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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 11:55pm-12:16am MSK

11:55 pm
there was no expense, the glass at the shore is deducted for a broken one, you pour a glass for the old woman in the morning, otherwise the gate won’t open, why, come on, syrup, she loves sweets, wait, wait, wait, wait, then you come to the point, and this where? and this stubble, where you find it, you will find a good one, you will carry out the plan, you won’t find it, you will pay yours, well, that’s it, the glasses are here, the syrup is here, you’re there, that’s the point, good luck with trading, i’m not... how much is the soda? 2 kopecks on the ladder. more syrup, pour more. i'll pour it as it should be.
11:56 pm
"so this is our main turbine, beautiful, beautiful, well, let’s go get registered, come on, we have a six-day week, we work 11 hours a day, and the weekend is fishing, you like fishing, i don’t know, well , brother, this is the volga!” by the way, am i married, no? , even better, that means, in pairs for non-family members, so, fill out the questionnaire, everything is precise here, whether there are relatives abroad, whether he lived in the occupied territory, and so on, everything is accurate and honest, comrade levchenko, now give the documents. it will be stored in in a safe
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place. that's it, write, bye. it's great, why are you sitting without light, and with us hello comrade, i was sent to you, the light bulbs have run out, there is no electricity, of course, but there are free beds, yes, take this window, yours will be, thank you.
11:58 pm
what's the forecast? as god willing? here is the medicine for you, you need to get them, you pray to your god that my daughter survives, why are you doing this? you treat, treat diligently, otherwise i’m treating your girl. because she is sick, because she
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feels bad, and not because i’m afraid of you.
12:00 am
"sit down, you'll sleep here, where did you get this from, zeg did it for soldering, last name, as a surname, but a prisoner does not have a surname. just numbers.
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12:02 am
don’t bother me, i understand, wait here, why are you asking him, he’s a fool, and it doesn’t hurt fools, yes, semyon, yeah, lion, well, you’re a cultured person, you’re a poet, right? and you are my muse, well , why, lion, no need, oh, yes, we have a husband,
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who is he, a comrade of the soul, my god, my god, and he... won’t arrange a codrille with a twist, but don’t give a damn, i never loved her anyway, that’s great, let’s meet at the club today, you can accompany me on a business trip, i have to go, yeah. see you, let's go, balls, we buy, balloons, balloons, balloons, we buy, and
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we stand there, and... you’re leaving, on a business trip, you know what? live alone.
12:05 am
the quality code for our company is an opportunity to express ourselves even more loudly by demonstrating high-quality products. my career at this enterprise began in 2009 by a happy coincidence. yes, i'm very glad i knitted mine. it became a mentor for me not only as a way to realize some of my professional
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qualities, but also gave me some kind of hardening in life. i am glad to represent the plant large tires, which is part of the structure of our enterprise, especially this year. 2024 in our country has been declared the year of quality; our entire team works every day to achieve high-quality indicators of the products we produce. spring has finally burst into the hearts of our belarusians, but this time is closely connected with preparatory and sowing work in the rural areas of our country, in every corner beyond its borders. therefore, we understand and appreciate the importance of the contribution of each farmer to this work and try together with them, preserve the fertile layer of our soil. that is why the development is innovative. lines of wide-profile agricultural tires are our priority today,
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so we try to be relevant in the global market and meet any requirements of our consumers. specifically for me, my work, if you imagine my whole life as 100%, takes up 70 percent - this is without undue modesty. it turns out that all your friends, loved ones, relatives. many people who walk with you through life are just like you, are the same tire manufacturers. i am absolutely convinced that our enterprise is worthy of a quality mark, in general, as a form of reward for the painstaking, productive and effective work of such a huge, large-scale and numerous enterprise.
12:08 am
plus 40% in 3 years, the belarusian industry shows growth, but not every enterprise can boast of results, let’s outline an objective picture in the industry. investment projects in industry, agriculture and the construction of social facilities on the development of regions using the example of luninets in an interview with the head of the district. the two millionth electronic digital signature certificate has been issued in belarus. how numbers help in solving important issues in the second part of the program. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. veronica buta is with you. hello. industrial production in belarus is increasing, but not in all areas. yes, according to. over 3 years we have seen a stable increase in volumes of plus 40%, we are adding in electronics,
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cars and trucks and combine harvesters. last year , the industry produced a record export for the last decade - $6.5 billion, although we are poorly diversifying supplies to distant countries. the main sales market is russia. in the twenty-third year, warehouse inventories increased by almost a quarter. to put it more clearly, 350 million rubles in profit were lost in the hangars. a more complex situation with regard to tractors, belaz, as well as refrigerators and freezers, for example, planar, integral, belomo already have export orders not only for this year, but also partially for the next one. i’ll give you a few figures, if we made 25,000 cars in 2020, we lived, then last year it was almost 70, that’s all it was sold, this year is the benchmark, we reach almost 90, and with good competition. this will reach 100, every year , starting from the twentieth, twenty
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-first, twenty-second and twenty-third, we increased the production of 500 combines every year, very good dynamics for maz with your support, after that meeting when you we agreed to the meeting, restructured the debt, we have excellent results for lubricants in the first quarter, an action plan is developed annually as part of the work on import substitution in...
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according to the department, the share of innovative products in the total volume is 42%; by 2030, it is planned to develop more than 200 new models and modifications of equipment. industry institutes under the national academy of sciences should not be divorced from the needs of domestic production, the head of government is convinced of this. i once put forward this proposal, it is probably radical, not everyone agrees with them, but scientists do not agree, and the chairman of the presidium of the academy of sciences does not agree, but we need to change the structure of interaction between science and
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industry. we have sectoral institutes, that is, in the structure of science there are fundamental institutions. there are industry practical centers, as they are called, scientific and practical centers, there is agricultural mechanization, there is a united institute of mechanical engineering, why do they work in isolation from production, because in soviet times there was industry science that developed new solutions, technological, design solutions and passed it on, that means to the production that embodied them, so i suggested, let’s at least we’re okay experiment, a number of institutes, practically or centers, will be given to those who really need to use
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the domestic industry. belarus and russia are especially interested in the development of microelectronics and machine tool manufacturing. the prospects for cooperation were discussed at the site of the international exhibition metalworking 2024, which is taking place these days in minsk. the large-scale scientific and industrial forum brought together about 200 participants from belarus, russia, china, israel, korea, sweden, turkey, italy and other countries. this is another opportunity to get out for new cooperation projects. particular emphasis on the implementation of the investment program. in industry, it is intended to develop projects in small towns, for example, in luninets, a workshop for the production of dry mixes will be built at a local dairy plant, and paving slabs will very soon be produced at the special reinforced concrete plant. the implementation of the plans will create new jobs, but of course, this will also be an additional contribution to the district budget. in addition to industry,
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the development of agriculture is also of key importance for the region. about anton malyuta spoke with the head of the district in detail. alexander ivanovich, you come from agriculture, how much does this help you today, in principle, what are you betting on in the development of the region and agriculture in the region? how much agriculture helps is, in principle, the area in which the lunyanets district has made very strong progress recently, that’s what we’ll bet on, the specifics of the lunyanets region, that... over the last year , about 40% of the structure of the economy is occupied. here is the main gross production of farm products direction in agricultural organizations is , of course, livestock farming; as for farms, this is vegetable growing, which means that according to the latest data for the twenty-third year, if we take the entire territory of the country,
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vegetables that are grown in the lunetsk region occupy 22.5% of the structure. well, carrots are our main product, which is grown by farms, about 90% of the vegetables in the region are carrots grown in the lunetsk region, it would seem that everything is there to develop only agriculture, but why don’t you forget industry? of course, let’s not forget that our region is primarily industrial, because we have such a serious granite enterprise, there is also a special reinforced concrete enterprise, you visited the victoria enterprise, there is a dairy electric machine finger enterprise. we are dealing with the issue of constructing a workshop for dry mixes, and also on special reinforced concrete , the project for...


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