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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 12:50am-1:11am MSK

12:50 am
breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel. in our show, cheat sheets will not help participants. is it true that demarcation is the process of marking the state border on the ground. yaroslav, what do you think? i took as a basis the fact that in the word demarcation there is, well, the root of the word marking, which can lead to the fact that this is really a process of designating a state one. what kind of process is this delimitation? here you can only rely on your own strength, 10:15 degrees + 8 - it will be 1 0 0 0, it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but there will be eight at the end and we are 1 + 8 = 9 and that’s gone too far, can i just make it shorter, please tell me what you’re getting at? a game that will not leave anyone indifferent. i chose option b, i don’t know such a bird, but i know a rifle that has... at the beginning
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there is a postscript in latin letters whitefish, oh, you are observant, this is his subject, this is all military, he is well versed in this, look, an intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel, having visited... nadzeya yakub kolas , i know that our products were sacred masters who knew how to work with different materials. in our time of life, you can learn in the clubs of the people's mayors, and that's where i 'm going now. sunny, i will weave a belt. our products have learned that woven shawls provide the most energy.
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there they were woven from small baby clothes, decorated in the care of health, from the hell of illness, and from the household. all the papas are worn, here i choose the threads, bachytse, all the patterns are here, on one side, on one side, it’s adzin, on another side, it’s different. panjazze brannny belt pakhodzitsy yakraz hell that's why it's important to remember. for practical purposes, in this way you can get special boards. a simple doshchka, doshchakka, on which there are... the little ones and there are all these little rubber bands, and the other threads are connected with the little ones, and the other, and the other, all the same with this great rubber band, as i will ask these eyes are the same in my eyes. acres of yard for weaving can be cut out on a special weaving machine. animal house, dear caress, i take the thread, i take the thread, i tie it, i have all the nails, i take the thread and let the thread go. eight
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khadako up, bachytse, eight times, all this way and i turn back, this yashche how many pratsy, this velmі shmat, then all this bachytse ў me how many nіtachak chervanenkih, then i go and the heat is no longer on top, and all so no a dachshund's chuck, such chyns are screwed with hetulki no, as long as it is necessary for the design, in order to refuel the machine , it is necessary to dispense the pot of water, i have a key, i have a key.
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so once i sewed up the adzin radok, bachytse, everything, now i have new zeў, that i continue to work, i take the key in my hand, rightly, i am a magician let's just say a little bit of everything, and i 'll work on this, remember this whole world, and remember this all the time, and i'll work on it , once again, everything. i really want to protect myself and not pay any attention, but rather, i have a pastupova pachynae neshta atrymlivatstsa. you've already lost a whole centimeter, a whole centimeter, i thought i only gained a few millimeters here. i'm glad that this is issued out, at such a pace for me. that's it,
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then get out of here and tie your bag, i married, janchyna, vuzelchyk, i am on the right side, but kali dzyauchynka is not married, she is on the left side, you have a great good ўsyo atrymoўvaetstsa, dzyakuy vyalіki, nasamrech geta velmі ts ikava, there will be magic here pasprabavac, abavyazkova zrabitse geta. kali you... vyrashytse paўtaryts my route, paradise plan your hour. navedvanne kolasaўskaga zakaznika zoyme hell 2 yes 5 gadzіn, maystar-klass pa adkatstvo pratsyagnetstsa kalya gadzіny. i was very pleased with my sunny misfortune. for the adzin day i paspeled: dasledavat staptsovskiy districts, most of all
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from yakub kolas, it’s not easy to get sick, but also to fuck meats, right yakaya pisaў paet, and yashche weave a belt, as it’s not disgraceful to our skin day. remember that we are planning our own holiday, and you can know something about the skin of belarus.
12:57 am
hello, my name is anastasia, i came from kazakhstan, i have been living here for 7 years and i work as an instructor-methodologist.
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i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat is very beautiful. i really like the area, and in general kazakhstan, because of its nature, because there steppes and mountains, a very wide range of all kinds of natural zones. i didn’t have anyone left there, everyone left, in all directions , only me and the kids and my grandmother were left, and we decided to go to our historical homeland, it turns out that my grandfather is belarusian, my grandmother is german, but i’m generally so used to city life, i was born in the city, i always lived in the capital, at some point i realized that i didn’t want to live in the city anymore, i wanted to live on the land, so i decided that since i was already going to live on the land, then why not move to another country, and came here and began to look for a place where to put down roots, so to speak,
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i went to belarus, first as a tourist, and visited minsk and grodno, my sister and i came here, we really liked it, and there was such a funny story, she lives with me in germany, we met in belarus, and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean here, and we walked around the city, she says, she tells me, it’s so clean here, i say, yes it’s clean , she says, well, these are probably the central streets, so if you come in somewhere in the yard, then there were probably pieces of paper there too, and we carried out such an experiment with her, even, now it’s funny, you remember it, then we walked right through the courtyards, looked for garbage somewhere, found nothing, we were so surprised , we were very surprised, the first thing that caught our eye was that the roads were very clean and no one was hitting us. he says, this was my second trip, i had already decided that yes, i would definitely live on land, i had to find some place, i found a house on the internet, it was rented out in a village, i returned to kazakhstan, from there i found a house like this, which for rent, i came here, settled in this house, a young family was renting out the house, we
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got into a conversation, i said that this is how i want to live, help, something, tell me where it is, what is here, he says, of course, we also have houses for sale here, i liked this place, they called the seller, he said, yes, let's meet in the evening, and the guys were going to go to the store, and i said, take me with you, they went to the market to buy. the women there were so actively buying something for themselves there, flowers, some sprouts, something like that, in general i think so i also need to buy something, i bought two plums, two plum seedlings, a shovel, we returned there, i came to this plot, which i cleaned up, planted these two plums, then they laughed so much, too, that they didn’t buy it yet, already plums planted, it means she is serious, well, the important question is why a person is going at all, i was going, for example, i really liked the people, they are very friendly. good-natured, then the natural component was important to me, that there is beautiful nature here, i feel
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exactly at home, i want not only my roots remained here, but my children also felt like home here, they remained at home here. now we are in a sports and health complex, i have been working here for about 5 years, there is a lot of things here to do sports, physical education, there is a gym here, you can play volleyball there. basketball, football, there is a judo room, there is a gym, a sports
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training room, as well as a pool, table tennis, i needed several conditions to move special, i needed... to have a music school, because my children study music, a general education school in the area of ​​accessibility and somewhere nearby, so that there was a swimming pool, because i teach swimming lessons, and just at that the time when i came to look for all this, they were finishing up, handing over the facility, this foresail, so it’s like a sign, equal, myrrh, hello, oh, well done, today we are swimming with boards, crawl, legs. on my back, my
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sports history comes from childhood, like probably many others, i really wanted to practice swimming, my mother tried to dissuade me for a long time, saying that i would have such shoulders, in the end we agreed on synchronized swimming, because this is not competitive swimming, shoulders don’t grow like that, she allowed me, in general, some i was involved in sports for a while, i was even a member of the kazakhstan national team, and rose to the rank of candidate master of sports. but then i left this idea, just as i left professional sports, but still continued to engage in all sorts of sports activities, physical education, fitness, and so on, and entered the institute physical education in kazakhstan. i can’t say exactly why water, but i just wanted to swim, swim and i liked it very much, i didn’t know how, i really wanted to learn, i remember these moments when... i had to get the puck from the bottom, like in the nose water was pouring in there, it was unpleasant, but the goal
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was to get the puck, in general, when it worked out, it was such a pleasure and then, when i learned to swim, such a thrill, well, about character, it’s probably better to ask those around you, they will appreciate it more, well, if i need something, then i try to achieve it. i wasn’t going to go to a physical education institute at all, my parents told me, you were involved in sports, and i also have an uncle who is a master of sports in skiing, and he taught at this institute, and he says: let’s go, what are you saying, i i say, i don’t want, i actually want to become a winemaker, what kind of winemaker did sports or physical education, well, i just... squeeze out all the juices, let’s say, although i
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really liked the competitions, such a spirit, the trips, it was very interesting, there were incidents, we were traveling by train, it was a competition in tashkent, we went by train. there, there were a lot of us, about 15 people, i think, or 16, we were in different compartments, and we asked the coach when we were leaving, she said, the next one, well, that’s it , the next one, the next one, we got together... the next one got out, and it was we who got out in our compartment, not in our own compartment, there were two of us, the two of us got out and stood there, waiting for everyone to get out, no one gets out, we wait, wait, wait, then we ran away to some kind of stall or something like that, buy something, everyone went there to this stall, look, the train left, no one got off, we are like this, what happened, how is this, in general,
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well, we somehow got in touch with the coach, she really swore at us, of course, that we were idiots and got out in the wrong place. in general, we were adventurous, but by the way, the tashkken people are quite friendly, because they realized that we were behind, they put us in jail, we didn’t have money with us, they put us on a bus, told us how to go to the next station , and we were like that on the transfer, we got to the next station by bus, we got it all right, a fun college life, in general , i didn’t regret it even once, after that i didn’t i immediately went to work in fitness and sports with... first i worked in a restaurant, then i worked as an administrator, and then i realized that in general i had the idea that i needed to bring benefits to people, and that sport is something that brings joy, positivity and some kind of healthy charge, so, probably, fitness took off, i worked in a fitness center, worked as a swimming coach, taught aqua aerobics and some kind of land training
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in parallel, aerobics, then little by little i wanted to distance myself from fitness center. do what i want why coaching? well, because i like it when a person gets such a buzz, for example, he couldn’t, so i train children and adults. he would like to and that he will probably never learn again, i say, don’t worry, everything will be fine, when he succeeds, when he swims, he is so happy, satisfied, it’s very pleasant, it’s such feedback that fills with energy and i just want to do it again, it’s the same with children, i had
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a moment in my life when, for example, i would teach swim a child and he moves to another group, a more professional one...
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i will do some new movements, some new exercises during this training, i try all this on myself first, well, regarding water aerobics, for example, i go into the water, i try, see what is more effective, what easier option can be offered to people who cannot do this or that exercise, the fact is that i do not do it to check the box that i train there every day, i do it in order for me to feel good, i have there was enough mobility of the joints, stretching and so on, and besides... well, just for self-satisfaction, i also do physical exercises,
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i think that yours... from childhood he begins to engage in any physical activity, playing ball there, it doesn’t matter, there jumping, football, anything, so that the child can feel his body as early as possible, be able to control it, be able to feel his body in space , be able to adequately respond to space, so that he is less injured, so that he is healthier, more hardened, and of course, than the more diverse these types of activities are, the better for the child, the more skills he gains, swimming, plus hardening. so it’s certainly cool, it’s very cool when both women and men come in age, but with us it’s mostly women who study, but we even have women who go to several programs in a row, although... they’re already retired, they attend yoga in the morning, then go, well, i have two such women who attend several programs a day, she goes to for aquarobics, for...


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