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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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plays against brest, president alexander lukashenko flies on a working visit to the russian federation. tomorrow in moscow there will be a meeting with russian president vladimir putin in a 1:1 format. the heads of state will discuss the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, issues requiring consideration at the highest level. the talks will also focus on the regional and international situation.
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the first cosmonaut is returning to her homeland tomorrow; her mission lasted 14 days, 12 of which she spent on the international space mission. stations. there marina carried out a scientific program developed by the national academy of sciences of belarus together with roscosmos and the russian academy of sciences. seven projects were selected, five scientific and two educational. among other things, the belarusian cosmonaut collected samples of microorganisms from the iss for study.
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and monitoring the state of the surface layer, that is, the same thing as the onosphere. today , the space industry of belarus is mastering global trends in the earth sensing system, including creating heavy spacecraft with good resolution. such a device is now being made jointly with russia, its launch is scheduled for 2028. in the future, participation in the lunar exploration program. at the moment, this project... is at the stage
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of negotiations with the russian side. the roscosmos state corporation is the main partner in space research for belarus. belarus is working on the creation of equipment assembly plants in nicaragua. currently , deputy head of the presidential administration alexander egorov is there on a visit. so far, cooperation is at the beginning of its journey, but already with one trial supply transaction, we immediately exceeded the previous export figures by one and a half times. and then there will be more. many of our enterprises are determined to develop new markets ; as they say, life will force others. after all, if there is a product, then it needs to be sold. and new markets are a guarantee of stable profits. how. new items, where modern
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solutions and import substitution. today, new machines for land reclamation were presented, important points that were made at a meeting with the president on industry were discussed. this is quality export, service and technology, as well as increasing production volumes. svetlana lukenyuk about important steps towards technological sovereignty. belarusian industry is everything from. nuts to a large dump truck and an enterprise where there are from a dozen people to a thousand or more workers, in order for such a large mechanism to rotate, one formula for success is not enough: yes, there is a known product, money, goods, but for it to work for everyone, it is important to be able to solve many problems , from cost reduction to its own units and bridges. yes, we do a lot, but these are the times when you need to count more on yourself, and even if there is more in the car... now
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sometimes it changes quite dramatically, so you have to separately deal with the support of serial equipment for its release and the development of new equipment. amkador showed all of his newcomers in action today and invited those who created units for potential buyers. they certainly know what is needed for reclamation and construction of systems and operation. so far we have said, let’s say we’re taking one bulldozer, the pruzhanskaya pms is taking it, let’s see in action, if everything is fine, then we’ll have them. purchase purchase, yes, yes, someone is wary of something new, if the machine has not been run in the fields, breakdowns occur, not without this, but the manufacturers assure that each unit is tested, but the new product can only be polished to perfection in work, adjustments are made instantly, because all this
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is needed by agricultural organizations, although sometimes the order has to wait up to six months, well, at least the delivery time was 30 days after payment of material costs, if this is what i would like to add to this... sometimes in the same standby mode and russian buyers, contracts signed, but we postpone the deadlines if we can’t cope with the volumes. the deputy prime minister notes that the task is not easy, but bkm holding, for example, is raising the bar for the production of the same passenger equipment, looking at the high demand. belkomunmash, on average, i would say, produced in the range of 130-140. underway, these are electric buses. by 2030 , the russians plan to update up to 40 thousand of these cars, or even more, and here it is important
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not to miss your order for 30 new products. moreover, an integrated approach has already been worked out. we know how to take an unconventional approach to solving complex problems transport. issues, in each region it is different, somewhere there are certain roads, somewhere a certain type of vehicle is needed , which can be used there, but quantity certainly cannot allow quality to suffer, at a large meeting on industry the president especially noted: in the current a year of quality, and belarusian products must always be at the highest level, and this is not just a coincidence, but a severe necessity of life. today it is very difficult to compete on price. with chinese manufacturers, although it is necessary, there is no way let's get away, well, that means we need to focus exclusively on the quality of the product and the provision of the service necessary for the consumer. we must reach approximately the japanese level of quality. the task is to gain a foothold and increase
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market share, but if we mindlessly chase the lowest prices, we will lose not only the quality of the final product, but also the production of our own component base. here the industrialists have great plans, by the year 1930 they promise at least 900 new units of modern equipment, this is from all enterprises of the ministry of industry, at the world level, and at a belarusian cost, so that it is available to our own people in terms of service, as well as competitively in the export market. it is clear that last year we received good results in investment activities in the modernization and creation of new production facilities; we invested about 1.2 billion rubles, this is practically. doubling investments by the twenty -second year, our extensive program of investment in the creation of new industries, it will continue to demonstrate the same confident pace of development. confidence is needed to develop new markets, because not everyone has yet reached africa, which is the second largest in
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area after eurasia. although the official visits are at a high level, the doors have been opened, but someone is either taking a long time to calculate the logistics, or is delaying business proposals, because the equipment, where plus... 40 and above should be suitable, while others have plans written out, but there are difficulties with the passage of currency payments is resolved. we are currently working on deliveries to nicaragua and have completed a contract for the supply of 260 units of road construction equipment to this country, also at the end of april an exhibition is taking place in zimbabwe, also a country, let’s say, which is already rumored, a contract for the supply of more than 80 units of products is being worked out there, and equatorial guinea is interested in our cars. complex, and we hope that this year the first deliveries of machines to the equatorial region of zimbabwe and nicaragua will take place. this market is also open to other manufacturers, the gomel casting and normal plant has already 150 machines in the gomsilmash holding in zimbabwe, plus another 80 this year. we are ready to go further to north africa. yes,
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i have to tell you about myself in detail. not like in russia, where our people have been known for decades . reapers, mowers, pickers and... units are shipped to 60 dealership centers in russia and some to the same address as trading houses. now we are present in three multi-brand centers, well, i’ll say this is a perspective. which really needs to be addressed, because we offered our product, in addition to the product, so that we provide our services for service, for a guarantee, so that every person knows that when he comes here, he will be completely protected by these guarantees and service, and protection from unfair intermediation is also important, when the price goes up on the way and ends up in other people’s pockets during export deliveries, the president also spoke about this.
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fields: belarusian farmers are not wasting time; now the active sowing season
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depends on the coordinated work of farm managers, agronomists, and indeed all services in general, what kind of harvest we will reap, and therefore, what abundance of goods will be presented on the shelves. agriculture is a complex industry, but with the right organization and adherence to technology, even not the most fertile hectares can produce high results, and where there was no milk, for example, with the arrival... nothing is impossible, zaur aliyev is sure, when there is a desire to work, and also support at
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the district level and region, the farm was helped with land reclamation, and now these hectares are working for results. i would say that this is not the work of my life, this has already become the meaning of our life, everything should have a soul, if you have a soul, if you love this work, if you, as they say, completely devote yourself to it, everything should work out for you, the business is the family backbone of the farmer. farm, three brothers are not afraid of work, they started with seven bulls, over time the farm grew to 800 cows, they needed more workers, they invited locals. now is a particularly hot time for farmers, in parallel with spring field work, and there is a lot of land, another building is being built, with plans to open a cheese factory. people really put their soul and effort into it, the parents started it, 820 hectares of land and... the guys are still asking land in order for them to develop , construction is underway, two
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investment projects have already been developed, with hard work and the desire to develop agriculture, farmers have breathed new life into a remote village, they have put in order an old apple orchard, equipped an apiary, there are many plans, they want to develop sheep farming, farmers are not at all have no doubt about the profitability of this industry, in total there are 476 peasant farms in the vitebsk region, they have at their disposal more than... 70 thousand hectares of land, what is being done in the region to support peasant farms is in in 2023, the vitebsk executive committee allocated 576,000 rubles from the regional budget. this dairy complex in the bishinkovichi district is also experiencing a revival; with the arrival of an investor, it is 100% complete. the cows are kept in proper conditions, receive a complete diet, and as a result.
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people came here seriously, they came when in the twenty-second year the first thing they took on was putting things in order, they are soon planning to equip another farm, they are now preparing the livestock, they need a modern grain drying complex, and also the farm wants to produce rapeseed oil, with the right approach it is a promising direction, the investments made will work
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for the well-being of the farm, which means for each employee, there was a lot of work ahead, it would be very... telenews agency. but here , apparently, there was a lack of discipline, to put it mildly. school meals are a topic to which journalists and the country’s leadership have returned more than once, but despite this, individual violations still occur today. proper order has not been established. for example, in gomel school canteens revealed a surplus of tens of tens of kilograms of food. as
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reported by the state control, whose employees carried out the inspection, we are talking about lunches at... one of the violations that state control employees identified during an inspection of the catering unit of the canteen in one of the schools in gomel. they visited here as part of monitoring the quality of school meals, and already in the first minutes it became clear that there was something to pay attention to. for example, the cook starts adding butter to the pureed soup immediately after seeing the inspectors. in potatoes, oil according to technology, it is added when the potatoes
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are ground. we arrived, the potatoes were mashed, they only started opening the packs of butter in front of us. try to add it to potatoes in borscht. the same situation happened last time in february. we do not undertake to say where the saved oil would go. but, as the inspectors explain, according to the documents, products that were not added to the lunch are listed as capitalized. this means that next time you don’t have to use them. and some canteen employees are tempted not to go to the store in the evening at the expense those same saved products. what is important for inspectors: arrive on time. lunch, because it is at this moment that you can take any portion, weigh it, check it with the documents , and understand how much the schoolchildren actually should have received during lunch and how much soup, carrots for salad, meat, and so on were actually put there, so it is during lunches most often undergo such
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checks, it turned out that oil is not the only thing that local chefs managed to save on school expenses today. recently in one of the gomel gymnasiums there was more than 100 kg surplus was detected. the canteen's envious production staff prepared about 17 kg of meat and sausages and 29 bottles of rapeseed oil for removal.
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we went by calorie content, the temperature was 22°, uh, considering that some products here can be stored at temperatures up to 21°, no more, and that’s already. capital's gymnasium, the inspectors came here not by chance either, a couple of months ago they found in this kitchen a lot of expired products unsuitable for cooking.
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today no delays were found here, measures to restoration of order has been accepted, but there is still work to be done, as in many other school canteens. we are talking about the health of our children, providing them with nutritious and high-quality nutrition. this year the committee has studied the situation. in addition , in other school canteens, facts of violations of cooking technologies and saving of raw materials have been revealed, cases of violation of the storage conditions of raw materials and sanitary standards have been established; new approaches do not work everywhere; at the beginning of the year, school food factories.
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exception - preferential category, for example, large families, they are compensated for everything throughout their studies; in the gomel region, taking into account the chernobyl theme, the state fully
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compensates for about 80% of students’ meals during their entire studies, so we are talking about saving budget funds, but still the most important thing is, of course, health children, therefore the main task is to provide high-quality and nutritious nutrition for schoolchildren , including... taking into account their taste priorities, so it is possible that in the future the organization of approaches to school meals will change. yuri shevchuk, dmitry chumak, tv news agency. and in continuation of the topic , today it became known that the department of financial investigations will check the schemes for supplying products to educational institutions through intermediary structures. we are talking about a number of commercial companies; one of these schemes of unfounded intermediation was uncovered. operatives, speeches about the supply of meat and poultry to educational institutions in minsk, as they said in the department of financial investigations, commercial companies purchased meat
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products from agricultural complexes in the minsk region and supplied them to schools, as they found out unscrupulous intermediaries appeared in the department and in supply chains between seller and buyer. this scheme of unjustified intermediation made it possible to inflate these products. and receive increased profits for its participants, at the same time, without paying taxes to the budget of the republic of belarus. currently, during verification activities, the subjects of this scheme cooperate with financial investigation authorities and give confessions. in addition, in relation to active participants and managers of this scheme, it will be accepted legal decision in accordance with the criminal procedural legislation of the republic of belarus. in this case , the companies involved in the scheme cashed out with the help
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of a controlled entrepreneur and spent on their own needs, as reported by the department of financial markets, an audit has been launched against the participants in this scheme. current cooperation with the asian region. over time, it has become one of the most important for our country, so exports of belarusian goods to china in 2023 amounted to $1.6 billion, which is 20% more than a year earlier. mutual trade turnover is almost 8.5 billion, active work is underway within the framework of the one belt-1 road project, the industrial park, the great stone is replenished with new residents, and the development of bilateral relations is mutually beneficial... the cooperation of our states has a deep logic, this opinion was shared during a conversation in the studio of the program say don’t be silent , ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of the people's republic of china to our republic
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, sit down. receiving each other. the peoples of china and belarus fought shoulder to shoulder in the global anti-fascist war. in the fight against the covid-19 epidemic, mutual aid and mutual support of our between the two countries became clear evidence of how friends are known in adversity. so that all
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countries, regardless of scale and power, have equal conditions for the opportunity to participate in the formation of a multipolar world, what is the power in money, truth or nuclear potential, and in whose hands is the fate of all humanity, not only about this, see the full release of the program on the youtube channel belarus 1. suppression of acts of international terrorism is one of the most important elements of maintaining international peace and security, ensuring sustainable... development, preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, this is stated in the statement adopted today by the council of the republic of the seventh convocation at the final meeting of the session. at the meeting, senators approved two bills, one of which concerns changes to business laws . a system of grants will be introduced, namely the allocation of funds to entrepreneurs from local budgets on a free basis, as
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well as reimbursement. republican budget of part of the capital costs incurred during implementation of investment projects using loans from the development bank. a special procedure is being introduced on the day of transfer of an individual entrepreneur to a commercial organization with continuity in all rights and obligations to the budget and counterparties. if an individual entrepreneur wants to transform into a legal entity, then... all conditions will be created for him to make the transition seamlessly, all licenses, certificates will be retained, re-registration will be carried out on the same day, he will be provided with assistance with paperwork and with the registration of any other documents, and of course, the most important thing, i believe, that is addressed in this law is that the government is given the right to determine the list of activities that individual entrepreneurs will engage in.
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the senators also adopted a bill on customs regulation, which will ensure a complete transition to electronic document management, provide opportunities for individuals to use the government services portal at customs for free, and also reduce the time it takes for customs authorities to make decisions. changes in laws on customs regulation related to ensuring the work of our enterprises, entrepreneurs, in station conditions, we see what is happening now internationally, as... the yeisk countries are strengthening sanctions against us, so we must respond to this, we are reacting accordingly. this meeting of the eleventh session of the council of the republic of the seventh convocation was the final one, with a renewed composition; senators will meet this coming friday , april 12. and today is the last day of nomination delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly, the mogilev region at the people's meeting will be represented by 41 people, eight from
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the regional council. deputies, 17 from district and city, 16 from village councils. each candidate for the regional council session was voted on separately. these people are worthy representatives of their profession with an active civic position. so i am one of the youngest deputies of the city council of deputies, and therefore also the promotion, as i already said, of youth initiatives, the involvement of young people in scientific activities in order to to.
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a brand new car, an update will allow you to more quickly and efficiently resolve issues of local residents, and this is important for improving the quality of life of people. this is a vivid example of interaction between all power structures of the mogilev region, this is an example of joint decisions that are made by the executive branch, the legislative branch, in order to make our prednikrovsky region, our native belarus even stronger, and the life of people on our land even more comfortable, even better. new serviceable cars in the village council are very necessary. well, of course, we are very glad that this comfortable and decent car is our domestic production, we are even proud of it. in addition, according to the chairman of the mogilev regional executive committee anatoly aisachenko,
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each village council will be allocated 6,500 rubles for external improvement projects. great water has come to russian orenburg; the level of the ural river within the city limits has exceeded 10 m, which is higher than the maximum permissible by as much as 70 cm. nothing threatens the central districts, but the private sector in suburbs of orenburg, almost a thousand people were evacuated from there. the situation in ozhsk remains difficult. the water of the urals is receding very slowly, people continue. a difficult flood situation is observed throughout the urals, the bolga region and eastern siberia; for example, an ice drift demolishes
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a pontoon bridge in kurgan. an emergency situation has already been declared here due to the fact that the water level in the tabol river has risen by 3 m. currently, 39 regions of russia are faced with problems caused by floods; the most difficult situation remains in the orenburg region, where everything is caused not only by an unprecedented rise in waters, but also by a number of human errors and technological failures. another new counter-offensive in the mtr, zelensky promises in an interview with a german publication. true, this will require massive supplies of weapons from the west, and such assistance has been practically suspended or is of a purely symbolic nature. in addition, zelensky will need many new soldiers; this should be ensured by the law on
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mobilization, which was submitted to the verkhovna rada today. western media report that in kyiv are preparing to begin recruiting women according to the israeli model. it is typical, however, that mobilization can be bought off by being sent to the front. the poorest and most socially vulnerable. in general, the counteroffensive was announced by zelensky and promises to turn into a real meat grinder. the russian foreign ministry has received more and more requests for assistance in the return of ukrainian children seized in europe. there are at least 225 known cases in which eu social services took away ukrainian minors from their parents, moreover. they they refer to certain political circumstances, well, that’s right, zelensky
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doesn’t need the children of ukraine, zelensky needs money in order to then either send the children of ukraine to their graves or force them to pay these debts, but the truth is in ukrainian embassies abroad. they will not tell the citizens of ukraine this, they are doing important things, they continue to beg for weapons and money continue to recruit this is all, so to speak, all kinds of terrorist extremist representatives in order for them to replenish ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the most depressing situation has developed in germany; 71 ukrainian children were confiscated from their parents.
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about the decline of the soviet union. since then, the geopolitical situation in europe has changed radically. and nato categorically did not fit into the balance of power required by the treaty. de facto, there is nothing left to observe today. nato began active militarization of its eastern flank. neither inspections nor information about the number of weapons changes anything in such a situation. yes, to tell the truth, from compliance with the contract in practice, the west has long given up. on the fine line of security in the region,
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author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. yes, that’s it, that’s it, an agreement signed at a turning point for the entire region in 1990 with 16 nato countries and six states of the warsaw pact organization and its essence is a quantitative limitation on five main categories of conventional weapons and equipment, but after 9 years... ... did not allow inspection to check the number of its weapons and most importantly in the end after all, nato uncontrollably increased the number of weapons systems troops in europe. that is, belarus is complying with the agreement, and nato is bringing offensive weapons to our borders. we have been observing the actions of other countries for a long time, first of all. the euro-atlantic alliance, the north atlantic alliance, and many
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nato countries have long suspended the operation of this treaty. to understand, in august 22 , the czech republic suspended the dove in relation to belarus. in march twenty-third , poland did the same. minsk in response stopped providing information about its conventional weapons and equipment in warsaw and prague. it is worth recalling that in august 1920, during an attempted rebellion to overthrow the legitimate elected government in belarus, it was warsaw that coordinated the protest crowd and disseminated false information to incite hatred and protest sentiments. according to belarusian intelligence, the second control center for protests was the czech republic. we see a puppeteer, here is one of the lines of these puppeteers in the czech republic. today from the czech republic manage our joint headquarters, where.
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the other day, turkey decided to withdraw from the treaty, which, on the one hand, is interpreted by experts in an extremely belligerent manner, saying that they planned something in ankara, now they can uncontrollably build up weapons in the border regions near the caucasus and the black sea, and oh, how it will strengthen friendship erdogan with nato. but let's be honest, after nato and russia left, everyone will understand. limitations of pro systems, inf, how
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the open skies agreements fell apart, the new start agreement, what the alternative would be and how the global hybrid confrontation will end is an open question, but one thing is clear, the world will never be the same. more analysis of the geopolitical situation in our telegram channels. in order to prevent the historical truth from being devalued, the prosecutor general’s office continues to investigate the criminal case of the belarusian genocide. people, during excavations in the village of vid, khoiniki region , the remains of about 40 civilians shot during the great patriotic war were discovered. according to witnesses, it is believed that the mass execution took place in december 1942, and the victims of the nazi massacre were children, women and men. even just one
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surface layer, there are already 12 people lying there, at least, this is the minimum, because here it has not been cleared. times the hair literally stands on end from how creepy it all was. excavations in the khoinice region began in early april, and now servicemen of the fifty-second separate specialized search battalion are working in the designated area. bony remains, clearly an adult
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man, the presence of a round hole indicates, well, 90%, while this is conjecture, there is no expert opinion yet that they were there. caused with the use of firearms, small fragments of skulls indicate that they belonged to children, the age of the children is determined by the corresponding examination, but even purely visually it is clear that they belonged to small children, the presence of bullets, the presence of cartridges indicates the use of weapons, these people were killed. the nazi crime continues without a deadline a long time ago, every bloody dot on the map of belarus is a living wound, and children, including children, should come here to see what price our ancestors paid for the freedom of every belarusian. art knows no boundaries of work schedule and flourishes even off
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the air. employees of the bel-tv and radio company shared their creative works. the exhibition brought together authors who work in various departments. companies, accounting, human resources, broadcast studios and, of course, a television news agency. the exposition is located right in the lobby the country's main media holding. activists of the belarusian women's union and the belteleradio company suggested opening up in a new capacity, looking at colleagues with different eyes. and i’m glad that local primary organizations picked up this initiative. and now we see the work of women who work at the belaria radio company, this is difficult work, it is...
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hands and value guidelines. most authors actively develop their creativity and take part in social projects and charity events. and now the decisive series has started to add to the sporting emotions for the president's hockey cup, perhaps no one could have predicted the final poster. zhlobin
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metallurgist plays against brest. the history of the belarusian championship has been rewritten again. never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season... reached the golden confrontation, neither separately, nor especially together. our correspondent, kristina kamysh, will tell you how the first meeting of the opponents ended. the truth is simple, hockey for whom? for the audience. without taking into account the extra league playoff finals, we have already visited this season 72.00 fans, this is 5.000 more than last year. in the gomel and brest regions there is now a real hunt for tickets to the decisive stage of the cup. president, so in the city above the bug, tickets for the third match of the series were sold out in just 4 hours, or, for example, there was such a line in the gutter at the ticket office of the ice palace last sunday at... 10 am. tickets were sold on sunday, he went on saturday evening at 9:00, a blanket with a chair lined up to take a seat and buy a ticket.
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it's not a nightmare, it's the love of hockey. we believe that we will win, we understand that it will be very difficult, because brest is not, this is not just some ordinary team, it made history, now it will fly forward on euphoria. everyone will want to show beautiful, bright, fast hockey, but i am sure that we will take the victory today, because there.
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how will the president's cup end? perhaps only time will answer this question. the extraleague has taught us through sensational results that predictions usually do not come true. on the one hand, there is a metallurgist who is going to defend his title, on the other, phenomenal brest. which left vitebsk unsuccessful with the miner, there is now no pressure on the team for the result. the finish of the champion was generally very cool for the metallurgist; in principle, in the playoffs this story continued. brest is a super sensation, but if you look at the composition of the team, i think it’s no secret to anyone that there are a lot of great skilled hockey players, we are waiting for the show, we are waiting for various plot twists, there will be drama, there will be a little comedy 100%, there will be the whole spectrum here emotions, roller coaster, crazy support, what happened? that in brest,
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no one was going to sit on the defensive in the first match of the final series, the scoring extravaganza in the match started already in the sixth minute alexander podkorytov opened the scoring for the metallurgist, not even 50 seconds had passed, as konstantin totarenko responded to this, for the young defender this was a victory the goal was the first in the playoffs. the fans will not be pleased with their fans in this meeting. it was in the second or third that the zhlabin residents removed questions about the winners, having abandoned three times, konstantin lukin, mikhail stefanovich and egor starkov. in the final period, sergei kuznetsov and vitaly pinchuk brought the score to a devastating 6:1 result. the match was tense, everyone was waiting for each other to make mistakes, somewhere we also started timidly and so concentrated, maybe in principle it was good that we started like that, then we found errors in defense. we realized our chances, which we are happy about, the first period was good, the beginning of the second, there were chances, there was a majority that
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still needed to be realized, at least create good chances, but unfortunately, it just didn’t work out today, we missed on our blunders, we conceded goals in the minority, didn’t play reliably, didn’t do what we had prepared correctly, so with the score 1:0 in the series, metallurg is ahead. the second match of the decisive confrontation for the trophy will also be held in zhlobin. already on friday, starting face-off at 8:00 pm, live broadcast on tv channel belarus 5. kristina kamysh, andrey novgorodtsev, dmitry golovach, telenews agency.
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you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, in in postmodernity, everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here even of meanings, their absence,
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because logically, how can we explain it? why do they put a grandfather in the post of such a huge state who doesn’t remember his name? well, this is absurd? if you just don’t set yourself up for a life of prayer like this, you ’ll just feel somehow uncomfortable. monastic life is not just a struggle, it is advanced, god speaks to every heart alone, every person is here individuality. project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the tv channel. belarus 24, girl, excuse me, trampling zoya vasilievna, where can i find it? rastopchina, mitya, mitya, i don’t know recently, a bag, but i saw them, musya, trafima, a girl, this is her daughter, she came with her from germany, wrote her down as from a frenchman, worked with her on the farm, kolya, meet me, this is my sister
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mitya’s fiancé, yeah, i was at the front, i didn’t evade the front anywhere, i... i didn’t have to explain to staff bastards like you that i didn’t dessert kolya, i love him, please, i tried to love you, kolya, please let me go, you love her, the main thing is that you love her, mash, marry me, but you don’t love me, let it go, bully, bully, i’ll give you a minute, come on, dad, watch the series, i’ll be back on the belarus 24 tv channel . in the next few minutes we’ll only talk about sports. hello. let's start with hockey. the decisive series for the president's cup started today in zhilobino; ​​perhaps no one could have predicted the final poster. metallurg plays against
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brest. the history of the belarusian championship has been rewritten again, never before. the sixth and seventh squads of the smooth season did not reach the golden confrontation, neither separately, nor especially together, so an interesting confrontation awaits us. podkoryto opened the scoring in the first game of the first period today, but even before the break totorenko restored the parity, but the guests did not succeed in the second third. lukin, stefanovich and starkov made the score 4:1. the result of the meeting is on your screen. the second game of the series will also be held in zhlobin on friday with a live broadcast of the game. on tv channel belarus 5. in the national hockey league, both clubs, for which the belarusian legionnaires washington and calgary play, achieved victories last night as part of the regular season, although the lights managed to do this only in overtime and far from beating the strongest opponents, and the capital ones won the most important victory in the prospect of reaching the playoffs. elena gorelchik will tell you the details in her story.


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