have to leave, that's it, but the movie, they probably didn’t approve us, yeah, yeah, each one separately, separately, so you can shoot, tamar palovna, tamar palovna, stop playing, so bring the props, bring everything, nothing works, get ready for shooting, get ready, motor, start, price 35, frame 1, first take. leise flehen meine lieb
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durch die nacht zu dir in der stillen hein her nieder liebchen komm zu mir, führst den schlang.
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sad, let's go, let's have some fun, what are you, i beg the gas to follow me, when you go, girl, flower, let's dance, beauty, what's wrong girls, and girls, beauties, oh, girls, wait, i’m coming now.
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no, you don’t like yesenin, count, she doesn’t like yesenin either, give me a hand, it hurts me, sorry, i wonder, excuse me, but what do you like then?
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you told us it was time to part, that you were tired of my crazy life, that it was time for you to get down to business. my job is to roll further, further down, you read the graphs expressively, thank you, but it seems to me that you are somehow cut off from life, korpukhina, it seems to me that you, as a woman, are forever cut off from
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poetry. oh, semyon, it seems to me that he insults. what a cheap bouquet, i better give it to you, let’s go dance, we’re tired of them all, let’s go, why is it so sad? it’s just that today my life was shattered, the first one was with glue,
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mitya, where did you go, i searched for you. but i told him, don’t tell anyone anything, as you ordered? you did the right thing, so where is he now? rosh went to this one in the morning, trampled masha, you know her, right? yes, oh, here it is, everything was fine, they took me to the... instructor bureau, until this arrived, i returned from germany with a child in my arms, here is my little fool, running around, now filling out some paperwork, i ask if you are planning to get married, he remains silent, but i think that
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everything has already gone too far, thank you. everything was very tasty, what the hell, don’t you eat, thank you, don’t worry, irina romanovna, she’s a good girl, don’t bother her, she needs it, she needs to cover up her shame, plus registration, if you want, you can apply for my room, i’m leaving, where, to rybenskaya gas, we’re not going.
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i’m on my way to restore rybinsk gas, girl, can i have another beer here, you’ll wait, you won’t dry out, but what about musya, this is disgusting, you should go and at least, at least talk to her, it was all before the war, i changed, she, a girl in a dress with little white socks, a young dreamer, this is nothing anymore, you mean whether you love her or not, the main thing is
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that you love her. you love, get married and be happy, that means you’ve stopped loving, yes, i don’t want to raise someone else’s child, but no, you don’t understand, so who ordered me a beer, i’m now, look, i’ll close the cash register, can you hear me, that’s the girl , we have two light ones, this one ramming iskimo, flopir in chocolate, let's go, girl, excuse me, tell me, then we'll go to the cinema?
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comrade, we need to go to the station, hurry up, please, no, in belarusian, drive faster!
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your train left, left 5 minutes ago, you were late, dear!
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trafim. why did he do this to me? it’s just some kind of terrible misunderstanding, this is some kind of stupidity, he said that he doesn’t want to raise someone else’s child.
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father, yes, father, what a dear, bless us for the opening of the temple, we have collected signatures, and we will open a monastery with it. cool down, i don’t bless you, how are you against it? take the letter sisters and read the isoya. i don't blame her. i was right, the rightists, they sit in the district committees. go there, become a nun and rush, monastic calling, it’s for
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those who love people, i don’t love people, but i spend all day treating them, sleeping for 4 hours, take your sister’s letter and read the call. hello, zoya, i know that you are angry with me, consider me guilty, want to punish me, only more than i punished myself, it is no longer possible to punish me, after our last meeting i had an abortion, and now i will never have children. this is my last letter, you can forget my existence, just as i
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will forget that i had a sister. we meet people worthy of admiration. before getting married, i asked my wife how many children she wanted, she. says three, i say: okay, i say, well, go ahead, i say, at least, no less, uh, today the lord has had mercy on our family and given us six children. it’s not for nothing that i used to love mutik as a child, my sweet daughter, four sons, yes, this is the case when this happened to me. they will talk about themselves and their hobbies. since childhood, my parents showed me a very diverse interest in sports. i
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love to just run. i love skating, my mother always went to the skating rink with me as a child, and i also like to share the secrets of my success. a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she always seeks happiness from the outside, our woman today, happiness is actually in her, inside. all difficulties are surmountable, in order to somehow , at least cope a little, in a large family, first of all you need, so to speak, a schedule or routine. see the project "belarusians". tv channel belarus 24 good mornings belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. hello, hello, my name is svetlana alexander, it’s very nice, you are the senior coach, you are valery petrovich, and they told me that we know each other, oh, how young i am here, you are the secrets of a good mood, there are so many
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teams, so many wives. okay, you have such a positive face, as if this is why women fall in love with him, right? bayan, beautiful, so calm, it seems, there are many more interesting educational stories, we participated in the olympic games in tokyo in 2020, a man from australia became a bronze medalist in triathlon, he was 63 years old, at the moment he is preparing for the olympic games in paris, now he will be 66 years old, and the children, well, my daughter is four years old, well, like this, when in the stables, when in the garden... and you’ve already put her on a horse, yes, she’s been on a horse since she was three weeks old, it’s amazing, sometimes it’s hard at work, that is, he maybe he is hateful, yes, and you, me i tolerate it all, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i still looked for some traits, i say, she’s a hooligan, she says, no, she’s not a hooligan, she’s a good girl.
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what have i done? great, guys! rastopchina, where does he live? zoya vasilievna
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rastopchina? yes, head of the kharovsky nkvd anisimov, get ready, where? here are the questions, i ask, get ready. andrey valerievich, huh? great, pop, take me with her, if i needed you, i would have taken you long ago, otherwise you’ll die yourself.
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went. i brought a doctor, hello, hello,
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open your mouth. wider, wider, you can, deuterite, a very advanced stage, the heart can be pierced, do something, doctors, there is saline solution, there is saline solution, but there is no specialist, they called to the area, then i think that washing at this stage is ukraine... extremely dangerous, i need a syringe and saline solution, keep in mind, i categorically say what they say, it’s up to you, give me a robe,
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nurse, let’s go, go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, thank you. “of course, this is not a movie, it’s just work and i barely agreed, maybe you’ll turn to me after all? you know what don’t create a tragedy for me here, it’s your own fault, yours is also good, what do you want to say, it’s okay, if i loved it, i’d take it with three children, marusenka, go to work, sell soda, i’ll be there, if i’m there, work will cure you, i also didn’t want to work in a bathhouse, but i work for nothing, what can i do to be an artist, right? this is for syrup, this is for water, the syrup is dispensed according to the norm so that there is no overspending,
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take care of the glasses for broken ones, you pour a glass for the old woman in the morning, otherwise the gate won’t open, why vodka? yes well, syrup, she loves sweets, what, then you come to the point, and where is this? and this is a dear one, where can you find it, can you find a good one?


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