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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 12:15am-12:51am MSK

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in general, throughout the country, vegetables that are grown in the lunetsk region occupy 22.5% of the structure, well, carrots are our main product, which is grown by farmers, about 90% of vegetables in the region, it is carrots that are grown in the lunetsk region, it would seem that everything is there in order to develop only agriculture, but you also don’t forget about industry, of course we don’t forget, our region is primarily industrial, because we have such a serious pred... granite, there is also a special reinforced concrete enterprise, you visited the victoria enterprise, there is a palis elektromash enterprise, a nenets dairy plant, so our region is primarily industrial, and then agriculture, well, there are also plans for the development of some projects, yes industrial, there are, which means we have plans for the development of the luninets dairy plant, today we are already seriously dealing with the issue of building a workshop for dry mixtures, and also on special reinforced concrete , a project for... production is already at the final stage of implementation
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paving slabs, yeah, well, so that lunenets can be called a place to live, we also need social services, how are you working on this? well , in the lunetsk region , let’s say, we have everything for life, so to speak, for the children, there is an ice palace, there is a swimming pool, there are many recreation areas for our citizens, our children, teenagers, so in principle, in the social sphere, in principle, we have everything , and also plans to develop, we plan to develop, of course, literally within this month, at the request... we will introduce our citizens into operation of a skate park; a similar site was already launched in mikashevichi last year. as far as i know, you yourself were also born in luninets? yes, we are from luninets. why did you decide not to go to pressto, to minsk, why did you stay here and develop the city? needed where was born. first of all, probably so. well, does this attitude help? well, of course it helps. how do you see luninets there, say, in 10-15 years? how do i see luninets? well,
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the district as a whole is a promising city , because we have young people today they are not so actively leaving, young people are working on the land today, there are enterprises where you can earn decent wages, start families and stay with us in the lunetsk region, this is the main, most important goal, yes, this is the main goal, now let’s take a break for a short advertisement , further, what is a cpu and how is it digital? helps in solving important issues, stay with us! the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting at home. babrus is one of the most fragmented cities in this country of belarus. this animal probably equips something to do in this city. bobryuk, oh, beaver, in.
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foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights, because the city is called a bridge, which means, think, think, it probably means that there is some kind of amazing bridge, look, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes, it's really big, and they also share theirs.
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we are propagandists, what we propagandize: the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes: the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally, the head of state emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and welfare, by welfare we mean peace and security, from the absence of war in our country to calm on our streets in peaceful c...
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is already a little more than a statistical error. propaganda project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest, we continue. now about exchange rates, the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the russian one. so, the american dollar is worth 3 rub. 26 kopecks, the euro is now 3.54 at the national bank rate, for 10 yuan they ask for 4.5 rubles. 100 russian rubles. cost 3 rubles 50 kopecks. the two millionth electronic digital signature certificate has been issued in belarus, and this figure is increasing every day, as more and more
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belarusians prefer to resolve issues online. the fact is that digital signature allows you to perform legally significant actions remotely. in total, on a single portal of electronic services up to. more than 560 electronic services are available for order, who became the two millionth owner of the electronic digital certificate signatures, how he will use it and how the number helps in solving everyday affairs, material by ilona volynets. here he is, the two millionth holder of an electronic digital signature certificate, vice-rector of the belarusian state university, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences.
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where to store an electronic signature? the first association is a flash drive, but any material medium is easy to lose and you never know where it might come in handy.
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therefore, the next stage is the introduction of a cloud digital signature, which will not require any additional devices. task creating a product such as cloud electronic. signature so that the main cryptographic documents, that is , these secret keys, are stored in a secure cloud on a state information resource; this cloud can be accessed using special application software installed on a mobile phone or desktop computer. in the meantime, for the convenience of users , adc personal key media are constantly being improved; these are classic media in the form usb devices and special sim cards. an id card is also a means of electronic digital signature, so to renew a previously received digital signature certificate, you no longer need to go to the registration center, this can be done without leaving your home or office, online through a single portal of electronic services. ilona volynets, andrey novgorodtsev, area of ​​interest. this is all
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the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business. we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. to the most noticeable in the economy, see you.
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kali remembers the rights of the most famous belarusians paetau, abavyazkova guchyts name yakub kolas. ale varta pachats raspytvat, pra shto yon pіsaў, shmat khto razbіtstsa. and all the people who travel on the kolasa
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route, in one day you can earn more than in a hundred lessons of literature. let's just highlight why i've been talking about this so often. i was just here, i’m already kind, good and calm, but i had to move on from the album. as little castes earned a silver ruble, and i give you a gift, sir. yanka kupala the stubborn sustrelіsya. and kіnchytsy, albutz smolnya and lastok are not simple month, dze zhyla syam'ya vyalikaga songara. apynuўshysyya here, bytstsam trapping at the theater in the open sky, dze characters. the voices come alive and you become one with the heroes, only as you begin
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to read the new land, which is what yakub kolas is going through, my marriage has begun, ended, that here you can fuck a lot of happy dances, get this leg jump, and getai, here is a geta
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for a smoky bot, and a geta is like that, and such a little dog, people call it, you know, like a lanky wife, because it seems like people, kali good little wife, so she herself bots with smoke from her husband, and since she’s not stuck in life, get rich with this little girl, and why now the dachshund gives me a great joy, it’s easy for me to show up, like father kolasa comes home from the forest and z dapamogai.. well, of course, the last month is the same, without which the salayanskaya syam'i - this stove will not be abyssed. the stove
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burned and the carmila, and was in the gulnev months, and the sleeping months, this is all the stove, such a peep, we have tsudouny rivers, tsyopla, utulna, yes, such garshchechki, here tsudoinny, bachytse, pancake adjazha , the famous wound, nyadzelku dze would be holy, yashche hell wounded pancakes squealing, savory, oh, savory, savory, and that’s it... there i ’m drinking, well, well, jumping, nadzeika, this little kosty spoke at the cradle, and matulya yago kalysha, i want to tell you that i’m packing the native belarusian feathers here at the getai khatsine from kalyhanka with my mother, let’s listen. sleep, my little boy, sleep, my love, my children are all asleep... the little bird's nest is sleeping, the bunnies are making drama, and
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they're torturing me, my knuckle is boned, but no, sleep is my little boy, sleep, son, it's so hot wow, i i would immediately become angry myself.
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for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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swallow is the sacred pearl of the yakub kolas and kali museum. in the villages of akinchytsy, albutz and smolny, the pabudovs were enriched with archival materials, then the house and barn were plundered here 19 stagodzya, how i remember yakub kolas even when he was little. at swai atabiabiaragigii kolas pisao: "may of the earliest early dzitsya bastards of the pricli ° sukhoshchyna, at the swallow. geta was a deaf mestza, field, forest of vakol, i tolki adilo paselishchi, huta, gumno, bread". this house is over 150 years old, and people here live here for all these hours and centuries. the written swallow can be combined not only with the work of yakub kolas, but also with the work of the new land and with the completed publication of pears . volga mikalayena, we are all with you
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sit down at the central kolasa village. so, so, nadzeika, geta taya hatsya. where did this mickiewicz live, as many as five years ago, here kostus pastale, here the fortress, we know and know from the navakolny worlds, they have already become more like this, it’s not for nothing that he writes about his luck x, that i am superior to myself as a special person named vlastku, here he is running for mushrooms, for berries, all the attacks with him were ўspaminayutsya, that he is also running in the forest and the squires, then there is a velizar dog... mate - rashyў yon and that on the geta with abacus the run and the house of the famous gift from my mother's past story scared poor yana and she realized that this was not a dog. small castes from early bastards in simple situations and rivers there is something extraordinary. these admirers have been attracted to the brilliant works of the song, from the taps of my father and have become the usual creation of
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issue images. here from mikalayevshchyna, from the neighboring weights, there were known, relatives, here he was the first to hear about these scales, and the darachs, the first to learn here, were trained pilots. here yashche adna hut melted away, lived workers, old hut they worked on the shingle, they covered the gonta here. who knows, magchyma, if he hadn’t lived with a swallow, yakub kolas would have grown up to be completely different, but menavita is here as a slave of his first years and learned maryts, here he lived happily, and fed with yakoust. if we were deaf and dzikim, the old dzyadzko vyalik, and the hard work and the bread were filled with roses, everything bloomed, smothered, because the creative force living here
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was hell to the nature of the abudzilla, the swag became the sun tsa fruits, the threshing floor fell over the years, and the extra penny was worth, it was what's going on, what's going on, and there's a paradox in the house, then yes, i was here because of goodness, goodness, peace of mind, but i had to overcome the valbuts, i so often changed the months of cruelty because of my father’s father kola. being a forester, mikhas kazimiravich was good at clearing out her abavyazki, but the service was difficult and the only downside was the pasture crossings. yakub kolas lived here from 1890 to 1902. unforgettable moments of life and youth became
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the foundations on which his talent grew and grew. his author yakub kolas writes that albutsa remembered the pit most of all right. lesnikov's pasada melted on... the brisk weather, where people went and went. there, hearing their indestructible, sour gutarks, kolas cultivates his supply of knowledge about people and life. kulas has been here since 1902, since 1898 we have been traveling, pasturing at the seminary, we have been coming here only for the summer holidays, for the winter holidays, and since 1902, the addition of salbutsi has already arrived. ikam on the porch, finished on... with no need, left my seat and the hutka house is full of galas, mom hanna is getting sicker
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stoves, and dziadzka antos budze dapamagatsi y pa gazpadartsy. kali ў kolasa ўzho ўtired bastards said kanstancin mikhailavich, writing an autograph, he said: read the new land, everything is bad there. 30 parts of the new land, 24 of them are illuminated by life in albuza. father, dzyadzka antos, dzetsi, brothers, sisters, kolas, all by their names. then kolas remembers and all the falls, which are apisany in the new land, this life is here, and the hikes in the forest, and the familiar, i remember, dumplings on white sakura, yes, and the frying pan, and dziadzka uchov ina, as here on nemo descended, geta everything is alive here in albutz. all the speeches here are not without reason, the skin borrows its time and tells about its life here. this forester 's bag is so big, the forester's bag, puglyadzice, yana yashche yana yashche and fashionable at once, all this
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skura, this is all that's fallen , all for the sake of it, work for some kind of life here here , there's a hedgehog there, like a termas, bach ytse, yana was caught , all this bag, all this bag with such a bag forester hadzіў at the way, all with such compasses. the size of the tsikavag can be changed not only in the event, but also in the call, but also slavitstsa svoy proroday. the most famous ones are our nalbutsk oaks. look, how beautiful our oaks are, centuries-old oaks, yes, they already have several hundred years old, when i arrived here , my mickiewicz came here, these oaks have melted and there were edazars, and it seems that we have fallen from these oak trees, little kostus i wrote my first words. and then, you know, you get the tattoo, in the borderless sky, with the little laces of the cranes, knuckle above the little laces.
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lace in the fall, all the faces are enchanting, the fur and the great fall, and you become, vague, until you see, as if there are no strats, and that you yourself don’t know, so at the hour of parting with you, who is dearly loved, you feel the confusion, the thick stratum of the lips, and i’m here for the gift, because i won’t give away my soul. tsudoўny versh you adkazaў and to you padarunak i give charm ruble, kali laska. then, as we remember, kola said, if i had had such money at my meeting, then he would have become a real rich man. eighty years ago, danila mitskevich, the eldest son of kulas, has been holding since 1941 as a talisman, the first earner. u 2013
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last but not least, there was a hidden exhibition of the nature of life and creativity of yakub kolas. in your full hat, the witch doctor can use the most delicious garbata and a lot of medicinal herbs. well, who is this healer, all your young pakalenne, don’t you know who she is? well, there are a lot of things connected with the christmas tree, right? yes, she was such a long-time woman who knew all the herbs and frogs, all the people, like a guard.
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smooth, velmi delicious, i think, geta yashche hell shchyraga sertsa, with any, geta yashche give motsyyu garbatka, it’s not just that all it is broken up, the albotse has 52 years, so i don’t give any adjytstsyaulenny mary to the ulasnaya land, for example, mikhas kazimiravich, if i knew what happened with this, i’m going to smolny. in 1910 , just eight years ago, after the death of father yakub kolas mikhail, the family of mickiewicz became soft in smolny. menavita was here as the first sister of kolas with yankam kupalam.
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empress kolas arrived at smolny during the tour in the spring of 11th year. in response to the fire that was going on in mikalayevshchyna, there was no bloodshed over the galley and all the familiar dziadzka antos paehaў yes radzivilaў i paprasіў getai shmatpakutnaja sam'і, if the roof over the roof would be, publish the hut. radzivіly zgadzilіsya ў ў ў ў ў ў yarshi, vuzіnskaya district. dzyadzka mantosya's school was rebuilt and the same house was built in 1910. kolas has arrived here. galota, byadota and pajara, there was nothing. from dzyadzka antosya, we walk in the forest, dig up lipaks and paste lipkas. hell of a stick jumped and stood all the time and is still 112 years old. i'm going to breathe in this stick, so as to gather the strength of good emotions, i won't turn off. such a situation happens
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the captured hell of this entire month and so that yakub kolas himself is buried in hell. and the most obvious thing is that yakub kolas and yanka kupala met here. at that time, they were in charge of adzin adnago pa perapistsy, pa leafing, asabista did not succumb, and in the life of 1912, when yakub kolas arrived for the summer vacation. i wrote a leaf to yank kupala, from the list of requests for myself and myself, he wrote from a leaf that when you pass by the foot, the owl from the cyagnika, hire a joker or a framer and find out kolasa’s hut , and if you don't have a penny, then i'll walk and i'll find out about the taxes at the house. yanka was bathing, it would have been a hot stove, of course, there were pennies, but she had grown up looking at
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the meat and the walking. kolas's house. kolas was not at home for an hour, and yanka kupala was in the sustrel of ganna yur'eina. pakul yana often visited the state, kolas’s little sister, marya ran away from mikalayevshchyna to her brother, so to speak, that yanka kupala had gone before. we are on our way to celebrate the holiday, where the sister of yanka kupala yakub kolas, whose gift our brother kolas often attends, was present. of course, the straws were simple, syalyanskiy, where kola himself loves simple sylyanskiy straws. yanku kupala, we can pay attention to other tables, like the flocks of the everyday life, behind which i washed the hedgehog, and darechy, yakub kolas asapamina, that the great leaders of themselves became
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a strict dzetsi, where the father adnosіў the lord is strict and writes so, and behind the head they sat down, here the boys didn’t dare, the paradox was that the nobles here were strict, because their horns fell, in such bad times, they beat, so yuzik flogged the grass with his fingers and smeared the lava, aka sister eggs they were heartbroken, and yuzika’s paw was screaming, then their year disappeared, between them the striker came out , let yuzik’s head fall into place, the mother
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of the corpse pressed, the sisters of the gals began to dance, and yuzika’s sisters they pulled out the ears from two tanks and white, aka long worlds, on the fire burned the water and dampened their weather, you kissed your brothers, and the heat passed. at smolnya, yakub kolas is working on the poems “new land and symon music”, writing the top and bottom lines, the series itself is adapted from the trilogy in rosstan. at smolnya there are branches of the literary-memory library museum of yakub kolas pabudavany ў 1967. menavit began to fight the kolasa meats in stauptsoushchyna. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the variety of products on store shelves today gives
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the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but it is easy to get lost in this variety. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy, the stalk should be green, not wrinkled. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare rice pancakes with tender vegetable filling. mmm, i can't wait to start cooking. sounds absolutely amazing. let's figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal. don't forget about invigorating exercises. i will show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up and stretching. the anterior posterior surface of the thigh, first we will stretch the anterior surface of the thigh, now is the time to walk, jog with a full charge of strength to meet this day, look at
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the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel, cheat sheets will not help the participants in our show, is it true that demarcation is a process of designation. well, the root of the word marking can lead to the fact that this is really a process of marking the state border, but what kind of process is delimitation? here you can only rely on your own strength, 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1 0 0, it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but at the end there will be eight and we are one. + 8 = 9 and that it went far, it’s just possible to make it shorter, please voice what you are driving at, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, i chose option b, i don’t know such a bird, but i know a rifle that has...


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