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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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such figures lead to mineeconomics. at the end of last year, output reached $30 billion. more than half of this production is exported. small medium-sized businesses are actively involved in import substitution; their share is approaching thirds. industrial production in the eurasian economic union increased by almost 7% over 2 months, compared to the same level last year. plus was recorded in all the top five countries. the largest in armenia are from above. the smallest industrialists in kazakhstan in our country increased production by more than 7%. and finally, the financial department of belarus has significantly increased the cost of precious metals in products and lomya. from april 12 , citizens will receive 15 rubles more than the current price per gram of 750 gold. 900 gold has risen to almost 200 rubles. platinum and silver prices have not changed that much.
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let me add that the changes did not affect the purchase and sale of civilian bullion and coins from the population by banks and non-commercial financial organizations. and that’s all for me, have a good day and be productive in your business. see you. morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues the “zone x” program. i'm karina pashkova. hello. locomotive depot workers and accomplices stole more than 12 tons of diesel fuel. according to the investigation, six diesel locomotive drivers and assistant drivers of the bobruisk depot entered into a criminal conspiracy with five residents of the urban village of oktyabrsky. at the beginning of the work shift.
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actions with employees of the ubp of the gomel regional executive committee. one of the defendants was exempted from criminal liability due to an amnesty. the second one was brought to administrative responsibility because he correction is possible without the use of criminal penalties. in total , eight people participated in the scheme, based on the role of each, they were charged under various parts of the article for misappropriation and embezzlement of property. the defendants partially compensated for the damage, which is from above. their property was seized for a total amount of more than 100,000 rubles. another person involved has gone abroad and is wanted. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. the body of an unknown man was found in orsha, forensic experts the identity of the deceased was established. a man died in a residential area near a high-rise building, a man lying on the sidewalk . noted the driver of a passing taxi,
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he called an ambulance, doctors confirmed the man’s death and called the police, since there were no documents on him, and it was not possible to immediately establish his identity. a specialist from the arshan interdistrict department of the state forensic examinations committee took photographs of the papillary patterns, fingernails , and fingers of the man at the scene of the incident. further verification established their identity with the fingerprints in the doccyloscopic card of a local resident. the exact cause of death. determined by medical forensic experts. not only did he force me to buy unnecessary things, but he also stole 30 rubles. an unknown young man rang at the door of a pensioner’s apartment from minsk and offered to buy a set of salad bowl knives for 70 rubles. after examining the goods, the woman agreed to the purchase and gave the stranger a 100 ruble bill. under the pretext of going down to the car to get some change , the young man disappeared, identify him swindler, experts helped. during the inspection.
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specialists from the fruntinsky city of minsk , district department of the state committee for forensic examinations, found traces of hands from the packaging of goods. when checking at the state forensic examinations committee, traces were seized. a match was made with a twenty-six-year-old man from mensk. the information received was quietly transmitted by internal affairs officers, and the attacker was detained. currently , law enforcement officers are checking the possible involvement of the detained man in committing a series of similar crimes in the city of minsk. to save on customs duties when moving auto parts worth about 240,000 rubles. they were not indicated in the documents. the fine for violating the law was twice as large. such savings. a mercedes truck of a lithuanian carrier was traveling from lithuania to georgia with consolidated cargo. the car entered the yaas territory through the kozlovichi checkpoint. during customs control and subsequent inspection, brest customs officers established that in the cargo compartment
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there are 230 units of goods more than indicated in the documents. automobile spare parts with a total cost of about 240 russian rubles turned out to be undeclared. based on this fact, the bresse customs office has begun an administrative process in accordance with part one of article 15 of the code of the republic of belarus on administrative offences. the guy found the card on the train and paid with it in the shopping center. but operatives from the cybercrime department intervened in the young man’s shopping spree. they established that a twenty-year-old resident of the minsk region purchased fast food, alcohol, vape and liquid for him at... at someone else's expense, the policeman , the detainee, explained that he found the card on the train and was not going to return it to the owner, a criminal case was opened, it was a zone x project, don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and
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have a nice day.
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good morning belarus, good morning, dear country, tatyana matusevich and anna quilori, we are starting this new day with you, thursday, in fact, april 11 on the calendar, we have for there are many surprises for you, firstly, nowhere without a dose of sport this afternoon, we are waiting for the tv news agency columnist andrei kozlov. not a surprise, this is stability, a sign of quality, and as for the surprise, the long-awaited guest on our broadcast, people's artist of russia, circus star, fearless tiger keeper and host of the new season of the show heroes of transformation edgar zapashny, he will not be alone, in the company of our belarusian stars, nastya kravchenko,
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what unites them, why will they see each other for the first time only on our live broadcast, believe me, it will be very interesting, stay, find out why, and we are also waiting for the premiere from the young artist polina popeni, this morning she has already... left brest for our minsk studio specifically to present her new song “mists”. yes, they would ask not only not to switch, not even to blink, in case you miss some exclusive exclusive at that moment. well, now we are installing a teleconference with the city of mogilev. our colleagues katerina rubekina and konstantin titomirov are in touch. friends, good morning. good morning belarus. kind morning, our dear beloved colleagues, we welcome another cool spring day with you. yes, good spring greetings to you from mogilev country. we are ready to talk about events in our region. and today, perhaps, let’s start with the topics, because we have a reason for this. the fact is that in a unique living laboratory, moreover, a school laboratory in the agricultural town of simukache, new guests, three
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golden hens, a bantam and a cockerel , settled side by side for a day, guinea fowls and other ornamental birds, these hens they are distinguished by such a spectacular very appearance, they are miniature, they are very productive, how they feel, and of course it’s great, because the care they take is wonderful, they are fed grain, bread, cabbage and even sweets, plus the new guests immediately joined in. .. the team, very soon they will have their own residence, a personal one, for which one of the premises of the former kindergarten will be converted, by the way, such a living corner has existed in semukachi for more than two years, during which time it has been replenished with new guests, a variety of different people have appeared species of birds, in total there are more than twenty residents in this mini-zoo, the laboratory is not just a place of study for children, it is a real source of inspiration, a source of knowledge about nature, where children observe the life of animals, learn how to care for them... the point is that
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students of the university of food and chemical technologies regularly conduct lessons on preparing tasty and healthy dishes for schoolchildren. the idea of ​​inviting schoolchildren to the university appeared 5 years ago; they started with making pancakes and potato pancakes. but how experience has shown that pizza is the most popular among the guys, there is a little less demand for burgers, and then there are cookies and gingerbread. well, now before easter, of course, many people want to learn how to cook easter cakes, what’s interesting is that students from all schools in mogilev have already attended such lessons, children from gorki, bobruisk and even from the minsk region have come. this is an excellent insight. students can feel like real students and look at the laboratory classrooms.
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schoolchildren and those around them knew what kind of person he was, why it was founded in his honor alley, why is the street named after him? the alley was planted by local residents, schoolchildren, working youth of the region and the city, one of the trees was even planted according to smolensk traditions, tell us. throwing a coin into the hole when planting, this is a smolensk tradition, we decided to introduce such a tradition here for the first time for fun, after all, with the belarusian land, our coins, common life, they say that if you leave a coin, you will definitely come back here, so we we also decided to leave it so that we would definitely come back here and see, how trees grow. 40 birches that will decorate khromenkova street as a gift from the mogilev forestry enterprise. this is a kind of continuation of the republican action, let's restore the forests together. i would like to sincerely thank
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all the residents of the city of mogilev, as well as the mogilev region, who voluntarily take part every day and even come to help us renew our forests on their days off. after landing the alley, the action participants changed their location and moved to the park area. here they planted another 100 trees in honor. centenary of the mogilev region. marina there is a puppy who came to the park with two small sons. she is sure that the planted trees will become a symbol of the connection between generations. we will go to school, we will see right here... the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders. alleys, squares, parks will be planted on the territory of the mogilev region, landscape compositions and flower beds will be created; starting from april, we have been actively involved in this work. as for the “let’s restore the forests together” campaign, anyone
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can join in the planting until april 20. enough contact the nearest ones. tartlets are shortcrust pastry baskets with sweet, vegetable, meat or fish filling. we suggest using turkey fillet as the main product, we will emphasize its taste with champignons and fresh herbs, we will prepare the sand base from whole grain flour, we start with the dough: beat the eggs into the whole grain flour, add salt and vegetable oil,
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knead the dough thoroughly, adjusting its density using flour and water, it will turn out tough, but it shouldn't. in hand. ready ball of dough place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. during this time we will prepare the filling. first of all , finely chop the turkey fillet. following the turkey, cut the champignons. if you are cooking for a child under 7 years old, then it is better to replace the mushrooms in this dish with vegetables such as green beans, broccoli or sweet peppers. mix the champignons with the chopped turkey and add. a lot of salt, pepper and olive oil, mix and fry, do this over low heat so that the process is more like stewing, do not bring it to full readiness, since the meat will be cooked later bake in the oven, in the meantime, pour the beaten chicken egg into the frying pan with the turkey and champignons and mix, this way we will bind all the ingredients together until
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the filling: roll out the dough into a layer a few millimeters thick and cut out circles from it, the basis for future tartlets. place them on parchment and bake for 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 175-180°. we chop any fresh herbs, there is never too much of it , grate parmesan. add the cooled turkey and champignon filling, just a little mustard and mix gently. place the resulting mass in lightly baked circles of dough and bake the tartlets for another 10 minutes at a temperature of 170°.
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serve tartlets with fresh herbs and vegetables. bon appetit! synoptic indicators for april 11, so, let's see what we will have there in the morning, in the capital of our country up to 8° celsius in brest 8:10 with a plus sign 7:9 in vitebsk in gomel up to 11°
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celsius +5 +7 expected in grodno in mogilev +9 +11 everywhere with this beauty. in the morning it will be cloudy with clearings, what will happen in the afternoon? and during the day it will get warmer, now i’ll tell you how much temperature indicators, in general, up to 19 today in the country, but in minsk it will be a little cooler, there it will be up to 17, in brest +16 +18, in vitebsk -15-17, here are the same 19° heat in gomel, +15-17 in the city of grodno, in mogilev, today it is not higher than 18, cloudy with clearings and mostly dry, well, what can we say about such weather, any. in general, the weather is good when peace and harmony reigns. i would like to remind you that today, april 11, marks the international day of liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps. this date is set in memory of international. prisoners of the buchenwald concentration camp, which happened on april 11, 1945. and now, 80 years later, we, belarusians, like no one else, remember the losses
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that we had to suffer during the great patriotic war. and today, on this memorable day, our correspondent, matvey lichonok, prepared material about the tragically famous azarichi. in march 1944, on... at this very place, the nazis created a complex of concentration camps, which included derdy, podosinek and azarić. here the germans first used bacteriological weapons, the number of victims is more than 20,000. such camps were created in open areas and did not have any buildings. the civilian population was simply driven into the swamp, doomed to a painful death. it was prohibited to build dugouts, temporary dwellings of any kind, or huts. that is, imagine, march 1944, it’s cold, it’s frost, it’s still snowing, these are really terrible weather conditions, the prisoners looked like the living dead, they could barely walk, they passed
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by dead people lying right on the ground, someone just here are the children who did not understand, very small, they crawled over the bodies of their dead parents, mothers, could not part with their dead children and held them in their arms, people were transported not only from neighboring villages, but from russian -ukrainian territory by freight trains. a huge fire was burning at the gates of the camp, where the fastas forced you to throw out all your personal belongings and food, they said you wouldn’t need it there. the territory of the zaricha death camp occupied an area of ​​about 2 hectares. we are now on an elevated part of the swamp. the germans did not initially leave people here, they all the prisoners were driven to the unchanged unit. average life expectancy. prisoners in this camp for about three days, so we can assume that those who were brought here a few days before
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liberation survived. historians write about this place: 10 days of hell, in less than 2 weeks , thousands of women, children, old people were killed here, almost half of them were children under 13 years of age, there was an order according to which all women who had two and more than children under 12 years of age, they were sent to labor camps, and children were sent to kortzlager azaricha, dert and podosinnik. these azarichi camps were created with the aim of stopping the advance of the red army troops. by march 1944, the red army troops had advanced deep into the enemy’s defenses. this was specifically done so that... when these azari camps were liberated, the red army soldiers became infected with typhus. typhoid patients were brought to the camp in the hundreds, they were placed with still healthy people, the patients quickly died, and those still alive,
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in order to somehow warm up, were removed from the dead clothes and lay on the corpses, because of this they quickly became infected, since fleas were carriers of the disease. but illness, of course, is not the only reason. where there was an elevated part of the swamp, hummocks, people stood ankle-deep in water. in the low-lying part, where there was open forest, there was knee-deep water and there was no sanitary zone. in march of '44 there was a lot of snow, they used the snow to quench their thirst, ate the snow, and then a few days later the snow mixed with sewage. vera santonina evmenovna, she ended up in this camp on march 15, she was 15 years old, and she remembers that it was her brother who brought her water. in such a dimple in the hat, i gave her something to drink, and within a day her legs began to swell, her skin began to crack, fluid leaked out, and she stopped walking.
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on march 19, 1944, the azari death camp was liberated. the first to arrive in azararich were sappers, who determined that complete clearance of mines would take a very long time; seconds were counting. people had to be led out along a narrow path, they staggered from side to side every now and then. fell, continuing to be blown up and die. after release, when relative silence established over the swamp, doctors noticed that the women were screaming, it turned out that they had gone crazy, they could not survive the death of their children and loved ones. there were a lot of women here, pregnant women, giving birth, dying themselves, babies dying. in addition to the soldiers of the red army, vazaric. hundreds of doctors arrived, began to treat the prisoners and prevented the outbreak of a typhus epidemic, but despite this, many died already in hospitals and orphanages, the children cried, but they were given food
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no... you can't do anything other than diets. the very fact of the existence of such camps is indisputable proof of the genocide of the soviet people, the atrocity, inhumanity and meanness of the fascists. here, in the village of azarich, they reverently preserve the memory of the victims of concentration camps, and they still say that this is probably one of the most terrible places in the world. just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 . if i'm not mistaken, andrey kizhivatov.
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on the right is the correct answer. football club naftan. watch in the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. exclusive exclusive on our air, we meet in the studio of good morning belarus, people's artist of russia edgard zapashny and
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the super finalist of the show " consent to participate in such an interesting piece of music, you listen to it, and i liked the words, i realized that partly it’s about my life, it’s really an interesting, beautiful song, and i’m sure that it will become a hit, because it it’s easy to remember, you see how they immediately began to remind you of it, it’s very atmospheric, interesting, so having also become acquainted with the possibility of graphics, because it’s
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a cartoon clip, i realized that everything fits together. everything is fine, you need to take part in this, an amendment was made to your image, so i don’t like something here, they drew the ear a little too big, then the mustache came off, i asked if it was possible to cut out my brother completely, but they categorically disagreed no, but it’s worth saying that, by the way, in front of us one of the youngest people's artists of russia for a second with my brother, yes, yes, well, more than 10 years ago my brother and i received this honorary title, of course, it’s nice, great, this is history, but i have... still obsessive idea, maybe someday i will become a people's artist back in belarus, i really would really like this, who knows, my desire needs to be voiced, voice it, maybe even thanks to the video, yes nastya, this will all happen, by the way, the video is this is your second time, tell us a little about the storyline, it's all animation, of course, like in a daisy, yes, yes, yes, the same thing, too, well, in this clip about the circus, and there we have a story about me and my little sister, i always just dreamed of a little sister,
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in fact i don’t have one . but it’s all fiction, so we came to the circus and here the show begins, this is this fairy tale, this is some kind of fantasy, the tigers come out, of course, of course.
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it’s really, well, not on your knees, but as you sent your photo, you say, i want to be like here, no, they themselves offered us images that, well, having recognized, no, not as they see, as the viewer will see the recognizable images of the spare brothers, there
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are our most famous costumes, hairstyles, everything else, there is a slight stubble, that my brother and i were also different from each other, after all, a cartoon is a cartoon, so that’s it it was good, friends, it’s great, let’s tell you more. about the fact that you have become the host of our wonderful, amazing show heroes of transformation, together with maria bagatyr, you are actually guiding our stars and not only stars through, well, really thorns, the most difficult, the most difficult obstacle, you know, i’m very glad that there is such a huge project on belarusian television, there’s no other way to call it, expensive, rich, solid, powerful, guys for a very long time... they closed the skating stadium, i’ve never been at the skating stadium, and this is two hockey boxes in length , that is, the studio is incredibly large, for the second time, the best athletes, sportsmen,
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world champions in fire and rescue sports take part, stars come on a regular basis, so of course to be a part such a project is a great honor and i am convinced that the project will be successful, and the most important thing is that i wouldn’t want to see more seasons, i don’t know whether i will be the host of the next season or not, but as a viewer i would really like for this one to continue there was a project, because today it is the correct popularization of sports, the correct way of life, so i am very glad that here in belarus i no longer...
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tell me honestly, take, take revenge? yes, i still wanted to try to reach the heights, so, i understand, somehow many of everyone was pounding, yeah, that’s not the right word, yeah, they saw, they saw, that’s it, but last year it was more likely that there was some kind of emotional difficulty for me, i’m in this cage, it seemed like everything was simple, it seems like i can get through, and that’s it, but i’m with from an emotional point of view, i think, i hit one ray, i think that’s it, i hit one, i hit a second, a third, i just got up crazy, went somewhere, i hit those rays, i go like this... she doesn’t need anything anymore, the pessimist, in short, got involved, yes, exactly from this
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point of view, friends, well, thank you very much for the conversation, it was very positive, i ’m sure that all of our viewers, even if they weren’t very cheerful, are now 100% cheered up, friends, but in order to cheer you up another 101% , let’s still show the clip, according to we will do this with pleasure, dear friends, right now nastya kravchenko, circus, the premiere of the video on our air, look, the circus has left, the clowns have remained and you and i. you switched places again, then i love you, but you don’t love me, then everything is the other way around, in short, it’s nonsense, he went to the circus, the clones remained, well, tell me why you and i fell in love so much, i’m blocking you, and you’re calling from the left, we like it so much, it’s ruining each other’s nerves, our friends are already laughing at us, we’re both not adequate, you say you’re a fool, i’m a fool, and you’re a fool. squarely, first we yell at
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each other, then we fight with each other, and so on in a circle, and how else to dilute the doll, he went to the circus, the clowns remained, and you and i again changed places, then i love you, but you still don’t have me on the contrary, in short, it’s nonsense, the circus is left with eplons, well, tell me, why did you and i fall in love so much, i’ve had enough of you and you s... nerves, nerves are on edge, but we are back in business, and every week i, either love, or pretend that feelings are parallel and not sad at all, without my calls, into a wall of fists, running heels, let's not because of the bustles, the circus. the clown left, they stayed and
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you and i switched places again, then i love you, but you don’t love me, then everything is the other way around, in short , it’s bad, the circus left, the devils remained, well, tell me, why did you and i fall in love so much, i’m brocking you, and you call on cool us to congratulate a friend more than to be. i went to the circus, the clowns stayed, so what is this? like that, we had a fight again, i love you, and you answered me, well, tell me why, why do we need this day, the circus has left, the clowns remain, well , tell me, why did you and i fall in love so much, i thought... block and you are not calling from the left, we
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like to soothe the nerves of the good wounds of belarus. morning news on belarus 1, in the studio vladislav bunder, hello. the president is flying on a working visit to


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