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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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you miss you too, anna quilloria , we are starting this new day with you, a day called thursday and today is the eleventh of april on the calendar, if anything, annechka, 6:00 am, i suggest you take a little breath in the morning, repeat the inhalation and exhalation after me, friends , you don’t know what’s going on, tatyana, i’m embarrassed to ask, an, everything is fine, the fact is that today the world is celebrating the day of holotropic breathing, this is a technique of rapid breathing, this is a kind of transpersonal psychotherapy, by the way.
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excessive oxygen enters our brain and can i just lose consciousness a little? yes, turn off for a while, so please be careful, but what definitely always has a positive effect on our body is waking up every day with a good morning in belarus. by the way, in about 15 minutes there will be dawn, the birds, they have already woken up, they are singing with all their might, so be like the birds, sing and wake up. the robins, hearing a voice, remember forgotten dates, three perches, a birch bridge. on
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the quiet yurchka, sleep on the demon, i ask you for an hour pink on the potikon to me like a gift of birch raspberries in the fire, when the squeegee takes to forget the raspberries in the fire, but thought to god knows where? the pebbles by the shore were rocking, the robin sang then, and about what we were silently silent about, i ask you for the pink hour, but slowly to me, when the edge, birch, raspberry market, when the organ, birch, mali... on vazhar,
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with a point the bridge is gone, my heart is in pain, the river has disappeared, a young woman is rushing in the distance, but the song is like before my love, the robin has returned to me again. i ask you, the pink hour will slowly come to me, like a birch tree, raspberry baysar, kantara edge, takes the most, raspberry baysare, kantara trai, miras lock. well
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, tell me, is there at least one person in our country who does not know the words of this wonderful song, by the way, at the beginning of the video it was written that this is a memory of the notice. the vicinity of ancient turov, the valley of the pripyat river, this is one of the largest migration corridors for birds in all of europe, it is through our unique woodland that the routes of winged travelers from western europe to the tundra and forests of the european part of russia lie, some of the birds
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they fly in transit, others remain on the nesting grounds, so now in the spring in the pripyat river valley you can see entire colonies, almost 80%, by the way, of all the birds that are encountered. 80 years later, we remember the losses that the belarusian people suffered during the great patriotic war, today, on the international day of liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps, our correspondent matvey lichonok prepared... also traditionally on thursdays , we will all learn to understand art a little more and plunge into the work of the famous belarusian and soviet painter mikhail sovitsky. we will also learn how
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the philosopher, archaeologist and catholic missionary maximilian rouleau changed the world. we’ll also go to the wheels of tractors plant to figure out what mechanic sergei does in the morning. kind, and of course, nowhere without a decent dose of sports, we are waiting for the tv news agency columnist andrei kozlov, as always it will not only be interesting, but also fun, and a sensation, a long-awaited guest on our air, this is the people's artist of russia, a circus star, fearless tiger thief and presenter new season of the show, transformation heroes, edgard zapashny, by the way, he will not be alone, in company with our belarusian starlet nastya kravchenko. this is what unites them , why they will only see each other for the first time on our live broadcast, believe me, it will be interesting, we will tell you everything, yes, we are also waiting for the premiere from the young artist polina popeni, she has already left brest this morning and is rushing to our minsk studio, especially for in order to present your new song,
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it’s called fogs, it’s relevant, but it’s still spring, these fogs are still there, yes, but there are no fogs today, but we won’t tell you about fogs right now, but about... urgently stay with us, don’t switch and don’t even blink, so as not to miss anything. well, now attention for the next section we will need an avocado and the ability to make a poached egg in any situation. we are writing down a new recipe. good morning, today for breakfast we are preparing nutritious and satisfying toast with avocado and a poached egg. to prepare , we need toast bread and avocado. tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, lemon, eggs, olive oil and spices. cut the avocado in half , remove the pit, take out the pulp with a spoon , put it in a deep plate, mash the pulp
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with a fork, cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters and send them to the avocado, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and... sprinkle the vegetable mixture into it, add a little olive oil, salt and pepper if you like, you can add dried garlic, mix everything into a homogeneous puree, now shoot, beat each egg into a bowl so that the yolk remains intact, carefully pour the egg from the bowl into boiling salted water, lower the bowl as much as possible below, cook the eggs, from 2 to 5 minutes, remove the finished eggs from the water with a slotted spoon, fry the bread in a toastie until lightly golden brown, generously grease with avocado sauce, put the shot on top, for a beautiful serving,
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sprinkle with sesame seeds, ground paprika and a mixture of peppers, serve immediately to the table while the egg is hot, toast with avocado and... som poshot is prepared very quickly, fills our body with energy and vitamins, and there is nothing to say about the taste, it will delight real gourmets. pulp. avocado at least resembles fatty oil in texture, but it only contains benefits: at least 20 vitamins and minerals, and unsaturated fats do not harm the figure. eat healthy, and most importantly, tasty, bon appetit! the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and... publications. last year, the president held meetings on improving
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the entrance campaign, as a result they adopted an updated format. however, based on comments from the teaching community and the parents of the applicants themselves, some adjustments were again made. in addition, for high-achieving graduates talented gifted children, the ministry of education has expanded the number of preferential entry routes. the rules for target audiences have also changed somewhat. they have more of them. the national newspaper writes in detail, in particular about future teachers and doctors. the responsible animal welfare act was signed into law on april 1st. from this moment on, it is regulated that in every large populated area there must be stationary centers where captured animals will be kept, so the owner of a pet that has escaped on the city streets will be able to take it home. and this is definitely a big plus. however, the main measure that animal rights activists are fighting for remains mandatory. at the moment, it is not
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taken into account, the issues of the need for microchipping and forced castration of tailed animals are in the material of the correspondent of the minsk news agency. in just one past week, there has been several bad news for those naive people who continue to believe in the infallibility of western digital services. in words, the heralds of these internet giants stand for secrecy. personal life, tirelessly fighting for your right to privacy and loudly they talk about democratic values, but all this empty talk is forgotten immediately as soon as the conversation turns to money, and this is just one sign of the hypocrisy in which the western world is mired, why international corporations and politicians in the west lie, correspondents of the newspaper sb belarus found out today. on april 1 , legislative innovations regarding...
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treating wounds came into force in russia, he dreamed of becoming a prosecutor, but achieved professional success in science and
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medicine. in general, i specialize in pediatric surgery, but i have i have a hobby; i am also a combustiologist-surgeon. the program includes belarusians, associate professor of grodno state medical university, author of patents , winner of numerous international competitions, as well as a person. this is the science of burns, watch it on friday only on our tv channel.
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we all continue to wake up together in a good mood, and this, despite the fact that the weather again seems to have gone a little crazy, what am i talking about, tatyana matusevich has all the answers, tatyana, please tell us the forecast, i see that she hasn’t gone crazy today the weather, in fact, comfortable temperature indicators up to +19 across the country and mostly dry, let's go over the numbers specifically, so, in the capital of the republic minsk this day it is up to 17 plus, in brest +16 +18. in vitebsk +15 +17 to 19 those same degrees in gomel +15 +17 in our city of grodno in mogilev no higher than 18 today, as i said earlier, cloudy with clearings and mostly without precipitation, this is such a comfortable temperature so in general no psycho well, after yesterday’s 26 or whatever it is, 28 in brest, of course
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it seems that a little psychonol is actually really very comfortable, and at least it was when we left. from the duma at about 4:00 in the morning, in general, any weather, you see, is good when we all live in a world of harmony, and today, april 11 , is the international day of the liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps, this date was set in memory of the international uprising of participants in the buchenwald concentration camp , which happened exactly on april 11 , 1945, now 80 years later we belarusians, like no one else, remember the losses we had suffered during the great patriotic war, and today... on a memorable day, our correspondent, matvey lichonok, prepared material from the tragically famous azays, let's see in march 1944, in this very place, the nazis created a complex of concentration camps, which included dzert , podosinek and ozarich, here the germans
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used bacteriological weapons for the first time, the number of victims was more than 20,000. such camps were created. in open areas and did not have any buildings, the civilian population was simply driven into the swamp, doomed to painful death, building dugouts, temporary housing of some kind, building huts was forbidden, that is, imagine march 1944, it’s cold, it’s frost, it’s also snow, these are really terrible weather conditions, the prisoners looked like the living dead, they could barely walk, passed they passed by dead people lying... right on the ground, some were just children who didn’t understand, very small, they were looking over the bodies of their dead parents, mothers, they couldn’t part with their dead children and were holding them in their arms. people were brought not only from neighboring villages, but from the current russian-ukrainian territory, by freight trains. a huge fire was burning at the gates of the camp, where the fastas forced you to throw out all
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your personal belongings and food, they said you wouldn’t need it there. the territory of the azarich death camp occupied an area. about 2 hectares, we are now on an elevated part of the swamp, here people, initially the germans did not leave, they drove all the prisoners to the unchanged part, the average life expectancy of prisoners in this camp is about three days, so we can assume that alive those who remained were those who were brought here a few days before liberation. historians write about... the place of 10 days of hell; in less than two weeks, thousands of women, children, and old people were killed here, and almost half of them were children under 13 years of age. there was an order according to which all women who had two or more children under 12 years of age were sent to labor camps, and children were sent to the posinnik concentration camp. these
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azarichi camps were created with the aim of stopping the advance of the red army troops; by march 1944 the troops the red army advanced deeper into the enemy’s defenses, this was specifically done so that when these azal camps were liberated, the red army soldiers would become infected with typhus. typhoid patients were brought to the camp in the hundreds, they were placed with still healthy people, the patients quickly died, and those still alive, in order to somehow warm up, took off the dead... clothes and lay on the corpses, because of this they quickly became infected, since the carriers of the disease were fleas, but the disease, of course, is not the only cause, where there was an elevated part of the swamp, hummocks. there people stood ankle-deep in water, in the low-lying part, where there was open forest, there was knee-deep water and there was no sanitary zone. in march of '44 there was a lot of snow, they
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used the snow to quench their thirst, ate the snow, and then after a few days the snow mixed with sewage. vera santanina ivmenovna, she ended up in this camp on march 15, she was 15 years old, so she remembers that... her brother brought water from just such a dimple in his cap, gave her something to drink, and within a day her legs began to swell and her skin began to crack , flow out liquid, she stopped walking. on march 19, 1944 , the azari death camp was liberated. the first to arrive in azararich were sappers, who determined that complete demining would take a very long time; seconds counted. people had to be led out along a narrow path. they staggered from side to side and every now and then fell, continuing to be blown up and die. after liberation, when there was relative silence over
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the swamp, doctors noticed that the women were screaming, it turned out that they had gone crazy, they could not survive the death of their children, relatives loved ones. there were a lot of pregnant women here, giving birth, dying themselves, and babies dying. in addition to the soldiers of the red army , hundreds of doctors arrived in azararichi, who began to treat the prisoners and prevented the outbreak of a typhus epidemic, but despite this , many died while already in hospitals and orphanages. the children cried, but they could not be given anything to eat except diets. the very fact of the existence of such camps is indisputable proof of the genocide of the soviet people, the atrocity, inhumanity and meanness of the fascists. here, in the village of azariche was carefully kept. memory of the victims of the concentration camps, and they still say that this is probably one of the most terrible places in the world. when the last heroes,
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dear to eternity, leave, we will open the book of memory, again... destinies will come to life on every page of life, a unique spring, heroes, faces are looking at us, and names are rushing into the soul, remember, while people live, remember, for yours happiness, your youth, their life, their youth is the price, remember, heroes are alive, people,
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remember, heroes, alive, people, remember, bye their names are heard. eyes, eyes pierce the years, unconquered eyes, in them is the honor and courage of the people, and a mother’s tear, a voice sounds in batom. hearts, preserve your homeland and peace, and tell children more often who
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blessed them with life, remember, while people live, remember, for your happiness, your youth, their life and... youth is valuable, remember, heroes, people are alive, remember, heroes, are alive, people, remember, while they sound, friends, i subscribe to every phrase of this song, thank you very much, victoria oleshka, heroes are alive, as long as their names are alive, and they are alive when, when we remember them when we... remember when we talk about them, let's remember further, friends, we remind you once again, today is thursday on the calendar, april 11, and you know, we decided that it would not be superfluous
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to remind you once again, what a beautiful... country we live in, look how the tulip fields bloom throughout our republic, the boundless sea, the most beautiful tulips of all the colors of the rainbow, it’s just a real paradise of tulips in polesie, but by the way, believe me, now this beauty that is beyond our backs are located, you can see in almost every region of our country, so don’t miss it, because the flowering lasts very little, but now let’s continue the topic of tulips, though let’s talk about turkish ones, but spring has come to... the annual tulip festival has started there, hundreds of thousands of bright flowers they turned the city into a colorful work of art; there ’s no other way to say it; tulips can be seen literally everywhere, in parks, squares, alleys, courtyards and even on highways. landscape designers made whole pictures out of them, the organizers promise to plant about 8 million flowers in the city as part of the festival, and it will all be so bright, so beautiful, it’s a pity that it won’t last long, well, that’s all though... you can
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capture it in a photo, then admire it on video all year round, but by the way, tulips are now more associated with the netherlands, although turkey is considered to be the birthplace of the flower; the first bulb arrived there more than 500 years ago during the period of prosperity of the ottoman empire. tulips were brought from persia and captivated the local sultans with their beauty. that is why they were proclaimed national symbol of this country. by the way, according to one of the legends: happiness is hidden at the bottom of the cup of a red tulip. so you need to take a look, by the way, it was such a great honor to receive from, for example, the turkish sultan from the time of the ottoman empire as a gift and bags with tulip bulbs of rare flowers, they were bred there - selectively, god, how can i say this, in general they were a breeder at that time it's time to bring out the most beautiful colors, the most beautiful varieties of tulips, so keep in mind the truly imperial sultan a flower, but in general, happiness is what
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people strive for at all times, in times of hunger, death and cruelty. the paintings, created in a harsh style, do not leave anyone indifferent, because the artist wrote them based not on the stories of concentration camp prisoners, but on his personal memories. mikhail savitsky was born in 1922 and went to the front at the age of twenty. he went through the horrors of the concentration camps of dusseldorf, buchenwald and dahao; it was the brutality and meanness of fascism that formed the basis of the cycle of numbers
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on the heart. the name of the number on the heart is a metaphor for the serial numbers with which prisoners were marked and carried under their hearts. in total, the series includes 16 works, they depict the entire journey of the prisoners, from the train that brought them to the peron camp to the crematorium or those who were lucky enough to be liberated by the red army. the painting prisoner 32815 is a self-portrait of the artist. this is what mikhail savitsky looked like after his release from the concentration camp. a skeleton covered in leather, a face darkened from hunger and a bloody striped robe, but two flaming eyes and hands clenched into fists. this is a symbol of steadfastness spirit. the work of the summer theater dates back to 1976 . summer theaters were pits for
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burning corpses. the picture shows a pile of bodies that are about to be disposed of, a security guard shows where and how exactly to unload, and the bulldozer operator indifferently carries out the command. the bodies of prisoners in sovitsky’s works are always light and virginal, a radiant light seems to emanate from them, because in the paintings we are not talking about the shell, but rather about the soul, which is why the figures of friedians or policemen are always... twisted, wrinkled and black, this is clearly visible at work, the dance with torches, where the probe team, as if a pack of devils, is heading towards the bodies of the prisoners. the work of the singing horse is striking in its plot, which shows not only the horror of death, but also the cruelty of the nazis, who, not only, harnessed people to the cart instead of horses, dragging the corpses of their cellmates, and also forced them to sing
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funny songs. the last picture of the cycle, these survivors and liberation, this is the finale, the rescue of concentration camp prisoners by soldiers of the red army, the work of mikhail sovitsky - this is not just painting. this is an eternal memory to the victims of fascism. thank you very much to our colleague for such a very good story, of course, someone may also once again accuse us of having a difficult topic, but friends, when not today, april 11, should we remember the victims of concentration camp prisoners. i want to say that when i was at school, in our literature office there was a book with very colorful works. i want to say a huge thank you to our teachers who made just such a selection here these books, and i remember that then, somewhere around we were maybe 12 to 13 years old, i was simply amazed, i was amazed by some of the pictures, and where were these naked bodies that
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we just saw, which were complex, well, practically not like human bodies, but like firewood, excuse me, maybe such a very rough comparison, i was so amazed when i found out that this is not just some kind of fiction, this is not just a fantasy. please get to know them if you haven’t already, well, let’s continue the topic of art and willpower, so to speak, let’s discuss. british artist graham hard wood 10 years ago set himself a challenge that only a true portrait painter could accept. he intends to paint
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portraits of all the residents of his native st. davis, which is considered the smallest city in great britain. it is inhabited by about 1,800 people, each of whom will become the hero of the paintings. local residents willingly come to the master to judge and sow. this is how hartwood creates a collection of small portraits of garazans in his home. at the moment the artist wrote there are already more than a thousand portraits, but there are hundreds more to come. therefore, he cannot even imagine how long his project will take. writing one work takes him from 45 minutes to 4 hours, but sometimes he has to work on a portrait even for several days. a portrait painter has a dream, after completing a project, to make a huge panorama from these canvases. i think that if there is a goal, and he actually moves towards this goal, then everything will work out. panorama of 1,800 portraits, great, i think these are cool, cool such a unifying event, you can imagine, every resident feels their value at the moment when the master writes it,
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yes, and then it’s all put on public display, a cool life hack, such team building, yes, if you, especially in a small town in general , yes, you can really get to know each other, without spending the evenings on gadgets and... an impoverished noble family. after graduating from the polotsk and jesuit academy, he received a master's degree in philosophy. he entered the medical faculty of vilnius university, and then went to rome, where he studied philosophy, theology, poetics and rhetoric at
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the pontifical gregorian university. having received the priesthood, he quickly became famous as an excellent preacher and became interested in missionary work in the middle east. in 1836 he went to mesopotamia and lebanon. in order to open catholic educational institutions in the middle east, as an inspector of the vatican he traveled to many countries in asia and africa, where he conducted archaeological excavations. maximilian rylla headed the missionary mission in syria, founded a college with training classes in beirut, printing house and museum. later, this college received the status of a university, which, by the way, still exists and is considered one of the best in the middle east. ryla was organized by the catholic. school in malta, preached in sicily, lectured at the roman collegium. in 1846 he was appointed vicar apostolic for central africa. the researcher is a priest, also known as the author of travel diaries and commentaries on the book of the founder of
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the jesuit order and ignatius laiola, a spiritual exercise. maximilian ryla became the first researcher of the ruins of ancient babylon and donated his collection of archaeological finds to the vatican museum. appeared. member of the pontifical academy of archaeology and the french orientological society. one of the most famous preachers of his time, a missionary scientist, died during another trip. that the temperature has gone down a little, such a slight setback has happened, but nevertheless spring is still making its way to spring, and we continue to wake up, we told you, this matter cannot be stopped or changed, by the way, anna valerievna, i have a gift for you from a true story. i didn’t find it,
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but i found sources where you can buy seedlings, maybe it will also be useful, then i’ll share the links, but by the way, i know exactly where you can inhale the aroma of a flower rare for our area, magnolia, magnolia, i also know these places , firstly, magdolya can be seen in the central botanical garden, i ’m almost sure, i’m not almost sure, but that’s for sure. the information is very fresh, because flowering began only this tuesday and will last until april 28, and all tiktokers are aware that a certain magnolia has bloomed in the capital’s denisovsk lane and are actively posting all sorts of photos and videos from there on social networks, these are just the ones that have already appeared on our screens, by the way, this year everything it blooms earlier, by the way, the european climate change service reported that march of this year was the warmest on record, not surprising, and by the way... this is already the tenth record month in a row.
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the average temperature above the earth's surface exceeded 14°. in many regions of the northern hemispheres, including southern europe, experienced heat waves. records were also broken for the surface temperature of the world's oceans and icebergs in southern greenland. the main cause of the exceptional heat was man-made greenhouse gas emissions, among other factors contributing to rising temperatures. elniyo is a weather phenomenon as a result.
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well, the immense desire of some to drag these same primroses home or sell them. so the inspectorate for natural resources and environmental protection reminds us of the responsibility for collecting primroses red book plants. yes, a little specifics, come on, if during the collection of the red book species a violator is caught in the act, then the fine will be serious, from twenty to thirty basic units, an individual. let's remember that one basic value is 40 rubles. now, count the damage caused to the environment, and this? this is from five basic units per kilogram
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of these rare flowers, yeah, so enjoy, but don’t touch, as they say, in wise quotes from instagram, true love is when you’re not, when you’re you water a flower, but you don’t want to possess it, maybe not exactly, but you get the point, now let’s talk about self-love, our zoo experts will again raise the issue of nutrition. good morning, my name is tatyana and i am an expert in a healthy lifestyle, let’s talk about myths around healthy weight loss. in pursuit of a well-built body, health practitioners follow all the advice indiscriminately; myths are often hidden in them, and we will deal with them. myth number one: you can lose weight locally. local
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fat burning is a process when the fat layer is reduced in a strictly defined manner. body parts. in this case, special exercises supposedly help. but in practice, when we work out in the gym, go on a diet or actively run in the morning, the body changes in a complex way. even if you constantly train in the right mode, everything will be individual. for some, the stomach will tighten first, and for others , the volume of the hips will decrease. losing weight is a complex effort that combines physical activity, a balanced diet, proper rest and care treatments. its influence will be... noticeable throughout the body. myth number two: everyone needs a chitday. yes and no. on such days, you significantly exceed your normal calorie intake. and you don't care about what foods you eat. this strategy is not effective for everyone. weekend cheating can ruin
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the diet and exercise you've been doing all week. this may be the day when you uncontrollably eat everything, eating a hamburger with chocolate. the reason for weight gain, and it will be difficult to return to your usual regime, how to replace your day, enjoy your favorite dish or dessert until the last bite, when you really want to, do not choose one day for this week in which you will eat non -stop, know when to stop and don’t forget to treat yourself, listen to your body, it will tell you the most optimal nutrition plan, comprehensive and as healthy as possible.
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in touch through the camera, i am with you, nastya kravchenko, you are watching wow news, it will be very interesting, all because today i will tell you: how the cult series has changed thanks to the belarusians, where you can see a model of the belarusian capital from a construction set and whether it is possible to attract good luck with a ring ? to begin with, i will share with you a digest of other news. the belarusian blogger starred in the second season of new daddy's girls. vlad a4 will appear not only on the youtube channel, but on your tv screens. but what role the blogger beloved by millions will have remains a mystery. we only know one thing: the plot of the new daddy's daughters. after all, some episodes were already published on september 18
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last year. if you suddenly missed the news, we'll tell you. according to the plot, six months after dash left. venik continues to improve his everyday and parenting skills, and yes, the curse of the vosnetsov family has dragged down these daddy’s daughters as well. first season it was a warm-up, but now everything has changed somewhat. dad venik is dealing with his personal life and trying to resolve a career issue for the sake of his daughters. we’ll find out what else the new season will surprise us with on april 15th. don't miss out on the adventures of your childhood. belarus creates unique sets of construction kits based on the capital's landmarks and shares them on his tiktok account. the author shows what minsk would look like if he were a designer. national library, moskovskaya metro station and kukuruza house on komarovka. all made with 3d graphics and detailed
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assembly instructions. consider it art. the guy, by the way, did not study graphic design. it takes him from one to three days to develop one such fifty-second video. the work is painstaking, but appreciate the result, it 's worth it. the projects were developed according to all the standards of the well-known series of construction kits; in theory, all that remains is to cast them from plastic. so, who knows, maybe someday we will really be able to assemble minsk with our own hands. belarus. good morning belarus, tatyana matusevich and anna quiloria are starting a new day with you, a day called thursday. today is april 11th on the calendar. and tomorrow , april 12, we will all celebrate world aviation and cosmonautics day. by the way, it will be celebrated on the tv channels of our media holding. let me remind you
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that anna valerien accompanied our fellow countrywoman marina vasilevskaya to baikanur, however, she met the cosmonaut after the completion of the mission. also she, anechka, i know that you are preparing some kind of surprise for our viewers tomorrow, for the viewers of the good morning? yes, friends, definitely, i will do this, i hope a good story that you will like, because, in fact, if you read, we spent about a month and a half with our cosmonauts side by side, first we were in the star city, we saw how the astronauts’ exams took place, then we sent them to baikonur, waved after them, after our rocket, and then met them actually in the kazakh steppe, so in memory of these events i... even on the phone on the phone there is such a small emblem, this is actually an emblem, for each flight roscosmos develops a special emblem, here it says novitsky, vasilevsky.
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she collected thousands of sources, spoke to a huge number of people, and visited i don’t know, probably hundreds of locations, and this is really a very labor-intensive work lasting almost, probably, six months, it seems i ’m not mistaken, in general anastasia midisyuk, a huge hello , this was my partner on all trips and the only girl, ova, who was next to you on all business trips, yes on all business trips, and we were the only girls, that’s exactly what camp, which was set up here in the kazakh steppe, when we expected.
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radio company will show thematic documentaries at 22:55 a film of one star will be broadcast, i repeat the name, which will tell about a native of the brest region, twice hero of the soviet union, pilot cosmonaut of the ussr, peter klimuk, everything in general will be in space tomorrow, space absolutely and friends, if anyone thought that with marina vasilevskaya’s flight into space, only now our country has acquired the status of a space power, i hasten to tell you that no, this happened much earlier, because the famous... natives of belarus, then the former soviet socialist republic also visited space, moreover, belarus produces a huge amount of technology, equipment for space, so this is just
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a story that continues, for the first time in the history of our independence country flew into space in belarus with a belarusian passport under the belarusian flag. yes, let’s still go down to earth now and talk about earthly things, let’s go shopping from our regular shopping section. in every child nature there is a craving for... knowledge of the world around us and creativity, today we’ll talk about what you should pay attention to when choosing toys for creativity. one of the main criteria is the age of the child. up to 3 years is the best time to study colors and textures, stimulate fingertips for speech development, so during this period the simplest options are well suited for creativity: cosmic kinetic sand, water coloring, lacing, you can also try the simplest types of origami and appliqués. for younger children we choose. and the dough is plasticine, finger paints, they should also be safe, and first of all, the kids and i
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play under the supervision of adults, choosing paints and dough for modeling, it is important to pay attention to their composition, it is better if they are based on honey and flour without synthetic impurities, because it is worth you will turn away as the child puts them in his mouth, kindergarteners are already quite capable of modeling, so you can safely buy sets with large parts, older ones will already contain small parts, these are all beads, and paintings by numbers, but here too, here needed perseverance, if the child you know that the child will not sit still, then it is better not to sit him down right away, because again he may lose interest in this. schoolchildren are already aware of all their actions, have excellent fine motor skills, and many already have a certain level of perseverance, so from seven years old you can choose absolutely any options, engravings, diamonds. stutterers sets for experiments, the only criterion is the level of difficulty. here you need to focus on the level of difficulty and age of the child, because
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sometimes there is a set for creativity 6 plus, but a 6-year-old child will not be able to cope, that is , everything will mainly be helped by mom and dad. don’t forget about safety; a good creativity kit should not include dangerous chemical compounds and overly bright dyes, and for the smallest ones, even small parts. creativity kits are one of the most useful games. the main thing is to remember the child’s preferences, interesting and high-quality purchases. friends, in japan the real attraction for creativity is the image of sakura. there is even a separate concept for time admiring her. it's called hanami. moreover, this is a whole national tradition. just as we switched abruptly from shopping, now belarusians can also take care of the khans. in grodno, in zhullibera park, a whole alley of sakura blossomed. look how beautiful, wonderful. by the way, you can have a podsakra and a picnic, and this is an ancient japanese tradition, especially since you can always write a hoku, or read it with other words, tatyana wants
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to say, yes, tatyana, i read your thoughts like i do. well, please read, we can support this tradition, firstly, admire the blossoming of not only sakura, but our belarusian cherries, yeah, yes, dear friends, this process is, of course , fleeting, but it lasts a little longer than the synoptic forecast, so smoothly, let’s move on to the temperature indicators for this morning, it’s a little fresher than yesterday, so look, for example, in the republic of belarus in minsk +6 +8 cloudy with clearings and dry, until 10 this morning in bresse as well. no precipitation , cloudy with clearings in vitebsk + 7 + 9 9:11 in gomel +5 +7 in the city of grodno, not higher than eleven, so far in mogilev. here such a picture. tatyana, ask me why i’m rustling a pencil here. i see the next lines. yes, can i read it, i was inspired by the weather forecast. spring is coming here. the wind shakes the branches, cherry blossoms, and
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the temperature drops. how do you like it? brilliant, i’ll say, but i’ll lie a little. friends, now i suggest going to the wheeled tractor plant, there is also a romance there in the morning. my name is sergey vorobey, i work with the msr forester, in the experimental workshop at the wheeled tractor plant. i wake up at 4:30, have breakfast, do exercises and go to work. the working day begins at 7:00 a.m. with safety training and assignment of shift assignments for the day. this is my workplace, today we are working on a fork, we start the working day
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with studying. it is necessary to mark the contour of the fork from the workpiece, i came to the experimental all in 2004, and here i work to the present day, and i like the work because i can see the result here now, i started making the part from scratch and finished it in finished form, we we will roll a sheet of aluminum into a pipe. since i work in experimental workshop, every day we have a new part, a new idea, sometimes it’s difficult to implement, and there are times when we need help from a technologist or designer, but through joint efforts we come to a common result, a positive one. an msr mechanic must have
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endurance and physical strength, because... due to the specifics of the profession, one has to deal with heavy components and mechanisms, one must be able to read design documentation, understand tolerances, fits, accuracy, precision, patience, because sometimes you can’t do much, you have to do it, but patience comes to the rescue in this situation, along with smartphones and tablets... operation and repair. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. how do we love our work? and i already wanted to say, sergey, have a nice day to you, and say hello to your colleagues, too. but,
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unfortunately, the first hour of the live broadcast is slowly coming to an end, but we just... i’ll turn the hands on my watch, it’s not news, life goes on, alas, without editing, how can i believe it? again in happiness, with my heart shattered into pieces, make me breathe, breathe again. without
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trying on an outfit without the difference of heaven, make me breathe, breathe easily. again shares a summer evening with or without you, but without you, everyone shouted to me, don’t ask, not after all, but the essence is who, the one who has not tried on fate is not afraid, flight, but i’m still flying, but now it’s already days. i believe them with my wing and ask, this sky, for one thing, how to believe again in happiness with my heart scattered
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at first, make me breathe, breathing again, without trying on an outfit without a difference in the sky. force i can breathe, i can breathe easily, whether i share the summer evening with you again or not, but just give me a little more, i’m waiting for the threshold, a ray of sun will come from the water.
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make me breathe, breathe again, without trying on an outfit without the difference of heaven, make me. breathe, breathe easily, share the summer wind again with you or the sky, without you, make me breathe, no matter the name, save me, soul, either. run away again to share a summer evening with you or make
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belarus go crazy. thursday april 11th i will tell you about the main morning hour, vladislav bunder, hello, watch the episode!


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